scholarly journals Innovative language teaching (on the example of pre-school education)

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 180-185
Kamola Karshieva

The subject of the research in this article is the innovative methods of teaching a foreign language. The author considers innovative activity as a process of mutual influence, the strength of which depends on both the ability to use various innovative methods and techniques in teaching, and the spiritual wealth of the personality of the teacher. This article deals with the problem of finding new methods and ways to increase motivation for teaching foreign languages. One of these forms is new pedagogical technologies, the introduction of which facilitates effective language learning. The article defines the concepts of "Pedagogical technology" and "Smart education", which can provide a high level of education that meets the challenges and opportunities of today's world. The author emphasizes that it is not enough for a new generation of teachers to be competent in their field of knowledge, it is necessary for the educational process to use methodological innovations that are currently associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. The author considers several interactive methods, the implementation of which will contribute to the achievement of the goal - improving the efficiency of the educational process, achieving high efficiency for all students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 66-77
A.B. Umarova ◽  
G.A. Kazhigaliyeva ◽  

The article examines the issues of the systemic use of CLIL technology in teaching the Russian language to students-historians at a pedagogical university. The urgency of introducing innovative methods into the learning process is substantiated, including the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the linguistic educational process, which makes it possible to combine the study of a language and a special subject, thus expanding the general educational space through a functional approach. to language learning. The article describes the content of the survey conducted by the authors among 1st year students of the history profile, specialties "History" and "History-geography" of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The subject of the survey of students was to identify the language needs and opinions of students regarding the use of CLIL technology in Russian language classes. The results of the survey made it possible to assert that the formation of professional-communicative, cultural-communicative competencies in the classroom in the Russian language through the CLIL technology allows you to learn the language, simultaneously activating knowledge from the subject area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6 (344)) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Marharyta Morozova ◽  

The article considers the genesis of the concept of «interactivity» in modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological research. It is determined that interactivity runs through the entire history of pedagogical education. The paper analyzes the concept of «interactivity» in pedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages, programming, telecommunications, multimedia, design, cultural studies, literature, sociology. The purpose of the educational process is to prepare future teachers for professional activities in rapidly changing conditions, the formation of thinking as a factor in the formation of the modern personality of the future teacher and the introduction of democratic values in future teachers of the new generation. It is noted that the competence approach in the organization of the educational process requires the teacher to change the learning process: its structure, forms of organization of activities, the principles of interaction of subjects. It is established that in interactive learning the interaction of the teacher and the future teacher changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of future teachers, and the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative. The learning process is organized in such a way that almost all its participants are involved in the process of cognition, they have an opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. It is found that the peculiarity of interactive methods is the high level of mutually directed activity of the subjects of interaction, emotional, spiritual unity of the participants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Володимир Миколайович Манько ◽  
Людмила Іванівна Хіценко

The research is devoted to the experimental verification of the effectiveness of multimedia language laboratories in foreign language learning (on the example of the specialty «Translation»). The study represents the capabilities of multimedia language laboratories in the foreign language learning and the advantages and disadvantages of their use. The article discusses the concepts of “multimedia technologies” as digital delivery of content using more than one medium which influences several perception channels of information, and “multimedia linguistic laboratories” as computer classrooms equipped with E-Presenter, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard and peripheral equipment. Multimedia presentations, electronic studies manuals and Internet access are used to provide the future interpreters with necessary knowledge for doing translation. Modern multifunctional computer software gives the future interpreters the opportunity to form the competence in listening. The use of Skype and Viber helps to develop communicative skills providing communication and cultural interaction with native speakers. MLL’s software and hardware complex provides teachers with a powerful toolkit that helps to create, edit and save tests, conduct tests and collect results, quickly assess and comment on the answers. The statistical calculations confirmed that the implementation of multimedia technology in the educational process, the correct and systematic use of MLL in the foreign language learning, can not only diversify learning process, but also help the future interpreters to achieve a high level of the foreign language competence. The use of MLL revealed a number of methodological advantages over traditional ways of teaching. The authors see the prospects for further research in the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions for implementing information and communication technologies in the process of training future interpreters.

2021 ◽  
pp. 143-153
Мария Владимировна Пупышева ◽  
Мария Александровна Харитонова

Обучение поколения Z в высшей школе должно быть адаптировано под его особенности, среди которых повышенная тревожность и отсутствие навыков долгосрочного прогнозирования. Данные черты снижают эффективность традиционного письменного контроля, уступая место более интерактивным игровым методам. Существуют инструменты, доказавшие свою эффективность для проведения текущего и промежуточного контроля, преимуществом которых является интуитивность их использования, а также сокращение времени подготовки и проверки работ обучающихся. Предлагаемые интерактивные инструменты контроля с использованием смартфона положительно сказываются на мотивации студентов, формируют правильное представление о собственном прогрессе и интегрируют цифровые технологии в учебный процесс, что само по себе уже является приоритетным направлением развития современной системы образования. The article focuses on the effectiveness of traditional assessment tools applied in higher education for teaching generation Z, considering the fact that the new generation of students has its own characteristics, including increased anxiety and lack of long-term forecasting skills. These features, combined with the intuitive use of the Internet, reduce the effectiveness of traditional written tests, giving way to more interactive methods. The authors suggest a number of modern tools suitable for the formative and summative assessment in both classroom and remote learning, highly demanded during the pandemic: Quizlet multimedia cards, Learningapps small interactive modules, the Edpuzzle platform for video files, online testing services of Kahoot! and Class Marker, as well as Mentimeter interactive presentations service. The indisputable advantage of the listed applications is their intuitiveness, and therefore they do not require long training for using them, and they also can reduce the time spent on the preparation and evaluation of students’ tests. The proposed interactive assessment tools imply an active use of smartphones by students and have a positive effect on their motivation, help them form a proper idea of their own progress and integrate digital technologies into the educational process, which in itself is already a priority for the modern education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 230
Halyna I. Yuzkiv ◽  
Iryna M. Ivanenko ◽  
Nataliia V. Marchenko ◽  
Natalia V. Kosharna ◽  
Natalia S. Medvid

The advanced pedagogical experience testifies to the presence of a number of methods in the practice of teaching language disciplines used by teachers during profile training at school or other educational institutions. With the development of modern information technologies, the role of traditional methods of studying language disciplines in the educational process is changing to the advantage of more innovative (interactive) methods of studying language disciplines. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the application of innovative methods in language disciplines during profile training implementation. To achieve the purpose specified, an academic paper uses a number of general scientific (method of theoretical analysis, method of observation, method of description and method of synthesis) and empirical (experimental method, modeling method and calculation method) research methods. The practical reflection of the state and dynamics of mastering language disciplines during profile training is demonstrated through: the efficiency level of the applied innovative methods of studying language disciplines; the dynamics of the average number of students, involved in studying foreign language per student at the level of higher secondary education; rating of the countries of European Union and Ukraine on English proficiency according to the Global rating of countries and regions; provisions of New Ukrainian School Concept. It has been established that in the countries of European Union the practice of studying language disciplines is based on the translation method, the method of meaningful and language integrated learning, the methods of using digital technologies and the method of using creative objects. The study has revealed that such countries of European Union, as Luxembourg, Romania and Finland have significantly high levels of foreign language proficiency; however, such levels of language command are significantly low in Greece, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Portugal. It has been established that Ukraine is classified as a country with a low level of English language command (proficiency) in the Global Ranking of Countries and Regions (according to data of 2019, 2017 and 2016) and a moderate level of English language proficiency (according to data of 2018 and 2015). The following types of innovative methods, currently used by teachers in language disciplines during profile training, have been summarized, namely: the use of information and computer technology in the process of language learning; the use of developmental methods in the form of dialogue, discussion, seminar or brainstorming; construction of the educational process in the form of a game, project, team game; introduction of creative and interactive tasks into the educational process.

М. S. Vasylyk

The article reveals the effectiveness and reasonable usage of interactive methods while teaching English as a foreign language to the students of non-specialized faculties. The article shows the importance of these methods as a means of intensification, optimization and stimulation of studying process. The article analyses the concept «interactive education technology». The methods of teaching applied in an interactive process of teaching foreign languages such as situational-thematic, discussion and research are studied. The most effective in terms of assimilation of language material and the interest of students in the process of learning at non-language faculties is the project method, the method of «brainstorming» and the method of business role-playing games. Thus, these innovative methods are characterized by high efficiency of material mastering. In the process of work, students of non-language faculties develop not only organizational but also methodological and play-technical skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (189) ◽  
pp. 203-208
Oksana Raniuk ◽  

In modern information society the ability to express well, argumentatively and effectively is the key to success. Vocational training of philologists in institutions of higher education consists of formation of the rhetorical personality who has rhetorical abilities, it means that he is able to create both monological, and dialogical statements, is capable to deliver public speeches, works with the text, and communicates foreign (Polish) language fluently. It is worth to mention that for effective development of rhetorical abilities it is necessary to define structural elements of linguo-didactic model. It is distinguished approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions, stages, methods. It is defined that the main approaches are communicative, competence-based and personally focused. It is distinguished both generally deductive, and specific, in particular the principle of integration of real communication into educational process; dialogical communication; continuity of training and education; individual approach, participativity; professional mobility, textocentrism, approximation. Methods are divided into traditional and interactive. Among pedagogical conditions it is distinguished introduction of stage-by-stage and purposeful development of rhetorical abilities of future philologists in the course of training Polish; creation of favorable communicative environment during studying Polish; usage of interactive methods of training in the course of studying Polish; motivation of students polonist to improve their speech. There are three stages in the technique of development of rhetorical abilities of future philologists in the course of training Polish. They are preparatory, main, control generalizing. Thanks to systematic and purposeful work in classes of foreign (Polish) language and the usage of the linguo-didactic model it is possible to improve rhetorical abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 60-74
Inna Haletska ◽  
Larysa Klymanska ◽  
Maryna Klimanska ◽  
Mariia Perun ◽  

The epidemic situation in Ukraine in the autumn of 2020 with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic required the continuation of quarantine restrictions and the educational process in almost all higher education institutions in Ukraine went online. The aim of the study was to analyze the psychological aspects of students’ learning in the context of emergency distance learning during the quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning satisfaction, and success of adaptation. The data were collected in November 2020 during the second wave of emergency distance learning. The study involved 448 students of higher education institutions aged 18 to 23. The following questionnaires were used for the data collection: the questionnaire of attitude to distance learning (I. Galetska, V. Mushketa), supplemented by the questionnaire of behaviour in the context of distance learning (M. Klimanska, M. Perun), the questionnaire of people's lives in quarantine «Thermometer-COVID» (I. Haletska, M. Klimanska), The academic motivation scale (R.Vallerand, adaptation by O. Zakharko), Patient Health Questionnaire (modules PHQ-9 and GAD-7), The questionnaire on positive and negative affects (OPANA) (M. Klimanska, I. Haletska), short essays by students about their own experiences of the distance learning situation. 33% of students like to study remotely as opposed to 14% of students who are very dissatisfied with distance learning. The vast majority of students, 65,2%, attend classes and 52,1% prepare for seminars no less than before the announcement of distance learning. Students, in general, like the quality of teaching (33,1%) and the organization of education (28,2%), they declare, that now they have more time (41%). At the same time, 34,7% rate the level of education as the worse. 52,1% of students consider too much homework to be a key problem, 41,7% of respondents feel a constant temptation to do other things, 43,5% of students declare the complexity of self-organization and adherence to the regime, at the same time, a significant proportion of students, 21,8% , note that they have no problems with it. As the main positives of distance learning, 79% of students indicate savings of travel time, and travel costs 75,1%. 49,3% of students say that due to distance learning there is much more time for communication with friends, 45,8% - more time for independent work. 37,2% of respondents indicated that for them personally the availability of greater opportunities for сheating (copying) during online testing is a significant positive, and 13,7% do not consider it as an important advantage of distance learning for themselves. Students noted physical discomfort (27%), a great amount of educational tasks (25,7%), the temptation of other things (18%), difficulties in adhering to the regime (11%) as the greatest weaknesses and problems of distance learning. Three types of adaptation to distance learning were identified with the help of cluster analysis: 1) “Adapted” students (33%), show a high level of satisfaction with distance learning and high efficiency of adaptation to new learning conditions; have successfully adapted to the conditions of distance learning and see the benefits of time saving, increasing freedom of movement in it, as well as opportunities for independent learning ; 2) “Disadapted” students (31%) feel dissatisfaction and disadaptation in the situation of distance learning, which are manifested in the lack of academic motivation and ignoring learning, as well as in a higher level of anxiety, depression and negative affect in general; 3) “Frustrated” students (36%), show above average level of satisfaction with distance learning, a high level of activity in preparation for seminars in combination with a high level of academic maladaptation; despite the high level of academic motivation, they have significant difficulties in self-organization, as a result they are feeling constant distress, which is affecting negatively mental and physical health. The results of the study show that distance learning has become a catalyst for the exploration of differences in learning motivation and adaptability of students. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the ergonomic conditions for distance learning, as well as to develop recommendations and trainings for the formation of self-regulation and adaptability for students.

Svetlana V. Popova ◽  
Alexander V. Degtyarev

Abstract. We consider the methodological potential of environmental pedagogy in foreign language learning. The using modern educational technology of mixed learning “inverted class” in higher education, the introduction of new principles of the educational process in higher education, the search for new organizational forms of learning, interactive methods and technologies of foreign language teaching are necessary. The solution of the research problem is based on theoretical, methodological and practical issues considered in the study. Teaching a foreign language is based on the methodological potential of the noospheric approach. Foreign language teacher is a facilitator, consultant and ensures successful communication of students in the process of carrying out interdisciplinary or meta-disciplinary research projects. It has been determined that in order to form the ecological competence of future bachelors of biology in foreign language classes, it is necessary to use authentic texts, the selection of which takes into account the criteria of authenticity and genre diversity. It is concluded that environmental competence contains a system of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities, includes a behavioral aspect. The development of this competence is carried out in cooperation with special (biological, environmental) disciplines in teaching a foreign language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 158-162
Xamidova Nigora Tulkunovna ◽  
Xurramov Mansur

The information and knowledge accumulated by mankind over the centuries should be assimilated and enriched by each new generation and serve the development of society. The acquisition of accumulated information and knowledge is a very complex process and should be organized only on a scientific basis. But every process is a social phenomenon. Therefore, it has its own rules and characteristics.  The didactic department of pedagogy deals with the study, analysis of the rules of the educational process and the search for new areas of knowledge, the development of effective methods of their acquisition. Philosophy, psychology, and physiology also study the educational process, human cognition, and the phenomena of thinking. However, didactics approaches these issues as a specialized science and conducts research. Didactics deals with all aspects of education, its organization, acquisition of knowledge, definition of the content of education, methods and rules of teaching.

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