2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Sandra Megayanti ◽  
Arie Elcaputera

Abstact : Local wisdom is part of the field of community life that reflects the cultural values. Every region in Indonesia has its own local wisdom, some of which is still preserved today. For the example, one of the local wisdoms in Bengkulu community, Tabot festival which is routinely held every year that it has religious values and local culture. But in its implementation, there are things that are debated, especially regarding the tendency for practices that are contrary with the values of Islam. Therefore, in this article will discuss about  the local wisdom of the Bengkulu people in the Tabot Festival and the concept of the Tabot Festival based on the Receptio In Complexu theory.Keywords: Local Wisdom; Tabot Festival; Receptio In Complexu Theory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Ahmad Izzuddin

Islamic marriage rules in practice form values that are lived out and practiced in the context of cultural society so that they emerge as symbols as a form of the dialectical process between religious values and cultural values. As an example of the concept of dowry in Islam which has two dimensions, the universality of the values adhered to by all its adherents and also the value locality that is formed from the dialectical process that occurs between religious teachings and the local culture of the adherents. This was seen in the santri community in Karangbesuki Village, Malang City in determining the dowry in their marriage by identifying aspects of the normative dowry in the fiqh that they embraced into their marital culture.

1970 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Ahmad Mukhlishin ◽  
Muhammad Jamil ◽  
Aprezo Pardodi Maba

Islam as a religion that is present in all tribes in the archipelago as a value system that integrates with the local culture, so this is often seen by people outside the tribe with Islam Minangkabau, Javanese Islam, and so on. The accumulation of cultures with various intercourses called multiculturalism. But the great possibility both can play an important role in shaping a new culture, because there is a dialogue between the orders of religious values ​​that become the idealism of a religion with local cultural values. As a system of knowledge, religion is a belief system that is full of moral teachings and guidance of life must be studied, examined and then practiced by man in his life. In this case religion provides clues about the "good and bad that are inappropriate and inappropriate" and the "right and inappropriate". Religious values ​​can form and develop human behavior in their daily lives. It is therefore not difficult to understand that having a common symbol is the most effective way to strengthen unity among religious followers. This is because the meaning of these symbols deviates far from the intellectual definitions so that the symbol's ability to unite is greater, whereas the intellectual definition causes division. Symbols can be shared because they are based on feelings that are not formulated too tightly. That is why Islam has historically come to various parts of the archipelago with a relatively peaceful atmosphere with almost no tension and conflict. Islam can easily be accepted by society as a religion that brings peace, even though at that time people have been religious and have their own belief in animism, dynamism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The spread of Islam causes the emergence of Islamic patterns and variants that have uniqueness and uniqueness. It must be realized that the existence of Islam in Indonesia is never single.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 917-928
Irwan Djumat ◽  
Subhan Hayun ◽  

This research is a library research. The analysis used is content analysis that focuses on academic manuscripts in the form of books, articles, and writings in papers related to the internalization of Ternates local culture which has been eroded by globalization to strengthen the character of the nation. Internalization according to Ihsan is an effort made by a person to insert values ​​(local cultural values) into the soul of a person or group of people so that these values ​​can be manifested in him. The internalization of the local Ternate culture takes place in three institutions that support each other, go hand in hand, and go hand in hand in the family, school and community. The internalization of local Ternate culture must take place continuously in peoples lives with an emphasis on character aspects (attitudes, mindsets, and patterns of action), especially the nations generation. Ternates local cultural values ​​are reflected in the values ​​that exist in community life, including: greeting each other (standard togor / sibinyafo), reminding each other (makuwaje), paying attention / caring (raw faduli), mutual cooperation (babari ), help each other (lilian), visit each other (silaturrahim),and respect each other (baising). The internalization of local Ternate culture in the New Normal Era is an effort to make Ternate people in general and especially the younger generation to become citizens who are polite, civilized and tolerant, and strong in facing various threats that come from outside (global culture). The cultural values ​​of Tara No Ate (Ternate) which originate from the traditional social values ​​of the Ternate community itself must become an integral part of the nations culture that cannot be separated from various generations, so that the success of national character development must be based on local values. to create social harmony.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-83
Bertolomeus Bolong ◽  

Religious teachings come from Allah's revelation while culture is a human creation. However, religion and culture are two things that influence each other. Religious values and cultural values penetrate and shape the character of the community who adhere to them. This paper is a study of the life of Islam in East Nusa Tenggara Province in its interaction with local culture. Muslims in Timor who come from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds are people who are devout in practicing their religious faith. But on the other hand, they also stick to and obey their culture. In its embodiment, religion purifies culture and culture forms the character of society to be loyal to their religious faith.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Sri Sabakti

Many folklores have same motives, but different in development adjust to the community that support the story. Differences in the development of the story in folklore shows the influences of local cultures to the storyteller. The differences cause various versions of folklore. It is also seen in folklore Mahligai Keloyang from Indragiri Hulu Regency and Koba Malin Deman from Rokan Hulu Regency. Therefore, this study aimed to find the similarities and the differences of the two folklores. The analysis of the similarities and differences of The legend Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman applied dynamic structuralism theory, the theory which does not only emphasizes the intrinsic elements, but also pay attention to extrinsic elements in literature. Due to the fact that the study was also intended to compare two folklores, the research method used is descriptive comparative method. Based on the analysis of the structure of the story, it is found that there are similarities and differences in the stories Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman which includes elements of the theme, the characters, the settings, and the plots. Based on the analysis of the cultural values in the folklores, some similarities and differences of religious values, moral values, and social values are found.AbstrakBanyak cerita rakyat yang mempunyai motif yang sama, tetapi berbeda pengembangannya disesuaikan dengan masyarakat pendukung cerita tersebut. Perbedaan pengembangan cerita dalam cerita rakyat memperlihatkan adanya pengaruh budaya lokal kepada si pencerita. Perbedaan itulah yang menimbulkan berbagai versi cerita rakyat. Hal ini juga terlihat dalam cerita rakyat “Mahligai Keloyang” dari Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dan “Koba Malin Deman” dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan kedua cerita rakyat tersebut. Analisis terhadap persamaan dan perbedaan cerita legenda “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme dinamik, yaitu teori yang tidak hanya menekankan pada unsur-unsur intrinsik, tetapi juga memerhatikan unsur ekstrinsik dalam karya sastra. Karena penelitian ini juga bermaksud membandingkan dua cerita rakyat, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif. Berdasarkan analisis struktur cerita didapati bahwa persamaan dan perbedaan yang terdapat dalam cerita “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” meliputi unsur tema, tokoh, latar, dan alur. Mealui analisis nilai budaya pada kedua cerita rakyat tersebut diperoleh persamaan dan perbedaan tentang nilai agama, nilai moral, dan nilai sosial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Emusti Rivasintha Marjito ◽  
Karel Juniardi

This study entitled Urgency in Cultivating Cultural Values Based on Saprahan Traditions in Learning History in Pontianak City. This study aims to find out the tradition of saprahan in Pontianak City, cultural values in the tradition of the saprahan in Pontianak City, and the cultivation of cultural values based on the saprahan in learning local history in the city of Pontianak. This study uses the literature or literature method by reviewing books, journals, and other written sources related to the research theme. The results of the study recommend that the saprahan tradition is very important to be preserved in Pontianak City because it contains cultural values such as religious values, togetherness, hospitality, and brotherhood; cultural values in the saprahan tradition in Pontianak City can be implemented in learning local history; and the cultivation of cultural values based on the saprahan in learning local history in Pontianak City can be done through contextual learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-116
Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Izzatul Mardhiah ◽  
Zulkifli Lubis

Indonesia is a multicultural country with a variety of the diversity has the potential to build a nation’s civilization based on knowledge of nationalism and local cultural values. In other side, the diversity that owned by Indonesian nation has the potential to split the unity specially when that implementation to broke tradition called by Islamic puritanism. Palang Pintu tradition in Betawi cultures is still preserving until now especially in wedding ceremony and has development at welcoming guests. The method of research is qualitative with ethnographic approach. The theory used of religion and culture. The results of this research show that the tradition of Palang Pintu in Betawi Cultures has contain of Islamic values. The values of religiosity in that tradition are such as glorifying the Prophet Muhammad, Silaturrahmi, Protecting with Silat, Manners. Local culture can build a civilization where the human as the actors of the builder civilization are be able to formulate a system of values contained in the tradition. So Far local culture can build national civilization when the local culture is formulating as the ontological level of culture. Keywords: Local Culture, Palang Pintu, Religiosity Abstrak Indonesia merupakan Negara majemuk dengan berbagai keanekaragaman memiliki potensi dalam membangun peradaban bangsa yang didasari pada pengetahuan wawasan kebangsaan serta nilai-nilai budaya local. Disisi lain, keanekaragaman yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia memiliki potensi yang dapat memcah belah persatuan dan kesataun khususnya ketika anti tradisi melalui puritanisme Islam. Palang Pintu merupakan salah satu budaya Betawi yang hingga saat ini masih dilestarikan pada acara mantenan dan pada perkembangannya digunakan pada penyambutan tamu secara adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai religiusitas yang terdapat pada tradisi Palang Pintu yang dapat dikembangkan dalam membangun peradaban. Dengan pendekatan teori Agama dan Budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif dengan jenis etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Tradisi Palang Pintu pada Budaya Betawi kayak akan nilai-nilai religious yang bersumber dari ajaran Islam. Nilai-nilai religiusitas tersebut seperti memuliakan nabi Muhammad Saw, Silaturrahmi, Melindungi diri atau menjaga diri, Sopan santun. Selanjutnya budaya local dapat membangun peradaban sejuah mana manusia sendiri sebagai pelaku budaya dan pembangun peradaban tersebut mampu memformulasiakan system nilai yang terdapat dalam tardisi.budaya local dapat dapat membangun peradaban bangsa ketika budaya local tersebut diformulasikan pada tataran ontologis budaya. Kata kunci: Budaya Lokal, Palang Pintu, Religiusitas

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Susana Sabarni ◽  
Lidia Laksana Hidajat

Latar Belakang : Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi, memudahkan remaja mengakses semua hal yang berhubungan dengan informasi seputar seks. Dengan kemudahan yang dimiliki untuk mengakses teknologi informasi ini, remaja seringkali terekspos oleh konten-konten pornografi. Secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan memengaruhi sikap remaja terhadap perilaku seks pranikah.Tujuan : Mengetahui peran nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius dikaitkan dengan sikap remaja perempuan di Maumere dan Larantuka terhadap perilaku seks pranikah serta mengetahui sikap remaja perempuan terhadap perilaku seks pranikah.Metode : Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan mixed method, pengukuran sikap melalui pengisian kuesioner dan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) untuk mengetahui gambaran sikap remaja perempuan terhadap perilaku seks pranikah yang dikaitkan dengan nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan pada empat SMA di Maumere dan Larantuka. Jumlah partisipan 120 orang, diperoleh dengan teknik accidental sampling. Sebagai informasi tambahan dilakukan wawancara dengan tokoh budaya di Maumere dan tokoh agama di Larantuka. Hasil dan pembahasan : Berdasarkan pengolahan data terhadap pengukuran skala sikap diperoleh gambaran bahwa pada dasarnya remaja perempuan di Maumere dan Larantuka tidak menyetujui hubungan seks pranikah, meskipun telah terjadi pergeseran nilai. Sikap ini berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai pribadi yang diyakini remaja yaitu pertimbangan etika dan moral, dampak kehamilan, aborsi atau penyakit menular seksual. Dalam konteks budaya, pertimbangan remaja adalah sanksi sosial yang akan diperoleh dari kehamilan di luar nikah. Sedang dalam konteks religius, remaja mempertimbangkan tentang dosa. Berdasarkan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) disimpulkan bahwa nilai religius dirasakan sangat penting oleh partisipan karena dapat menumbuhkan iman dan memberi dorongan,arah dalam bertingkah laku. Nilai-nilai religius juga berperan dalam memberi motivasi dan membimbing seseorang untuk melakukan perbuatan yang baik. Dalam konteks budaya, para partisipan berpendapat bahwa budaya sangat penting karena dalam budaya diajarkan tentang perilaku yang pantas dan tidak pantas dilakukan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pendampingan orangtua dalam mendidik dan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral dan etika.Kesimpulan : Pernyataan sikap tidak setuju terhadap perilaku seks pranikah merupakan internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya dan religius yang akhirnya membentuk sikap remaja di Maumere dan Larantuka Kata kunci : Peran nilai pribadi, nilai budaya dan nilai religius, sikap remaja perempuan, perilaku seks pranikah, Maumere dan Larantuka, Nusa Tenggara Timur Susana Sabarni, Lidia Laksana HidajatABSTRACT Background: The rapid development of information technology, making it easier for teenagers to access all things related to information about sex. With the ease they have to access this information technology, teenagers are often exposed to pornographic content. Directly or indirectly will influence teen attitudes towards premarital sex behavior.Objective: To acknowlegde the role of personal values, cultural values and religious values associated with the attitudes of adolescent girls in Maumere and Larantuka towards premarital sex behavior and also to acknowlegde  the attitudes of teenage girls to premarital sex behavior.Methods: The study used a mixed method approach, attitude measurement through filling out questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGD) to describe the attitudes of adolescent girls towards premarital sex behavior which is associated with personal values, cultural values and religious values. Research activities were carried out on four high schools in Maumere and Larantuka. The number of participants 120 people, obtained by accidental sampling technique. For additional information, interviews with cultural leaders in Maumere and religious leaders in Larantuka were conducted.Results and discussion: Based on data processing on attitude scale measurement obtained an illustration that basically girls in Maumere and Larantuka do not approve premarital sex, even though there has been a shift in values. This attitude is based on personal values believed by adolescents, namely ethical and moral considerations, the impact of pregnancy, abortion or sexually transmitted diseases. In the context of culture, adolescent considerations are social sanctions that will be obtained from pregnancy outside of marriage. While in a religious context, teenagers consider sin. Based on focus group discussions (FGD) it was concluded that religious values were felt to be very important by participants because they could foster faith and give encouragement, direction in behaving. Religious values also play a role in motivating and guiding someone to do good deeds. In the cultural context, the participants thought that culture was very important because in the culture it was taught about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Therefore, parents are needed to assist in educating and instilling moral and ethical values.Conclusion: A statement of disagreement with premarital sex behavior is an internalization of cultural and religious values that ultimately shape their attitudes Keywords: The role of personal values, cultural values and religious values, attitudes of adolescent girls, premarital sexual behavior, Maumere and Larantuka, Nusa Tenggara Timur

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Emil Septia ◽  
Silvia Marni ◽  
Armet Armet

Penelitian ini memaparkan representasi nilai religi dalam setiap bait-bait puisi karya Taufik Ismail. Puisi yang bernilai religius dapat digunakan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat (pembaca) untuk selalu bersyukur pada Tuhan Sang Penguasa. Kumpulan puisi Debu di Atas Debu: Kumpulan Puisi Dwi-Bahasa karya Taufik Ismail merupakan catatan-catatan emosional zaman dengan gejolak politik dan sikap bangsa Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini berupa kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi (content analysis) serta pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepengarangan Taufik yang terdapat pada representasi nilai religi di setiap bait-bait puisi. Melalui seni pedalangan ketika Taufik bermukim di Yogyakarta dan seni bakaba ketika Taufik pindah ke Bukittinggi yang merupakan bentuk gaya kepengaranan seorang penyair yang dipengaruhi kebudayaan lokal, Taufik ingin menyentuh perasaan pembaca akan representasi nilai religius untuk membentuk karakter bangsa.Kata Kunci: representasi; nilai; religi; kepengarangan; puisi This study describes the representation of religious values in each poetic verse by Taufik Ismail. Religious poetry can be used to make people (readers) aware to always be grateful to God the Lord. A collection of Debu di Atas Debu: Kumpulan Puisi Dwi-Bahasa by Taufik Ismail is an emotional record of the times with political turmoil and the attitude of the Indonesian people. This type of research is qualitative with the method of content analysis and the sociological approach of literature. This is aimed at describing Taufik's authorship in the representation of religious values in each verse of poetry. Through the art of puppetry when Taufik settled in Yogyakarta and bakaba art when Taufik moved to Bukittinggi which was a form of the poet's sound style influenced by local culture, Taufik wanted to touch the readers' feelings about the representation of religious values to shape the nation's character.Keywords: representation; values; religion; authorship; poetry 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Desi Erawati

AbstractForum Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama (FKUB) is a mediating institution on interfaith harmony, especially in the city of Palangkaraya. The question is how the value model of socialization of the value of togetherness conducted by FKUB Palangka Raya city so that it can bridge the life of tolerance between religious communities in the city of Palangka Raya. The methodology of this study is to use a research and development approach with a modified analysis of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the working pattern of FKUB Palangka Raya works in accordance with the planned work program, proved to be able to handle several cases related to the establishment of houses of worship and its scope, prioritize the objectivity to produce mutually agreed decisions based on consensus reached agreement. The development of socialization of the value of togetherness is derived from several values such as the value of ideology (universal truth), religious values, cultural values. By way of coaching, intensive direction, then this togetherness attitude can be well established, especially supported by the value of local wisdom is the philosophy of "Huma Betang"

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