scholarly journals Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Melalui Lesson Study Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

Kappa Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-239
Norma Yunita ◽  
Laxmi Zahara ◽  
Khaerus Syahidi ◽  

This study aimed at detemining the effect of Problem Based Learning Model on the ability of students’ critical thinking through lesson on the topic of effort and energy. The method of research was an experimental research by using post-test-one control group design. Experimental class was treated by problem based learning, while the control class was taught by conventional learning through lesson study. Population of this research was the high school at Al Hamzar, Tembeng Putik of the X grade which consisted of two classes. Those were X Mathematics and natural science 1 and X Mathematics and Natural Science 2 with the total number or students was 58. The sampling thechnique applied was saturated sampling technique. Then, the instrument used in the present research was essay test which contained 6 items. The test arrangement followed the indicators of critical thinking with a variety of possible answers. Having implemented both in the experimental and in the control class, there were improvements in learning process in tems of managing the time, the students and doing aperception. Testing hyphoteshis result by uisng t-test showed t-test = 1. 25 and t-table in signifance level was 5% was 0. 07, so t-test> t-table which meant the alternative hyphothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hyphothesis (Ho) was rejected , it could be concluded that problem based learning thorugh lesson study was significantly effective in students’ critical ability on the topic of effort and energy for the tenth garade students at Al Hamzar high school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-176
Ninin Dwi Novita ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hadi ◽  

This study aims to find the effectiveness of the application of the Problem Based Learning model in PAI learning at the top level to generate curiosity and enthusiasm for learning in the PAI learning process. The problem in this study is the awareness of students about the importance of learning PAI which is very lacking. The purpose of this study was to determine whether PAI learning using a problem based learning model with mind map methods and cooperative learning was more effective when compared to PAI learning which only used other conventional methods. The sample of this study was 89 students consisting of class XI MIA 1, XI MIA 5, MIA 7 and IS 3 which were taken randomly. With simple random sampling technique. Data collection is done using (1) Questionnaire method, which is a method for collecting data using statements, (2) Documentation Method, which is looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books and so on. This study aims to (1) find out the application of the Problem Based Learning model for high school class XI on Islamic Education subjects, (2) find out the effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning model in increasing the learning motivation of high school class XI students in Islamic Education subjects, and ( 3) knowing the inhibiting factors and solutions in applying the Problem Based Learning model.This study uses a quantitative approach. The method used is field research with the design of the pretest and posttest control group design. With the results of the pretest and posttest questionnaire we used the t-test calculation by comparing the results of the t test with t table.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Sri Rahayu Setiyorini ◽  
Azalina Nurul Fajariah

Low mathematical representation skill causes the inability of vocational students solving problems creatively as demanded by industries. Researches showed that blended problem-based learning (BL-PBL) combining online and offline learning to train students to independently solve problems was proven to increase mathematical skills in education levels other than vocational school. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate BL-PBL effect to mathematical representation skill escalation in vocational high school. Quantitative study with pre-test and post-test control group design was performed to two randomly-chosen classes over vocational schools in Kabupaten Bandung Barat, West Java, Indonesia. Samples were divided into two groups: experimental (BL-PBL method) and control (lecture method). Initial skill was determined by pre-test while learning outcome was determined using post-test. Data was analysed by t-test and two-way ANOVA with 0.05 significance level using IBM SPSS. Result showed the initial skill of two groups was similar. After treatment, N-gain data uncovered a significant increase of representative skill in experimental group. While, two-way ANOVA test showed no interaction between learning model used and student grouping based on initial skill to representation skill. Finally, BL-PBL was proven to increase mathematical representation skill in vocational students and, hence, is suggested to be implemented in vocational high school

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 440
Agustinus Hale Manek ◽  
Dwiyono Hari Utomo ◽  
Budi Handoyo

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Spasial Based Learning Model has provided an alternative to Geography learning. SBL model can teach and improve critical thinking skill. This research was aimed to increase the ability to think critically through SBL model. The study design used a quasi-experiment with the design of pretest-posttest, nonequivalent control group design. The participants are students of Senior High School XI S.1 and XI S.2 of SMA Negri 1 Atambua. The results of the independent sample t-test supported by SPSS 16.00 for windows show that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 smaller than 0.05. Based on the results of the analysis it was concluded that there was a significant effect of the SBL model on students' critical thinking abilities. It means that an increase in critical thinking skill is a consequence of learning through the SBL model.</p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Model <em>Spasial Based Learning </em>telah memberikan alternatif pada pembelajaran geografi. Model SBL dapat membelajarkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir secara kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model SBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan <em>quasi experiment </em>dengan desain <em>pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group desing. </em>Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI S.1 dan XI S.2 SMA Negeri 1 Atambua. Hasil uji independent sample<em> t-test </em>dengan bantua <em>SPSS 16.00 for windows</em> menunjukan bahwa nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan model SBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Hal ini berarti peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan konsekuensi pembelajaran melalui model SBL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Zainatul Hasanah ◽  
Andi Ulfa Tenri Pada* ◽  
Safrida Safrida ◽  
Wiwit Artika ◽  
Mudatsir Mudatsir

The learning process only focuses on the material by memorizing concepts, students do not use LKPD to do practical work optimally, so the biology learning process in schools does not encourage students to practice critical thinking skills. This study aims to improve students' critical thinking skills by using the PBL learning model combined with STEM-based worksheets on environmental pollution conceptin class 10th SMA Negeri Bireuen district. The approach used is experimental design, the method used is quasi-experimental, with a pretest-posttest design non-equivalent control group design. Population in class 10th IPA SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Peusangan designed 252 people. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The research sample was 140 students. The number of samples in the experimental class was 71 people and 69 people in the control class. The instrument used was a reasoned multiple choice question accompanied by a rubric. The data analysis used was n-gain and independent t-test. The results showed that the critical thinking skills obtained was 0.93, with an increase in class critical thinking skills including the high category. The results of the independent sample t-test obtained Sig. (0,000) α (0.05) then Ha is accepted, so it is suggested that there are differences in the critical thinking skills of students between the experimental class and the control class on environmental pollution material in class X SMAN Bireuen. The implementation of PBL learning model combined with STEM-based LKPD can improve students' critical thinking skills on environmental pollution material in class 10th SMA Negeri Bireuen Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-50
Neneng Indah ◽  
Rini Rita T Marpaung ◽  
Darlen Sikumbang ◽  

This research aims to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning using puzzle media on students' critical thinking. The study population was all grade VII students at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar Lampung totaling 192 people. The research sample was students from 2 classes, namely class VII D and VII F who were selected from the population by using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used a pretest-posttest sheet. The design used is the nonequivalent control group design. The data analysis used t-test with a significance of 5%. The results showed a sig significance value. (2-tailed) 0.13 <0.05, which means that the n-Gain mean of critical thinking learning outcomes of students between the experimental class and the control class is significantly different. Thus, it is known that the problem-based learning model using puzzle media can affect the critical thinking skills of students.

Maria Dewati ◽  
Yoga Budi Bhakti ◽  
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti

<p class="AbstractEnglish"><strong>Abstract: </strong>STEM-based learning can help students to use technology and compile an experiment that can prove a postulate or concept. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Smartphone Microscopes as STEM-based physics learning media to improve understanding of optical concepts. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with a Post-Test Only Control Group Design research design, which involved 84 Physic Education students as research samples. Determination of the sample using a cluster Random sampling technique. The research instrument used was an observation sheet and an optical concept understanding test sheet. The data analysis technique used is .the Paired Sample T-test. The results showed that 1) smartphone microscope is one of the most effective learning media in STEM learning, and 2) The understanding of student intelligence concepts increases through STEM learning.</p><p class="AbstrakIndonesia"><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Pembelajaran berbasis STEM dapat membantu peserta didik untuk menggunakan teknologi dan merangkai sebuah percobaan yang dapat membuktikan sebuah hukum atau konsep sains. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan <em>Microscope Smartphone</em> sebagai media pembelajaran Fisika dalam implementasi pembelajaran berbasis STEM untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep optik.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian <em>The Pretest </em><em>Post</em><em>t</em><em>est Only Control Group Design</em>, yang melibatkan 84 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika sebagai sampel penelitian. Penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik <em>cluster </em><em>rundom </em><em>sampling</em>. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan lembar tes pemahaman konsep optik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan <em>Paired Sample T-test</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) <em>microscope smartphone</em> merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang cukup efektif dalam pembelajaran STEM, dan 2) Pemahaman konsep optik mahasiswa meningkatkan melalui pembelajaran STEM</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Elistiana Safitri ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
Ahmad Harjono

The aim of this research is to know the effect of using Predict Observe Explain (POE) method toward students’ achievement in Physics. This is an experimental research by using experimental group and control group. The research design was Post-test Only Control Group Design. The population of this research was the students of class VII SMPN 1 Lembar academic year 2015/2016. The sampling technique was Cluster Random Sampling in which class VII 2 as the control group and class VII 3 as the experimental group. Both of the groups were given a pre-test before the treatment to know the homogeneity of the groups. The instrument used is an objective test in form of multiple choices. The finding showed that the mean of the posttest in experimental group was 70 and the control group was 60.67, in which both of them were distributed normal and homogeneous. The post-test result was analyzed by using t-test (t-test polled variants) in which the value of the was 2.473 and the  was 2.015 with dk=46 and the significant level was 5%. It showed that the was accepted and was rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that Predict Observe Explain (POE) Method gave significant effect to the students’ achievement in Physics at Class VII SMPN 1 Lembar Academic year 2015/2016.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Suhirman Suhirman ◽  
Husnul Khotimah

This study aimed to describe the effect of problem-based learning on students' critical thinking skills and scientific literacy. This research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-test-post test control group design. Sampling was done by saturated sampling technique in which the experimental class consisted of 35 students and the control class was 34 students. Data on critical thinking skills and student scientific literacy were collected using test instruments which were then analyzed descriptively and statistically. The results showed that the Problem-based Learning model had more effect on students’ critical thinking and scientific literacy (p <0.05) than conventional learning models applied to the control class. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Problem-based Learning model significantly effect on students’ critical thinking and science literacy in class XI MAN 1 Mataram.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 402-411
Wisnu Darmawan ◽  
Nyoto Harjono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray dan Problem Based Learning terhadap pencapaian hasil belajar Tema 8 Kelas 4 SD Negeri Blotongan 02 dan SD Negeri Sidorejo Lor 05 Gugus Diponegoro, kecamatan Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimental semu yang menggunakan pendekatan non-equivalent control group design. Dalam menganalisis data dilaksanakan uji beda melalui Independent Sampel T-Test. Hasil uji beda menunjukkan nilai signifikansi (2-tailed) post-test hasil belajar peserta didik sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,005 (0,000<0,005) sehingga disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan efektivitas yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray dan Problem Based Learning terhadap pencapain hasil belajar peserta didik pada Tema 8 Kelas 4 SD. Nilai rata-rata post-test hasil belajar kelas eksperimen  lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray lebih efektif dibandingkan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning.

Ujiati Cahyaningsih ◽  
Anik Ghufron

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model Problem-Based Learning terhadap karakter kreatif dan berpikir kritis siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain Pre-test-Post-test Control Group Design. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelompok eksperimen dan satu kelompok kontrol. Populasi penelitian ini adalah lima SD Unggulan di Purwokerto dan sampelnya adalah kelas IV di tiga SDN unggulan: kelas IV di SDN 1 Sokanegara, SDN 2 Sokanegara, dan SDN 1 Kranji. Data dianalisis menggunakan one sample t-test, uji Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) dengan rumus T Hotelling, dan dilanjutkan secara univariat dengan uji independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pada penggunaan model Problem-Based Learning terhadap karakter kreatif dan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata Kunci: model problem-based learning, kreativitas, dan berpikir kritis 2

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