scholarly journals Didactic Values and Cultural Expressions of the Minangkabau Community Prohibition in Nagari Biaro Gadang

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-134
Hafizah Hafizah ◽  
Zuriyati Zuriyati ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie

This study aims to determine the didactic value and cultural value of the expression of prohibition used by the Minangkabau community in Nagari Biaro Gadang, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. This research method used descriptive qualitative method and was carried out in three stages, such as data collection, data classification, and data analysis stages. The data was collected by observing, interviewing, recording, and taking notes on the utterances conveyed by the informants. Classification of data was done by collecting forbidden expressions. Prohibition expressions are analyzed by using a hermeneutic approach to find out the meaning of the existing prohibition expressions. Analyzing data by transcribing the results of interviews, translating into Indonesian, grouping prohibition expressions based on didactic values consisting of religious education values, moral education values, and social education values and cultural values in forbidden expressions. The result of the research shows didactic values, which consist of religious education, moral education, and social education. In addition, in the expression of the prohibition of the Minangkabau people of Nagari Biaro Gadang, cultural values are also found. The conclusion of this research is that each prohibition expression had its own didactic and cultural values.Keywords: Prohibition Phrases, Didactic and Cultural Values, Minangkabau Cultures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Lelay Nangkai Puji

AbstractCultural Value in Oral Tradition of Dayak Maanyan Customary Marriage in Central Kalimantan.The aim of this study is to describe the implementation and the cultural values of Dayak Maanyancustomary marriage which is one of the oral tradition form of heritage in a complete processionway. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The interactive model analysis is carriedout from the data collection, data reduction, and data verification. The research sites are located inPalangka Raya and Buntok. This research is conducted by collecting information about customarymarriage either directly or indirectly from other documents. The research data is extracted from;Interviews with three speakers who are traditional leaders in their area, with supervision, observation,and documentation. The implementation of Dayak Maanyan customary marriage consists of (1) NatasBanjang, (2) The customary law fulfillment, (3) I Wurung Jue, (4) I Gunung Pirak, and (5) Turus Tajak.The cultural value in Natas Banjang is about the relation between human and God, nature, other people,and human itself. The cultural value in customary law fulfillment is about human relation to societyand others. The cultural value in I Wurung Jue is about human relation with nature, human itself andother people. The cultural value in I Gunung Pirak is about human relation with God, nature, societyand human itself. The cultural value in Turus Tajak is about human relation with God, society and otherpeople.Key words: cultural value, oral tradition, customary marriage, dayak maanyanAbstrakNilai Budaya dalam Tradisi Lisan Pernikahan Adat Dayak Maanyan di Kalimantan Tengah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pernikahan dan mengungkapkan nilaibudaya dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan yang merupakan salah satu bentuk tradisi lisanwarisan leluhur dengan secara lengkap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif.Analisis model interaktif dilaksanakan mulai dari tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajiandata, penyimpulan data, dan verifikasi data. Lokasi penelitian berada di Palangka Raya dan Buntok.Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang pernikahan adat baik secara langsung102maupun tidak langsung dari dokumen yang lain. Data penelitian digali dari wawancara dengan tigaorang narasumber yang merupakan tokoh adat di wilayahnya, melalui pengamatan, observasi, dandokumentasi. Pelaksanaan perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan terdiri dari prosesi (1) Natas Banjang,(2) Pemenuhan hukum adat, (3) I Wurung Jue, (4) I Gunung Pirak, dan (5) Turus Tajak. Adapunnilai budaya yang terkandung dalam natas banjang, yaitu tentang hubungan manusia: dengan Tuhan,dengan alam, dengan manusia, dan dengan diri sendiri, dalam pemenuhan hukum adat, yaitu tentanghubungan manusia: dengan masyarakat, dengan manusia, dan dengan diri sendiri, dalam I wurungjue, yaitu tentang hubungan manusia: dengan alam, dengan masyarakat, dan dengan manusia, dalamI gunung pirak, yaitu tentang hubungan manusia: dengan Tuhan dan dengan diri sendiri, dan dalamturus tajak, yaitu tentang hubungan manusia dengan manusia.Kata-kata kunci: nilai budaya, tradisi lisan, pernikahan adat, dayak maanyan

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-181
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Muhammad Irhamuddin Harahap

Duties and responsibilities of teachers are not limited in society, even teachers included in this case are essentially strategic components that have an important role and responsibility in determining the progress of the nation's life and become the foundation of expectations of children's parents to make their children good children (anaks haleh) who know how to carry out their religious obligations and have a noble character (akhlak al-karimah). This study aims to determine; What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought ?. What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's Thought ?. What is the relevance of Hasan Langgulung and Buya Hamka's thoughts on the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education ?. This research is a library research that uses various sources of literature as a source of research data. Primary data sources are the book Hamka Institution of Life and Budi and Hasan Langgulung Man and Education, An Analysis of Psychology, Philosophy and Education. While secondary data sources in research are books, articles, magazines, newspapers, or other sources, which are then drawn from these data. Based on the results of the processed data, it can be seen that the responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's thinking based on the explanation above, then the responsibility of educators namely educating: a). Faith Education; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education (physical and spiritual); d). Community social education; e). Intellectual education. While the Responsibility of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought covers at least 7 things, namely: a). Religious education which includes religious education, aqeedah and worship; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education which includes physical education and health; d). Psychological education consisting of psychiatric education and feelings; e). Community social education; f). Intellectual education. The relevance of the thoughts of Buya Hamka and Hasan Langgulung about the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education can be seen that Education basically revolves around science, charity, morals, and justice. All three are concepts that must be interconnected in the education process. Education for humans is not only to fulfill internal interests as dynamic creatures, but also external interests, namely the orderly and harmonious organization of human civilization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Rohana Rohana

The problems raised in this study are related to the analysis of educational values ​​in the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi. The educational aspects studied include aesthetic (beauty), moral, religious and social aspects. The purpose of this research is to describe the value of education in the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi and to find out the dominant value and its relevance in the reader's life. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of data analysis that have been carried out on the novel Cahaya di Atas Cahaya by Oki Setiana Dewi which is studied from its educational values, both aesthetics (beauty), moral, religious and social, strongly indicate the existence of educational values ​​that are beneficial to readers and connoisseurs of literature in particular. novelist. The value of education in the aesthetic education aspect tells about the beauties of real work as reality based on God's truth. The value of education, especially moral education, such as being devoted to parents, positive thinking in all things faced, not being arrogant and selfish, and always being able to care for others and not being arrogant towards something you have and being able to control yourself in any situation. Educational values ​​in the aspect of social education include always thinking positively towards others, needing each other, knowing hostility, having courtesy, always forgiving others mistakes, and being able to understand differences in beliefs. The value of religious education is such as the attitude of always being patient in dealing with endless problems, having good morals and ethics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Risfaisal Risfaisal

A'dangang ceremony is a cultural value in the Kajang Customary Area. The purpose of research to analyze the view of society and function of A'dangang Ceremony to the life of Kajang society. This type of research is descriptive qualitative method, data collection is used by observation, interview, and documentation. Processing techniques and data analysts performed through three stages of data reduction, presentation and draw conclusions. The results show there is a ceremony of death A'dangang, which consists of several levels, namely: a) Dampo Ceremony, b) Lajo-lajo Ceremony. The culture requires the role of government, cultural scientists, academics, journalists, students and all walks of life, to preserve traditional cultural heritage.Keywords: Structure, Ceremony, A'dangang

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-114
Irmayanti Nur Aini ◽  
Agus Nuryatin

Media merupakan perantara untuk membantu proses pembelajaran di kelas. Media pembelajaran berfungsi sebagai alat menyampaikan materi, mengatasi keterbatasan indera, ruang dan waktu, serta menambah motivasi belajar siswa. Buku komik dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran di kelas. Hal ini disebabkan ilustrasi dalam komik dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai peristiwa yang pernah  terjadi dan belum tentu dapat dipahami jika dibaca menggunakan buku teks biasa. Buku komik yang dikembangkan tidak hanya berfokus pada materi saja, tapi terdapat muatan nilai kebudayaan dalam masing-masing cerita. Sehingga diharapkan tujuan pendidikan yang didapatkan tidak hanya berupa pengetahuan saja tetapi pendidikan moral. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan langkah-langkah Borg and Gall yang direduksi menjadi lima tahapan, yaitu (1) potensi masalah, (2) pengumpulan informasi, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain. Tahapan tersebut akhirnya dapat menghasilkan buku komik sebagai media mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai dan isi cerita hikayat untuk kelas X SMA. Kata Kunci: buku komik, cerita hikayat, nilai kebudayaan Abstrack: Media is used to help the learning process in the classroom. The learning media function as a means of conveying material, overcoming the limitations of sense, space and time, and increasing students motivation. Comic books can be used as an alternative media for learning in the classroom. Because illustration in comics can increase understanding of events that have occured and may not be understood if it was read using ordinary textbooks. The comics books developed are not only focused on the material, but loads of cultural values in each story. So it is hoped that  the educational goals got by students will not only knowledge but moral education. This research uses research and development method. This study uses Borg and Gall steps which are reduced to five stages, here are (1) potential problems, (2) collection of information, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision. They are finally able to produce comic books as media to identify the values and contents of storybooks for 10 grade. Keyword: comic books, storybooks, cultural value

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (9) ◽  
pp. 2216
Aswin Padyanoor

The economy has changed dramatically since the COVID-19 outbreak began. The impact that occurred in Indonesia was almost on all fronts, and the Government continued to issue policies due to this impact. Tax policies that are designed to provide incentives for affected taxpayers are expected to increase economic growth. This research was conducted to map 14 Tax Policies in three Regulations issued by the Government based on the objective of reducing the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach obtained. Then perform data analysis using three stages of analysis techniques in the form of data collection, data reduction, and concluding. The results of the study state that Indonesia has issued a policy to help taxpayers who are affected by COVID-19. Benefits for taxpayers, namely a reduction in rates to an exemption from income tax, the goal is that the economy which has stopped moving up becomes stable. Keywords: Tax Incentives; Tax Policy; Taxpayers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Hidayah Quraisy ◽  
Sitti Asnaeni

Research on the existence of socio-cultural value a'dengkapada in the marriage event Kelara people Jeneponto Regency. This study aims to determine the existence and cultural values a'dengkapada in the marriage. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative method, data collection is used by observation, in-depth interview, documentation technique from result of photo and archives of local government. The results showed that, the existence of A'dengkap culture in marriage event still survive until now in Kelara society of Jeneponto Regency. The social values contained in the A'dengkapada culture are (1) As a tradition passed down from generation to generation, (2) Gratitude to the creator after the rice harvest and as a plea to be given safety in marriage and appeal (3) Entertainment for families and relatives in the afternoon (4) distant family gatherings (5) containers improve mutual cooperation and togetherness among families and relatives before carrying out the A'dengkapada event.Keywords: Existence, Social Value, Culture, A'dengkapada

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-115
Nur Jannah ◽  
Khairul Umam

AbstractThis research explains the role that parents should play in the educational process of their children during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using a qualitative descriptive approach to this type of research library, the researchers concluded that the role of parents in the current pandemic is becoming more urgent to develop children's character in a better direction. Three main points need to be internalized to children, namely religious education, social education, and moral education. Religious education is related to the issue of belief in God and all aspects related to Him. Social education is related to the cultivation of the values ​​of social interaction, both those originating from culture and religion and so on which have positive values. Meanwhile, moral education is related to the refraction of moral values, both individually and socially. Individual moral values ​​are related to how to treat oneself, while social moral values ​​are related to how to treat others well. Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan peran yang sewajarnya dan patut untuk dilakanakan oleh orang tua dalam proses pendidikan anak-anak mereka di masa pandemic covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif jenis library research, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa peran orang tua di masa pandemi saat ini menjadi lebih urgen dalam rangka menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak ke arah yang lebih baik. Terdapat tiga poin utama yang perlu diinternalisasikan kepada anak, yaitu pendidikan agama, pendidikan sosial dan pendidikan akhlak. Pendidikan agama terkait dengan masalah keyakinan kepada Tuhan dan segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan-Nya. Pendidikan sosial berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai interaksi sosial, baik yang bersumber dari budaya dan agama dan sebagainya yang bernilai positif. Sementara pendidikan akhlak berkaitan dengan pembiasan nilai-nilai moral, baik individual maupun sosial. Nilai moral individual berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan diri, sementara nilai moral sosial berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan orang lain dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Peran Orang Tua, Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Keluarga, Pandemi Covid-19

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 417-423
Pindra Ramadani ◽  
Jumino Suhadi ◽  
M. Manugeren

Melengkan is a custom in the plateau of Gayo performed at a wedding expressed in poetical, lyrical or proverbial form.  The study is aimed at identifying the types and uses of figures of speech in Melengkan of   Gayo wedding supported by the concept of figures of speech proposed by Kosasih (2007). The data were collected through observation and a video-recording of the traditional Gayo wedding. as well as interviews with melengkan performers under descriptive qualitative method (Best, 1982). The figures of speech used in Melengkan also reflect the cultural value of Gayo community with points of local wisdom. The findings showed that there were four classifications of figures of speech: Comparison, Substitution, Addition or Amplification, and Omission or suppression used in Melengkan.  The cultural values of Melengkan are for remembrance of local wisdom, warnings from customary philosophy, religion, and also for giving advice and recalling the history and beauty of Melengkan speech. The context of using Melengkan is to perpetuate and reflect cultural values, namely, politeness, respect, speaking softly, friendliness and resoluteness. These findings imply the importance of conserving Melengkan as a part of the Gayo culture in every part of life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Asfiati Asfiati

The curriculum is very strategically used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities, which included a guide to the interaction between teachers and learners. Development and curriculum development in Islam refers to the changes in the field and the subject matter as well as the change of time, the essence of the curriculum in the educational aspects of the macro objectives. Islamic religious education curriculum Post Undang-Undang RI Nomor 20 Year 2013 on National Education System played a role important in recognizing the importance of moral education and cultural values culture based on moral values and rules that divine principle that is Almighty.

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