2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 917-928
Irwan Djumat ◽  
Subhan Hayun ◽  

This research is a library research. The analysis used is content analysis that focuses on academic manuscripts in the form of books, articles, and writings in papers related to the internalization of Ternates local culture which has been eroded by globalization to strengthen the character of the nation. Internalization according to Ihsan is an effort made by a person to insert values ​​(local cultural values) into the soul of a person or group of people so that these values ​​can be manifested in him. The internalization of the local Ternate culture takes place in three institutions that support each other, go hand in hand, and go hand in hand in the family, school and community. The internalization of local Ternate culture must take place continuously in peoples lives with an emphasis on character aspects (attitudes, mindsets, and patterns of action), especially the nations generation. Ternates local cultural values ​​are reflected in the values ​​that exist in community life, including: greeting each other (standard togor / sibinyafo), reminding each other (makuwaje), paying attention / caring (raw faduli), mutual cooperation (babari ), help each other (lilian), visit each other (silaturrahim),and respect each other (baising). The internalization of local Ternate culture in the New Normal Era is an effort to make Ternate people in general and especially the younger generation to become citizens who are polite, civilized and tolerant, and strong in facing various threats that come from outside (global culture). The cultural values ​​of Tara No Ate (Ternate) which originate from the traditional social values ​​of the Ternate community itself must become an integral part of the nations culture that cannot be separated from various generations, so that the success of national character development must be based on local values. to create social harmony.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Agus Salim

National character education aims to form a strong, competitive, moral, tolerant nation, mutual cooperation, patriotic spirit, dynamic development, knowledge and technology oriented all of which are inspired by faith and piety to the Almighty God as in aspiring to the Pancasila philosophy. Character education is an important issue in the world of education related to the phenomenon of moral decadence that occurs in the community as well as in an increasingly diverse and diverse government environment. Crime, injustice, corruption, violence against children, violation of human rights, are evidence that there has been a crisis of identity and characteristics of the Indonesian nation. The values of politeness, and religiosity that are upheld and become the culture of the Indonesian nation as long as it seems to be weak and feels foreign along with the entry of global cultural values (global culture of the era), so that it is rarely encountered in the midst of society. Islamic education is a strategic answer in realizing the formation of national character from the family (informal), institutional institutions (formal) and learning groups in the community (non-formal), which is the main capital in the formation of national character.

Muhammad Rezki Andhika

This paper examines the role of parents as a source of character education for early childhood. This study was conducted using the library research method. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents is a determining factor for children's development, both physically and mentally, is the role of both parents as the first and main educators for children who are born until they are adults. In the process of forming knowledge, various parenting styles conveyed by parents are very important. Education in the family plays a very important role in developing the character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values ​​, and simple skills of children. The role of parents in influencing the character of children is no longer borne by the mother only. The role of the father in shaping the character of the child is very large. Fathers are still obliged to participate in maintaining interactions with their children, such as inviting them to talk, joke, and play.

Sidiq Aji Pamungkas ◽  
Sarwaji Surwandi ◽  
Muhammad Rohmadi

The equality of gender roles between men and women is a problem / polemic due to differences in gender roles. Social agreements place women to be regulated by men in life. This study discusses subordination of women in short story of Kompas newspaper on 2017. This is important to understand because understanding about subordination of women can be used as a standard of behavior to achieve harmonious and democratic community life. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with content analysis strategies. The research data was obtained from short story documents published in the Kompas newspaper in July 2017 to December 2017. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques use library research techniques. Data validity uses theory triangulation. The results showed that the subordination of women in Kompas short stories in 2017 in the form of a decision to determine the number of children was a man's decision and the decision of a girl's mate was under a man's decision as the head of the family (patriarchal culture).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Sandra Megayanti ◽  
Arie Elcaputera

Abstact : Local wisdom is part of the field of community life that reflects the cultural values. Every region in Indonesia has its own local wisdom, some of which is still preserved today. For the example, one of the local wisdoms in Bengkulu community, Tabot festival which is routinely held every year that it has religious values and local culture. But in its implementation, there are things that are debated, especially regarding the tendency for practices that are contrary with the values of Islam. Therefore, in this article will discuss about  the local wisdom of the Bengkulu people in the Tabot Festival and the concept of the Tabot Festival based on the Receptio In Complexu theory.Keywords: Local Wisdom; Tabot Festival; Receptio In Complexu Theory.

Rifai Rifai ◽  
Nunuk Suryani ◽  
Akhmad Arif Musadad

This article examines the noble values of kalwedo culture that are integrated in the traditional marriage rituals of the West Babar community. The purpose of this study is to study the ritual stages in customary marriage in Southwest Moluccas as well as the meaning and local culture in it. This study uses qualitative methods with data retrieval techniques in the form of observation, interviews and literature studies. The results of the study show that: There are three phases of customary marriage rituals in West Babar, namely the ratutri rania (engagement), rlarawaka tutawula (specialization), and the marriage phase. In its application integrated kalwedo cultural values such as religion, cooperation, mutual cooperation, mutual respect, and social care. These values need to be preserved as part of the local wisdom of the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Ifnaldi Ifnaldi

Kaba (story) is an old literature of Minangkabau that brings with it local culture and languages. Such local languages need to be revitalized to sustain Indonesian culture and language. This study aimed to reveal the philosophical values contained in the Kaba Rambun Pamenan, the old Minangkabau literature. This study was solely carried out resting upon empirical facts or phenomena existing in the Kaba Rambun Pamenan by Sutan Mangkudun and Ilyas Sutan Mangkudun (1988). The data sources were recordings from an art performance at Taman Budaya Padang in 2010, the book of Kaba Rambun Pamenan by Sutan Mangkudun and Ilyas Sutan Mangkudun, and the Book of Cultural Values in Kaba Rambun Pamenan by Abdul Rahman. The data analysis techniques used inductive and deductive approaches. First, the researcher listened to and opened the video recording of the kaba rambun pamenan performance; second, he made a synopsis of the story; and third, he searched for the content of philosophical values in the kaba, and it was then narrated in the form of quotations in sentences. After the data were collected, further analysis based on the existing theory was conducted. The findings of the present study covered: (1) being a leader must be a wise leader; (2) being a child must be responsible for the family; (3) being a man must be brave and honest, polite, not arrogant, and humble; and (4) if going abroad, one must be honest and helpful

Abdul Alim ◽  
I Made Suastika

This present study analyzes the transformation of lulo dance performed by Tolaki people in Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi. From the perspective of cultural studies, the study analyses an empirical field reality related to the matter pertaining to transformation. The local culture which is transformed into the global culture has caused the lulo dance to change with its new form and meanings. There is one problem which needs to be analyzed in the present study. The problem is formulated in the form of a question, namely what ideologies which have inspired the transformation of the lulo dance performed by Tolaki people in Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi. The study used the qualitative method and is intended to analyze the transformation of the lulo dance performed by Tolaki people using the critical, interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach of cultural studies. The data were obtained through library research, documentary study, observation, and interview. After being verified, the data were analyzed using several relevant theories; they are the theory of deconstruction, the hermeneutic theory, the theory of discourse of knowledge, and the theory of semiotics. The result of the study shows that the transformation of the lulo dance performed by Tolaki people in Konawe Regency cannot be separated from the ideologies which have inspired it. They include the religiosity ideology, the educational ideology, and the economic ideology. The contact between the global culture and local culture has caused the lulo dance to transform. The global culture indicates that a new era has come; it cannot be stemmed and avoided, meaning that many aspects in the people’s social and cultural life have transformed or changed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-86
Alimaturraiyah Alimaturraiyah ◽  
Wahab Wahab

This study discusses the development of Berinjam material in Akidah Akhlak subject. It is expected that the importance of mutual cooperation material in Akidah Akhlak subject drives students to apply commendable behavior in their daily lives both to themselves and to others. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials in the form of lesson plans on the basis of local wisdom. This study used a qualitative method by explaining the development of mutual cooperation material in Akidah Akhlak subject. Based on the findings, Berinjam is a form of sense of helping each other and the community performs its duties properly in accordance with habits and traditions and is carried out jointly. Material development must also refer to the 2013 curriculum. In the matter of mutual cooperation, SD / MI is contained in aspects of morality. The material from Berinjam is intended to make everyone becomes educated in the sense of thinking, listening and be righteous. Berinjam material which is contextualized in mutual cooperation material seizes to shape smart and educated students. In addition, efforts to bring students closer to the peculiarities of the local culture in their homes will not work well if teachers cannot convey it properly. Therefore, teachers must have an adequate understanding of the local cultural values, in addition to their ability to develop the subject matter must be accompanied by contextual so that learning can be achieved. Thus, Berinjam material must be developed through internalization by helping, cooperating and respecting each other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Husnel Anwar ◽  
Mhd. Roihan Nasution ◽  
Muhammad Doli Zamzami Siregar

<p><strong>Abstract </strong><strong></strong></p><p>The problem of this research is how can the local cultural values in Al-Azhar Tafsir. The purpose of this research is knowing local culture values in Al-Azhar Tafsir and analyzing the purpose of HAMKA putting local cultural values ini Al-Azhar Tafsir. The method of this research is library research and uses a study approach of character studies and<em>content analytics. </em>Researchers found that HAMKA's attitude was divided into two in linking local cultural values in Al Azhar's Tafsir. First, wanting to preserve local cultural values such as Aphorism, Verse, Poetry, Parable, Pameo and others. The second, strongly opposed and warned people of traditions that were contrary to Islamic Shari'a such as "adorig sea", giving offerings and others. And among the main objectives of HAMKA to include local cultural values was to approach Islamic da'wah to Indonesian people through local cultural values in its interpretation. And also introduce to the world of readers about Malay identity and Local Wisdom. And it also contained an invitation to noble morals as Religion and Culture motivate it and there were also politic and ethical politic invitations because at the time of writing this interpretation, the Indonesian political atmosphere was currently unstable. Therefore, it is very good to make Al Azhar's Tafsir become one of the references in preaching Islam on this Malay Earth and hopefully in the future there will be a Ilmiyah Figure and Study that combines Islamic Sharia and Local Cultural Values in a fair and balanced way.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keyword</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>: </strong>Local Wisdom, Values and Al-Azhar Tafsir<strong></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 04 (02) ◽  
pp. 165-185
Munham Shehzad ◽  
Syed Muhammad Bilal Shah ◽  
Muhammad Luqman Arshad

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of Pakistani TV drama content on living style, social values, and conversion of local culture into global culture. The study “Cultivating Fake Cultural Consciousness among People of Pakistan: A Myth or Reality” investigated that whether there is a significant difference among different age groups in terms of their views about cultural consciousness: whether there is a significant variation among respondents of different education levels in terms of their views about cultural consciousness: whether there is significant difference among respondents perception in terms of their views about cultural consciousness: and whether Pakistani TV dramas are cultivating fake cultural consciousness. Design: Under the rubric of cultivation theory, the researchers used survey method for measuring attitudes of people regarding Cultivating fake cultural consciousness among people of Pakistan and collected data from 600 males and females of Lahore, Gujrat and Islamabad. The researchers used purposive sampling technique and to fill questionnaire from those who watch Pakistani TV dramas on daily basis.. Results: Findings of the study reveal that Pakistani dramas are a source of converting local culture into global culture. Presentation of foreign cultural values in Pakistani TV dramas has a strong impact on eastern cultural values. Furthermore, the results reveal that local social values are being transformed and people are intending to adopt luxurious lifestyle in their daily life, a symbol of foreign culture and values.

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