2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-144
Anis Humaidi

This article discusses the Business Entity condition of Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri, the involvement of santri and communities in Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri's Business Entity, and the contribution of Business Entities towards Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri, santri and their communities. This article was prepared using a qualitative case study type method. This article concludes that Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri have a Business Entity. Business entities owned by Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri has established three Perseroan Terbatas stands for PT (Limited Company). PT. Sidogiri Mitra Utama serves the needs of santri, PT. Sidogiri Mandiri Utama, engaged in bottled drinking water and PT. Sidogiri Pandu Utama, engaged in the Outsourcing Provider and Training Center. The involvement of santri and the community around these two Pondok Pesantren in managing the Business Entity is quite active. This active participation implies that these very diverse Business Entities are all oriented towards improving welfare. So that the existence of Business Entity's Pondok Pesantren positively contributes to the independence of santri, Pondok Pesantren, and the community.

Arabia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Achmad Zuhri ◽  
Khusnul Aflah

<pre><em><span lang="EN">This study aims to describe the design of strengthening the learning of Arabic in MI NU</span></em><em></em><em><span lang="EN">Miftahul Ulum Loram Kulon Jati Kudus, one of the Islamic elementary school</span></em><em></em><em><span lang="EN">that integrates the Ministry of Religion curriculum with the local curriculum, and is the only Islamic elementary school that still maintains salafi subjects. The researcher uses a qualitative case study type method, which is one type of research in which the researcher explores in depth the research object. Data collected by interview, observation and documentation, then the data are analyzed by means of reduction, presentation of data, drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the design of strengthening learning Arabic by collaborating with local subjects such as BTA in the lower classes, nahwu and shorof in the upper classes. With such a model students will easily understand Arabic material, and be able to analyze and present it with appropriate language rules</span></em><em><span lang="EN">.</span></em></pre>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Yeni Suprihatin ◽  
Etika Lisyana Dewi

Life skill education is an education that provides basic supplies and training to learners about the values of life needed and useful for the development of everyday life. Research on integrated life skill education in enterpreneurship subject in SMP Cahaya Bangsa School aims to know what life skill orientation in Entrepreneurship subject and examine the extent of life skill education implementation in Enterpreneurship subject. The design of this study used qualitative research with case study type. A descriptive inductive approach is used to describe a case by understanding symptoms and meaning. Researchers use in-depth interview techniques, digging information with direct observation, and study documentation. In analyzing the data, the researcher through three main components, namely, data reduction, display data, and data conclusion drawing. The results showed that the concept of life skill education is internalized in the entrepreneurship subject syllabus, then the teacher describes it in various learning activities such as washing activities, ironing activities, live in program, and market day. Evaluation done by teacher in assessing ability of life skill of student is by observing directly activity in enterpreneurship subject and student also given duty to write report result of activity live in.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

This study describe the implementation of Management developmenteducators at SMA Primaganda, Bulurejo Diwek, Jombang. The approach in thisstudy is a qualitative case study type. used data collection methods as well as therole of observation, interview and documentation. This study used a qualitativedescriptive approach. To check the validity of the data used extension study,perseverance observation, and triangulation. The analysis comes up with theconclusion that: (1). Development Planning educators: announcement held at thebeginning of the new academic year, the drafting team was formed educatorsdevelopment commission held hearings, the commission meeting is a forum forreviewing, memproduct and developed the concept of the development of educatorswho have been prepared. (2). The development of educators with activities ofinteraction with educators through formal and informal activities. Formalactivities in the development of educators, for example through mentoringactivities (tutorials), informally can be done through informal conversations in theroom as educators, yard madrassas and other places that are not resmi. (3).Problems encountered and solutions in the implementation of management effortspengembanagan educators (teachers) at SMA Primaganda include issues of timeand also there are many teachers who have not been able to use electronic means ofcomputer, the solution given is the clock supplied to the teacher to be able to learnwho helped by tutors.AbstrakPenelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang pelaksanaan manajemenpengembangan pendidik (educators) di SMA Primagama, Bulurejo Diwek,Jombang. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan tipepenelitian studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk mengecek validitasdata, peneliti menggunakan studi ekstensi, observasi ketekunan, dantriangulasi. Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa:(1). Perencanaan pengembangan pendidik: pengumuman diadakan padaawal tahun ajaran baru, tim perumus membentuk komisi pengembanganpendidik untuk melakukan rapat komisi, sidang komisi adalah forumuntuk mengkaji, menghasilkan dan mengembangkan konseppengembangan pendidik yang telah disiapkan. (2). Pengembanganpendidik dilakukan dengan kegiatan interaksi melalui kegiatan formal daninformal. kegiatan formal dalam pengembangan pendidik, misalnyamelalui kegiatan mentoring (tutorial), untuk kegiatan informal dilakukanmelalui percakapan informal di ruang guru, halaman madrasah dantempat-tempat lain yang tidak resmi. (3). Problematika dalam pelaksanaanmanajemen pengembanagan pendidik (guru) di SMA Primagandamencakup masalah waktu dan juga banyaknya guru yang belum mampumenggunakan media komputer dalam pembelajaran. Solusi dariproblematika tersebut adalah memberikan waktu kepada guru untukmempelajari media komputer yang dibantu oleh tutor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-172
Mukhyiddin Mukhyiddin ◽  
Musyafa' Musyafa'

The purpose of this research is to analyze the concept of fundraising communication strategy or Islamic philanthropic institution association and the effectiveness of Islamic philanthropic institution fundraising communication. This research method is a qualitative case study type with the object of research in Islamic philanthropic institutions in Jepara, Central of Java, Indonesia. Data mining uses observation, documentation, in-depth interviews and Forum Group Discussion (FGD) techniques. The results showed that the fundraising communication strategy carried out by Islamic philanthropic institutions used interpersonal communication, public communication, involvement of figures, involvement of donors in massive activities and advertisements. The effectiveness of communication in the fundraising of Islamic philanthropic institutions uses persuasive communication techniques, getok tular (in Java means sharing information to others by mouth) in group communities and massive advertising.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 310-325
Taufiqurrohman Rifa'i

Madrasah berkontribusi dalam mengenalkan, menumbuhkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan nilai-nilai disiplin peserta didik, termasuk kepatuhan terhadap tata tertib madrasah. Selain itu, guru juga mempunyai andil yang besar dalam menumbuhkan sikap disiplin diri kepada peserta didiknya. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap strategi serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengembangan karakter disiplinan siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Nuriddahlani Tarokan Banyuanyar Probolinggo. Penelitiam ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Data-data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian adalah Pertama, pengembangan karakter disiplin siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Nuriddahlani Tarokan Banyuanyar Probolinggo menggunakan beberapa pendekatan diataranya adalah kegiatan ruitin, kegiatan spontan, kegiatan keteladanan dan kegiatan pengkondisian. Kedua, hambatan yang dihadapi madrasah dalam mengembangkan karakter disiplin siswa terdiri atas: keterlambatan guru sebelum jam pertama, ketergantungan terhadap guru PAI dalam pembacaan do‘a di awal dan akhir pelajaran, keterlambatan peserta didik dengan berbagai macam alasan. Solusi dari hambatan itu, kepala madrasah sebagai pimpinan madrasah diharapkan dapat memberikan arahan dan penerangan baik kepada seluruh warga madrasah, motivasi terhadap guru agar datang tepat waktu sehingga sama-sama memperkuat ketertiban dan kedisiplinan serta pelayanan terhadap madrasah, kepala madrasah dapat memberdayakan guru-guru yang lain yang memiliki kompetensi perihal membaca doa agar pelaksanaannya lebih baik, dan perlu sanksi yang telah ditetapkan madrasah kepada peserta didik yang datang terlambat dengan disertai memberikan arahan dan penerangan serta memotivasi mereka agar dapat datang ke madrasah lebih awal. Kata Kunci: pengembangan karakter disiplin, madrasah aliyah Madrasahs have such contribution in introducing, establishing, maintaining and enhancing the cdisciplinary values of students, including adherence towards the regulation within madrasah itself. Likewise, teachers also have a big share in fostering an attitude of self-discipline towards their students. This research is intended to reveal the strategies and factors supporting and inhibiting the establishment of disciplinary character of students at Madrasah Aliyah Nuriddahlani Tarokan Banyuanyar Probolinggo. This research uses a qualitative case study type approach. The data were collected through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The results of the study indicate that; First, the development of disciplinary character of students at Madrasah Aliyah Nuriddahlani Tarokan Banyuanyar Probolinggo was done through several approaches, including routine, spontaneous, exemplary, and conditioning activities. Second, the obstacles faced by madrasas in developing the character of students’ discipline consisted of: teacher tardiness before the first hour period, the dependence on Islamic education teachers in reciting prayers at the beginning and the end of lessons, students' belatedness for various reasons. The solution to be done are; the head of the madrasah as the principal is expected to provide good direction and enlighten all of the madrasah’s members, motivating teachers to arrive on time so that they both strengthen order and discipline as well as provision to madrasah. Moreover, the principals also can empower other teachers who have the competence regarding reading prayers so that the implementation itself is going to be better, and it need sanctions set by the madrasah for students who come late, accompanied by providing direction and motivating them to come to the madrasah earlier

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Hiryanto Hiryanto

The Government could perform its functions and tasks if it has qualified personnel. To improve its personnel’s competence, the Government has been conducting several kinds of training which have not brought satisfactory results. This research aimed at exploring the possibility of implementing andragogic concept in a training model to improve the training graduates’ competence. This case study was conduced in The Education and Training Center of Yogyakarta Province and found an andragogy-based training model with detailed steps. Anticipating some hindrances that could be faced by the trainers in implementiation of this model, this research recommended some alternative solutions.

2021 ◽  
Erin Roxburgh-Makea

<p>This thesis aims to gain a better understanding of iwi and their associated business entities in their post settlement phase and how they maintain their own kaupapa Māori.  The study examines the complex environment in which an iwi entity operates. This topic and environment has not been studied previously in academia and will therefore provide a unique insight from the study. The exploration was done through an in-depth analysis of a single organisational case study; the data collection method undertaken was in-depth interviews and document analysis.  The study found that the iwi entity has put specific strategies in place to ensure they maintained their kaupapa Māori. A focus was placed on how values and culture are transmitted through human resource practices of recruitment and induction. They did this through formal mechanisms, such as documentation and training, as well as informal mechanisms such as socialisation, history, and oral story telling. What was most unique as a finding was that traditional iwi values and methods were brought through into the contemporary business setting at the iwi entity.  Contributions from this study are made to the Māori business and Māori management literature, as well as Strategic Human Resource Management literature and organisational culture literature. In a practical sense there are implications for Māori organisations, iwi entities and non-Māori organisations.</p>

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