2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Agus Sulaiman

<p>Information system is becoming much more important for a company to gain competitive advantage compared to their competitors. A company with good information systems will acquired better opportunity .The purpose of this study is to understand the satisfaction level of an information system application and factors that influenced the user satisfaction. Factors that have been tested are system speed, system security, system accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency, IT<br />Support and user friendliness. This study was taken place in PT X that uses an IS application to support company business. The result shows that users are satisfied to the current application. There are three factors that significantly influence user satisfaction: system accuracy, system speed, and IT support. On the contrary, factors that have not significantly influencing user satisfaction of information system are system security, effectiveness and efficiency, and user friendly. Some actions must be taken such as repairing system speed from hardware site, software development, and networking reliability.Next module to be developed is Fixed Asset Module, based on the readiness of accounting division.</p><p>Keywords: information systems, user satisfaction, application</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Imam Soleh Marifati ◽  
Vadlya Maarif

Abstract - Ordering and billing transactions of food and beverages in a restaurant business are in the revenue cycle. Transactions in the revenue cycle have an important role for the company because from this transaction the company gets cash income. The use of information technology to support the transaction process can increase the effectiveness of the transaction process. Transactions can be processed quickly and accurately. Restaurant business can use accounting information systems to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of transaction processes in the revenue cycle. A computer-based accounting information system is needed in processing transactions. In this study, the authors developed the application of accounting information systems to process transactions in the revenue cycle for restaurant business activities. This application processes transaction data starting from ordering, payment and making revenue reports from restaurant business activities. Keywords: Order, Billing, Accounting Information System

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Muzakkir Pangri ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Rusydi Umar

Abstrak: Sistem informasi mempunyai peran penting dalam menghasilkan informasi bagi semua tingkatan manajemen. Analis perlu mengetahui keperluan informasi yang diinginkan manajemen agar informasi yang dihasilkan oleh sistem informasi dapat berfungsi dan tepat bagi manajemen. Proses evaluasi terhadap kinerja dari sistem informasi diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Evaluasi sistem informasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda dan pada tingkatan yang berbeda, tergantung pada tujuan evaluasinya. Dalam melakukan kegiatan analisis dan evaluasi sistem informasi, terdapat beberapa metode atau model analisis yang dapat digunakan salah satunya adalah model analisis PIECES Framework. Untuk mempermudah evaluasi, ditawarkan cara analisis dengan kerangka PIECES Framework yang menguraikan ke dalam 6 fokus analisis kelemahan yaitu Performance, Information and Data, Economy, Control and Security, Eficiency dan Service. Tujuan penelitan ini untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan, mengetahui kelemahan serta kekuatan dan menganalisis komponen-komponen yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, yang terdapat pada sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan daftar pernyataan yang diberikan kepada responden yang merupakan pengguna sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, domain Performance, Information & Data, Economics, Control & Security, Efficiency, dan Service, semua berada pada kategori puas, artinya penerapan sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, yang saat ini digunakan dilingkungan Kampus sudah dapat diterima sesuai dengan kerangka PIECES Framework.   Kata kunci: kepuasan pengguna, PIECES Framework, website.   Abstract: Information systems have an important role in producing information for all levels of management. Analysts need to know necessity of the information that management wants so that the information generated by the information system can function and be appropriate for management. The process of evaluating performance of the information system is needed to determine whether the information system at the University of Muhammadiyah Sorong is running as it should. Information systems evaluation can be carried out in different ways and at different levels, depending on objective of the evaluation. In carrying out information system analysis and evaluation activities, there are several methods or analysis models that can be used, one of which is the PIECES Framework analysis model. To simplify the evaluation, an analysis method is offered with the PIECES Framework which describes the 6 focus of weakness analysis, that are Performance, Information and Data, Economy, Control and Security, Efficiency and Service. The purpose of this research is to measure the level of satisfaction, find out the strengths, weaknesses and analyze the components that need to be improved the quality of service, which is contained in the library information system of the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong. Based on the results of the calculation of the list of statements given to respondents who are users of the library information system at the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong, the domain of Performance, Information & Data, Economics, Control & Security, Efficiency and Service, all of in the satisfied category, meaning that the application of the library information system at the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong , which is currently being used in the campus environment is acceptable in accordance with the PIECES Framework.   Keywords: user satisfaction, PIECES Framework, website.

Luís Enrique Sánchez ◽  
Antonio Santos-Olmo ◽  
Eduardo Fernandez-Medina ◽  
Mario Piattini

The information society is increasingly more dependent upon Information Security Management Systems (ISMSs), and the availability of these systems has become crucial to the evolution of Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs). However, this type of companies requires ISMSs which have been adapted to their specific characteristics, and these systems must be optimized from the point of view of the resources necessary to deploy and maintain them. Over the last 10 years, the authors have obtained considerable experience in the establishment of ISMSs, and during this time, they have observed that the structure and characteristics of SMEs as regards security management are frequently very similar (since they can all be grouped by business size and sector), thus signifying that it is possible to construct patterns for ISMSs that can be reused and refined. In this chapter, the authors present the strategy that they have designed to manage and reuse security information in information system security management. This strategy is framed within a methodology designed for integral security management and its information systems maturity, denominated as “Methodology for Security Management and Maturity in Small and Medium-size Enterprises (MSM2-SME),” and it is defined in a reusable model called “Reusable Pattern for Security Management (RPSM),” which systematically defines, manages, and reuses the aforementioned methodology through a sub-process denominated as “Generation of Security Management Patterns (GSMP).” This model is currently being applied in real cases, and is thus constantly improving.

Sensors ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (10) ◽  
pp. 3488 ◽  
Wafa Bouaynaya ◽  
Hongbo Lyu ◽  
Zuopeng Zhang

With the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), cloud- based systems have assumed a greater important role. However, there lacks formal approaches to modeling the risks transferred through information systems implemented in a cloud-based environment. This paper explores formal methods to quantify the risks associated with an information system and evaluate its variation throughout its implementation. Specifically, we study the risk variation through a quantitative and longitudinal model spanning from the launch of a cloud-based information systems project to its completion. In addition, we propose to redefine the risk estimation method to differentiate a mitigated risk from an unmitigated risk. This research makes valuable contributions by helping practitioners understand whether cloud computing presents a competitive advantage or a threat to the sustainability of a company.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 177
Brav Deva Bernadhi ◽  
Singgih Saptadi

Pertumbuhan akses informasi pada saat sekarang ini berjalan secara pesat. Masyarakat atau user untuk mendapatkan data atau informasi yang akurat, aktual, serta cepat dan mudah sekarang bukanlah hal sulit. Perkembangan internet pada saat ini semakin pesat dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dunia pendidikan. Terdapatnya sistem informasi dan internet yang terus berkembang, maka diciptakan suatu cara penyampaian pendidikan secara elektronik dengan bantuan internet. Sistem informasi yang dimaksud pada saat sekarang lebih dikenal dengan istilah elektronik learning (e-learning). E-learning adalah suatu sistem informasi yang membantu pembelajaran manual menjadi pembelajaran secara elektronik. Pada dunia pendidikan untuk membantu dosen dan mahasiswa untuk memanajemen mata kuliah, saat sekarang ini terdapat Sistem Informasi Akademik yang lebih disingkat dengan SIA. SIA adalah suatu sistem informasi yang mengelola dan mengolah semua data-data akademik yang berada di bidang akademik. KRS online yang berada di SIA berhubungan erat dengan mata kuliah yang akan terisi pada e-learning. Dari pandangan kebutuhan tersebut, ada baiknya kedua sistem informasi tersebut digabungkan sehingga dengan user mengisi SIA, maka sistem e-learning yang berhubungan dengan mata kuliah yang diikuti akan terupdate dengan sendirinya dan perlu didesain sedemikian rupa agar kedua sistem informasi tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik dan dapat digunakan oleh para user. Pendekatan ergonomis yang diperlukan untuk sistem tersebut adalah Human Computer Interaction (HCI) sehingga sistem yang dikembangkan akan nyaman, mudah dan aman digunakan oleh user atau dengan kata lain adalah user friendly. Jurnal ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem integrasi SIA dengan e-learning sehingga dapat membantu dan mempermudah aktifitas pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi.   ABSTRACT Growth of access to information at the present time is running fast. Public or the user to obtain data or information that is accurate, current, and a quick and easy right now is not difficult. The development of the Internet in today's increasingly rapidly and can not be separated from the world of education. Presence information systems and the Internet continues to grow, then created a way of delivering education electronically with the help of internet. The information system is at present better known as electronic learning (e-learning). E-learning is an information system that helps instructional manual to electronic learning. In the world of education to enable faculty and students to manage course, nowadays there are more Academic Information System shortened by SIA. SIA is an information system that manages and processes all the data of academic residing in the academic field. KRS SIA online that are closely related to the subjects that will be filled in e-learning. From the view of these needs, it helps both information systems are combined so that the user fills in SIA, the e-learning systems relating to subjects who follow will update itself and needs to be designed so that both the information system can run well and can used by the user. Ergonomic approach is needed for these systems is the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) so that the developed system will be convenient, easy and safe to use by the user, or in      other words is user friendly. These journals are intended to develop a system AIS integration with e-learning in order to assist and facilitate the activities of learning in Higher Education.

Hong-In Cheng ◽  
Patrick E. Patterson

With the increasing use of e-business web sites, users are often asked to select a menu-item from a large numbers of options. In this research, the pull-down menu, fisheye menu and grid menu were tested to compare the performance time, error rate, user satisfaction, simplicity, user friendliness, usefulness, and overall user preference of each menu type. The grid menu was more efficient in selection speed than the pull-down and fisheye menus when the number of menu-items was 50 and 100. The time needed to choose a menu-item with a grid menu was less affected by the size of menu and the physical location of an item within a menu. The pull-down and the grid menus were considered to be more satisfactory, simple, user friendly, and useful than the fisheye menu. 42.3 percent of subjects indicated that the grid menu was their preferred selection tool among the menus. The grid menu is an efficient and robust alternative menu choice for small and middle size menu lists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-324
Ahmad Haidar Mirza ◽  
Dedi Irawan

Distribution of goods becomes a separate priority within a company, especially with regard to distribution routes. This condition will become complex if there are many branches in the process of distributing goods. For this reason, in this research, calculations were carried out in the process of travelling in distributing goods. To perform these calculations, a method is used, namely the saving matrix method. To carry out this implementation, a goods distribution information system is created with calculations in the distribution of goods using a saving matrix. The results of the research are in the form of information systems developed with a waterfall model with features ranging from processing goods data, customer data, demand data, shipping data, route data and saving matrix calculation data. From the resulting information system, it can also be seen clearly the distance travelled in the distribution of goods so that it can easily determine travel facilities for deliverymen.   Distribusi barang menjadi prioritas tersendiri di dalam sebuah perusahaan terutama berkaitan dengan rute distribusi. Konidisi tersebut akan menjadi komplek jika terdapat banyak cabang dalam proses distribusi barang. Untuk itu di dalam peneltian ini dilakukan dilakukan perhitungan dalam proses perjalanan dalam melakukan distribusi barang. Untuk melakukan perhitungan tersebut digunakan sebuah metode yaitu método saving matrix. Untuk melakukan implementasi tersebut maka dibuat sebuah sistema informasi distribusi barang dengan dilengkapi perhitungan dalam distribusi barang dengan saving matrix. Hasil dari penelitian berupa sistema informasi yang dikembangkan dengan waterfall model dengan fitur mulai dari pengolahan data barang, data pelanggan, data permintaan, data pengiriman, data rute dan data peritungan saving matrix. Dari sistema informasi yang dihasilkan juga dapat diketahui dengan jelas jarak tempuh dalam distribusi barang sehingga dapat dengan mudah dalam menentukan fasilitas perjalanan bagi pengantar barang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-125
Asih Prasetyowati ◽  
Roro Kushartanti

Abstract   Primary Care Information System (P-Care) is used at the first level health facility (FKTP) for the service of patients of the National Health Insurance. The purpose of this study was to determine the success of using the P-Care information system by evaluating the system using the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Model. This is a cross-sectional survey research with Primary Care information system objects. The variables studied were the user satisfaction factors of the p-care information system including content aspects, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. The research subjects were primary care information system operators with 61 FKTPs as samples. Data were analyzed using descriptive analytical methods. P-care application user satisfaction index was 75.5 (satisfied category). This shows that respondents generally have received the primary care information system. The lowest index on A1 (system accuracy), C1 (accuracy of information), and T1&2 (timeliness of information). The lowest average user satisfaction index is on aspects of system accuracy and timeliness. To improve the index of primary care information system user satisfaction, the BPJS needs to improve system monitoring, increase feedback and increase report output. FKTP can develop a bridging P-Care system and structuring the medical record system to be more effective and efficient.   Keywords : information systems, user satisfaction, primary care, EUCS Model     Abstrak   Sistem Informasi Primary Care (P-Care) digunakan pada fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama (FKTP) untuk pelayanan pasien Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN).  Kepuasan pengguna aplikasi P-Care merupakan faktor penting dalam kinerja sistem informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keberhasilan penggunaan sistem informasi p-care dengan melakukan evaluasi sistem menggunakan End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) Model. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survey bersifat cross sectional dengan obyek sistem informasi Primary Care. Variabel yang diteliti adalah faktor kepuasan pengguna sistem informasi p-care meliputi aspek content, accuracy, format, ease of use, dan timeliness. Subyek penelitian adalah operator sistem informasi primay care dengan 61 sampel FKTP. Data dianalisis dengan cara diskriptif analitik. Indeks kepuasan pengguna aplikasi P-care adalah 75,5 (kategori puas). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa responden secara umum sudah menerima sistem informasi primay care.  Indeks terendah pada A1 (akurasi sistem), C1 (ketepatan informasi), dan T1&2 (ketepatan waktu informasi). Rata-rata indeks kepuasan pengguna paling rendah pada aspek akurasi sistem dan ketepatan waktu. Untuk meningkatkan indeks kepuasan pengguna sistem informasi primary care, maka pihak BPJS perlu meningkatkan monitoring sistem, meningkatkan feedback dan penambahan output laporan. FKTP dapat mengembangkan sistem bridging p-care dan penataan sistem rekam medis untuk pelayanan pasien yang lebih efektif dan efisien.   Kata kunci : sistem informasi, kepuasan pengguna, primary care, EUCS Model

Lani Mufadilah ◽  
Yusuf Amrozi

Zuper futsal field rental is a business entity engaged in the field of rental services that require the existence of an information system. Information systems in a company play an important role in the progress and management of a company as well as in the zuper rental system that is to be able to support and provide satisfactory services to each customer. The system that exists in some futsal fields in general is still simple with menual management, most of the problems that are often encountered are the process of recording data and transactions requiring a long time. The possibility of errors in writing a data and the security of the document is not guaranteed, because many lost documents will make it difficult for you to do a data search or report printing. Designing an application in the form of a program that functions to process and simplify business processes that occur on the Zuper futsal field, starting from the data processing of tenants, leasing transactions, to printing reports are expected to be the best solution to solve problems that exist in a business entity to support efficiency and the effectiveness of working on a field rental

Arum Puspita

Information technology becomes one of the important elements for an organization or company in realizing the effectiveness and efficiency of performance.  To create a company that has a good performance, it requiring the existence of an information system to assisting the management in taking a decision. In its implementation, the use of existing information system still encounter some obstacles during the operation. In this study, the authors used application belongs to Mail and Logistic (MLO) agenpos application. Therefore, SWOT analysis is needed to know the strengths and weakness in internal factors and to know the opportunities and threats in external factors. Choosing the right strategy can maximize the strengths and opportunities, on the other side can minimize the weaknesses and threats.

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