2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-160
Bambang ◽  
Baiq Rosyida Dwi Astuti ◽  
Intan Rakhmawati

Tracer study merupakan alat untuk menilai relevansi kurikulum pendidikan tinggi dengan kebutuhan stakeholders.  Dilain pihak, tracer study memberikan informasi mengenai situasi transisi dan dinamika kerja dan sebagai salah satu persyaratan akreditasi. Program Studi DIII Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram telah meluluskan ribuan mahasiswa sejak berdirinya pada tahun 1997, namun tracer study belum pernah dilakukan selama ini, sehingga Program Studi DIII Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram memandang perlu dilakukannya tracer study secara berkala (setiap tahun). Tiga tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui:1) enilaian stakeholders terhadap kinerja alumni; 2)Lama masa tunggu alumni sampai mendapatkan pekerjaan pertamanya; 3) Relevansi antara kurikulum dengan kebutuhan stakeholders. Tujuan tersebut akan dicapai dengan cara melakukan penelusuran (Tracer) pada Stakeholder yang ada di Kota Mataram. Hasil penelitian ini nantinya berupa pemetaan kualitas lulusan Prodi D3 Akuntansi dari sudut pandang pengguna (Stake hoder) . Luaran dari penelitian ini berupa publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal nasional ber ISSN. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kinerja alumni Prodi DIII akuntansi menurut stakeholders adalah baik.Masa tunggu alumni sampai mendapatkan pekerjaan pertamanya adalah 2,2  bulan. Namun angka ini belum bisa menggambarkan kondisi sebenarnya terutama untuk angkatan tahun 2020, dimana angkatan tahun 2020 yang mengisi kuesioner hanya 5 orang. Relevansi antara kurikulum dengan kebutuhan stakeholder sudah cukup sesuai, yang bisa dilihat dengan layaknya lulusan Program Studi DIII Akuntansi untuk bekerja pada berbagai organisasi, baik swasta maupun pemerintahan. Selain itu, beberapa hal yang perlu rekonstruksi terhadap kurikulum yang bisa meningkatkan peningkatan kemampuan lulusan  terutama terkait dengan bahasa inggris, komputer akuntansi , soft skill dan kemampuan pendukung lainnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-174
Robith Hudaya

Program Studi DIII Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram telah meluluskan ribuan mahasiswa sejak berdirinya pada tahun 1997, namun tracer study belum pernah dilakukan selama ini, sehingga Program Studi DIII Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram memandang perlu dilakukannya tracer study secara berkala (setiap tahun). Tracer study berguna untuk memantau lulusan dan mengetahui relevansi kompetensi lulusan Program Studi DIII Akuntansi dengan kebutuhan stakeholder. maka perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut: 1).Bagaimana penilaian stakeholders terhadap kinerja alumni?; 2).Berapa lama masa tunggu alumni sampai mendapatkan pekerjaan pertamanya? 3).Bagaimanakah relevansi antara kurikulum dengan kebutuhan stakeholders?. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran mengenai lulusan dan kompetensi lulusan Program Studi DIII Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram yang dibutuhkan oleh stakeholder. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat ditarik simpulan sebagai berikut: 1).Kinerja alumni Prodi DIII akuntansi menurut stakeholders adalah sangat baik; 2).Masa tunggu alumni sampai mendapatkan pekerjaan pertamanya adalah 2.4 bulan; 3).Relevansi antara kurikulum dengan kebutuhan stakeholder sudah cukup sesuai, yang bisa dilihat dengan layaknya lulusan Program Studi DIII Akuntansi untuk bekerja pada berbagai organisasi, baik swasta maupun pemerintahan. Selain itu, beberapa hal yang perlu rekonstruksi terhadap kurikulum yang bisa meningkatkan peningkatan kemampuan lulusan  terutama terkait dengan bahasa inggris, komputer akuntansi , soft skill dan kemampuan pendukung lainnya.

Jurnal Varian ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Siti Hadijah Hasanah ◽  
Dewi Juliah Ratnaningsih

Revolution 4.0 requires the Universitas Terbuka Statistics study program to change the educational curriculum that aims to produce quality graduate competencies. Therefore, to collect informationand evaluate the competence of graduates, it is necessary to conduct tracer study research on each graduate. This study aims to measure user satisfaction with graduate competencies using Gap analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and a multi-attribute Fishbein model. Based on the value of Gap and Science, the main priority that must be improved by graduates to meet user expectations is the ability to solve problems, generate ideas, and be able to present the results of these ideas in the form of reports/journals. The value of the level of suitability between user satisfaction and the importance of the ability of graduates is very good at 92.87% and a CSI value of 78.25%, which means that overall user satisfaction with graduates is good, besides thatbased on the results of the multi-attribute Fishbein model, an Ao value of 158.20 which means that graduate users have a positive attitude towards the abilities of UT Statistics program graduates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Dini Dini ◽  
Athiefah Fauziyyah ◽  
Eko Yuliastuti

Studi ini adalah hasil tracer study pada Program Studi (PS) Teknologi Pangan Universitas Terbuka tahun 2017-2020. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif (qualitative research) melalui survei dan wawancara dengan variabel (1) Keterserapan alumni di dunia kerja; (2) Kontribusi perguruan tinggi terhadap tingkat komptensi yang dikuasai; (3) Penilaian alumni terhadap metode pembelajaran di PS Teknologi Pangan. Hasil tracer study menyatakan bahwa dari segi keterserapan alumni di dunia kerja, alumni PS Teknologi Pangan UT sebanyak 68% sudah bekerja dan sebanyak 70% sudah memperoleh pekerjaan sebelum masuk UT. Bidang pekerjaan alumni paling banyak di bidang swasta di sektor usaha makanan dan minuman. Kontribusi perguruan tinggi terhadap tingkat kompetensi yang dikuasai alumni yaitu lebih dari 50% alumni menyatakan perguruan tinggi berkontribusi sangat tinggi dan tinggi dalam pengetahuan di bidang ilmu teknologi pangan, kemampuan riset dan analisis, komunikasi, ketrampilan digital, manajemen waktu dan kemampuan dalam memegang tanggung jawab, serta soft skill. Penilaian alumni terhadap metode pembelajaran di PS Teknologi Pangan yaitu lebih dari 50% menyatakan sudah sangat baik dan baik dari tutorial online, praktikum, dan bahan ajar cetak. Masukan alumni untuk perbaikan layanan yaitu untuk tutorial online antara lain perlunya peningkatan server, tampilan yang lebih menarik, penambahan video dan studi kasus, serta tutor perlu lebih aktif memberikan umpan balik. Masukan mahasiswa untuk praktikum yaitu perlunya laboratorium sendiri yang dimiliki oleh UT, mata kuliah praktikum perlu diperbanyak, serta  integrasi antara mata kuliah praktikum dengan mata kuliah lainnya. Masukan untuk bahan ajar cetak adalah perlu dilakukan pembaharuan materi yang mengikuti dengan perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Tracer study in the Food Technology Study Program of the Open University conducted in 2017-2020. This study uses qualitative methods (qualitative research) through surveys and interviews with variables (1) Absorption of alumni in the world of work; (2) Contribution of higher education to the competency level mastered; (3) Evaluation of alumni of learning methods in the Food Technology Study Program. The results of the tracer study stated that in terms of alumni absorption in the world of work, 68% of UT Food Technology PS alumni were already working and as many as 70% had reached a job before entering UT. Most alumni work in the private sector in the food and beverage business sector. The contribution of higher education to the level of competence controlled by alumni is more than 50% of alumni who state that universities contribute very high and high in knowledge in the field of food technology, research and analysis skills, communication, digital skills, time management and the ability to hold responsibility , also soft skills. The alumni assessment of the learning methods at the Food Technology Study Program, namely more than 50% stated that it was very good and good from online tutorials, practicum, and printed teaching materials. Alumni input for service improvements, namely for online tutorials, including the need for server upgrades, a more attractive display, adding videos and case studies, and tutors need to be more active in providing feedback. Student input for practicum is the need for UT's own laboratory, practicum courses that need to be reproduced, and integration between practicum courses with other courses. The input for printed teaching materials is that it is necessary to update the material that follows the development of technology and science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Nabila Ikrima Jeklor Putri ◽  
Lucy Fridayati

The study aims to describe and to know the profile of soft skills and hard skills of the college students to enter the work field. The type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this research is the students of padang state university family welfare education study program totally 49 people. The sampling technique is total sampling that taking the entire population. The technique of collecting data is by transferring a questionnaire (Questionnaire) using Likert scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis with the categorization method. The results of the study is the soft skills and hard skills profile of college students to enter the work field that included in high category are indicators of work ethics, collaboration, discipline, related to norms and the medium category are indicators of speaking skills and confidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Akhmad Saufi ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto ◽  
Muttaqillah Muttaqillah

Tracer studies help educational institutions obtain information to increase the relevance of their curriculum to meet employment’s need and improve the graduate performance. This applied research aims to evaluate the implementation of study programs in order to increase the relevance of the curriculum and the graduate performances. This research adopts a qualitative approach. 77 informants were involved in the research, consisting of 64 alumni and 13 stakeholders. Data were collected through online interviews and questionnaires containing open-ended questions, and then analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the implementation of study programs, service quality, curriculum relevance, and alumni performance were rated at "good" and "very good" levels. To improve services, MM study program needs to improve the quality of communication among lecturers and academic staff, and organize information technology-based learning, learning activities outside the campus (industry), and learning mechanisms for alumni. The study suggests to the importance of soft and hard skills particularly related to integrity; professionalism; leadership element; and the communication skills of graduates in the curriculum.Keywords :Tracer study, Alumni, Stakeholder, Service quality, Curricullum relevance

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Anissa Hakim Purwantini ◽  
Nur Laila Yuliani ◽  
Muhdiyanto Muhdiyanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi profil pekerjaan lulusan yang meliputi kesesuaian pekerjan dengan bidang studi, masa tunggu lulusan, motivasi bekerja, gaji yang diterima dan lama masa studi mahasiswa. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 81 alumni yang diambil dengan metode snowball sampling. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa 85% pekerjaan lulusan telah relevan dengan bidang studi yang ditempuh selama kuliah dengan jenis pekerjaan di sektor jasa. Masa tunggu lulusan relatif singkat yaitu 40% dari jumlah lulusan mendapatkan pekerjaan pertama dalam kurun waktu 2 bulan setelah wisuda. Motivasi bekerja lulusan didominasi oleh faktor gaji dengan gaji pertama yang didapatkan sekitar Rp1.000.000,00-Rp2.000.000,00. Masa studi lulusan sebesar 48% berada pada rentang 5-6 tahun. Hasil tracer study ini digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi pengembangan kualitas sistem pendidikan khususnya di Prodi Akuntansi FEB UMMagelang sehingga dapat menciptakan lulusan yang berdaya saing di era globalisasi ini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 147
Dyah Ayu Pradnya Paramitha

The goal of this research was to know analysis between career guidance procedures and soft skills on the career competencies of Batam Tourism Polytechnic student. This research used a quantitative descriptive research design with two way anova methods. Population in this research of  was students seventh semester students of the Study Program of Culinary Management, Room Division Management, and Food and Beverage Management at Batam Tourism Polytechnic was 104 respondents. Sample in this research was 84 respondents that determined by using proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questions. The research shows that there was significant differences between career guidance procedures to the student career competences, significant differences between soft skills to the student career competencies, and significant interaction between the implementation of career guidance to the soft skills in determining student career competencies.

2019 ◽  
Marsi Bombongan Rantesalu

The Tracer Study process at STAKN Kupang has not run well. Documents about graduate users cannot be obtained at the Department or the Internal Quality Assurance Agency (LPMI). This makes it difficult to get information from Graduates about the existence of STAKN Kupang Graduates. Though it is very important in relation to the preparation of the curriculum and in filling the instrument during Accreditation.This is the background of the writer to do the Study Tracer for the user of Graduates. Therefore the authors in this study are interested in examining the response of graduate users to the graduates of STAKN Kupang and discuss them in Scientific work with the title, "Analysis of Graduation User Satisfaction Study Program of STAKN Kupang Christian Religious Education in 2019"

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 252
Ahmad Syafiq ◽  
Sandra Fikawati

Salah satu indikator penting keberhasilan pendidikan tinggi adalah sumbangsih lulusannya dalam masyarakat dan pembangunan. Tracer study dapat menyediakan informasi mengenai sumbangsih dan keterlibatan alumni di masyarakat termasuk dinamika di dunia kerja. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UI (FK-MUI) sudah melaksanakan tracer study kuantitatif pada tahun 2003 yang menginformasikan beberapa aspek terkait dengan lulusan dan keberadaannya di dunia kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan tracer study kualitatif untuk melengkapi gambaran yang diperoleh pada tracer study pertama tersebut dan mencoba menggali lebih dalam informasi mengenai pengalaman pembelajaran di FKMUI, pengalaman bekerja, dan kepuasan lulusan dan pengguna lulusan terhadap pendidikan di FKMUI. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan terhadap 24 informan yang dibagi menjadi empat kelompok institusi kerja yaitu pemerintahan, sektor swasta/industri, LSM, dan lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Subyek dilacak secara multi moda dan data dianalisis berdasarkan tema utama penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis lapangan dipersepsi sebagai pengalaman belajar yang paling penting dan bahwa soft-skill adalah keterampilan yang sangat dihargai dan relevan di dunia kerja nyata. Penelitian ini juga mengungkap bahwa pada umumnya lulusan dan pengguna lulusan merasa puas dengan pendidikan di FKMUI.Kata kunci: Tracer study, lulusan, soft-skillAbstractOne important indicator of the success of higher education is the contribution of its alumni in the community and development. Tracer study provides infor- mation on alumni contribution and involvement in the community including working and employment dynamics. Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (FPHUI) has conducted a quantitative tracer study in 2003 which informed selected aspects related to alumni and their existence in employment world. This study is a qualitative tracer study to complement the first tracer study and aimed at digging further information on learning experience in FPHUI, working experience, and alumni and user’s satisfaction on education in FPHUI. In-depth interviewed were conducted to 24 informants which divided into 4 groups of institution (government, private sector/industry, non government organization and higher education institutions). Subjects were traced in a multimode way and data was analyzed based on the study main theme. Study exhibits that field-based learning is perceived as the most important learning experience and soft-skill is highly appreciated and most relevant in the real work situation. The study also found that most users and alumni are satisfied with education in FPHUI.Key words: Tracer study, alumni, soft-skill

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Zahraini Zahraini

The performance of the lecturers is important factor in order to ensure the quality management of a college. The lecturers performance at PKK study program FKIP Unsyiahis truly play role in producing students not only work in government with satisfying academic grade (hard skill) but also students must be able to create their own work field by possessing skill (soft skills) to take over the world work. This study aims at knowing the ability, motivation, disciplines, responsibility, and supporting factors on the lecturers performance in improving academic competence and skill acquisition of the students at PKK, FKIP Unsyiah. This study used a qualitative approach through data collecting techniques i.e. documentation, observations , and interviews. The subjects of the research were the dean, deputy dean of academic affairs, the chairman of the PKK department, lecturers, laboratory chairman, and students. This study shows that 1) The ability of the lecturers in carrying out teaching can be seen through arrangement of the lecturing material, lecturing implementation, and evaluation. 2 ) Motivation in conducting lectures , that the PKK lecturers of FKIP Unsyiah have conducted real efforts to reach the decided aim, but few lecturers less motivated the students optimally, lack of guiding of the lecturers or their seniors as well as program chairman, action less than optimal motivation lecturer , received guidance from lecturers more senior or chief Prodi . 3) The lecturers discipline is reflected through factual time in implementing the lecture, obeying the obtain rules and conducting continuously. Lecturer’s discipline reflected by timeliness in implementing the course, follow the rules, and do it continuously. 4) The lecturer’s responsibility and commitment in implementing the lecturer can be seen through guiding the students in accordance with the main duty and its function. 5) Improving performance in academic competence and skill acquisition are supported by several factors such as faculty development program by sending lecturers to follow the profession asosiation programs, workshops, seminars , and training on professional development.

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