2022 ◽  

The location of the research was carried out in the Class II B prison of Muara Bungo . This research took place for 1 month, from March 01 to March 30, 2021. The aim of the study was to determine the implementation of Government Regulation Number 32 of 1999 concerning the Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Correctional Inmates at the Class II B Correctional Institution Muara Bungo, to determine the factors obstacles in implementing Government Regulation Number 32 of 1999 concerning Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Correctional Inmates at the Class II B Correctional Institution Muara Bungo and To find out the efforts made in implementing Government Regulation Number 32 of 1999 concerning Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of Citizens' Rights Correctional Assistance at the Class II B Correctional Institution Muara Bungo. This study uses a qualitative method. The results showed that the implementation of Government Regulation Number 32 of 1999 concerning the Terms and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Correctional Inmates, namely Education and coaching at the Class B Muara Bungo Prison includes: Religious Awareness Education, Physical and Spiritual Health Education, National Awareness Education, State and Awareness Law, Art Education. Educational and coaching activities carried out by the Class II B prison of Muara Bungo have been in accordance with Government regulation No. 32 of 1999 but in the implementation there are still some obstacles. Inhibiting factors in the implementation of Government Regulation No. 32 of 1999 Every form of education and development carried out almost certainly has obstacles, be it large or small scale. Obstacles that exist during the effort to fulfill the right to education and development of inmates in Lapas Class II B Muara Bungo are: The time and form of coaching for inmates is relatively short, Lack of Human Resources (HR), lack of facilities and infrastructure and lack of budget Education and coaching as well as the Fostered Citizens Factor itself. Efforts made in overcoming barriers to fostering inmates are using the Approach Method, the approach method used in overcoming the obstacles that exist in correctional institutions, increasing the interest of inmates, conducting training, expanding product marketing and tightening security surveillance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Edward Pahala Situmorang ◽  
Utary Maharany Barus ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This study aims to look at the implementation of imprisonment for prisoners and how the implementation of parole for prisoners as well as what are the obstacles and efforts in the implementation of parole for prisoners. The method of approach used in this research is normative juridical, which is an approach that emphasizes searches and library materials. Conditional release is the process of fostering prisoners outside Penitentiary after undergoing at least 2/3 of his sentence with a stipulation of 2/3 of the criminal period of at least 9 months. Obstacles that occur in the Conditional Release by the Class II Correctional Institution B Lubuk Pakamadalah Tightening parole for prisoners related to Government Regulation Number 99 of 2012 contrary to Law Number 12 of 1995 as stated that each prisoner is entitled to the same treatment as the right to obtain parole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Moh. Muafi Bin Thohir ◽  
Syamsul Hadi HM

Da'wah has been going on for a long time among inmates in prison. Preaching took place at that place for a long time, namely during the Dutch government around 1917. After Indonesia's independence, the da'wah among prisoners was increasingly enhanced until now. The correctional system can be briefly said as a process of fostering prisoners based on a noble soul, and therefore also regards Prisoners as fellow creatures of God, individuals and members of the community. And in fostering prisoners, their mental life (including their religious life), physical and social life must be developed. With the correctional system, which means a renewal of the system in order to foster a complete human being, it is very necessary to have the right da'wah method, in accordance with and in tune with the correctional system. Penitentiary (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan) is a place to carry out guidance for prisoners and correctional students. Organizational communication is needed to carry out maximum coaching activities to achieve a goal and service that is satisfying for prisoners, as well as being a safe, orderly, free of extortion, drug and cell phone institution. Dai who was given the mandate at Lumajang Class IIB Correctional Institution had fulfilled the criteria of both scientific potential and personality potential so that the method used was in accordance with the madami faced by the prisoners who mostly inhabited the Class IIB Correctional Institution in Lumajang were drug cases. The average drug case is adolescence. The clerics always emphasize lectures on efforts to improve themselves both in the field of skills and personal because it is feared that after leaving the Lumajang Class II Correctional Institution unable to do something that can fulfill life. The challenge faced is the lack of seriousness of prisoners participating in the da'wah activities carried out by the Lumajang Class II Correctional Institution. This is due to prisoners having a level of memory that is tired because of drug addiction. Keywords: Da'wah, Organizational Communication, Penitentiary

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 338
Elvi Alfian A

Basically the right between female inmates and male inmates is the same, only in this case because the inmate is a woman then there are some rights that get special attention than male inmates. Female inmates are not only limited to their rights as inmates in general, but also have difficulty when facing the circumstances that become their nature as a woman. The purpose of this study was: a) To find out how the system of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Class II B Jambi Women's Correctional Institution; b) To find out what are the inhibition factors of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Women's Correctional Institution class II B Jambi and c) To find out what efforts can be made by correctional officers in overcoming the inhibition factor of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Women's Correctional Institution class II B Jambi. The research method is an empirical juridical approach. Empirical juridical approach in this study means that in analyzing the problem is done by combining legal materials (which are secondary data) with primary data obtained in the field that is about the development of pregnant female inmates in the Class II B Jambi Women's Society. In accordance with the theme, this research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The conclusion of this study is coaching of pregnant female inmates in The Class II B Jambi Women's Correctional Institution remains equated with the coaching of other female inmates in general, there are two coachings applied in the Class II B Jambi LPP, namely Personality Coaching and Self-Reliance Coaching. Pregnant female inmates get waivers from the LPP not to do heavy work such as room picket routines, gymnastics activities every Saturday, gotong royong or other activities that endanger the condition of the womb or mother. It can be said that the guidance provided by the LPP to pregnant female inmates in accordance with the author's current meticulous, for the fulfillment of his rights has not been fulfilled to the maximum due to the lack of funds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Dian Woro Sawitri

AbstractState Civil Apparatus (ASN) according to Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law Number 5 Year 2014 on ASN is a profession for civil servants and government employees with employment agreements working in government agencies. In the case of a Civil Servant or the employee's pension recipient having more than one wife, the widow's pension shall be granted to the wife who was then the longest and uninterruptedly married. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the legal efforts that can be done by a second widow if not get the right pension from husband who work as ASN. The approach method used in this research is the method of Juridical Normative Approach While Analysis in this Research is Descriptive analitif. The result of this research is the right of pension income to widow more than one person not listed in pension recipients that can be distributed to all legitimate wives and the division is 36% (divided equally) from minimum 75% minimum wage according to government regulation but must have the main proof of the legitimate marriage certificate is the marriage certificate / marriage certificate. The legal means that may be filed by the related party (the second widow of ASN) is through the provisions of the Marriage Act through the marriage herbat of the second widow and the related ASN who has passed away. AbstrakAparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) menurut Pasal 1 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang ASN adalah profesi bagi pegawai negeri sipil dan pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah. Dalam hal Pegawai Negeri atau penerima pensiun pegawai pria tersebut beristri lebih dari seorang, maka pensiun janda diberikan kepada istri yang ada waktu itu paling lama dan tidak terputus-putus dinikahnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh janda kedua apabila tidak memperoleh hak pensiun dari suami yang bekerja sebagai ASN. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan Yuridis Normatif Sedangkan Analisa dalam Penelitian ini bersifat Deskriptif analitif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Hak penerimaan pensiun terhadap janda lebih dari satu orang yang tidak terdaftardalam daftar penerima pensiun yaitu dapat dibagikan kesemua istri yang sah dan pembagianya adalah 36% (dibagi rata) dari minimal 75% gaji terendah menurut peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku tetapi harus memiliki bukti utama dari pengakuan perkawinan yang sah yaitu akta nikah/ surat nikah.Upaya hukum yang dapat diajukan oleh pihak terkait (janda kedua dari ASN) adalah melalui ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan yaitu melalui itsbat nikah dari janda kedua dan ASN terkait yang telah meninggal dunia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-12
Melista Aulia Nurdina

Protection of children faced in conflict with the law and undergoing a criminal period in the Special Development Institution for Children, their rights and needs must always be fulfilled. These children's rights consist of the right to education, skills guidance, health care, and others. This study aims to identify and analyze the fulfillment of children's rights that must be fulfilled in the Special Development Institution for Children. The problem in this research is children's rights that must be fulfilled in the Special Development Institution for Children. The method of implementing the fulfillment of children’s rights in the Special Development Institute for Children, factors that hinder the implementation of the fulfillment of rights in the Special Development Institution for Children. The approach to the problem used in this research is normative and empirical juridical. The data analysis in this study was conducted qualitatively. This study found that the rights of children in the Class II of Bandar Lampung Special Development Institution have been carried out well. The assisted children get formal and non-formal education; the assisted children receive self-development guidance such as hair shaving, electric welding, planting, and mind preservation. The assisted children are also free to play music, exercise, and perform worship according to their respective beliefs. Implementing the fulfillment of children's rights uses an individual approach, and its implementation uses an assessment. Officers have programs to fulfill children’s rights, such as service, guidance, implementation, and supervision. The author suggests that Class II of Bandar Lampung Special Development Institute’s officers can fulfill children's rights ranging from formal education, non-formal education, skills, self-development, religion, maximizing the individual approach method to assisted children so that they can know more about the backgrounds, needs, emotions and interests of these children, as well as improve the quality of existing advice and infrastructure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-143
Wiska Watubtaran Rengmas Rahantoknam

Assimilation is part of the development process as well as the right of narcotics inmates inside the Penitentiary to mingle directly with the community outside the prison. In the application of assimilation often narcotics inmates commit irregularities that violate the rule of law, irregularities are carried out to obtain narcotics for addicts and for dealers to operate narcotics trafficking from inside prisons, this event indicates that the legal awareness of inmates undergoing the process of assimilation has not shown a success. The problems examined include First, how is the implementation of assimilation for narcotics inmates in Class II A Kendal Correctional Institution. Second, whether narcotics inmates are given special supervision while undergoing the process of assimilation. Third, how is the success rate of coaching narcotics inmates at the stage of assimilation in realizing legal awareness? This research uses the socio-legal approach method, data obtained through interviews and observations, then data processed descriptively analytically. The results showed that the implementation of assimilation of narcotics inmates was carried out in prisons as a preventive effort so as not to fall back on narcotics. Assimilation in prisons is carried out by involving people from outside prisons to carry out activities with narcotics inmates in various aspects such as education, sports, and the arts. Supervision is carried out strictly with certain restrictions by officers, inmate guardians, and also prison intelligence so that inmates do not feel intervened during the assimilation. The level of legal awareness shown by narcotics inmates at Kendal correctional institutions showed positive results in which they showed compliance with the rule of law in general and the rules of the potentiation and did not commit any violations in the process of assimilation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Arip Hidayatulloh ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Asep Iwan Setiawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pondok pesantren At Taubah di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Cianjur mengenai pembinaan Akhlak Narapidana. Dengan memahami perencanaan program dan pelaksanaan pembinaan akhlak narapidana. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Peran pesantren At Taubah yang berada di LAPAS Klas II B Cianjur dalam membina akhlak narapidana yaitu memberikan sumbangsih besar terhadap pembinaan yang secara umum merupakan tugas dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Hal ini terlihat dari kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh pesantren yang begitu terorganisir.   This study aims to determine the role of the At Taubah Islamic boarding school in Cianjur Class II B Correctional Institution regarding the Moral Guidance of Prisoners. By understanding program planning and the implementation of moral guidance for prisoners. This research uses a descriptive method. The results showed that the role of the At Taubah Islamic Boarding School in the Class II B Classroom in Cianjur in building up the morals of prisoners is to contribute greatly to coaching which is generally the task of the Penitentiary. This can be seen from the activities carried out by pesantren that are so organized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-201
Tudor-Vlad Sfârlog

Abstract The present study offers the doctrine of the right of intellectual creation new perspectives on the study of the institution of termination of the assignment contract for the patrimonial rights resulting from the intellectual creation. We believe that the present study is rich in doctrinal contributions, formulating new theses and opening the prospect for new perspectives of scientific research. Last but not least, we appreciate that the proposals made in the present study contribute not only to the activity of opinionated in the field, but also to the work of practitioners and direct beneficiaries of the legal provisions on the assignment of patrimonial rights of authors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-107
Cheri Bayuni Budjang

Buying and selling is a way to transfer land rights according to the provisions in Article 37 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration which must include the deed of the Land Deed Making Official to register the right of land rights (behind the name) to the Land Office to create legal certainty and minimize the risks that occur in the future. However, in everyday life there is still a lot of buying and selling land that is not based on the laws and regulations that apply, namely only by using receipts and trust in each other. This is certainly very detrimental to both parties in the transfer of rights (behind the name), especially if the other party is not known to exist like the Case in Decision Number 42 / Pdt.G / 2010 / PN.Mtp

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 777
Paulus Meldif Dika Pratama ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

The purpose of this study was to analyze the legal consequences of the agreement of power sell off made in the manufacture of an agreement of sale by Notary. Legal theory used in this study, among others: justice theory, the theory of authority and responsibility theory. The approach used in this study is primarily sociological juridical approach. Sociological juridical approach is to identify and conceptualize law as a social institution that is real and functional in a real life system. The results of this study finally provides the answer that the certificate authority to sell off which made the authorizer to the Proxy should still be subject to and required for payment of taxes from the sale of land and / or buildings that have been sold such, it thus obliged Notary socialize at the time the parties face because it is concerned responsibility by agreement authorized to sell he made in the manufacture of an agreement of sale in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 36 of 2016 regarding Income Tax on Income From the Transfer of Rights to Land and / or Buildings, And Agreements sale and purchase Land And / Or Building Along with its amendment.Keywords: Certificate Authority To Sell; Agreement Of Sale; Notary.

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