Ksatra: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra
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Published By STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

2686-1844, 2684-9291

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-218
Desnia Verlinda

This determination aims to find out what difficulties exist in high school students, the lack of knowledge of writing is one of the great homeworks for educators especially in the Indonesian language, writing is a way to train students to create creative ways of thinking and expand vocabulary, research in writing assignments This poetry is expected to know the meaning of language style, imagery and the use of both in poetry writing, language style is semeotic in building signs in poetry, imagery is an image that builds the character of a writing so that it reaches the reader when writing poetry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-184
Surastina Surastina

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara penguasaan diksi dan tanda baca dengan kemampuan menulis persuasi siswa kelas VIII semester genap SMP Negeri 10 Bandarlampung tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara penguasaan diksi dengan kemampuan menulis persuasi. koefisien korelasir = 0,483, sedangkan kontribusi yang diberikan variabel penguasaan diksi terhadap kemampuan menulis persuasi sebesar 23,329% kemudian sisanya 76,671% ditentukan oleh faktor/variabel lain; 2) Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara penguasaan tanda baca dengan kemampuan menulis persuasi dengan koefisien korelasi r = 0,829, sedangkan kontribusi yang diberikan variabel penguasaan tanda baca terhadap kemampuan menulis persuasi sebesar 68,724% kemudian sisanya 31,276% ditentukan oleh faktor/variabel lain.; 3) Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara penguasaan diksi dan tanda baca dengan kemampuan menulis persuasi. Dengan koefisien korelasi R= 0,848, sedangkan kontribusi yang diberikan sebesar  71,91% kemudian sisanya 28,09% ditentukan oleh variabel/factor lain. Hasil ini memberikan keterangan bahwa variabel penguasaan diksi dan tanda baca kuat pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan menulis persuasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-196
Wiwik Dwi Koryati

Write to teach students XI IPA 1 SMAN 3 Metro to short story. Rearange short story students reveal environments form see, listen, and felt. Write short story by topic ;see, listen, be kissed, be sampled, and felts. Research purpose: implimcation of method cooperative learning to students XI IPA 1 to write short story. Research method :observation, documents, and interview. Techniqe of data tes and non tes. Analysis data be analysis data, prepared data, and conclusions. The result: pracyclus 198, cyclus I 262, increased 64%, achievement learning pracyclus 53, cyclus I 69, increaswd 16%. Cyclus II write skill short story 295, increased 32%, achievement learning 79, increased 10%. Cyclus III write skill short story 308, increased 14%, and achievement learning 88, increased 9%. Conclusion: Cooperative learning of method to increased students XI IPA 3 SMAN 3 Metro write short story.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-208
Susnelly Susnelly

Research purpose descriptive writes environment anekdot tex by metohde inquiry students X IPA 1 SMA 3 Metro. Methode observation, documents, and interview. Tecniqe of data tes and non tes. Enhancement skill write tex anekdot praciclus I total presentase 47,38%, and learning achievement praciclus 46 to cyclus I or 66, increased 20%. Cyclus II enhancement skill write tex anekdot or 97,68%, increased as 50,30%, and learning achievement 75, increased 9%. Cyclus III enhancement skill write tex anekdot 65,69%, increased 31,99%, and learning achievement 85, increased 10%. Conclusion inquiry method to enhancement skill write tex anekdot increased of significant from pracyclus, cyclus I, cyclus II and cyclus III, especially write tex anekdot.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-172
Cik Ayu Kesuma

The result of skill and learning becoming by write explanation methode inquity XI IPS 1 SMAN 3 Metro. Data method by observation, document,and interview (test and non test). Skill texs explanation prasiklus 79,25, siclus I to 96,83 increased 17,58%, the result of prasiklus 5 to siklus I become 7, increased 2%. Skill write texs explanation by siklus II become 108,91, increased 12,08%, the resulth of learning siclus I rates 7 a,d siklus II rates 8, increased 1%.  Siklus III skill write tex explanation become 200,16, increased 91,25%, the result of leaning score 9, increased 1%. The conclusion: skill tex explanation prasiklus rates 79,25%, at siklus I score 96,83%, siclus II score 108,91. And siclus III score 200,16%.  The result learning praciklus 5, siclus I become 7, siclus II,8, and siclus III become 9, the rates from praciklus 2%, siklus I to siclus II become 1%, and siclus III be 1%.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Hastuti Hastuti

This study aims to describe Javanese mythology in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's story of Calon Arang. The method that will be used by researchers in this research is descriptive method. From the research results in the novel Cerita Calon Arang by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, there are three mythologies. First, belief in mantras, the second is offering rituals, and the third is ritual worship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158
Nani Anggraini

Abstract: This study aims to identify and describe the use of effective sentences in Indonesian in the Friday sermon at the Jabal Rahma Mosque, Langkapura Sub-district. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection using recording techniques and interviews, the data collected is then analyzed. The content of the sermon is analyzed based on parallels, firmness, frugality, accuracy, cohesiveness, and logic of the sentences in the Friday sermon. The steps taken in analyzing Friday sermons are by transcribing the content of the sermon into written language and identifying sentences in Friday sermons. The results showed that it was less effective than usage

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-150
Rohana Rohana

The aim of this research is to reveal the deconstruction of male characters in the novel Atheis by Achdiat Karta Mihardja. The method that will be used by researchers in this research is descriptive method. The data collection technique that the writer uses in this research is the content analysis technique. The analysis technique in this research is (1) Identifying the oppositional hierarchy in the text, which usually shows which terms are systematically privileged and which are not. (2) The oppositions are reversed by showing the interdependence between the opposites or their privacy is reversed, and (3) introducing a new term or idea which apparently cannot be included in the old oppositional category. The results showed that ultimately the Atheists believed in God and regretted what they believed so far.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Sri Suharti

This study aims to obtain a description of the values ​​of character education in Erna Erdhiya's novel Hantu Belang Penunggu Makam Tak Bertuan. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study consist of; reading carefully and repeatedly, identifying, recording / coding, checking or selecting, and entering data. Data analysis in this study includes interpretation, data analysis, and data conclusion in accordance with the research objectives. The results of this research are the character education values ​​contained in Erna Erdhiya's novel Hantu Belang Penunggu Makam Tak Bertuan are namely religious, honest, discipline, tolerant, creative, curiosity, hard work, love to read, friendly, and responsible.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Rahmadani Linda Fadillah

This research describes the structure and function of Lipstick Beauty Product advertisements on television. This study uses a discourse analysis approach, this type of research is qualitative. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The data source of this research is in the form of Lipstick Beauty Product advertisements on television, which contains the structure and function of the advertising language. The results of the study describe the structure of lipstick beauty product advertisements on television consisting of language functions contained in food and beverage product advertisements on television including: (a) information functions, (b) persuasive functions and to form a positive image of the product to potential consumers.

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