2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Hazairin Nikmatul Lukma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah media pembelajaran yang bersifat menarik, kreatif, serta interaktif dalam sebuah proses pembelajaran, pada Mata Kuliah Fisika Bangunan Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar. Desain Media Pembelajaran merupakan tampilan animasi, dengan aplikasi Software Adobe Flash Player 8, dengan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah Pictorial Riddle. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel penelitian diambil secara acak dari seluruh mahasiswa yang memprogram mata kuliah Fisika Bangunan, sebanyak 20 orang. Peningkatan tes hasil belajar mahasiswa dianalisis menggunakan N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media animasi Pictorial Riddle dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Fisika Bangunan, pada pertemuan pertama sebesar 17 % dengan N-gain sebesar 0,40 dan masuk dalam kategori sedang. Sedangkan pada pertemuan kedua terjadi peningkatan sebesar 11 % dengan N-gain sebesar 0,35, masuk dalam kategori sedang.This research aims to design a learning media that is interesting, creative, and interactive in a learning process, in the Building Physics Course in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Blitar Balitar Islamic University. Learning Media Design is an animated display, with Adobe Flash Player 8 Software application, with the learning method applied is Pictorial Riddle. The study used a quasi-experimental method with the design of one group pretest-posttest design. The research sample was taken randomly from all students who programed the Building Physics course, as many as 20 people. Improved student learning outcomes tests were analyzed using N-gain. The results showed that the application of Pictorial Riddle animation media can improve student learning outcomes in the Building Physics course, at the first meeting of 18% with N-gain of 0.40 and in the medium category. While in the second meeting there was an increase of 12% with N-gain of 0.35, included in the medium category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Hazairin Nikmatul Lukma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah media pembelajaran yang bersifat menarik, kreatif, serta interaktif dalam sebuah proses pembelajaran, pada Mata Kuliah Fisika Bangunan Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar. Desain Media Pembelajaran merupakan tampilan animasi, dengan aplikasi Software Adobe Flash Player 8, dengan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah Pictorial Riddle. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel penelitian diambil secara acak dari seluruh mahasiswa yang memprogram mata kuliah Fisika Bangunan, sebanyak 20 orang. Peningkatan tes hasil belajar mahasiswa dianalisis menggunakan N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media animasi Pictorial Riddle dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Fisika Bangunan, pada pertemuan pertama sebesar 17 % dengan N-gain sebesar 0,40 dan masuk dalam kategori sedang. Sedangkan pada pertemuan kedua terjadi peningkatan sebesar 11 % dengan N-gain sebesar 0,35, masuk dalam kategori sedang.This research aims to design a learning media that is interesting, creative, and interactive in a learning process, in the Building Physics Course in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Blitar Balitar Islamic University. Learning Media Design is an animated display, with Adobe Flash Player 8 Software application, with the learning method applied is Pictorial Riddle. The study used a quasi-experimental method with the design of one group pretest-posttest design. The research sample was taken randomly from all students who programed the Building Physics course, as many as 20 people. Improved student learning outcomes tests were analyzed using N-gain. The results showed that the application of Pictorial Riddle animation media can improve student learning outcomes in the Building Physics course, at the first meeting of 18% with N-gain of 0.40 and in the medium category. While in the second meeting there was an increase of 12% with N-gain of 0.35, included in the medium category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-266
E. K. Wati ◽  
N. Widiansyah

The use of instructional media is something that can support the teaching and learning process; therefore, a lecturer must have the ability to create and develop learning media. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in building physics course by using simulation learning media and models to help students understand thermal comfort material. Making modelling and simulation media is done using MATLAB software. The subjects of this study were physics engineering students who took Building Physics course. At the beginning of the study, students are given material and then in groups discuss thermal contents and then given a pretest test with an average score of 70.27, and for an average grade of 71.3 assignments. At the meeting next week, using the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) method and using problem-based learning in groups, students take temperature measurements in several rooms in the Building at the UNAS Physical Engineering Laboratory. The measurement results show that the room does not have thermal requirements (PERGUB No. 38/2012), so students have the task of conducting experiments using models that have been created by researchers to create learning media to improve comfort in using thermal buildings. Simulation results carried out by students, that is, can produce rooms with thermal conditions at 21-25°C (PERGUB No. 38/2012). This simulation is also able to provide the score of building energy efficiency. After students succeed in conducting the test, the assessment test or posttest is carried out with an average score obtained 80.55, and an average score of 80 assignments. The results of the pretest, assignment 1, assignment 2, and posttest show an increase in students’ scores of 14.6% for the Test and Task Score of 12.20%. Based on the hypothesis test, for both variables showed t-count < t-table and significance < 0.05. It shows there are significant differences in student learning outcomes both test scores and assignment scores before and after using a simulated media. Thus, the system and simulation model designed can be used as learning media that can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Rasmita Rasmita

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the use English modules through the implementation of poster presentations assisted by vlog to improve student learning outcomes in the Information Systems Department at UPI YPTK Computer Science Faculty in Padang. The method used is a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods. To achieve the research objectives, the researchers used quasi-experimental design, which involved two groups of participants (control and experimental) in academic year 2017/2018 students majoring in Information Systems, with a purposive sampling technique by taking pre-test, treatment and posttest. The research data were analyzed using the one-sample t-test. The results of the data analysis showed that the pretest and post test scores of the experimental group showed significant differences, while the control group did not show significant differences. This research shows the results that the use of English modules through the implementation of poster presentations assisted by vlog is more effective in improving students’ learning outcomes than those not using the module

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Wahyu Hutria ◽  
Nurhasan Syah ◽  
Azwar Inra

Jobsheet learning media is designed to improve student learning outcomes so that students can understand the overall material provided and help learn independently. This research aims to develop a  Jobsheet learning medium in the course of Stone and Concrete Work Practices Building Engineering Education Study Program that is valid, practical, and effective. This research uses Research and Development (R&D)method with 4-D development model. The subject of the study was a building engineering education student who took a course in Working Practice of Stone and Concrete Semester January-June 2019. The results obtained in this study are as follows:(1) produce jobsheet learning media    (2) Validity of Jobsheet learning media,  declared valid on the content aspect with a value of   0.83 and valid on the aspect of media format with a value of 0.89,  (3) Practicality of  jobsheet learning media based on two responses lecturers expressed very practical with a percentage of 89.92% and based on  15 responses students expressed very practical with a percentage of 85.03%, (4)  Jobsheet learning media, otherwise effective can improve the knowledge aspect of students who use  Jobsheet seen from student learning outcomes and effectively improve aspects of student skills seen from results and practice reports. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that  jobsheet learning media has been valid, practical and effective as a teaching material in the course of Working Practice of Stone and Concrete.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Julius Zai ◽  
Suji Ardianti ◽  
Franciska Ayuningsih Ratnawati ◽  
Suci Nujul Hayati

In the 21st century, emphasizing renewal learning systems using information and communication technology (ICT). One uses a learning management system (LMS). This study aims to determine the effectiveness in implementing the learning Management System (LMS) aided by Edmodo to improve student learning outcomes on dynamic fluid material. This research was conducted at one of the Gamping 1 High Schools with a quasi-experimental research design. As a sample in this study were 11th grade X students, selected by random sampling. The research data collection instrument used to pretest and posttest and the results of the study were tested by N-Gain analysis. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students increased in the high category with very good student responses. This means Edmodo-assisted Learning Management System (LMS) is very effective to improve student learning outcomes on dynamic fluid material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Natalia Peni ◽  
Ludovicus Carvallo ◽  
Melania Priska

This study aims to produce a chemistry learning model of problem solving by integrating ARCS strategies so that it is feasible to use to improve student learning outcomes in the University of Flores Biology Study Program. The development of the device uses the 4-D model that was tested on semester 2 students of the Biology Education Study Program 2019/2020 Academic Year. The research design used was one group pretest-posttest. Data collection techniques using research instruments, namely in the form of the validity of learning tools, the implementation of the learning plan, student responses, and student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes data were analyzed using analysis prerequisite tests, which consisted of normality tests, homogeneity tests, and t-tests. The results showed that the device developed was valid. This is evidenced by the significance value of tcount<ttable, which is 0.000<0.05. Thus the developed learning tools can improve student learning outcomes on the subject matter of acid and base.    

Perspektif ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-15 ◽  
Oriza Candra ◽  
Fivia Eliza ◽  
Syaiful Islami ◽  
Yosri Alisman

The purpose of this article is to improve the learning outcomes of students using interactive multimedia in the eyes of training to improve electric motors in SMK 1 Tanjung Raya. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest one group. The subjects of this study were students of class XII TITL of SMK 1 Tanjung Raya who were enrolled in the 2013/2014 school year consisting of 29 students. Data collection in this study used a test of learning outcomes (posttest) in the form of objective questions as many as 20 items. Before the test questions were used then a test was conducted to determine the validity, reliability, level of difficulty of the questions and the different power of the questions. The data obtained were analyzed using the Gain Score. The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes that can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest values, the average value of pretest before using interactive multimedia is 64.48 and the average posttest value after using interactive multimedia is 75.07. So it was concluded that the use of interactive multimedia learning media can improve student learning outcomes in the eyes of training to improve the electric motor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amirah Mustarin ◽  
Rahmat Arifyansah ◽  
Muhammad Rais

This research is a classroom action research, to improve student learning outcomes on the tools and agricultural machinery subject in class X majoring agribusiness food crops and holticulture expertise SMKN 4 Jeneponto with the use of teaching media, Adobe Flash CS6. The subjects of this research were the students of class X agribusiness food crops and holticulture expertise SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto in the first semester of academic year 2017/2018 that consist of 34 students. This study was conducted in two cycles consisting of four activities, namely: planning, implementation, monitoring/observation and reflection. Data collection and activities of student learning outcomes is done by using a test sheet end of study and observation sheet in the first cycle and the second cycle. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the results of this study concluded that the use of Adobe Flash CS6 can improve the learning outcomes of class X ATPH SMKN 4 Jeneponto. The first cycle test showed learning completeness 52.94% and the second cycle test showed that all students, 34 students, were declared 100% complete.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Siti Mahmudah ◽  
Fitrah Yuridka ◽  
Mohan Taufiq Mashuri

Penelitian  ini  dilaksanakan  di SMA Negeri  12  Banjarmasin  dengan tujuan  untuk  mengetahui  ada  tidaknya  perbedaan  hasil  belajar  menggunakan metode TGT (Teams Games Tournament) dan metode TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) pada materi tata nama senyawa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian   eksperimen   semu   (quasi-experimental   research).   Populasi   pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X MIA di SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin yang terdiri dari 3 kelas yaitu kelas X MIA 1, X MIA 2, dan X MIA 3. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas X MIA 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen 1 dan kelas X MIA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen 2. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes. Dari hasil analisis data dengan uji -t diperoleh nilai thitung (2,999) > ttabel (1,683), yang berarti terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar menggunakan metode TGT dan metode TAI pada materi ajar tata nama senyawa, dimana rata-rata nilai hasil belajar kelas yang menggunakan metode TAI sebesar79,62 lebih tinggi daripada kelas metode TGT sebesar 72,45. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kimia siswa, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode TGT dan TAI dapat  menjadi  bahan  pertimbangan  oleh guru-guru  kimia sebagai  variasi dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran kimia.This research was done in SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin by aiming to know if there was a difference between learning outcomes by using TGT (Teams- Games Tournament) and TAI (Team-Assisted Individualization) method on compounds nomenclature topic. It was a quasi-experimental research. The population  in this study  were  all students  of class  X MIA in  SMA Negeri  1 Banjarmasin consisting of 3 classes, namely class X MIA 1, X MIA 2, and X MIA 3. The samples in this study were class X MIA 2 as the experimental class 1 and class X MIA 3 as the experimental class 2. The data technique used in this study was a test. From the results of data analysis with t-test obtained tcount  (2.999) > ttable (1.683), which meant that there was difference in learning outcomes using the TGT and TAI methods on compound nomenclature, where the average learning outcomes of the TAI class was 79.62 which was higher than the TGT class, 72.45. In  order  to improve  student  learning  outcomes,  learning  using  TGT and  TAI methods can be taken into consideration by chemistry teachers as variations in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-79
Poy Saefullah Zevender

One of the main problems in formal learning is the low absorption of students because the learning process is still using the conventional model. The expected goal and contained in this study is to find out how students respond to economics subjects with the application of the quiz team type active learning learning model, to find out whether there are differences in learning outcomes in economics subjects between students who use or get the application of the quiz team type of active learning learning model and students who do not use or get the application of the quiz team type of active learning learning model, to find out whether the application of the quiz type of active learning learning model team influence on student learning outcomes in economic subjects. The research that the author has used is quasi-experimental. While the approach method that the author uses in this study is an experimental approach or a comparative approach, because in this study, the authors compare between two classes, one class using the application of an active learning learning model and the other using a conventional learning model. The results showed that there was an effect of the active learning model on student learning outcomes. This is evidenced by the average final test scores obtained from the two groups, namely 79.12 for the experimental class and 70.35 for the control class. To see the magnitude of the effect, the R Square value of 0.626 means that active learning learning type quiz team has a positive effect of 67% on student learning outcomes. Thus, it can be concluded that economic learning with the application of the quiz team type of active learning learning model can effectively improve student learning outcomes. Keywords: quasi-experimental research, active learning model type quiz team, learning outcomes.

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