Korona dalam Ruang Politik dan Poetik Sastra: Arena Diskursif Karya-karya Fiksi Komunitas Jejak Imaji Yogyakarta Di Era Pandemi

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sudibyo Sudibyo ◽  
Cahyaningrum Dewojati ◽  
Novi Siti Kussuji Indrastuti ◽  
Rina Zuliana

This article departs from the findings of the implementation of the community service program of Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada in the form of providing workshop and assistance in writing fiction works for the Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI is a space of community for writers, poets, and students who carry out the routine of gathering, discussing, and producing literary works. This community is located in Yogyakarta — which culturally has a social climate that supports the existence of literary development and the literary community. In the midst of a pandemic, the demands for innovation on the formation of new habits and new knowledge provide a new field for communities to continue to exist in producing literary works. This service was initiated to spark community awareness to revive its literary space amid the pandemic. The implementation of the service program uses lecture, discussion, and practice methods to produce works about Covid-19 that are ready to be published through the application of research and processing of historical data, as well as social facts in literary works. Even though the story ideas from the 14 works of fiction they wrote were a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tendency of their works is not far from the social problems surrounding them. The conceptual framework used to see the tendency of KJI's fiction is Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory which is to answer the question of how the corona is received and responded to in a political space as well as a literary poetic space. The results of these activities show that the entire works of fiction written by the Imaji Literature Community, tend to put the discourse of globality clashed with various social problems experienced by the Indonesian people in general and local communities in particular during the pandemic. ===== Tulisan ini berangkat dari temuan pelaksanaan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Magister Sastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada berupa pemberian pelatihan (workshop) dan pendampingan penulisan karya fiksi untuk Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI merupakan salah satu ruang sastrawan, penyair, dan mahasiswa yang ‘menggemari sastra’ melaksanakan rutinitas berkumpul, berdiskusi, dan memproduksi karya sastra. Komunitas ini berlokasi di Yogyakarta—yang secara kultural memiliki iklim pergaulan yang mendukung eksistensi perkembangan sastra dan komunitas sastra di dalamnya. Di tengah pandemi, tuntutan inovasi atas terbentuknya kebiasaan baru dan pengetahuan baru memberikan medan baru bagi komunitas untuk tetap eksis dalam memproduksi karya sastra. Pengabdian ini diinisiasi untuk memantik kesadaran komunitas untuk menghidupi ruang sastranya kembali di tengah pandemi. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan praktik hingga menghasilkan karya tentang covid-19 yang siap publis melalui penerapan riset dan pengolahan data sejarah, serta fakta sosial dalam karya sastra. Meskipun ide cerita dari 14 karya fiksi yang mereka tulis merupakan respon atas pandemi covid-19, kecenderungan karya-karya mereka tidak jauh dari persoalan sosial di sekitarnya. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan untuk melihat kecenderungan karya fiksi KJI adalah konsepsi wacana Laclau dan Mouffe yang untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana korona diterima dan direspon dalam ruang politik sekaligus ruang poetik sastra. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan karya fiksi yang ditulis oleh Komunitas Sastra Jejak Imaji cenderung meletakkan wacana global yang dibenturkan dengan berbagai persoalan sosial yang dialami masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan masyarakat lokal pada khususnya selama pandemi.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sudibyo Sudibyo ◽  
Cahyaningrum Dewojati ◽  
Novi Siti Kussuji Indrastuti ◽  
Rina Zuliana

This article departs from the findings of the implementation of the community service program of Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada in the form of providing workshop and assistance in writing fiction works for the Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI is a space of community for writers, poets, and students who carry out the routine of gathering, discussing, and producing literary works. This community is located in Yogyakarta — which culturally has a social climate that supports the existence of literary development and the literary community. In the midst of a pandemic, the demands for innovation on the formation of new habits and new knowledge provide a new field for communities to continue to exist in producing literary works. This service was initiated to spark community awareness to revive its literary space amid the pandemic. The implementation of the service program uses lecture, discussion, and practice methods to produce works about Covid-19 that are ready to be published through the application of research and processing of historical data, as well as social facts in literary works. Even though the story ideas from the 14 works of fiction they wrote were a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tendency of their works is not far from the social problems surrounding them. The conceptual framework used to see the tendency of KJI's fiction is Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory which is to answer the question of how the corona is received and responded to in a political space as well as a literary poetic space. The results of these activities show that the entire works of fiction written by the Imaji Literature Community, tend to put the discourse of globality clashed with various social problems experienced by the Indonesian people in general and local communities in particular during the pandemic. ===== Tulisan ini berangkat dari temuan pelaksanaan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Magister Sastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada berupa pemberian pelatihan (workshop) dan pendampingan penulisan karya fiksi untuk Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI merupakan salah satu ruang sastrawan, penyair, dan mahasiswa yang ‘menggemari sastra’ melaksanakan rutinitas berkumpul, berdiskusi, dan memproduksi karya sastra. Komunitas ini berlokasi di Yogyakarta—yang secara kultural memiliki iklim pergaulan yang mendukung eksistensi perkembangan sastra dan komunitas sastra di dalamnya. Di tengah pandemi, tuntutan inovasi atas terbentuknya kebiasaan baru dan pengetahuan baru memberikan medan baru bagi komunitas untuk tetap eksis dalam memproduksi karya sastra. Pengabdian ini diinisiasi untuk memantik kesadaran komunitas untuk menghidupi ruang sastranya kembali di tengah pandemi. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan praktik hingga menghasilkan karya tentang covid-19 yang siap publis melalui penerapan riset dan pengolahan data sejarah, serta fakta sosial dalam karya sastra. Meskipun ide cerita dari 14 karya fiksi yang mereka tulis merupakan respon atas pandemi covid-19, kecenderungan karya-karya mereka tidak jauh dari persoalan sosial di sekitarnya. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan untuk melihat kecenderungan karya fiksi KJI adalah konsepsi wacana Laclau dan Mouffe yang untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana korona diterima dan direspon dalam ruang politik sekaligus ruang poetik sastra. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan karya fiksi yang ditulis oleh Komunitas Sastra Jejak Imaji cenderung meletakkan wacana global yang dibenturkan dengan berbagai persoalan sosial yang dialami masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan masyarakat lokal pada khususnya selama pandemi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Eva Nuriyah Hidayat

ABSTRAKPengembangan Kapasitas Usaha Mikro Desa Tanjungsari merupakan upaya untuk memberikan pemahaman dan meningkatkan kemampuan pelaku usaha mikro yang ada di Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang. Termasuk juga membuka akses pemasaraan melalui pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan bagian dari tanggung jawab perguruan tinggi dalam hal ini Universitas Padjadjaran kepada masyarakat sekitar yang diharapkan memberi kontribusi pada pengembangan perspektif kesejahteraan sosial dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan melibatkan 12 pelaku usaha mikro yang menjadi kelompok sasaran pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dilakukan  pelatihan pembukuan sederhana dan packaging serta pengenalan awal pemasaran melalui berbagai media disambut antusias pelaku usaha dalam rangka meningkiatkan usaha mereka. Pengembangan kapasitas usaha mikro perlu tersu ditingkatkan dan dipertahankan kesinambungannya usaha yang ada di Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang. Kemajuan dan kesinambungan banyak usaha mikro diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber lapangan pekerjaan dan penghidupan sehingga meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat setempat dan sekitarnyaKata kunci: pengembangan kapasitas, usaha mikro, pelatihan labelling, pelatihan packaging ABSTRACTTanjungsari Village Micro Business Capacity Development is an effort to provide understanding and increase the capacity of micro business actors in Tanjungsari Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. This includes opening access to marketing through the use of advances in information technology. This community service program is part of the university's responsibility, in this case Padjadjaran University, to the surrounding community which is expected to contribute to the development of a social welfare perspective in local economic development. The method used is descriptive analysis by involving 12 micro-entrepreneurs who are the target groups for development. Based on the results of interviews and secondary data collected, simple bookkeeping and packaging training were carried out and the initial introduction of marketing through various media was greeted enthusiastically by business actors in order to increase their business. The development of the capacity of micro enterprises needs to be improved and maintained for the sustainability of existing businesses in Tanjungsari Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. It is hoped that the progress and sustainability of many micro businesses can become a source of employment and livelihoods so as to improve the social welfare of the local community and its surroundingsKeywords: capacity development, microbusiness, labeling training, packaging trainingKey words: capacity building, micro business, labeling training, packaging training

Ezmieralda Melissa ◽  
Muninggar Sri Saraswati ◽  
Fajrie Samahita

One group that has the potential to boost entrepreneurship, but is often undervalued is women. Although they consist of approximately sixty per cent of all entrepreneurs in Indonesia, they often face more challenges in comparison to male entrepreneurs in conducting their business ventures. These challenges include limited access to funding, multiple roles and responsibilities in the family and society, limited knowledge of information and communication technologies, and inadequate support system. Many women turn to social media to enable them opening a business that they can manage from home. While generally social media bring positive consequences to these woman entrepreneurs, the dynamic of the social media environment means that these women have to face obstacles to keep up with the technological developments and the changes of interactions that they bring to the business conducts and sellers-consumer interactions. This community service program aimed to provide capacity building training which focuses on women who own online micro businesses. Through this community service program, we introduced participants to the potential challenges that are brought by the changes in the social media environment. At the same time, we also assisted them in planning an effective social media communication plan that can help them to overcome these challenges. This workshop also allowed participants to network with other woman entrepreneurs that can potentially increase their social capital.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-187
Rina Yuniarti ◽  
Ayu Munti Nilamsari ◽  
Astrid Noviana ◽  
Muhammad Rizqi ◽  
Kisnun Baani ◽  

Pineapple rind is side product from processing pineapple in Belik, Pemalang, Central Java. The group of Family Welfare Empowerment (known in Indonesia as PKK, Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) facilitated to processed the pineapple rind as the side product into shampoo to decrease the waste. The rind of pineapple contains of bromelin enzymes that can be used as anti-dandruff shampoo. The purpose of this study was to increase capacity of PKK group to process pineapple rind into shampoo, so group can sell the shampoo and get extra income from the activity. The social engineering approach is used in this study, a combination of a social or community development approach with a simple method of processing pineapple rind. The result of this program, PKK group established KUB Sinar Merpati able to process shampoo from pineapple rind. The shampoo from pineapple rind has been rind certified by the Head of Belik District. It can be concluded that from the community service program increasing knowledge and capacity in processing pineapple rind have contributed benefits in terms of socio-economics and environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-26
Marianus Mantovanny Tapung ◽  
Max Regus ◽  
Marsel Ruben Payong ◽  
Stefanus Turibus Rahmat ◽  
Frederikus Maigahoaku Jelahu

[Bahasa]: Pandemik Covid-19 telah berdampak pada masyarakat pesisir di wilayah utara dan selatan Manggarai. Mereka mengalami keterpurukan sosial ekonomi selama patogenesis Covid-19. Daya tawar hasil panen di laut dan di ladang mengalami penurunan drastis. Situasi ini membuat masyarakat pesisir mengalami kesulitan dalam menjalani hidup. Persoalan ini menarik untuk dikaji dan menjadi dasar dalam melakukan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan kepada masyarakat pesisir Kegiatan bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan agar masyarakat pesisir bisa terbantu secara sosial ekonomi pada masa pandemi dan kesadaran kritisnya tumbuh terkait bahaya Covid-19. Kegiatan ini juga bertujuan menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya perilaku hidup sehat dan bersih. Dengan menambah asupan makanan yang cukup, tubuh mereka memiliki imunitas yang baik sehingga bisa bertahan dari serangan virus. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pesisir ini dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi dan memodifikasi pendekatan IPOAI (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, Impact). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat pesisir akan pentingnya memelihara kesehatan. Bantuan sosial yang diberikan juga membantu meningkatkan asupan gizi sehingga menjaga imunitas tubuh di masa pandemik Covid-19. Kata Kunci: bantuan sosial, pendidikan kesehatan, dampak sosial ekonomi, Covid-19 [English]: The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted coastal communities in the northern and southern regions of Manggarai. They experienced a socio-economic downturn during the pathogenesis of Covid-19. The bargaining power of harvest in the sea and the fields has decreased dramatically. This situation makes it difficult for coastal communities to live their daily life. This issue is interesting to study and become the basis for this community service program which aims to provide social assistance and health education to coastal communities. The programs were carried out to support economic condition of coastal communities in the pandemic, educate the danger of Covid-19, and raise public awareness of the importance of healthy and clean-living behaviors. For example, adequate food intake will help their bodies have good immunity to survive the virus. This community service program refers the adaptation and modification of the IPOAI approach (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, Impact). The results show the increase in awareness of coastal communities of the importance of maintaining health. The social assistance also helps to increase nutritional intake and thus helps maintain body immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: social assistance, health education, social economic impact, Covid-19

1964 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-225 ◽  
Marvin B. Sussman

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (97) ◽  
pp. 202-210
Natalia V. Bushnaya

Social competence of senior school students serves as their integrative characteristic and acts as the result of education. The formation of social competence in senior students is realized in the school educational environment by means of solving social problems of personal, public and life-futurological content. School educational environment incorporates definite zones which act as incentives to motivate and involve students into the activity of formulating and solving social problems.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Erfan Karyadiputra ◽  
Galih Mahalisa ◽  
Abdurrahman Sidik ◽  
Muhammad Rais Wathani

The problems faced by the children of Banjarmasin Al-Ashr Orphanage are almost the same as those faced by other orphanages in the city of Banjarmasin, namely, lack funds and personnel or volunteers who help and guide orphanage children to develop their skills and creativity as a provision in carrying out life after the completion of the orphanage. The purpose of this community service program is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have a strong and more independent motivation by providing them with the knowledge and skills they will use to prepare themselves for the future. While the target of this activity is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have design skills in making invitations, brochures, and banners as well as online businesses. The method used is training and guidance, where training is carried out with presentations and practices.

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