Nuansa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Basinun Basinun

Problem identification of this research is 1. Still low student interest which caused by Lack of attention of stu- dent to learning of PAI especially in subject matter closer to Allah SWT. Its very beautiful name, like students often jok- ing, often daydreaming and students often out of the classroom. 2. the method used is always monoton that the teacher always use the lecture method, so that students feel bored in teaching and learning process (PBM). The approach used in this is a classroom action research, which will be carried out through a few steps  until the research is successful. The results obtained on the prasiklus step the number of values  obtained is 453 with the result  of the average value of 17.42 with 43.55% percentage, from the  observation proves that  the  lack of interest in learning students in learning PAI es- pecially  the subject matter closer to the god SWT .The very beautiful name with the value category is still low, because the value obtained in the observation is still below the KKM. Because the value obtained is low, therefore the next step needs to be done, so that the results achieved can be maximized.The next step is cycle I with the total value of 591 with the result  of the average value of 22,73 result  of the percentage of 56,82% from result  of observation prove  that  student have interest but student interest of student have not show in full, and  value obtained in observation still below KKM . Because the results obtained are still not maximal then need to re-implement the next step, so that the results achieved can be maximized. The second step  of cycle II with the total  value  of 731 and  the results of the average value  of 28.11 with the percentage of 70.27%, And the results of students already interested but the student’s learning interest has not shown fully, given the  value  obtained in the  observation is still less and  still below  KKM. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the next step,  so that  the results achieved can be maximized. Step cycle III the number of values  obtained is 837 with an average value of 32.19 and  the percentage is 80.47%. From  the observations made through the observa- tion sheet proves that  in the step of cycle III students already seen  if they are very interested in learning and  the value obtained is already above  the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that  have been determined. Because the results obtained are satisfactory, the action research is stopped, just until the third cycle. From the results of the above research proves that by using NHT method can increase student learning interest in learning PAI

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-186
Satria Wiguna

The purposes of this study are 1) To determine the learning interest of X MAN 1 Langkat students in the subject of Islamic Cultural History, 2) To determine the use of the talking stick method in teaching and learning activities in the subject of Islamic Cultural History for Class X MAN 1 students. Langkat, 3) To find out the increase in learning outcomes of Islamic Cultural History by using the talking stick method in the subject of Islamic Cultural History for class X students of MAN 1 Langkat. Students' interest in learning at MAN 1 Langkat class X in the SKI subject is very good and has increased after conducting research for two cycles. The use of the talking stick method in this study is online or online learning during the implementation of the second cycle, but it can increase student interest in learning well. In the learning process in cycle II the teacher changes the use of the method because the school implements online learning, but it still produces satisfying student interest in learning because the researcher or teacher always motivates and facilitates student learning activities. The use of the talking stick method can increase student interest in learning at MAN 1 Langkat class X in SKI subjects, which can be seen from the increase in each cycle. The use of the talking stick method with the percentage of students who completed learning in cycle 1 was 58% and cycle II was 84% ​​or an increase of 26%. There was an increase in student learning outcomes in cycle 1 by 68% and cycle II 81% which experienced an increase of 13%. . And the average increase in the percentage of teacher activity in the application of the talking stick method in cycle 1 was 78% and in cycle II was 81% or an increase of 3%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 689-696

This research is based on the teaching and learning process of the teacher still using conventional methods and students often play alone in the classroom during learning, take a walk in the classroom, pay less attention to the teacher when explaining the subject matter, leave the classroom without the teacher's permission, lack the courage to ask questions. as well as to fellow friends when the learning process takes place. This study aims to describe the increase in learning outcomes of Civics subjects through the use of the Picture and Picture method in grade IXA students of SMP Negeri 6 Muara Bungo Semester 2 in the 2018/2019 academic year. This type of research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a qualitative descriptive approach carried out in two cycles. The results showed that the use of the Picture and Picture method in Civics learning could increase student activity in the pre-cycle only 32.14%, 42.86% in first cycle, and 85% in second cycle, and the number of students who completed increased in the pre-cycle there were 10 students. , cycle I 19 students, and cycle II 28 students.

Radiant ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-69
Soeatini Soeatini

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring menjadi salah satu sarana dalam belajar mengajar di masa pandemi sekarang ini. Upaya dalam mengurangi penyebaran virus covid-19 guru di tuntut untuk bisa dalam memberikan materi mata pelajaran nya melalui media elektronik. Adapun hubungan pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di lihat dari minat belajar siswa terutama siswa SMP Negeri 4 Comal. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan dampak apa saja yang mempengaruhi minat belajar siswa. Bagaimana hubungan pelaksana pembelajaran daring dengan minat belajar siswa selama masa pandemic. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dalam memahami hubungan antara variabel independen yakni pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring IPS dengan variable dependen yakni minat belajar siswa.   The implementation of online learning is one of the means of teaching and learning in the current pandemic. The teachers are required to be able to provide subject matter through electronic media and this is the efforts to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The relationship between the implementation of online learning is seen from the students' interest in learning, especially students of SMP Negeri 4 Comal. This research was made to determine how the implementation of learning and what impacts affect student interest in learning. How do online learning implementers relate to student learning interest during a pandemic. This study uses quantitative methods in understanding the relationship between the independent variables, namely the implementation of social studies online learning with the dependent variable, namely students' interest in learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
Elvita Zamora

This research intended to know teachers’ activities to manage the learning process of tajhiz mayit by using the PAI laboratory; students’ activities in the tajhiz mayit by using the PAI laboratory; and the practical ability of students of class XI IPA-1 SMAN 8 Banda Aceh on tajhiz materials. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with four cycles, each consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of data analysis indicated that there wis an increase in the average value of students and their active participation in each subject matter, ranging from bathing, shrouding, doing prayer for, and burying the dead body. For example, teacher activity in managing learning process in the first cycle of first meeting on bathing the dead reached 64.28 in average falling into mild category; and at second meeting increased to 87.71 in average with good category. In the cycle II, on the first meeting on the subject of shrouding the dead body was 64.28 in average falling into mild category; and at the second meeting increased to 89.28 on average falling into a very good category. Likewise, the increase in the score average and students’ participations in other cycles after the use of CAR in the laboratory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Hengki Wijaya ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan ◽  
Suzana Claudia Setiana ◽  
Helaluddin Helaluddin ◽  
Ivan Th. J. Weismann

The main issue of education in the last few decades is the efforts and solutions in improving the quality of teaching and learning. In this case, the teacher’s steps are to conduct classroom action research, which is a form of a bottom-up approach in improving the quality of education. This action research introduces active reconnecting learning strategies for increasing student interest and learning activities. The CAR design includes three stages, namely the pre-cycle, cycle 1, and Cycle 2. Some of the instruments used in this study are checklist observation sheets, questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests, which are then analyzed using quantitative approaches. The results showed that this strategy was proven to improve student learning outcomes, interests, and activeness. Student learning interest increased from 59.35 to 65.5 in cycle 1 and 80.5 in cycle 2. Likewise, student learning activeness observations increased with the highest percentage on one indicator from 25% (pre-cycle) to 80% and 90% (cycle 1 and 2). Student learning outcomes have also increased from an average grade of 60 in the pre-cycle phase to 74.25 (cycle 1). And it rose again to 80 in cycle 2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Syamsuar Syamsuar ◽  
Zelhendri Zen

This study aims to describe the effect of Teaching Game for Understanding (TGfU) in increasing the students’ motivation and physical fitness. TGfU is a training concept of sport based on game. It is not only have meaning as strengthening educational praxis in fields of sport-game separately, but rather to develop an educational approach to the problems solving in tactical strategy in a competition of the sport-game, and also about attitude, motivation, responsibility for the task, collaboration, etc. Method of this study uses a qualitative approach with classroom action research. The results of the study reported that method of TGfU can increase students’ motivation and physical fitness especially in the second cycle of teaching and learning in the field. For sport teacher is advised to use this model in order to improve students’ participation, motivation, tactical cognitive and strategy and sport achievement of their physical fitness, especially for the subject matter of sport required the game approach.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Jaimah Jaimah

The background of this research is the low of mathematics learning result of grade 1 student of SDN 004Tembilahan Kota, for that done perbaiakan learning process by applying method of discussion. This researchwas conducted in SDN 004 Tembilahan Kota with the subject of research is the first grade students with 36students. This research is a classroom action research conducted two cycles. Based on the results of theresearch, it is found that the use of the method of disuksi can improve the students' learning outcomes aboutknowing and determining the length and weight with nonstandard units using concrete objects / concretesituation in the initial data, the total number of completed students is 12 students (33.3%) average 55.83. In thefirst cycle has increased the number of students who complete is 26 students (77.22%) with an average value of80.00. In the second cycle has increased with the total number of students who completed is 32 students (88.89)with an average value of 88.06.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Zulkifli Zulkifli

This research is based on the low learning outcome of mathematics students of grade VIII SMPN 4 Tambang.The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through the application ofinquiry learning with CTL approach. This research was conducted in SMPN 4 Tambang with subject of classVIII-D students with 29 students. This classroom action research was started in early January 2017. Theresearch instrument consists of a teacher and student activity sheet instrument and a test of learning outcomes.Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that the strategy of inquiry learning with CTLapproach can improve student learning outcomes of mathematics on the subject matter of algebraic form inclass VIII-D SMPN 4 Tambang. On the basic score the number of students who reached the KKM as many as 14people (48.28%) with an average score of 58.79. In cycle I the number of students who reach the KKM of 19people (65.52%) with an average value of 65.69%. In cycle II the number reaching KKM is 25 people (86.21%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 213
Maimun Maimun

The background of this study is the low mathematics learning outcomes of class VI students at SD Negeri 011 Desa Baru, to overcome this problem a classroom action research was conducted by applying fraction card media. This research was conducted in SD Negeri 011 Desa Baru, the subject of this study was class VI students with a total of 24 students. The results of this study show that mathematics learning outcomes have increased in pre-cycle average value obtained is 59.8, in the first cycle obtained an average value of 68.3. And in the second cycle obtained an average value of 82.9. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes in simple fraction material increase after the fraction card media are applied.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Ni Wayan Rusniati

The process and student learning outcomes in science learning material properties of light is a problem faced by class IV SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. Student activity and learning outcomes have not been maximized because the teacher delivered science learning materials using the lecture method. This is the background of the researchers to conduct research with the aim of improving the process and learning outcomes of science with material properties of light with learning models Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research is a type of classroom action research conducted in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students, amounting to 27 students consisting of 14 female students and 13 male students. The implementation of this study used 2 cycles. Instruments used to collect data are observation sheets, interviews, documentation and test questions. The results of this study indicate that science learning outcomes with material properties of light using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi have increased in two cycles with quite satisfactory values. There was an increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 an average value of 68.51 to 75.37 in cycle 2. In addition, there was an increase in the learning process of students in science learning carried out by teachers using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model. Keywords: Learning process, learning outcomes, Contextual Teaching and Learning

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