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Published By Psychological Journal

2414-004x, 2414-0023

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Dmytro Shvets ◽  
Vadym Barko ◽  
Yuliia Boiko-Buzyl ◽  

The article highlights the results of the study of psychological features of interpersonal interaction of district officers of the National Police of Ukraine. A district police officer, like every police officer, in the process of professional activity performs important law enforcement functions to ensure security, respect for rights and freedoms, on the basis of partnership and police care, so close contact with citizens and colleagues, so his communicative potential depends on the success of official tasks. The ability to communicate with people, establish psychological contact, overcome barriers to communication, listen, listen and hear, answer questions, influence, provide and obtain the necessary information, etc., determine not only the quality of work of a police officer in general, but also efficiency activities of the National Police of Ukraine in general. The presented study of interpersonal communication of police officers is based on the use of two recognized psychodiagnostic methods, namely the interrogation questionnaire for interpersonal interaction T. Leary and the abbreviated version of the questionnaire of the Big Five in the adaptation of O. John, L. Naumann, S. Soto. In general, the selected questionnaires allowed to determine the professional features of communication of district police officers in the vectors of extroversion and introversion, friendliness and aggression, dominance and dependence. The profile of a district police officer has been found to combine wall and hyposthenic characteristics, allowing them to combine stern, masculine traits and patterns of behavior in interpersonal relationships with milder, emotionally benevolent manifestations. Personal characteristics such as honesty, extroversion, moderate flexibility, openness to new experiences, low levels of neuroticism indicate that district police officers tend to have a mixed type of response in the process of interpersonal interaction. It has been proven that the use of questionnaires provides an objective and comprehensive description of the style of interpersonal behavior of police officers, which will improve the quality of professional selection of police officers, increase the efficiency of teamwork and increase public confidence in the police.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 16-28
Bogdana Oniskovets ◽  

The article presents the results of an experimental test of the author's program of psychocorrection of emotional states of elderly women with coronary heart disease. The main psychophysiological indicators of the emotional state of elderly women, which affect the development of coronary heart disease, are determined. These include: alexithymia, depression, openness, anxiety, neuroticism, sociability, emotional lability. The following methods of processing the obtained results were chosen, in view of the small number of respondents: Spearman's rank correlation method, Student's T-test; T - Wilcoxon test). Methods used: "Toronto Alexithymic Scale", "Hamilton Scale for Depression", "Hamilton Scale for Anxiety", "Asthenic Scales", "Neuropsychiatric Stress Questionnaire", "Aggression Questionnaire", "FR Questionnaire , according to theoretically determined indicators of the emotional sphere of elderly women with coronary heart disease. It was found that for psychophysiological indicators of depression, anxiety, neuroticism, openness, emotional lability, significance was recorded using Wilcoxon's T-test, which indicates that the change in these indicators occurred as a result of our method with a probability of more than 99%. It is noted that the level of psychophysiological indicators of alexithymia and sociability did not change significantly. We explain the weak influence of the proposed method on these indicators by objective factors. Correction of alexithymia should include a focus on the patient's awareness of their feelings and the ability to express them and should be carried out on the patient comprehensively and over a long period of time. We have identified an important cause of coronary heart disease in elderly women, which is a combination of elevated levels of negative emotions with an intense tendency to suppress their expression in social contacts and interpersonal interaction. The effectiveness of the correctional program has been proved, which can be further used by psychologists as a psychocorrectional component of the general set of measures during outpatient treatment of coronary heart disease and its psychoprophylaxis. We see the prospect of further research in the improvement of the author's comprehensive program, expansion of its corrective spectrum of action and further testing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Anna Podolska ◽  

The article contains an exposition of the theoretical analysis of the main scientific approaches to the study of the concept of "anxiety states" and the differentiation and correlation of the concepts of anxiety, situational and personal anxiety, anxiety state. The psychological, physiological and social aspects of the emergence and manifestation of anxiety states are analyzed. Phobic to asthenic components of anxiety states are described. The reasons and consequences of anxiety in various senses of anxiety as an emotional and psychological state are considered. We see the importance of studying anxiety states in the growth trend of negative emotions in society, and in the demand for psychological support. Among modern methods of psychotherapy for anxiety states, we choose art therapy as one of the ecological means of overcoming feelings of fear, anger, shame and other negative emotional states. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of art therapy work with clay as a psychotherapeutic method of anxious personality states. A description is made and general characteristics and features of art therapy work with clay are given. Based on the study of a number of foreign studies on art therapy with clay, we saw evidence of a close correlation between the physiological and psychological aspects of human life through the experience of contact, as one of the very first basic personal experiences. When interacting with clay in the context of an art therapy process, each hand movement provides instant feedback to the brain, provides non-verbal access to psychological and sensorimotor processes. Natural clay is a natural, ecological and affordable material that provides the creation of three-dimensional objects and naturally promotes significant psychological processes through touch, revealing significant information about the inner world of the creators. Therefore, clay art therapy can be a powerful tool for solving many basic problems and stimulating an individual to social-emotional development. The relevance of the upcoming study is due to the urgent need to use psychotherapeutic methods of an innovative and systemic nature in working with anxiety states. We determine the prospect of our research in the development of a program for a therapeutic program for anxiety states using clay as a method of art therapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Lesia Muzychko ◽  

The article examines military leaders’ psychological competence in combat. The peculiarities of psychological support for military-professional activities are determined. The psychological support of combat activities includes: mobile groups for psychological support and rehabilitation, educational work (psychological education), debriefings, mini-trainings, interactive communication in recreation camps, identification of service members affected by stress factors and timely first psychological aid, detection of service members with deviant behavior to send them for an extraordinary examination by psychiatrists, recommendations for evacuation from the zones of extreme (combat) conditions. To ensure psychological services for service members, organizational and legal efforts should be applied, but methodological support is also important, in particular available hardware, writing, computerized methods (questionnaires, tests, etc.) and various techniques, first of all - trainings, helping to solve professional and psychological problems. Depending on the tasks of psychological counseling, there are several psychological regulatory programs: trainings for self-regulation, targeted program relieving mental stress or fatigue, mobilizing the body’s reserve capabilities, general health program to normalize service members’ states and recover their body. Service members’ professional competence is considered by scientists as an integral characteristic that determines their ability to solve professional problems and fulfill typical professional tasks that arise in real professional situations, using knowledge, professional and life experience, values ​​and inclinations. Combat mission efficiency is determined by a person’s intellectual and physical capabilities, as well as their responsibility, independence, emotional and volitional hardiness, flexibility, ability to make decisions and interact with other military members under stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Olha Morozova-Larina ◽  
Stanislav Kazakov ◽  
Mavile Halilova ◽  

The article presents the scientific-practical study on the transformation of the value of health in the situation of quarantine restrictions. The empirical study on manifestations of a health-care postponing mechanism in the context of the experienced value of health during the coronavirus pandemic is presented. The article describes the training for personal development, developed on the basis of the performed study, aimed at prioritizing health in the system of personal values; the results of its approbation are given. The training for personal development has been tested and has shown its effectiveness and efficiency. The factors influencing manifestations of health care procrastination during quarantine restrictions and self-isolation have been identified and analyzed. The study identified factors that have a strong influence on the practical aspect of health consciousness, namely: psychological well-being, locus of control, and the emotional aspect of health consciousness. Currently, social isolation is one of the most important social changes. An important construct of the value of health is psychological well-being, which is defined as the attitude and assessment of a person’s own mental state. An individual’s psychological-emotional state in the epidemiological situation depends on individual characteristics, external circumstances and the chosen strategy in the uncertain conditions. The psychological phenomenon of procrastination is inevitably manifested in the health area under conditions of quarantine restrictions. The study results and the identified trends as for the value of health during the quarantine have confirmed the need for work aimed at creating theoretical and empirical models to get ideas about the real health state of representatives of various social groups, as well as the introduction of trainings aimed at forming an individual’s positive attitude to their own health and adequate protective strategies that help relieve psychological stress during the quarantine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Karina Sanko ◽  

The article studies the importance of emotional intelligence in various social situations. It emphasizes that a person’s behaviour is determined both by personal traits and a social situation. The foreign experience in studying the influence of social situations on emotional intelligence manifestations and its components is analysed. The foreign view takes into account, in fact, not the characteristics of the social situation experienced by a person, but the characteristics (context) of the social environment. The article presents also national scientists’ views on this issue, according to which a social situation and its role is considered via "emotionogenicity" of the situation for the individual, and also the question appears on classification of social situations. Manifestations of emotional intelligence and its components should be studied theoretically and empirically in the context of a person’s emotional experience and "physical living" in difficult life circumstances. The author defines the qualitative indicators of emotional intelligence and its components that can become certain markers of the psychological quality of difficult situation experiencing. A person’s psychological well-being, adaptability and subjective success can be such qualitative indicators revealing understanding by a person of experienced difficult life circumstances. Namely, these psychological indicators indicate the quality of the situation experiencing and the role of the emotional intelligence components in adaptability, ensured psychological well-being and a sense of subjective success. The empirical analysis of the proposed indicators give an understanding of whether a person is fully psychologically and qualitatively living the circumstances and what the role of emotional intelligence is. The theoretical model of emotional intelligence influence on the psychological indicators of a person’s life quality, depending on a social situation, is presented. The model demonstrates the influence of emotional intelligence and its components on adaptability, psychological well-being and subjective success depending on social situations, and vice versa. This model should be applied for the empirical study on the mutual influence of emotional intelligence on the above indicators; its novelty and importance for understanding of the social context is emphasizes. The constructed regression models are examined to determine connections and assert that the feelings of psychological well-being, adaptability and subjective success in a difficult situation are determined by the corresponding components of emotional intelligence, in particular, during the pandemic. In such difficult life situation as the pandemic, emotional intelligence ensures adaptability, psychological well-being and subjective success. The constructed regression models indicate that emotional intelligence components influence differently on particular characteristics during the pandemic, in particular, adaptability is ensured indirectly by controlling emotions and developed interpersonal emotional intelligence; psychological well-being depends on such emotional intelligence components as understanding one’s emotions, empathizing with unhappiness, and control over expressions; the feeling of subjective success during the pandemic is mediated by understanding of one’s own emotions and empathizing with unhappiness. In such difficult life situation as the pandemic, the components ensuring both psychological well-being and subjective success are the understanding of one’s own emotions and empathy for unhappiness, which indicates the importance of a contact with one’s own emotions and collective inclusion into the difficult situation. And the resulting regression model for adaptability includes completely different components of emotional intelligence, namely, emotional management and interpersonal emotional intelligence, which shows the focus on interpersonal interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 57-73
Halyna Chuyko ◽  
Igor Zvarych ◽  
Yan Chaplak ◽  

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the understanding of the phenomenon of tolerance in psychology and the determination of the characteristics and probable reasons for the manifestation of such a form as tolerance of indifference, which is currently the most widespread in the world, according to the authors of this article. It is stated that there are a lot of different interpretations of the concept of tolerance in the scientific literature and they continue with an awareness of the complexity, multidimensionality and dynamic nature of this phenomenon, however, instead of identifying what unites them, which is common for the definition of tolerance, scientists are focused on attempts to offer their own, more a good understanding of it, different from the existing ones. And this actually means the absence in science of the exact meaning of this word, as well as an understanding of what exactly, what psychological phenomenon it means. And the attempts of scientists to distinguish this concept from the concept of tolerance in no way facilitate the solution of the situation. It is suggested that tolerance and intolerance should not be opposed in the context of a "positive-negative" attitude, since these concepts are not mutually exclusive, and the manifestation of intolerance under certain circumstances can be a moral phenomenon, in contrast to tolerance. It is noted that the biggest problem and still unresolved issue of the psychology of tolerance is the definition of the boundaries of manifestation of tolerance, tolerant attitude towards another person and his actions. It is concluded that the limit of the manifestation of a tolerant attitude is violation / neglect of other norms of universal human morality; that in the modern world, tolerance is not always actively manifested, more often the tolerance of indifference dominates. And it is precisely this manifestation of tolerance that has a long history (philosophical and religious), which serves as a serious basis for modern manifestations of tolerance as indifference. Tolerance of indifference is a manifestation of a stable, not always conscious, indifferent attitude to various issues of human existence, which excludes both a person's assessment of the current situation and taking responsibility for its development. The tolerance of indifference was inherited by the post-Soviet countries from totalitarianism, but the modern information society, in part, involuntarily cultivates just this kind of tolerance, gradually leveling the axiological significance of a person's moral and existential values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 74-88
Liudmyla Krupelnytska ◽  
Anton Zagumenov ◽  

The online study involved 48 people. The study was conducted using three methods: Method for diagnostics on tendency to 13 types of addiction (G. Lozova, 2007); Five-factor personality questionnaire (adaptation by A. Khromov, 2000); Purpose-in-Life Test (adaptation by D. Leontiev, 2000). The offer to participate in the study was distributed on the Internet using the Telegram-messenger. Among the subjects were 32 women and 16 men aged 15 to 30 years. 89.7% of respondents are persons aged 19 to 21 years. It was found that 10.4% of respondents have a high level, 68.7% of respondents have average level and 20.8% of respondents have low level of general tendency to addictive behaviors. Tendencies to Alcohol Addiction, Love Addiction, Food Addiction, Work Addiction, Computer Addiction, Addiction on Healthy Lifestyle occur in more than half of the subjects. Manifestations of tendency to certain types of addictive behavior differ in the male and female parts of the sample. According to the high rates of Tendencies to Love, Food, and Work Addictions, the proportion of men is almost one third higher than the proportion of women. According to the high rates of Tendency to Computer Addiction, the proportion of men is five times higher than the corresponding proportion of women. According to the Alcohol Addiction scale, the percentage of men with an average rate is significantly higher than the corresponding percentage of women, while the percentage of women with a high rate on this scale is almost three times higher than the percentage of men (18.8 and 6.3, respectively). On the scales Game Addiction, Drug Addiction, Smoking Addiction, General Addiction there are significantly more men with both medium and high rates. The Tendency to Religious Addiction, Drug Addiction and Addiction on Healthy Lifestyle is mostly "female". The Tendency to TV Addiction is not expressed in either the male or female parts of the sample. It was found that people with a low level of meaningful in life have Tendencies to Love Addiction and Computer Addiction. Their level of General Tendency to Addictive Behavior is higher. People with a higher rate of meaningful in life differ from people with a low rate in such personal qualities as dominance, search for impressions, extroversion, persistence, responsibility, curiosity, artistry, sensitivity, expressiveness. A low rate of meaningful in life is associated with emotional instability, anxiety, depression, self-criticism, tension. It is established that the Tendency to Computer Addiction and the General Tendency to Addiction are inversely related to the goals, process, performance of life, locus of control-I, locus of control-life and meaningful in life; the Tendency to Computer Addiction is inversely related to persistence, and the General Tendency to Addiction is inversely related to dominance and responsibility. The factor structure of Tendency to Addictive Behavior contains the following components: Meaning as a Protective Factor; Chemical Addictions, Self-Control, Health as Super-Value, Eating Your Emotional Instability, Intersexual Addiction vs Alcohol Addiction and Symbiotic Love.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-20
Natalia Hura ◽  
Olena Veldbrecht ◽  

The article presents the questionnaire measuring job satisfaction - an individual’s subjective attitude based on perception, emotional response and cognitive assessment of his/her professional activities and climate in his/her organization. The method contains the list of 38 statements concerning the professional sphere; respondents should rate them with a 5-point scale from “completely satisfied” to “absolutely dissatisfied”. The questionnaire was tested with the sample of 135 people from different professional areas, aged 20 to 62, including 90 women. Factor analysis confirmed the structural components of job satisfaction organised into the questionnaire subscales: resourcefulness of the professional environment, organization of a work processes, work-life balance, social value of work, professional self-realization. The obtained quantitative results met the criteria of normal distribution and had a high degree of internal consistency. Scores and the overall indicator of job satisfaction did not depend on age and correlated closely with professional self-realization, the balance of various life spheres, burnout symptoms and work involvement. There were differences in the component structure of job satisfaction for different genders: women assessed significantly higher their balance of professional and non-professional life spheres. Three groups were composed depending on the respondents’ desire to resign or change jobs (absent desire, sometimes, often). The comparative analysis of these groups showed that job satisfaction was a reliable predictor of the probability of jobs changing; here, the balance of life spheres was especially indicative. The questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool, recommended for use in research and practical work. It allows assessing employees’ current experiences about their professional position, gives a fairly complete picture of job satisfaction, concluding about personal and professional adaptation, as well as identifying the most relevant areas of psychological interventions and organizational changes. The construction of test norms must take into account the specifics of the profession and the conditions of a particular organizational environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Nataliia Voronska ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of studying social and psychological training as a means of developing the communicative competence of adolescents in inclusive classes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the results of a study of the influence of socio-psychological training on the development of the communicative competence of adolescents. Interpretations of the basic concepts of work as: "competence", "communication", "communication", "adolescence" are provided and their theoretical analysis is carried out. Communicative competence is defined as a complex, comprehensive education that ensures the success of the implementation of the main tasks of communication and self-realization of the individual and is expressed in an adequate perception of a communication partner, effective interaction and correct transfer of information. The development of communicative competence was considered through four indicators that are most important for the development of communicative competence: high emotional intelligence, self-management in communication, group cohesion, and a favorable atmosphere in the classroom. To develop these indicators, a social psychological training program was created. The methods of this research were: "Diagnostics of emotional intelligence" (N. Hall), "Study of the ability to self-government in communication", "Determination of the index of group cohesion of Sishore", "Methodology for assessing the psychological atmosphere in A. Fiedler's team." To test the significance of the effect of the independent variable, a nonparametric test of differences for dependent samples was applied, the Wilcoxon t-test. To compare the results of the experimental group with those of the control group, the Mann-Whitney U-test was used. Comparison of the results in dependent and independent samples before and after the training revealed that the program we developed was effective. In the experimental group, the general level of emotional intelligence rose from low to medium, in self-government in communication, the indicator on the partnership scale increased significantly, the level of group cohesion rose from medium to above average, the indicator of a favorable atmosphere in the classroom rose from neutral to medium. It is concluded that the program of socio-psychological training we have drawn up contributes to the development of emotional intelligence; develops the skills of effective interaction, introspection, self-expression, the ability to coordinate joint actions; reduces negative manifestations that can affect the psychological climate.

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