2021 ◽  
Monica Feronica Bormasa

AbstractThis study aims to determine the perceptions of the people of Romean Village, Yaru District, West Southeast Maluku Regency on the management of village funds to improve the welfare of the village community. This research conducted a discretive caulitative approach using the analysis flow from Millis and Huberman. The technique of collecting data is through interviews with village government officials and several community members as informants. The results showed that Village Fund Management was not optimal because of low human resources, low level of community participation in village program planning, low supervision, lack of accountability and transparency in managing village funds, and finally the impact of village funds on community welfare was still low.Keywords: Community Perception and Village Fund Management

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rasji Rasji

Village government is the lowest level of government in the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Its existence is very strategic for the implementation of programs of the central government, local government, and the wishes of the village community, so that the village government can help create a balance between the goals desired by the state and those desired by the people, namely the welfare of the people. For this reason, the role of village government officials is important to achieve the success of implementing village government tasks. In fact, there are still many village government officials who have not been able to carry out their duties and authorities properly and correctly. How are efforts to strengthen the role of village government officials so that they are able to carry out their duties and authority properly and correctly? One effort that can be done is to provide technical guidance to village government officials regarding village governance, the duties and authorities of village government officials, as well as the preparation of village regulations. Through this activity, it is hoped that the role of the village government apparatus in carrying out their duties and authorities will be strong, so that their duties and authorities can be carried out properly and correctlyABSTRAK;Pemerintahan desa adalah tingkat pemerintahan terendah di dalam Pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia. Keberadaannya sangat strategis bagi penerapan program pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan keinginan masyarakat desa, sehingga pemerintah desa dapat membantu terciptanya keseimbangan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh negara dan yang diinginkan oleh rakyat yaitu kesejahteraan rakyat. Untuk itu peran aparatur pemerintahan desa menjadi penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas pemerintahan desa. Pada kenyataannya masih banyak aparatur pemerintahan desa yang belum dapat melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya dengan baik dan benar. Bagaimana upaya menguatkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa, agar mampu menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya secara baik dan benar? Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan bimbingan teknis kepada aparatur pemerintahan desa mengenai pemerintahan desa, tugas dan wewenang aparatur pemerintah desa, maupun penyusunan peraturan desa. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya menjadi kuat, sehingga tugas dan wewenangnya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Umi Purwanti

Transparency is one of the principles that can guarantee access or freedom for all people to obtain information about the administration and management carried out by the government. With the principle of transparency, it is hoped that the Melilian Village government, Gelumbang District, will manage the Village Fund transparently and involve the Village community. This study aims to describe the management of Village Funds and the mechanisms for managing Village Funds carried out by the Melilian Village Government, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study include, observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the management of the Village Fund carried out by the Melilian Village government, Gelumbang District, was in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and involved the community from the planning, implementation, administration, reporting and accountability stages to the delivery of development results. Based on the transparency indicator, it shows that there is availability of document accessibility as well as completeness, clarity and convenience for the public to access information as a whole with the installation of billboards and information boards at several points. This study concludes that Melilian Village, Gelumbang Subdistrict, has carried out the process of the Village Fund management mechanism in stages by involving several related elements including the people of Melilian Village, Gelumbang District.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Susetiawan Susetiawan ◽  
DC Mulyono ◽  
Muhammad Yunan Roniardian

Law No. 6 of 2014 mandates that village development planning should be implemented in a participatory manner, involving all communities including vulnerable groups (minorities, disabled, women, poor). It is so that the development undertaken by the village really beneficial to all villagers in the village. However, to date, most villages in Indonesia are still unable to implement the mandate of the Act. There are villages that carry out elitist development planning, fully undertaken by the village administration without the involvement of the community. There are also villages that have tried to involve the community, through musrenbangdes mechanism, but unfortunately not all community components are invited in the musrenbangdes. The impact of development planning that has not been participatory is that village development can not be felt by all levels of society. Meanwhile, village development can not be said to succeed if there are still some people who have not been able to feel the benefits. As one of the efforts to realize the participatory village development planning, PSPK UGM conducts training on planning, budgeting and evalauasi of village development results in Jomboran Village. The activity involves representatives from all components of the village community (community members, administrators of social organizations, and village government), and through this training it is hoped that in the future village development planning can be implemented in a participatory manner so that the results of the builders can be felt by all citizens. 

Telly Kurniawan ◽  
Bambang Sunardi ◽  
Supriyanto Rohadi ◽  
Yusuf Hadi Perdana ◽  
Tio Azhar Prakoso Setiadi

Palu City is the city that suffered the most damage and many casualties, effect from event Palu-Donggala earthquake on September 28, 2018. This earthquake triggered a tsunami, liquifaction and landslides which caused difficulties in determining a closest safe location for the temporary evacuation site in location affected disaster. The aftershocks that occurred after the main earthquake caused unrest for refugees and village government officials, because it was feared that the location to be used as a temporary evacuation site would run into the impact of an earthquake similar to other severe locations. To determine a safe location around the impact area destructive earthquake, information about the map of the minimum isoseismal distribution is very important. This study aims to map Minimum Isoseismal Distribution as the place that has the smallest disaster risk in areas affected by the earthquake, tsunami, liquefaction and landslides. The research methodology that be done are plotting and interpolate data from macroseismic surveys then were verified using satellite citra data and photo documentation of survey. The results showed that a minimum isoseismal distribution was found in 8 areas, located in the village: Kabonena, Lere, Kamonji, Siranindi, between Boyaoge and Nunu, Tawanjuka, Palupi and Tinggede.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2A) ◽  
pp. 335
Feiby Vencentia Tangkumahat ◽  
Vicky V. J. Panelewen ◽  
Arie D. P. Mirah

This study aims to analyze the village fund policy, especially on the implementation process of village funds project from planning, disbursement, utilization to accountability. The research was conducted on seven villages receiving the village fund in Pineleng Sub-district, Minahasa District, North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months from January to March 2017. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from observations and interviews. The samples in this study were members of the village community in Pineleng Sub-district of Minahasa District in seven villages namely Sea, Sea One, Warembungan, Pineleng Dua Indah, Kali, Kali Selatan and Winangun Atas. Each village takes 10 (ten) respondents for each village so the total number of community members who become sample is 70 (seventy) respondents. The results show that the village fund program in Pineleng Sub-district is running well, but for the future it is necessary to increase the capacity and skill of the village government apparatus in order to support the implementation of this program to improve the economy and better society welfare.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rabith Madah Khulaili Harsya

The potential for corruption in the management of village funds and for knowing efforts to prevent corruption in managing village funds. Management of village funds after the issuance of Law number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages experiences various kinds of problems between the emergence of criminal acts of corruption regulated in law number 20 of 2001 concerning Prevention of Corruption, so that the village government is expected to carry out various kinds of prevention against criminal acts of corruption both in terms of policy making, budget allocation and in the mechanism of policy making. Prevention of criminal acts of corruption must continue to be carried out starting from the lowest level, namely the village government so that in the future there will be realized a lawful village community that will increase the structure of good governance. Corruption prevention in managing village funds is trying to identify various modes of corruption in the village, increasing the capacity building of village officials and strengthening the capacity of village facilitators.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Marah Sutan Rangkuti ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki ◽  
Agusmadi Agusmadi

The purpose of this study was to describe the management of Gampong Fund Management Information in empowering the gampong community and to find out some of the possible and hindering influences in managing gampong funds. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This activity was carried out in Ulee Pata Village, Jaya Baru Subdistrict, Banda Aceh Regency, by conducting interviews and observations to obtain the necessary data and collect information relating to the management of gampong fund management information that had been interpreted. The results of this study indicate that the gampong fund management process carried out by the gampong government has not been completely transparent, the gampong community has not actively participated, and village government officials are more dominant in planning activities and the implementation of gampong funds from 3 hamlets has not been active and still struggling on infrastructure development. The management of village funds has not been aligned towards community empowerment in the context of giving birth to economic income sources, but is still very large for infrastructure development. Empowerment activities are prioritized for physical empowerment such as road construction, rental housing, opening new roads and multi-purpose buildings, while empowering non-physical is associated with minimal training for residents in need. The results of the study indicate that the supporting factors of village fund management in empowering the village community in Ulee Pata Village are support for policy / regulation, socialization, facilities, and infrastructure. The inhibiting factor is a lack of human resources and a lack of community participation in the village.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Try agung Handaya putra ◽  
Agus Tinus ◽  
Nurbani Yusuf

AbstrakUpacara Larungan merupakan salah satu tradisi peninggalan leluhur yang diwujudkan dengan melarungkan sesaji ke Telaga Ngebel. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan setiap satu tahun sekali pada tanggal 1 Suro atau 1 Muharram. Tujuan dilaksanakannya larungan ini adalah sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas berkah yang telah diberikan. Upacara larungan tersebut memiliki makna mendalam bagi masyarakat Ngebel, karena masyarakat percaya akan datangnya malapetaka apabila tidak melaksanakannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) partisipasi masyarakat dalam upacara larungan, (2) kearifan lokal upacara larungan dapat mewujudkan harmonisasi sosial masyarakat, (3) peran pemerintah desa dalam mencegah konflik dengan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal upacara larungan.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah Pemerintah Desa Ngebel, tokoh masyarakat Desa Ngebel dan masyarakat Desa Ngebel. Pengumpulan data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) partisipasi masyarakat Desa Ngebel dalam upacara larungan tergolong aktif dibuktikan dengan keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam rangkain kegiatan yang sudah disusun oleh panitia pelaksana; (2) nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam upacara larungan antara lain: nilai religi, nilai hiburan, nilai kekerabatan, nilai keindahan dan nilai simbolik. Kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan memiliki kekuatan untuk menumbuhkan rasa persatuan sehingga membuat persaudaraan masyarakat semakin kuat yang menjadikan masyarakat dapat hidup damai dan harmonis; (3) nilai kearifan lokal dalam upacara larungan yang menjunjung semangat persatuan dimanfaatkan pemerintah desa dan stakeholders dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang timbul di masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Upacara Larungan, dan Harmonisasi AbstractUpacara Larungan is one of the ancestral heritage that is realized by washed away the offerings to Telaga Ngebel. this tradition is carried out once every year on the 1st of Suro or 1st Muharram. The purpose of doing this ban is as an expression of gratitude to the all-powerful God for the blessings that have been given. The upacara larungan has deep meaning for Ngebel society, because people believe it will come disastrous if not implement it.This study aims to describe: (1) community participation in upacara larungan, (2) local wisdom of upacara larungan can realize social harmonization of society, (3) role of village government in preventing conflict by exploiting local wisdom of upacara larungan.This research uses qualitative research with descriptive method. The data sources used are Ngebel Village Government, Ngebel village community leaders and Ngebel Village community. Data collection was collected by interview, documentation and observation techniques. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing/verification.The results of the study showed (1) the participation of Ngebel Village communities in the upacara larungan is classified as actively evidenced by the participation of the community in the series of activities that have been prepared by the organizing committe; (2) the values of local wisdom contained in the upacara larungan include: religious value, entertainmen value, kinship value, beauty value and siymbolic value. Local wisdom in the upacara larungan has the power to foster a sense of unity that makes the community fraternity stronger that makes the people can live in peace and harmony; (3) the value of local wisdom in the upacara larungan that upholds the spirit of unity utilized by the village government and stakeholders in resolving conflicts arising in the community. Keywords:Local Wisdom, Upacara Larungan, and Harmonization

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-182
Yunita Rhoman Maulany ◽  
Fafurida Fafurida

The village is a residential area where most of the population makes a living in agriculture. Most of Indonesia's population are residents who live in rural areas. The village government can use village funds as a source of financing for village household needs in order to improve the welfare of the village community. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of village fund management on the welfare of village communities in Kedungringin Village, Suruh District, Semarang Regency. Data collection methods used are through observation and literature study, then analyzed using descriptive qualitative data analysis methods. The results of the study were the management of village funds based on indicators of goal achievement, timeliness, benefits, and results in accordance with community expectations. As well as village funds also play a role in developing the economy of the village community so that it can improve the welfare of the village community through the existence of development and community empowerment programs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 196-212
Andri Irawan ◽  
Edy Sunandar

Community participation is a component that plays a very important role in implementing development in the village, because community involvement will have an impact on the benefits of development results for the village community, starting from planning, implementing, and utilizing the results of development in the village. The results showed that the coverage indicators were not implemented properly. Village development programs were only discussed by a few elements and did not involve all elements of society. Then there is still minimal space given by the village government to the community. In addition, the livelihoods of local people who require going to fields and forests make it difficult for the village government to empower them so that indicators of empowerment are still not visible there. Obstacles to participation in the community related to the development of Kampung Kamangi include the lack of public awareness of the importance of being involved in any development in the village, and the lack of space provided by the village government to the people who will participate.

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