scholarly journals Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Pelanggan Pada Citra Laundry Bogor

Lydia Salvina Helling

  Clean clothes are very necessary human to treat themselves to stay healthy and protected from all kinds of diseases that come from viruses and bacteria that live and grow around humans. One effort to keep clothes clean is to wash regularly clothes that have been exposed to dirt coming from dust, garbage, and odor. Washing activities are activities that take a lot of time because this activity is done with great care. This encourages the business to open a laundry business, even now developing not only washing clothes but serving the laundering of various types of goods made of fine fiber materials such as cotton, wool, polyester, and others. Customer service, washing quality, and washing time become the point of consumer satisfaction assessment of laundry services offered. Consumer Service System which was originally manual and then replaced with a computerized Consumer Service System. The process of data processing was switched into a database and the use of application programs. Citra Laundry then took this opportunity by providing customer service information system. Development of customer service system using Waterfall method in the software. The description of the current system and proposed system is described in the form of data flow diagrams, Kendall and Kendall methods. Data collection is done by observation on the same type of business and conducting interviews with related parties. The results of this study resulted in a customer service information system more efficient in the storage and processing of large data and very effective in dealing with the needs of customer service quickly and systematically.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-95
T Pradita ◽  
A Mubarok

The development of services has developed into the internet media, to make it easier for customers and employees in managing a job. In the problem of Lucky Photo, which covers services including printing, sales, stock of goods, purchases, and reports are not effective properly. The researcher aims to develop a service system entitled Service Information Systems at Lucky Photo. By building a web-based application, a waterfall method is needed to become a benchmark for the creation of a service information system, so the results will be obtained on a web-based application system to demand progress in a company, including services that become easier, easier customer service in conduct transactions, generate reports, and process customer data. So it can be concluded that with the construction of a new Service Information System it will be easier to make transactions, make it easier for customers, create reports, and process customer data that is embedded in the Mysql database which will become a well-systemized report.

Nasa Zata Dina ◽  
Wilda Imama Sabilla ◽  
Irvandy Handoyo

XYZ Ltd. is an expedition company that uses container ships and container trucks as transportation modes. There are three business process transactions that are carried out by the company, i.e. customer registration, ordering expedition services, and payment expedition services. Currently, all business process transactions are carried out manually, so process automation is needed in order for the business processes to run more effectively and efficiently. For this purpose, an Online Expedition Services Customer Service Information System was proposed to be built. This system consists of three main processes, namely the customer registration process, the customer order process, and the payment process and report generation. XYZ Ltd. Customer Service Information System was built following the waterfall development model. The stages of system development consist of five stages, namely planning, requirements analysis, database, and interface design, implementation of program code writing and testing and system maintenance. In implementing and testing the system, whole system requirements have been checked; the three main business processes in the proposed online system were running precisely, effectively and efficiently.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Heru Saputro ◽  
Danang Mahendra

The increasing business competition between buying and selling shops to get customers has caused building shops to compete to provide the best service for their customers. Consumer satisfaction is the key to building long-term relationships between customers and building stores. Sumber Mulyo Shop which is four in Ds. Piji Rt.1 Rw.2 Dawe Kudus is engaged in buying and selling building materials. The customer service system that is currently available at the Sumber Mulyo Shop is still utilizing for the process of buying and selling and service manually, namely when in the store to respond to customer complaints. Therefore, complaints are not confidential to building shops. The registration process is still done by recording documents, in recording documents causing the customer service takes longer if one day is needed. In making the registration data report member marketing will be difficult in managing store data so that in recording member transaction data there will be many errors. The method of applying the system used in this study is the method of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Unified Modeling Language (UML), and using a web-based programming language, PHP. This CRM service system makes it easy for customers to register members, provide input in the form of criticism and suggestions, and can provide convenience for Sumber Mulyo Shop owners for web-based data processing. In this study using this system needs analysis through a SWOT analysis.

Indri Andriyani ◽  
Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja ◽  
Sudin Saepudin

Perpustakaan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran bagi para siswa dalam mencari sumber referensi belajar dan berperan penting dalam menunjang proses pendidikan. Pada SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi perpustakan adalah salah satu sarana bagi siswa untuk mencari referensi pelajaran. Namun pada sistem yang sedang berjalan saat ini, perpustakaan masih menggunakan sistem manual yaitu dengan pencatatan pembukuan, kelola anggota, dan notifikasi peminjaman. Proses manual tersebut dinilai kurang efisien dan memakan banyak waktu, serta dokumen yang dapat rusak atau hilang disebabkan kejadian tertentu. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola manajemen perpustakaan dengan lebih efektif dan efisien dengan menggunakan smart library berbasis web. Model prototipe adalah salah satu Model System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang dapat membantu proses pembangunan Smart Library berbasis web. Sehingga dapat membantu manajemen perpustakaan lebih terstruktur dan dengan proses yang cepat, efektif, dan efisien. Hasil dari kuisioner pengujian beta rata-rata menunjukan 80% menjawab setuju pada aplikasi smart library yang dibuat. Library as one of the learning media for students in finding sources of learning references and plays an important role in supporting the educational process. At SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi library is one of the means for students to find reference lessons. But in the current system, the library still uses a manual system, namely by recording books, managing members, and borrowing notifications. The manual process is considered inefficient and time-consuming, as well as documents that can be damaged or lost due to certain events. Therefore we need an information system that can manage library management more effectively and efficiently by using web-based Smart Library. Prototype Model is one of the System Development Live Cycle Model (SDLC) that can help the process of building a web-based Smart Library. So that it can help library management be more structured and with a fast, effective, and efficient process. The results of the beta test questionnaire on average showed 80% answered agreed on the smart library application made.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-35
Lukmanul Hakim

A problem that existed in the government of Pecalongan village, Bondowoso regency, namely service to Pecalongan village people who still adhered to conventional system. This makes the service in the village office less than the maximum, and also requires a relatively long time in terms of doing the service. In addition, in terms of data storage is still using paper that prone to damaged and lost. And also in terms of data search that can take a relatively long time. It is considered less effective and efficient if run in the modern era as it is today. The objective of the research is to design and build a Service Information System at village level to improve service quality for village officials and use of services for villagers. The benefit derived from this research is that this system can facilitate village officials in collecting data of villagers and facilitate the service of residents or citizens in the application of letters. This village service information system is based on website that can be used online, so the Village community can enjoy the Village service more quickly and easily because the service system can access from anywhere. It is expected that with this village information service system, it can improve the quality of service process to the community in Pecalongan village, Sukosari sub-district, Bondowoso regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-219
Ahmad Aris

Registration of Umrah in Jember Alkhairat Group is a regular activity performed almost every month, In implementation Alkhairat ' Umrah during the registration of the Group do not restrict Jember pilgrims to Mecca to perform the applicants, so that the required applications that handle the entire registration process bias ' in order to make it easy for prospective pilgrims to Mecca and it sysop Alkhairat Group registration in the service is doing. This study has formulated the problem how to build information systems services is doing in the web-based Alkhairat Group. Umrah service information system is being developed in the scope of the registration cost of doing ' Umrah and installments only, such as the registration procedures ' in the Alkhairat Group. Research conducted at the information system using the method prototype by using iterative System Development Life in models (SDLC) Cule. Research conducted can be concluded that the information system Services AlKhairat web-based Group can be a tool to assist and facilitate the service of process is doing. Facilities provided in this information system are charging from ' registration ' fee installment, option packages, and reports data umrah applicants with various details.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Eka Permana ◽  
Depi Yuniar

Tira Laundry which is located on the street Walahar / Tegal Kelapa Subang is one where the laundry business provides kilogram washing services including washing and dry services, irons, washing clothes, washing pants, washing bed covers, and washing blankets. Based on existing problems, the Tira Laundry service data still uses manually from recording customer data to reports, data collection clothing that has not been taken by customers is still using ledgers, and consumer registration is still done by handwritten in a laundry activity book, so as to searching for customer data and other report data is experiencing difficulties and requires a long process. From this problem, a laundry service information system is created which contains customer data on the laundry tyra that occurs on a daily basis. In conducting this research using the methodology of collecting customer data and compiling conducting interviews about all activities related to customer service business data on tyra laundry having its address at Jalan Walahar / Tegal Kelapa Subang. The result to be achieved is to be able to create a web-based laundry service information system on tyra laundry, so as to increase the effectiveness of the efficiency of the tyra laundry business performance and facilitate the service of laundry data so that it can run quickly and easily.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93 ◽  
Ali Mustopa

IT Helpdesk is a service unit that is responsible to help in overcoming the problems related to the usage of ICT facilities at Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta. IT Helpdesk provides some form of services that can be utilized by academic community at Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta in usage of ICT services. This unit services include installation, troubleshooting software, service and computer maintenance. This research discusses about how information system development for user, consumer and manajamen IT Helpdesk. IT Helpdesk of Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta currently has an information system that includes the management of user registration and financial data. However, there is no information systems that provides detailed information from the consumer, which can be utilized by consumers IT Helpdesk itself in tracking the services status. Additionally, the current system has not been able to support management requirements in monitoring and evaluating the performance of technicians. The results of the research is a system that can provide information with a fast and accurate to the consumer and management of IT Helpdesk.

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