Adminitrasi Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan

2019 ◽  
Isnaini Nur Habibah ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

this article is about the administrative steps of educational facilities and infrastructure that are usually done at school. administration of facilities and infrastructure is an important thing that must be done because it helps the sustainability of the teaching and learning process. in this article will be found the right steps to carry out administrative facilities and infrastructure.

Sarwahita ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Mauna Mauna

Abstract: All children experience the process of growth and development in life. In order to reach optimal development, the child needs to get the appropriate stimulation provided with the right method. At the age of 0 to 7 years, children learn to use limbs so that the most appropriate stimulation for children aged 0 to 7 years is to use limbs as a medium of learning. This is in line with the techniques performed on sensory integration programs. But unfortunately not many parents know this. This issue often creates problems in child development. The purpose of this community service is to raise the awareness of parents to conduct teaching and learning process in ways appropriate to the age and stages of development owned by children so that children can be optimally developed. This activity is done by making activity planning, determining the location of activities and doing psychoeducation program on the parents of children at Darul Syifa Wal Aitam Foundation that located at Kranji, Bekasi. This activity is an attempt to improve parental knowledge about the importance of sensory integration and the impact it gains when the child's sensory is not well integrated. The benefit of this community service is the increased knowledge of parents about the use of sensory integration methods so that it can be used to optimize the growth of their children.   Abstrak: Semua anak mengalami proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam hidupnya. Agar perkembangannya dapat optimal, anak perlu mendapatkan stimulasi yang sesuai yang diberikan dengan metode yang tepat. Di usia 0 sampai 7 tahun anak belajar menggunakan anggota tubuhnya sehingga pemberian stimulasi yang paling tepat untuk anak usia 0 sampai 7 tahun adalah dengan menggunakan anggota tubuhnya sebagai media pembelajaran. Hal ini senada dengan teknik-teknik yang dilakukan pada program sensory integrasi. Namun sayangnya belum banyak orang tua yang mengetahui hal ini sehingga sering muncul permasalahan dalam perkembangan anak.Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran orangtua untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar dengan cara-cara yang sesuai dengan usia dan tahapan perkembangan yang dimiliki oleh anak sehingga anak dapat berkembang dengan optimal. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan membuat perencanaan kegiatan, menentukan lokasi kegiatan dan melakukan program psikoedukasi pada orangtua anak-anak pada yayasan Darul Syifa Wal Aitam Kranji, Bekasi. Kegiatan ini sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua tentang pentingnya sensori integrasi dan dampak yang didapatkan apabila sensori anak tidak terintegrasi dengan baik. Manfaat dari pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan orang tua tentang penggunaan metode sensori integrasi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anakanaknya . 

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Atmawarni UMA

Teaching and learning interaction ins chools is an interactive activity and the various components to realize the achievement of learning objectives have been established in the learning planning, to get there, first it need to be understood about the meaning of the term learning, teaching and interaction. These three terms will lead to the definition of teaching and learning interaction. The utilization of information technology in the making and using of interactive multimedia in learning in school be judged very effective in supporting the learning materials delivery. The use of interactive multimedia in the learning in school is one of solution to relieve stiffness, saturation, and the vacuum of students in learning so many kinds of subject in school. By steps and the process of the use of the right interactive multimedia, using interactive multimedia as the messaging media will stimulate thought, feelings, concerns and wishes of student so as to encourage the learning process more interactive and communicative and can enhance students learning experiences become more concrete.

2019 ◽  
Dinda Fitri Monita

Education funding is urgently needed for operational needs, and the administration of schools based on tangible needs consisting of salaries, employee welfare, improvement of teaching and learning activities, maintenance and procurement of facilities and infrastructure, improvement of student development, improvement of teacher professional skills, school administration and supervision. The teaching and learning process will be carried out optimally if the objectives to be achieved.

2020 ◽  
Shinthia Yosana Hendri

In the world of education, there are several components of education that are very instrumental in supporting lerning activities both directly and indirectly. One of the most important components is educational facilities and infrastructure. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastructure are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education.

2019 ◽  
Azie Nurnazathul ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastucture are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always be complete. The government must always strive to continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education. this article aims to determine the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia along with the obstacles faced and the efforts taken to overcome these obstacles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 266-275
Miptah Parid ◽  
Afifah Laili Sofi Alif

Madrasas as a type of school education institution have the same duties andresponsibilities as other educational institutions that are under the guidance ofthe Ministry of Education and Culture. In order for education in the madrasas tobe effective, a complete and well-organized educational facility can be used asfully as possible to support a quality teaching and learning process. Based on thedescription of the discussion, a summary of conclusions is obtained: (1)Management of educational facilities and infrastructure is structuring activities,starting from the needs, procurement, inventory, storage, maintenance, use andstorage of complete arrangement of land, buildings, equipment, and schoolequipment available for and target. (2) Types of education can be divided intolearning tools and educational media. While the two types of infrastructure arebuildings and furniture. (3) The purpose of managing educational facilities andinfrastructure, is the provision of professional facilities and services in the field offacilities and infrastructure in schools in order to realize the education process inschools effectively and efficiently. (4) Planning space and educationalinfrastructure, namely planning, procurement, maintenance, inventory, andelimination

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Hudaya Indra Bakti ◽  
Handoko Santoso

Abstrak : Keberhasilan suatu proses belajar mengajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua faktor yang mendominasi yaitu model pembelajaran dan motivasi yang dimiliki siswa saat belajar. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat akan membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih menarik sehingga menarik rasa ingin tahu siswa untuk belajar. Rasa ingin tahu merupakan motivasi alami yang dimiliki oleh siswa, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini model yang akan digunakan adalah Problem Based Learning atau dikenal dengan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Model pembelajaran ini berorientasi pada siswa, dimana guru akan memberikan objek permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan siswa akan diminta untuk menganalisis penyelesaian masalah tersebut dengan menggali berbagai informasi baik dari buku, internet ataupun hasil siswa. Sedangkan guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator dan mengarahkan siswa. Tujuan dari artikel review ini adalah (1) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning (2) mempelajari hasil belajar (3) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract: The success of a teaching and learning process is influenced by various factors. In this study, there are two factors that dominate, namely the learning model and the motivation that students have when learning. By applying the right learning model, it will make teaching and learning activities more interesting so that it attracts students' curiosity to learn. Curiosity is a natural motivation possessed by students, so they are interested in participating in the learning process. In this study, the model to be used is Problem Based Learning or known as Problem Based Learning (PBL). This learning model is oriented towards students, where the teacher will provide an object of problems related to the material and students will be asked to analyze the resolution of the problem by exploring a variety of information both from books, the internet or students' results. Whereas the teacher only acts as a facilitator and directs students. The purpose of this review article is (1) to examine the Problem Based Learning model (2) to study the learning outcomes (3) to examine the Problem Based Learning model in improving learning outcomes.

SASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Lucia Charlota Octovina Tahamata ◽  
Welly Angela Riry

Fulfilling of the Right to Education is a part of Human Rights. The right to education has become important in line with government policies to work from home during the Covid 19 pandemic. During the Covid-19 pandemic the learning process uses two learning methods, namely the online method and the offline method. Two learning methods are used for learning but the process has not been implemented optimally by both teachers and students, there are always obstacles faced. The purpose of this study was to determine and study the fulfillment of the right to basic education during the Covid 19 pandemic. The authors conducted research at the Department of Education and Culture of Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in Ambon City using empirical research methods, data collection techniques through interviews and observations to students. Based on the results of the research conducted, the authors found that the distance learning system in schools in Ambon City was not optimal due to facilities and infrastructure and mastery of technology. which is still low. Fulfilling the right to education requires the involvement of all parties, namely the government, educators, students and parents to work together in the teaching and learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government, educators, students and educational administering institutions at a practical level must strive to develop learning methods with good digital literacy skills so that they need to be improved through trainings using media for online learning for both educators, students and parents

Isep Nursamsi

<em>The use of Information and Communication Technology continues to experience developments, for example the use of blogs in supporting the learning process. Blog is a web service application created to make it easier for users to publish information through writing in the form of blog posts consisting of text, images, videos, audio, links and other files. In making a blog it is very easy and free for example blogger, the steps to create a blog on blogger are the first to create a gmail account, login and register to, specify the blog name, blog address, choose and customize the blog template as desired. The use of blogs as an alternative learning media aims to enable students to explore the material posted by teachers in blogs that can be studied more flexibly and differently from conventional learning processes, so that blogs are the right learning media in a more effective and attractive teaching and learning process.</em>

Juita Tushar Raut ◽  
Vikram Patil

The unexpected outburst of the novel COVID-19, carried a lot of damage to whole world. To contain the epidemic, people had to stay where they were. They could not go back to work places or to school or colleges. The offline courses were due to many reasons infeasible, what brought unexpected changes to education. Aside from efforts to solve this co19 problem, the state must continue to maintain the stability and sustainability of the learning process that is the right of all citizens. India experienced the same thing. The online courses, learning process came into the picture. The influence focusses on the teaching and learning-effect, the transformation of the teaching forms. This paper mainly focussed on the impact of online-learning process on the parents. This research aims to determine how parents and their children feel about online education and also learn about their experiences.

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