scholarly journals Pencegahan COVID-19 dengan pembuatan dan pembagian hand sanitizer di Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Ervianingsih Ervianingsih ◽  
Chitra Astari ◽  
Izal Zahran ◽  
Hurria Hurria ◽  
Murrni Mursyid ◽  

The purpose of this community service activity was to educate the public to be aware of the spread of COVID-19 while maintaining cleanliness and routine hand washing using soap and running water. Using hand sanitizer is intended when around us having difficulty washing hands using soap and water. The development of the COVID-19 deployment situation caused unrest in the community. One result was panic buying or purchasing necessities and mass cleanliness, such as hand sanitizer products. Answering this, on March 22, 2020, Pharmacy Study Program at The University of Muhammadiyah (UM) Palopo took the initiative to produce hand sanitizers to adjust WHO standards.UM Pharmacy Study Program Palopo successfully produced 50 liters of hand sanitizer which was then distributed to lecturers and staff of the university. The production of hand sanitizers was also to meet the demand of Andi Djemma Palopo Airport, as the airport is one of the entry points for the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Through this community service activity, the products made are useful for overcoming the ongoing pandemic and helping to meet the needs of hand sanitizers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 876
Widya Hartati ◽  
Ratna Yuniarti ◽  
Alpiana Alpiana

ABSTRAKVirus covid 19 merupakan kumpulan virus yang menyebabkan infeksi sistem saluran pernapasan. penyebaran virus covid 19 ini semakin meningkat setiap harinya, Melihat penomena yang terjadi di masyarakat  maka dirasa sangat perlu dilakukannya kegiatan Sosialisasi dan pembagian masker gratis untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus covid 19. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kesadaran kepada warga masyarakat tentang perlunya sosialisasi physical distancing dan penggunaan masker untuk mencegah penyebarab virus covid-19 yang sudah meresahkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan cara sosialisasi dari rumah ke rumah kemudian membagikan masker gratis kepada warga yang ada di RT 02/RW.04. dengan dilaksanakannya pengabdian tersebut maka warga masyarakat di RT.02/RW.04 merasa lebih paham setelah dilakukannya sosialisasi dan merasa terbantu dengan pembagian masker gratis. Selain itu, hasil yang Diharapkan masyarakat lebih sadar akan pentingnya kesehatan dengan selau menerapkan phsicial distancing dan selalu menggunakan masker ketika berpergian serta menggunakan handsanitaizer ketika sudah melaksanakan kontak dengan warga masyarakat lainnya, sebagai salah satu proteksi atau perlindungan diri dari virus covid 19. Kata kunci: sosialisasi; Virus covid 19; preventif; masker. ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 virus is a group of viruses that cause infections of the respiratory system. the spread of the covid 19 virus is increasing every day, Seeing the phenomena that occur in the community, it is felt that it is very necessary to carry out socialization activities and the distribution of free masks to break the chain of spread of the covid 19 virus. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge, understanding and awareness to the community. community members about the need for social distancing and the use of masks to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus which is already troubling. The method used in this activity is by socializing from house to house and then distributing free masks to residents in RT 02/RW.04. With the implementation of this service, the community members in RT.02/RW.04 feel more understanding after the socialization and feel helped by the distribution of free masks. In addition, the expected result is that the public is more aware of the importance of health by always implementing physical distancing and always using a mask when traveling and using a hand sanitizer when in contact with other members of the community, as one of the protections or self-protection from the covid 19 virus. Keywords: socialization; covid 19 virus; prevention; masks. 

Narila Mutia Nasir ◽  
Wirda Farah ◽  
Ragma Desilfa ◽  
Didi Khaerudin ◽  
Yunita Safira ◽  

Perilaku mencuci tangan belum menjadi budaya dalam masyarakat, Salah satu penyebab kondisi ini adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang hal tersebut, terutama pada anak sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Tim Kesehatan Masyarakat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah bertujuan untuk meningatkan pengetahuan tentang CTPS sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah kejadian diare. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan kepada siswa di SDN 02 Rempoa, Tangerang Selatan dalam bentuk edukasi dan praktik cuci tangan. Hasil pre dan post-test menunjukkan adanya kenaikan rata-rata pengetahuan dari 59 menjadi 78.25 poin. Peningkatan pengetahuan ini dapat berdampak pada peningkatan praktik CTPS yang lebih baik. Selain itu para siswa diharapkan dapat menjadi agen perubahan pada lingkungannya serta menjadikan CTPS sebagai budaya yang merupakan bagian dari kehidupan seharihari. Dengan denikian secara tidak langsung juga akan menurunkan risiko penyakit menular terutama diare.---Hand washing behavior has not yet a culture in the society. This condition is caused by the lack of knowledge about the issue, especially among school children. Community service activity undertaken by the Public Health team of UIN SyarifHidayatullah aimed to increase the knowledge about WHWS as an effort to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea. This activity was carried out for elementary students at SDN 02 Rempoa, South Tangerang by performing educational session and practice of hand washing. The result of pre and post-test showed an improvement of average knowledge, from 59 to 78.25 points. The increasing of knowledge might have an impact to better WHWS practices. In addition, the students are expected to be the agents of change in their environment and make WHWS a culture in the daily life. Thus, it also will indirectly reduce the risk of infectious diseases, especially diarrhea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Lalu Ahmad Didik ◽  
Farizal Wahyudi

[Bahasa]: Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, khususnya di Pulau Lombok mengakibatkan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram dalam bentuk Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif (KKP) dilaksanakan di lingkungan rumah mahasiswa masing-masing. Program ini selanjutnya disebut dengan Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR). Tema yang menjadi fokus dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi pencegahan penularan covid-19 dengan menekankan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) yang sekaligus merupakan tuntunan agama Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di beberapa desa di Pulau Lombok yang merupakan desa asal mahasiswa. Program ini terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan seperti pemasangan pamflet dan penyebaran brosur, sosialisasi kampung sehat, seminar Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), pelatihan mencuci tangan, pembiasaan physical distancing, senam bersama, pemberian bantuan masker, pemberian bantuan hand sanitizer, dan bersih lingkungan masjid. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan manfaat program, ketepatan sasaran dan ketepatan metode yang diberikan kepada 10 orang kepala desa tempat mahasiswa melaksanakan KKP-DR. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan sangat setuju dimana 100% responden menyatakan kegiatan ini bermanfaat, 80% tepat sasaran dan 90% menyatakan kegiatan ini menggunakan metode yang tepat. Kegiatan ini dapat membantu masyarakat mengetahui informasi seputar Covid-19 dan mampu memberikan bekal pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dengan menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Kata Kunci: kuliah kerja partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR), sosialisasi, pencegahan Covid 19 [English]: The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world, especially on the island of Lombok, makes students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram carry out Participatory Community Service (KKP) program in their surroundings. This program is called  home-based community program (KKP-DR). The focus of the program is the socialization on the transmission of COVID-19 prevention by emphasizing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS), which is also an Islamic religious guidance. The method used was outreach to the community in several villages on the island of Lombok, where the students come from. The program was held in several activities such as the installation of pamphlets and distribution of brochures, socialization of healthy villages, seminars on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), hand washing training, physical distancing habituation, joint exercise, providing masks, providing hand sanitizer, and cleaning the mosques. The evaluation was carried out by 10 village heads considering the benefits of the program, the accuracy of the targets and the accuracy of the methods. The results of the implementation of this program are: 100% of respondents do agree that the program is useful; 80% of the respondents state that the program is effective; and 90% agree that the program apply the right method. In conclusion, KKP-DR can help the public find out information about Covid-19 and be able to provide provisions for preventing the transmission of Covid-19 by implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle. Keywords: KKP-DR, socialization, prevention of Covid-19 transmission

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Sundari Sundari ◽  
Dharmawaty M. Taher ◽  
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah ◽  
Abdu Mas’ud ◽  

Efforts to prevent viral infection are a shared responsibility of all Indonesian citizens, including academics. Prevention starts from keeping a distance, wearing a mask, and washing hands. Another alternative to washing hands is to use a hand sanitizer. This community service activity program aims to educate and assist the community in preventing infection with the Covid-19 virus based on local culture through assisting students in making hand sanitizers made from local products, namely clove flower stem extract, and distributing them to the community. The methods used in this activity are production, product distribution, and education (lectures). The team will distribute the product to the Khairun University campus area and six schools in Ternate city. This community service program's result is 300 bottles of clove flower stalk extract and distributed to the public. In general, the community's response to the hand sanitizer product from clove flower stalk extract is that the public is enthusiastic and has good comments on this hand sanitizer product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 488
Asrin Asrin ◽  
Linda Feni Haryati ◽  
Muhammad Syazali ◽  
Umar Umar ◽  
Lalu Wira Zain Amrullah

ABSTRAKBudaya mutu merupakan seperangkat nilai, norma serta keyakinan yang termanifestasi dalam aktivitas, perilaku, dan simbol di sekolah agar mencapai keunggulan yang diinginkan dan diharapkan sehingga tercapai akuntabilitas sekolah. Berbagai terobosan baru harus terus dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan pemahaman dasar tentang budaya mutu sehingga pelayanan di bidang pendidikan dapat dilakukan secara terorganisir dan professional di lingkungan sekolah. Dalam rangka membangun budaya mutu pada level kelembagaan sangat membutuhkan keseriusan dari semua elemen sekolah. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengikuti pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan budaya mutu. Sehubungan dengan itu maka tim pengabdian masyarakat dari Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Mataram melakukan pelatihan implementasi budaya mutu berbasis kearifan lokal di SDN Gugus I Pemenang. Tujuannya adalah setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini, guru dan kepala sekolah dapat membangun budaya mutu di lingkungan sekolah masing-masing agar dapat lebih baik dari sebelumnya.  Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh perwakilan guru dan kepala sekolah dari Gugus 1 Pemenang yang berjumlah 20 peserta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan secara offline yaitu di Sekolah SDN 3 Pemenang. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan mengikuti anjuran protokol kesehatan covid 19. Kegiatan berjalan dengan sangat lancar. Respons peserta terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan sangat baik. Kata kunci: pengabdian masyarakat; budaya mutu; kearifan lokal. ABSTRACTQuality culture is a set of values, norms, and beliefs that are manifested in activities, behaviors, and symbols in schools to achieve the desired and expected excellence so that school accountability is achieved. Various breakthroughs must continue to be made as an effort to improve the basic understanding of a quality culture so that services in the field of education can be carried out in an organized and professional manner in the school environment. Building a quality culture at the institutional level really requires seriousness from all elements of the school. One way is to take part in training related to quality culture. In this regard, the community service team from the PGSD FKIP Study Program at the University of Mataram conducted training on the implementation of a quality culture based on local wisdom at SDN Cluster I Pemenang. The goal is that after participating in this activity, teachers and principals can build a quality culture in their respective schools so that they can be better than before. This community service activity consists of three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and evaluation stage. This activity was attended by representatives of teachers and school principals from Cluster 1 Pemenang, totaling 20 participants. The implementation of training activities is carried out offline, namely at SDN 3 Pemenang School. The activity was carried out by following the recommendations for the Covid 19 health protocol. The activity went very smoothly. The response of the participants to the implementation of the activity was very good. Keywords: community dedication; quality culture; local wisdom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Arif Widodo ◽  
Muhammad Tahir ◽  
Mohammad Archi Maulyda ◽  
Deni Sutisna ◽  
Muhammad Sobri ◽  

Abstract. Traditional games contain deep philosophical meaning in the history of the nation's struggle. The existence of massive online games has displaced the existence of traditional games. Various groups, including children and young people, are no longer familiar with traditional games in their respective regions. This service activity aims to preserve traditional games in the Batu Butir Kekait hamlet community. The problem-solving method is done by participatory observation through community service camps. The steps are situation analysis, socialization, and education to the public. Community service team members blend in with the community during the service activities. Participants in this activity are school-age children and village youth in Batu Butir Hamlet, Kekait Village, Gunung Sari, West Lombok. This activity involves students who are members of the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) with a total of 85 students. Efforts to preserve traditional games are carried out through socialization and competition activities in the community. The types of games that are contested are sack racing, tug of war, marbles racing, and long dragon games. After this activity, it is hoped that the community will no longer be addicted to online games which are proven to have a bad impact on health. In terms of students involved in this activity, it is expected to be accustomed to living in a closer blend with the community.Keywords. preservation, traditional games, community service camps (KBM)Abstrak.  Permainan tradisional mengandung makna filosofis yang mendalam dalam sejarah perjuangan bangsa. Keberadaan game online secara masif telah menggusur keberadaan permainan tradisional. Berbagai kalangan termasuk anak-anak dan generasi muda sudah tidak lagi mengenal permainan tradisional di daerahnya masing-masing. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan permainan tradisional di masyarakat dusun Batu Butir Kekait. Metode pemecahan masalah dilakukan dengan cara observasi partisipasif melalui kemah bakti masyarakat. Adapun langkah-langkahnya adalah analisis situasi, sosialisasi dan pemberian edukasi kepada masyarakat. Anggota tim pengabdian membaur dengan masyarakat selama kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah anak-anak usia sekolah dan remaja kampung di Dusun Batu Butir Desa Kekait kec.Gunung Sari-Lombok Barat. Kegiatan ini melibatkan mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam himpunan mahasiswa program studi (HMPS) dengan jumlah 85 mahasiswa. Upaya pelestarian permainan tradisional dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan kegiatan perlombaan di masyarakat. Jenis permainan yang dilombakan adalah balap karung, tarik tambang, balap kelereng, dan permainan ular naga panjang. Setelah kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat tidak lagi kecanduan dengan game online yang terbukti memiliki dampak yang buruk terhadap kesehatan. Dari segi mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat terbiasa hidup membaur dengan lebih dekat pada masyarakat.Kata Kunci: pelestarian, permainan tradisional, kemah bakti masyarakat (KBM)

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
B.R. Suryo Baskoro ◽  
Hayatul Cholsy

Learning French for residents and homestay employees in the homestay village, Dusun Ngaran, DesaBorobudur is carried out by the French Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,UGM as a community service activity in 2018. Tis learning is a follow-up of French languagetraining for homestay owners who have done in 2017. Using a tutorial system in small groups andcommunicative approaches, residents and homestay employees have been able and feel confdent ingreeting, offering, explaining, giving choices, and other verbal activities related to guests or potentialguests in French (francophones) through simple communicative expressions. Simple French languageskills are a powerful capital to attract more francophones guests to visit the homestays. Te supportof French Literature Study Program on tourism development in Borobudur Homestay Village wasalso given in the form of assistance in promoting the region's tourism potential through refnementof French language pages and brochures. Tus, francophones tourists can fnd out more easily andmore quickly their whereabouts and get to know the area in order to attract more tourists to stay ata homestay. Other results of this service are French language teaching materials in the form of textand documentary videos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-140
Paramita Nuraini ◽  
Atri Pratiwi ◽  
Kevin Gusti ◽  
Novina Silvita ◽  
Arinda Fauziah

Abstract:Corona virus is a type of influenza virus or a common virus that causes infection of the nose, sinuses or upper throat. The Covid-19 virus in humans is most commonly transmitted from an infected person to another in a number of ways. This virus can be transmitted easily through the air by coughing and sneezing. However, it can also be through direct contact such as shaking hands, touching objects and so on. Indonesia is one of the countries where the spread of the corona 19 virus is relatively fast. This virus also causes the death of victims, therefore education is needed related to preparedness during the Covid 19 Pandemic. This activity was held in Tempursari village, Magelang Regency for 1 month (June 2020) involving 1 assistant lecturer and 4 students of the Guidance and Counseling study program. Muhammadiyah University of Magelang as a companion for counseling and simulations related to proper hand washing and the use of proper masks. This service activity is expected for the community to have insight into the dangers of Covid 19 and have skills related to proper hand washing procedures and the use of proper masks so that they can reduce the spread of Covid 19, especially in Magelang district.Keywords: alert response; covid pandemic 19; wash hands  Abstrak:Virus Corona merupakan sejenis virus influenza atau virus umum yang menyebabkan infeksi pada hidung, sinus atau tenggorokan bagian atas.Virus Covid-19 pada manusia paling umum menular dari orang yang terinfeksi ke orang lain melalui berbagai cara. Virus ini dapat menular dengan mudah melalui udara dengan batuk dan bersin. Namun, bisa juga melalui kontak langsung seperti berjabat tangan, menyentuh benda dan lain sebagainya. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang penyebaran Virus Covid-19 terhitung cepat. Virus ini juga  menyebabkan kematian terhadap korban, karena itu perlu adanya edukasi terkait tanggap siaga dalam masa Pandemi Covid 19. Kegiatan ini dilaksankan di desa Tempursari Kabupaten Magelang selama 1 bulan ( juni 2020) dengan melibatkan 1 dosen pendamping dan  4 mahasiswa program studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang sebagai pendamping penyuluhan dan simulasi terkait cuci tangan yang benar dan penggunaan masker yang tepat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan masyarakat memiliki wawasan terkait bahaya covid 19 dan memiliki ketrampilan terkait tata cara cuci tangan yang benar dan penggunaan masker yang tepat sehingga dapat menekan penyebaran Covid-19 khususnya di kabupaten Magelang.Kata kunci: cuci tangan; pandemi covid-19; tanggap siaga

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-59
Rika - Sepriani

Health is a healthy state, both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially that allows everyone to live productively socially and economically. Health development as one of the national developments designed for the achievement of awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy for every population to realize an optimal degree of public health. Self-medication is an attempt by someone to overcome a problem of illness or disease without prior agreement with a doctor or health worker. More than 60% of members of the public swarmed the legal basis Permenkes No.919 / MENKES / PER / X / 1993. Swamedication was more focused on handling quickly and effectively without prior intervention by medical consultants, pharmacists, to reduce the workload on the limited resources and labor. The target audience for this community service activity is 30 health cadres obtained through collaboration with the state visited by the health cadres to provide information and understanding to other community members in their neighborhoods. From this dedication activity obtained 1) Increased knowledge and understanding of health cadres about self-medication 2) Increased knowledge and understanding of health cadres about managing drugs in the household.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-31
Resti Utami ◽  
Gardina Aulin Nuha

Housewives have an important role to play in supporting government programs in preventing the spread of COVID-19 at the household level. Community service activities aim to provide understanding to partners so that they have knowledge and concern about preventing the spread of COVID-19 through the application of the 5M health protocol, increasing creativity in efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through education on how to make hand sanitizers from natural ingredients of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn) which are mostly found in Sukorejo Village. The method used in this activity is counseling by providing material through lectures and distributing hand sanitizer finished products. The implementation of this service activity in the form of dissemination of the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 involves active participation from partners starting from the activity planning process, preparation of activity schedules to education on how to make and distribute hand sanitizers. This activity generated ideas for partners who are mostly housewives to empower themselves in supporting government programs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing how to make natural hand sanitizers from betel leaf. Thus, the expected output from this activity is an increase in IRT knowledge in preventing the spread of COVID-19, how to manufacture, packaging hand sanitizers, and participants to obtain sample products which can increase interest in producing similar products and commitment to implementing health protocols in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

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