2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Agung Kurniawan ◽  
Sigit Winarto ◽  
Yosef Cahyo

The design improvement of the road, and cost estimate of the south path project, segment Giriwoyo-Duwet Sta.10+000 – Sta.15+00 aims to calculate the geometric, widening, thickness of the rigid pavement, thickness of the flexible pavement overlay, and cost estimates of the improvement road project. 2017 Traffic data and California Bearing Ratio data to calculate the thickness of the rigid pavement. The method used to design the geometric is “Tata Cara Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan Antar Kota Bina Marga 1997”. The thickness of the rigid paving is calculated by means of a 20-year design plan; life uses “AASHTO 1993”. The thickness of flexible pavement overlay with 20 years design life uses “Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Raya Dengan Metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987” and “Panduan Analisa Harga Satuan Bina Marga 1995” to calculate the cost estimation. From the calculation of the road known that thickness of rigid pavement for improvement is 15 cm with 10 cm lean mix concrete for subbase, and 5 cm with 2 meters roadside, flexible pavement for the surface. And the calculation of the flexible pavement overlay results is 6 cm. From the calculation, the cost estimation of the improvement road is IDR. 5,015,899,000Perencanaan Peningkatan Jalan Serta Rencana Anggaran Biaya Proyek Jalan Jalur Lintas Selatan Pada Ruas Giriwoyo – Duwet STA. 10+000 – STA. 15+00 bertujuan untuk menghitung pelebaran jalan, tebal perkerasan kaku jalan, tebal lapis tambahan (overlay) perkerasan lentur dan rencana anggaran biaya (RAB) proyek. Data lalu lintas tahun 2017 dan data California Bearing Ratio (CBR) untuk merencanakan tebal perkerasan kaku jalan. Metode yang digunakan untuk perhitungan tebal perkerasan kaku dengan umur rencana 20 tahun menggunakan panduan “AASHTO 1993”. Untuk perhitungan lapis tambahan perkerasan lentur dengan umur rencana 20 tahun menggunakan panduan “Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Raya Dengan Metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987” dan untuk rencana anggaran biaya menggunakan “Panduan Analisa Harga Satuan Bina Marga 1995”. Dari analisa perhitungan tebal perkerasan komposit untuk pelebaran jalan didapatkan  tebal pelat beton 15 cm, lapis pondasi bawah dengan campuran beton kurus (lean mix-concrete) setebal 10 cm dan lapis permukaan dari perkerasan lentur 5 cm dengan bahu jalan sepanjang 2 meter pada setiap sisi jalan. Untuk lapis tambahan (overlay) perkerasan lentur didapatkan penambahan setebal 6 cm. Untuk perencanaan peningkatan jalan seperti terdapat pada uraian diperlukan biaya sebesar Rp 5.015.899.000,-

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 322
Fandra Andriansyah P ◽  
Sigit Winarto ◽  
Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo ◽  
Agata Iwan Candra

The final project is Analysis of Flexible Pavement Thickness in the Plan for Improvement of Legundi Road Section - Bunder KM.5 + 700 to 13 + 700 STA. 0 + 000 to 4 + 000which comprised the road geometrics, flexible pavement depth completed with the budgeting. A topographic map was employed to make a geometric design. Traffic data of 2018, rainfall data of 2018, and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) data were needed to design the flexible pavement depth. The basic itemized cost of wages, materials, tools, and work itemized cost from General Work BinaMarga of East Java Province Division IV (Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Jombang) were needed to find out the budget. Chosen alternative flexible pavement depth of 10 cm asphalt-concrete MS 744 surface, 20 cm Cement Tread Base (CTB) base, and 50 cm sand-aggregate class A (CBR 70) sub-base.The calculations result in PI 01 Full-Circle bend and PI 02 Full-Circle; at IDR 14.745.341.000.Laporan Akhir ini adalah Analisa Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Pada Rencana Peningkatan Jalan Ruas Legundi – Pertigaan Bunder KM.5+700 s/d 13+700 STA. 0+000 s/d 4+000 yang bertujuan untuk menghitung tebal perkerasan lentur jalan, menghitung geometric jalan dan rencana anggaran biaya proyek. Peta topografi sebagai dasar untuk merencanakan geometric jalan. Data lalu lintas tahun 2018, data curah hujan tahun 2018, data California Bearing Ratio (CBR) untuk merencanakan tebal perkerasan lenturjalan. Data Harga Satuan Dasar upah, bahan, dan alat serta Harga Satuan Pekerjaan dari Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga Jatim kelompok IV (Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Jombang) digunakan untuk perhitungan Rencana Anggaran Biaya. Berdasarkan perhitungan didapatkan tebal perkerasan lentur alternative terpilih untuk surface 10cm laston MS 744, base 20 cm Cement Tread Base (CTB) ,serta sub base 50 cm Sirtukelas A (CBR 70). Bentuktikungan PI 01 Full-Circle, dan PI 02 Full-Circle. Biaya yang diperlukanadalahsebesarRp 14.745.341.000,-.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Mishbahul Aziz ◽  
Sigit Winarto ◽  
Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo ◽  
Agata Iwan Candra

There was a build-up of lumps of sand on the road, precisely Tambelang-Durjan. This build-up of sand chunks occurs because many of the piled sand hauling trucks that pass on the road is obstructed because the road section has been damaged (potholes) and is unfit for passage, resulting in obstruction of traffic flow. In addition, the width of the section is not in accordance with the technical requirements of the 2011 Government Regulation. Therefore, it requires a flexible pavement re-planning and a Cost Budget Plan for land transportation lines, so that motorist access is comfortable. Planning flexible pavement using Laston with a planning age of 10 years obtained flexible pavement thickness, namely 4 cm thick AC-WC, 6 cm thick AC-BC, and 40 cm of Upper Foundation Layers (LPA) with the estimated size of the Budget Plan The cost of the flexible pavement construction of Tambelang- Durjan of Sampang Regency with a length of 1,145 km in the amount of Rp 5,744,585,463.00Terjadi penumbukan bongkahan pasir urug tepatnya di ruas jalan Tambelangan-Durjan. Penumpukan bongkahan pasir ini terjadi karena banyak truk pengangkut bongkahan pasir urug tersebut yang melintas pada jalan itu terhambat karena ruas jalan mengalami kerusakan (berlubang) dan tidak layak dilalui, sehingga  yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya arus lalu lintas. Selain itu lebar ruas tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis Peraturan Pemerintah tahun 2011. Oleh karena itu, memerlukan perencanaan ulang perkerasan lentur dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya untuk jalur transportasi darat supaya akses pengendara nyaman. Perencanaan perkerasan lentur menggunakan Laston dengan umur rencana 10 tahun didapatkan tebal perkerasan lentur yaitu AC-WC setebal 4 cm, AC-BC setebal 6 cm dan Lapis Pondasi Atas (LPA) setebal 40 cm dengan besar perkiraan Rencana Anggaran Biaya pembangunan perkerasan lentur ruas Tambelangan-Durjan Kabupaten Sampang sepanjang 1,145 km sebesar Rp 5.744.585.463,00.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1077
Leonardo Lijuwardi ◽  
Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa

ABSTRACTMulti-layer systems theory is one of the concepts used in finding out the amount of strain and stress that occurs in the road pavement system due to vehicle loads. The purpose and goal of this study is to analyze the amount of strain that occurs on the pavement systems in Indonesia, especially in the subgrade position. The type of multi-layer system theory used to calculate the amount of strain includes the theory of one layer systems, two-layer systems and three-layer systems with data analyzed in the form of pavement thickness and type of pavement material.Based on this study, the value of strain obtained by the theory of one-layer system in some of the road data reviewed are 533.8658 microstrains, 361.3456 microstrains, 1577.987601 microstrains, 618,012 microstrains and 140.3075 microstrains. For research with two-layers systems, the results obtained are 1116.2920 microstrains, 544.322 microstrains, 1448.0839 microstrains, 734.1844 microstrains and 738.7226 microstrains. For research with three-layers system, results obtained are 72.20275278; 70.80346908; 192.9638366; 123.1150377dan 391.8845636 microstrains. The results with the calculation of one-layer system are very large because the modulus values of the subgrade layers are not reviewed and only pavement thickness is reviewed. As for calculations with the theory of two-layer systems, the results obtained are far greater than one-layer systems, due to the limitations of the graph to find the value of the ratio between thickness and large contact area. Calculation with the theory of three-layers system is a strain calculation which has a much smaller value compared to the theory of one-layer system and two- layer system. This is because this theory divides the calculated pavement layers into three layers, which is in accordance with the flexible pavement system which divides the pavement layers into three layers, so this calculation is the most ideal calculation because it approaches its original condition.ABSTRAKTeori sistem lapis banyak merupakan salah satu konsep yang digunakan dalam mencari tahu besaran regangan dan tegangan yang terjadi pada sistem perkerasan jalan raya akibat beban kendaraan. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis mengenai besaran regangan yang terjadi pada jalan raya di Indonesia pada lapisan tanah dasar khususnya di posisi permukaan tanah dasar. Adapun jenis teori sistem lapis banyak yang digunakan untuk menghitung besaran regangan tersebut antara lain teori one-layer systems, two-layers systems dan three-layers systems dengan data yang dianalisis berupa tebal perkerasan dan jenis material perkerasan jalan.Berdasarkan penelitian ini, adapun nilai dari regangan yang diperoleh dengan teori one-layer system di beberapa data jalan yang ditinjau, antara lain 533.8658 mikrostrain, 361.3456 mikrostrain, 1577.987601 mikrostrain, 618.012 mikrostrain dan 140.3075 mikrostrain. Untuk penelitian dengan two-layers system diperoleh hasil yaitu 1116.2920 mikrostrain, 544.322 mikrostrain, 1448.0839 mikrostrain, 734.1844 mikrostrain dan 738.7226 mikrostrain. Untuk penelitian dengan three-layers system diperoleh hasil antara lain 72.20275278; 70.80346908; 192.9638366; 123.1150377 dan 391.8845636 mikrostrain. Hasil dengan perhitungan one-layer system sangat besar dikarenakan nilai modulus lapisan dari subgrade tidak ditinjau dan hanya meninjau tebal perkerasan. Adapun untuk perhitungan dengan teori two-layers system, hasil yang diperoleh jauh lebih besar daripada one-layer system, yang disebabkan keterbatasan dari grafik untuk mencari nilai perbandingan antara ketebalan dan luas kontak yang besar. Perhitungan dengan teori three-layers system merupakan perhitungan regangan yang memiliki nilai jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan teori one-layer system dan two-layer systems. Hal ini dikarenakan teori ini membagi lapisan perkerasan yang dihitung menjadi tiga buah lapisan, yang sesuai dengan sistem perkerasan lentur yang membagi lapisan perkerasan menjadi tiga buah lapisan, sehingga perhitungan ini merupakan perhitungan yang paling ideal karena mendekati kondisi aslinya.

Alvina Praha Laili ◽  
Akhmad Hasanuddin ◽  
Luthfi Amri Wicaksono

CBR (California Bearing Ratio) data is used to find out the level of subgrade density, so that a safe pavement thickness can be planned. The calculation of the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) can be done by testing CBR laboratory and DCP. CBR results have a high effect on the surface layer, so that the layer becomes thinner. This condition, if converted to the working price, will be more affordable and efficient. Therefore, this study aims to compare the results of laboratory CBR and Field Cbr (Dcp) to the thickness of flexible pavements in the Development of Trans South-South Java Road Project (TRSS) Lot 8 Jarit - Puger. The method used is Bina Marga Pd T-01-2002-B. Secondary data obtained by weigh bridges and service providers, namely PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero). Field CBR value using DCP tool is 25.19% while Laboratory CBR value is 21.616%. The results of pavement thickness using Field CBR values ​​for UR 10 years are D1 7.5 cm, D2 10cm, for UR 20 years D1 10 cm, D2 11 cm, for UR 30 years D1 11 cm, D2 12 cm, and for UR 40 years obtained D1 13 cm, D2 14 cm. The greater the CBR value, the thinner the pavement thickness.

UKaRsT ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Nur Azizah Affandi ◽  
Rasio Hepiyanto

Damage to the dradah-kedungpring road is not only caused by the amount (volume) of the vehicle that exceed the capacity of the road, but in it is also related to various factors namely human factor and natural factor. Overload is a vehicle's axle load condition exceeding the standard load used on the pavement design assumption or the number of operational paths before the age of the plan is reached, or often referred to as premature deterioration.The method of rigid pavement road planning which is made by Depaterment of Public Works that is Bina Marga method cannot be applied in standard planning in the field implementation maximally so that it has weakness which resulted in the early damage on the highway before the achievement of plan age In this final project will produce the planning of rigid Pavement Thickness on Dradah – Kedungpring road Using Bina Marga Method 2002 ", the thickness is produced calculation with actual vehicle load for traffic data in the calculation Thick pavement has been using data from the results of traffic surveys that exist.In the research that has been done on the thickness rigid pavement dradah-Kedungpring road obtained thickness of 24 cm is expected to provide a good service life in accordance with the expected age of the plan. Keywords: Pavement, LHR, CBR, Vehicle Overloading Expenses.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-13 ◽  
Dariusz Kowalski ◽  
Beata Grzyl ◽  
Adam Kristowski

Abstract Steel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system. The paper presents an analysis of life cycle costs of structures installed on bridges used in the road lane conditions. Three anti-corrosion protection systems were considered, analyzing their essential cost components. The possibility of reducing significantly the costs associated with anti-corrosion protection at the stage of steel barriers maintenance over a period of 30 years has been indicated. The possibility of using a new approach based on the life cycle cost estimation in the anti-corrosion protection of steel elements is presented. The relationship between the method of steel barrier protection, the scope of repair, renewal work and costs is shown. The article proposes an optimal solution which, while reducing the cost of maintenance of road infrastructure components in the area of corrosion protection, allows to maintain certain safety standards for steel barriers that are installed on the bridge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Chairul Anwar ◽  
M Taufik Yudha Saputra

This research was carried out on Jalan Oesman Shah on Labuha-Tomori Road. In determiningflexible pavement thickness, based on the results of analysis and calculation of PavementThickness Design Against Traffic Volume on Swamp Conditions on the Labuha-Tomori RoadSection using the Road Pavement Design Manual Number 02 / M / BM / 2013. Based on theexisting plan, this Labuha-Tomori road section in South Halmahera Regency, North MalukuProvince is an arterial road with 2-lane 2-way road type using the median (2/2 UD), plan width of10 meters, width of existing traffic lane 4, 5 meters, median width of 1 meter, and plannedshoulder width 2.40 m. Based on the results of the analysis of growth rates obtained traffic growthrates of 33.066% over the life of the plan, determining the distribution factor of the lane and thecapacity of the lane of lane 1 and the vehicle in the design lane taken 100%. The equivalent loadfactor can be determined using the value of VDF (Vehicle Damage Factor) according to thesurvey results in the field. The traffic volume plan to determine the CESA4 value = 18,835,021.85= 18.84 million is used for the selection of pavement types while the CESA5 value =33,903,039.33 = 33.90 million is used to determine the type of flexible pavement based on thedesign chart provided in The Road Pavement Design Manual Number 02 / M / BM / 2013, ishighly emphasized in terms of the improvement of subgrade, by looking at the condition of theCBR of the subgrade and CESA5 which will be received by pavement. So if the pavement CBR is5.20% and CESA5 is 33.90 Million, the flexible pavement design is of 2 kinds in the design ofpavement thickness: AC - WC = 4 cm, AC - BC = 15.5 cm, CTB = 15 cm, LPA Class A = 15 cm,Choice of 10 cm and AC - WC = 4 cm, AC - BC = 6 cm, AC BASE = 18 cm, LPA = 30 cm, Choiceof Stock = 10 cm, and Subgrade = 5.20%

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Vera Mahardika ◽  
Rachmat Mudiyono ◽  
Soedarsono Soedarsono

Flexible, rigid, and paving block pavements can be used as alternative roads because the soil conditions on the Pantai Utara Flores road are rocky soil with a relatively high CBR so that the most important role in withstand load is subgrade. The purpose of the Comparison of Construction and Costs for Flexible, Rigid, and Paving Block Pavement Structures on Jalan Pantai Utara Flores is to know which one most effective and efficient when viewed from the traffic load  with each  pavement using the Bina Marga method, AASHTO , and Direktorat Jendral Bina Marga. Jalan Pantai Utara Flores is access to Komodo Labuan Bajo airport which is a Class I road, rocky land with a relatively high CBR, rainfall of Labuan Bajo is relatively low, LHR in Labuan Bajo is relatively small, besides Labuan Bajo is a tourist area that should be supported  by road access that has driving comfort so the suitable pavement structure for Jalan Pantai Utara Flores is flexible pavement. Meanwhile, based on the recapitulation of the analysis results, the cost of flexible pavement is Rp. 28,793,604,705,600, the cost of a rigid pavement  is Rp. 34,218,430,585,828 and  the cost of paving block pavement  is Rp. 17,410,645,080,000 so it can be seen that the paving block pavement is most economical, but the paving block pavement structure has a very uncomfortable driving comfort besides that the paving block pavement structure cannot be passed by vehicles at high speed so that the paving block pavement structure is more suitable for controlling speed of vehicles such as roads in crowded urban areas and residential roads.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Muhammad Baitur Rakhman ◽  
Ahmad Suwandi

The white stone mine in Batu Putih Village is one of the natural resources located in Sumenep Regency, precisely on Sergang Street - Jengkong Bridge No. 243 Km 8. This road is the only access road to the white stone mining. The current condition of the road is damaged and interferes with the distribution process of white stones, so good thick pavement planning is needed. Planning of flexible pavement thickness and the cost of flexible pavement construction on Sergang - Jengkong Bridge No. 243 Km 8 Batu Putih, Sumenep Regency uses quantitative research. The data collection process uses two types of data, the first is primary data which includes LHR data and the second is secondary data which includes literature and literature studies. In this research the data analysis technique uses Microsoft Office Excel which is to calculate the budget plan and Autocad for drawing. For calculation procedures adjusted to SNI -1732-1989. The results of the Average Daily Traffic Survey (LHR) obtained the total number of vehicles passing through by 21164 smp. The road to be planned is 3 Km long and 4 m wide. Calculation of pavement thickness using the laston AC-WC is 2.50 cm thick and will be planned to be 4 cm thick. The planned budget (RAB) for the road planning is Rp. 2,613,171,000.00 (two billion six hundred thirteen million one hundred seventy-one thousand rupiah).

2019 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02020
Fajar Sri Handayani ◽  
Florentina Pungky Pramesti ◽  
Mochamad Agung Wibowo ◽  
Ary Setyawan

Flexible pavement is a road pavement type which is commonly used, however rigid pavement is also widely used now days in Indonesia. It has even been used for local roads (managed by local authority), which take in heavy vehicle loads. This rigid pavement is used because it has longer service life and higher durability. The need for a durable road resulted in higher construction costs, whereas the budget for local road design and construction is often limited. This study aims to evaluate the agency costs that must be incurred for flexible and rigid pavement construction. Two alternatives of design life are simulated for each type of pavement, namely design lives of 10+10 year and 20 year for flexible pavement and design lives of 20+20 year and 40 year for rigid pavement. The agency costs of those alternatives are analysed using Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) program-RealCost 2.5. The results show agency costs for alternative flexible pavement 1 (design life of 10y + 10y) and alternative 2 (design life of 20 y) are $ 1,421,930 and $ 1,061,680 respectively. Furthermore for the rigid pavement, the agency cost for alternative 1 (design life 20y + 20 y) and alternative 2 (design life 40 y) is $. 443,990 and $. 350,870 respectively.

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