Anisa Laela Ramadhina ◽  
Citra Septiana ◽  
Melinda Pebrianti ◽  
Wahidin Wahidin

This study aims to study the relationship between mathematics and culture in Indonesia, one of which is the traditional game of Nasi Goreng Kecap and Mejikuhibiniu. This research is considered important because it teaches students to see real-world activities clearly by being integrated into mathematical ideas. This research uses an ethnographic approach and a library study (literature study) which is a type of qualitative research. The result of this research is that the traditional game Nasi Goreng Kecap and Mejikuhibiniu contains the concept of number patterns, which can be developed in a learning design for number pattern material so that it can change the student's paradigm that mathematics is still considered abstract science to be more fun mathematics

Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210
Erfan Yudianto ◽  
Susanto Susanto ◽  
Sinta Priciliya ◽  

Ethnomathematics is the relationship between culture and mathematics found in society's habits, where people have unconsciously applied mathematical concepts in their culture or habits. The custom referred to in this study is what is done by batik in making one batik sheet every time. The purpose of this study was to describe ethnomathematics on cassava leaves in the production house Daweea Batik Bondowoso East Java. This research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The subject of this study was the craftsmen in the Daweea Bondowoso Batik production house. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The observation was carried out by the researcher himself and assisted by two observers who were provided with observation guidelines. Interviews were conducted to artisans in Daweea Bondowoso batik production house, while the documentation was carried out by the researcher himself using a camera recorder. The results of this study indicate the existence of ethnomathematics in cassava leaves batik painting. Geometry concepts or elements found include points, lines, angles, flat shapes (rectangles, squares), congruence, concordance, equations, and geometric transformations (dilation).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Dewi Rosikhoh ◽  
Abdussakir Abdussakir

The development of games in the technological acceleration era nowadays endangers the extinction of traditional games. Therefore, the integration of Learning with Cultural Local Wisdom was needed to keep those cultures. The purpose of this research was to create an integrated learning design using number patterns material through the traditional game of Nasi Goreng Kecap. This research is a qualitative research with a design research approach and development studies type. The results showed that Nasi Goreng Kecap's traditional game had five steps in the process of the game. The second stage of this game contains the concept of number patterns. That's why, through this Nasi Goreng Kecap traditional game, it was able to be designed a process of learning that integrates mathematics with local wisdom culture. In those designed for integrative learning, students were arranged to be several groups with a maximum of each group was six students. Each group was played those games until the second stage only. Group worksheets had been provided by the teacher to direct the students in making patterns generalization from the second step of the Nasi Goreng Kecap traditional game.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Diesty Hayuhantika ◽  
Dwi Shinta Rahayu

Mathematical learning is abstract. A learning innovation is needed by considering aspects of daily life so abstract mathematical concepts can be understood by students. Mathematics and culture are two interrelated things, the bridge between the two is called ethnomatematics. The focus of the research is on the 6 main elements of Reyog Tulungagung. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic approach. The results of research in the form of mathematical ideas which are found based on the physical form of Reyog Tulungagung art elements, including: (1) mathematical ideas in gong, namely circles, arcing curved spaces, volumes of rotating objects, and symmetry; (2) mathematical ideas on the selompret, namely construct curved side spaces, rotating objects volume, and symmetry; (3) mathematical ideas on kenong namely circles, build curved side spaces, and rotary object volumes; (4) mathematical ideas on iker namely lines, circumference of circles, and symmetry; (5) mathematical ideas on dhodhog, that are circles, arcing curves, volume of rotating objects, triangles, and one-to-one correspondence; (6) mathematical ideas on goseng namely counting and arithmetic (addition and multiplication). In addition there is also a mathematical idea of ​​how to play musical instruments, namely repetitive patterns.

Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang ◽  
Zainun Zainun ◽  
Imam El Islamy

This study aims to see how subliminal dysfunction occurs in social media in an Islamic context. The research technique used is literature study, looking at various sources regarding subliminals and relating them to conditions in social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, which is a research process to understand human or social problems by creating a comprehensive and complex picture presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained from information sources, and carried out in a different setting natural. While the approach used is phenomenology, which is to describe the reality that is happening without explaining the relationship between variables. The research results obtained are that Islam teaches its people to have ethics in carrying out all activities, including communication on social media. In the concept of Subliminal Message from hidden messages invites the public to never trust the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message. The conclusion in this research is that the Subliminal Message concept invites the public to never believe the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message.

Bakhrul Ulum

ABSTRACTThis research aims to explore and describe the ethnomathematics on Pasuruan society from the concept of geometry for elementary school on the Pasedahan Suropati batik motive, the philosophical meaning of it, and the alternative usage in teaching geometry in primary school. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic approach, in wich the technique of collecting a literature study, observation, interviews, fields note, and documentation. Based on the data collecting, there are 6 kinds of Pasedahan Suropati batik in Pasuruan, they are Suruh Leaves motive, Podang Bird motive, Harmoni Built motive, Tembikar motive, Phoniex Bird motive, and Mangrove motive. The meaning of Pasedahan Suropati batik philosophically is Untung Suropati is very wise person, so people who wear this Pasedahan Suropati batik is expected has a wise attitude Untung Suropati. The concept of geometry of elementary school on Pasedahan Suropati batik motive is the concept of point, straight lines, curved lines, zig-zag lines, high lines, parallel lines, angels, triangle, rectangle, oval, and fold symmetry. Thus, the geometry concept of Pasedahan Suropati batik motive in elementary school, can be used in learning geometry such as the introduction of line, the introduction of the angle, and the introduction of shape.  Keywords: Ethnomathematics, geometry, Pasedahan Suropati batik. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali dan mendeskripsikan etnomatematika yang ada pada masyarakat Kota Pasuruan yang dilihat dari konsep geometri untuk sekolah dasar yang terdapat pada motif batik Pasedahan Suropati, makna filosofis yang terkandung di dalamnya, serta alternatif penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran geometri di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, yang mana teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara studi kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data penelitian diperoleh 6 jenis motif batik Pasedahan Suropati yang ada di Kota Pasuruan, yaitu motif Daun Suruh, motf Burung Podang, motif Gedung Harmoni, motif Tembikar, motif Burung Phoenix, dan motif Mangrove. Secara filosofis batik Pasedahan Suropati memiliki makna bahwa Untung Suropati adalah orang yang sangat bijaksana, jadinya orang yang memakai batik Pasedahan Suropati diharapkan memiliki sifat bijaksana laksana Untung Suropati. Konsep geometri untuk sekolah dasar yang ada pada motif batik Pasedahan Suropati adalah konsep titik, garis lurus, garis lengkung, garis zig-zag, garis tinggi, garis sejajar, sudut, segitiga, persegipanjang, oval, dan simetri lipat. Dengan demiian, motif batik Pasedahan Suropati yang memiliki konsep geometri untuk sekolah dasar, tentunya dapat digunakan dalam pembelejaran geometri seperti pada pengenalan garis, pengenalan sudut, dan pengenalan bangun datar sederhana. Kata Kunci: Etnomatematika, geometri, batik Pasedahan Suropati.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Mohammad Hilman Sahrizal ◽  
Yanti Hidayati ◽  
Aulia Arifbillah Anwar

This study discusses the relationship between the meaning of kanji 金 (kin), 貨 (ka), 銭 (sen) in the kanji jukugo which has the meaning of money in Indonesian. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The researcher uses this method because basically this research is a qualitative research. In addition, this method is also considered appropriate enough to approach the problem to be studied. The technique that will be carried out in collecting data in this research is conducting a literature study. The data analysis technique used is describing each kanji vocabulary contained kanji 金 (kin), 貨 (ka), 銭 (sen) then analyzing how the relationship between the meaning of kanji’s foms, then analysing into a table that illustrates the meaning of each starch based on the form original from the vocabulary of the kanji contained kanji 金 (kin), 貨 (ka), 銭 (sen) which shows the meaning of money. This study has including that each kanji can show the function and structure of the meaning of the money shown, and from the translation of the kanji based on the meaning of the author's relationship can know the meaning of words based on the pattern and meaning of the kanji Jukugo’s forms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Darwis Abroriy

Abstrak Etnomatematika merupakan salah satu wujud pengintegrasian karakter dan literasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. Melaui pendekatan etnomatematika, pembelajaran matematika di sekolah menggunakan media berupa budaya yang ada disekitar lingkungan siswa. Praktik budaya dalam masyarakat memungkinkan tertanamnya konsep, ide dan aktifitas matematika seperti menghitung/ membilang, mengukur, mengelompokkan, merancang bangun, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini merupakan penilitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi, yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi dan analisis mendalam tentang konsep-konsep matematika dalam budaya Madura melalui penelitian lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat dipahami bahwa dalam budaya Madura terdapat berbagai hal yang mengandung ide/ konsep matematika. Selain itu dalam budaya yang ada di Madura juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan etnomatematika dengan konsep-konsep matematika.   Abstract Ethnomatematics is one form of integrating character and literacy in mathematics learning. Through ethnomatematics approach, mathematics learning in schools uses media in the form of culture that is around the student environment. Cultural practices in society enable the embedded concepts, ideas and mathematical activities such as counting / counting, measuring, grouping, building design, and so forth. This research is a qualitative study using an ethnographic approach, which aims to obtain in-depth descriptions and analysis of mathematical concepts in Madurese culture through field research. Based on the research results, it can be understood that in Madurese culture there are various things that contain mathematical ideas / concepts. In addition, the existing culture in Madura also shows the relationship between ethno-mathematics and mathematical concepts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 219
Dita Marthisilya ◽  
Fuji Astuti

The study aims to identify and describe the implementation of learning Culture and Arts (dance) by using WhatsApp at SMP N 11 of South Solok.This is a qualitative research by using descriptive method. The research instrument was the researcher itself and was supported by additional instruments such as a laptop, a camera, and writing instruments. Types of data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The data were collected through literature study, observation, and documentation. The steps of analyzing the data were reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions.The results show that the implementation of online Culture and Arts (dance) learning in terms of material levels and dance patterns in class VII 1 of SMP N 11 South Solok by using WhatsApp runs very well although it is not maximized. This is due to the fact that the Basic Competence 4 could not be implemented. Judging from the planning, the learning design carried out by teachers remains the same but the steps for implementation are different because the learning system uses WhatsApp application. Teachers are more flexible in using media for learning. Teachers used to only use textbook media, now the media used are more interesting with the use of power points and videos from YouTube sent to WhatsApp group.  In terms of assessment, it is conducted by looking at the assignments submitted by students and quiz scores. In term of implementing learning materials of knowledge, basic competence 3 is carried out very well. It is seen from the results of the assignments submitted by the students. There are no students whose grades were below the cut score. Even though in the submission of the assignments students are often not on time because of the internet’s load problem, the results of the submitted assignments are good enough and can even be more than the materials provided by the teacher. This proves that the students can look for additional materials other than what the teachers provide.Keywords: Implementation, Learning, Culture and Arts (Dance), WhatsApp

1992 ◽  
Vol 85 (7) ◽  
pp. 532-535
Bonnie H. Litwiller ◽  
David R. Duncan

One major theme of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematic's Curriculum and Evaluation Standards far School Mathematics (1989) is the connection between mathematical ideas and their applications to real-world situations. We shall use concepts from discrete mathematics in describing the relationship between sports series and Pascal's triangle.

Resdianto Permata Raharjo ◽  
Ahmad Sudali

This journal explains the results of cohesion and coherence analysis in the current new news discourse in Indonesia published by Republika, Thursday 16 May 2019. The research uses descriptive methods by describing and explaining the results of the analysis found in the study. This research is a type of qualitative research because the results tend to be released and descriptive. the technique used in this study is to take data, data collection is done in two ways, namely listening and taking notes. This study found the results of the use of cohesion and and the use of coherence. Cohesion is the integration between the parts that are characterized by the use of language elements. Cohesion is divided into two parts, lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion includes conjunction, reference, release, substitution. Lexical cohesion includes antonyms, synonyms, repetitions, metonymy, and hypomini. Whereas, cohorence is the relationship between elements one with the other elements so that it has an integrated meaning.  

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