2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Ahmad Jazlan Haja Mohideen ◽  
Muhammad Fahim Rosli ◽  
Noor Hazrin Hany Mohamad Hanif ◽  
Hasan Firdaus Mohd Zaki ◽  
Muhammad Afif Husman ◽  

Road anomalies and irregularities such as potholes and uneven surfaces are a common hazard in South East Asia and developing countries. Such hazards pose a threat to the safety and well-being of both civilians going about their daily routine and tourists who are exploring the city. Since bicycles and rickshaws are still a common mode of transport used by both civilians and tourists in many South East Asian countries, it is essential to improve the overall quality and smoothness of pavements which are traversed by these vehicles. Management of international sporting and recreational events also require satisfactory road and pavement conditions. Before pavement conditions can be improved, it is an essential prerequisite to obtain comprehensive information about road irregularities such as the location and also severity of the road irregularity (depth of the potholes and height of bumps). In this paper, we propose a method for obtaining mathematical models that represent the overall condition of the pavements that are part of a commonly traversed cycling route. Such mathematical models and coefficients can be stored in the cloud of an Internet of Things (IOT) data analytics systems subsequently leading to identification of regions with severe road irregularities. ABSTRAK:  Kerosakan pada permukaan jalan raya merupakan salah satu faktor risiko kemalangan yang berlaku secara meluas di negara Asia Tenggara dan negara membangun yang lain. Memandangkan kenderaan seperti beca dan basikal masih diguna pakai secara meluas di negara membangun, adalah mustahak untuk membaik pulih kerosakan jalan raya. Pengurusan sukan antarabangsa dan rekreasi juga memerlukan keadaan jalan dan laluan pejalan kaki yang baik. Sebelum kerja membaik pulih dapat dilakukan, maklumat lengkap mengenai tahap kerosakan jalan raya dan lokasi kerosakan diperlukan. Dalam kajian ini satu kaedah telah diperkenalkan untuk mendapatkan persamaan matematik yang menggambarkan keadaan sebenar permukaan jalan raya, di mana sebahagiannya merupakan laluan berbasikal yang selalu digunakan. Model matematik dan pekali ini boleh di simpan dalam sistem analisis data awan Internet Benda (IOT) kemudiannya dapat mengenal pasti kawasan jalan yang rosak dan tidak rata.

Roberto José LIÑÁN Ruiz ◽  
Jorge Pérez Aracil ◽  
Víctor Cabrera Cañizares

The daily need for citizens to move for different activities, whatever its nature, has been greatly affected by the changes. The advantages resulting from the inclusion of the bicycle as a mode of transport and the proliferation of its use among citizens are numerous and extend both in the field of urban mobility and sustainable development.Currently, there are a number of programs for the implementation, promotion or increased public participation related to cycling in cities. But ultimately, each and every one of these initiatives have the same goal, to create a mesh of effective, useful and cycling trails that allow the use of bicycles in preferred routes with high guarantees of security, incorporating bicycle model intermodal urban transport.With the gradual implementation of bike lanes, many people have begun to use them to get around the city. But everything again needs a period of adaptation, and the reality is that the road network for these vehicles is full of obstacles to the rider. The current situation has led to the proposal that many kilometers of cycle paths needed to supply the demand of this mode of transport and, if implemented and planned are correct and sufficient.This paper presents a mathematical programming model for optimal design of a network for cyclists is presented. Specifically, the model determines a network of bicycle infrastructure, appropriate to the characteristics of a network of existing roads.As an application of the proposed model, the result of these experiments give a number of useful conclusions for planning and designing networks of cycle paths from a social perspective, applied to the case in the city of Malaga.DOI:

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 42-44

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings A recent study of workers in the city of Montreal showed that the mode of transport chosen by commuters has a major influence on their well-being at work, with cycling having far more positive outcomes than driving. Practical implications The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Devita Sari ◽  
Sri Sukmawati ◽  
Akhmad Hasanuddin

Roads are a means of transportation that is often used by Indonesians to travel. Some class II road segments in Lumajang Regency include Tempeh-Sumberjati, Sumberjati-Karangrejo, Karangrejo-Yosowilangun, and Jalan Lintas Timur. The four sections are collector roads outside the city so that large vehicles often pass. Before handling the road, it must first be assessed on the condition of the pavement. The road surface condition assessment system uses the PCI method and the IRI method. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of road damage and handling damage to the road so that the maintenance category was obtained. The IRI method is obtained from the Bina Marga Lumajang PU, while the PCI method is done visually. The average results of the four PCI methods are 76.54 with very good conditions and the IRI method is obtained 3.94 with good conditions so that both of these methods produce the same conclusions Maintenance for the PCI method and the IRI method uses routine maintenance, seen from both values. Jalan merupakan sarana transportasi yang sering digunakan bagi warga Indonesia untuk berpergian. Beberapa ruas jalan kelas II di Kabupaten Lumajang antara lain Tempeh-Sumberjati, Sumberjati-Karangrejo, Karangrejo-Yosowilangun dan Jalan Lintas Timur. Keempat ruas tersebut merupakan jalan kolektor luar kota, sehingga sering dilewati kendaraan bermuataan besar. Sebelum dilakukan penanganan jalan, terlebih dahulu harus dilakukan penilaian kondisi perkerasan jalan. Sistem penilaian kondisi permukaan jalan menggunakan metode PCI dan metode IRI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi kerusakan jalan dan penanganan kerusakan jalan, sehingga didapatkan kategori pemeliharaan. Untuk metode IRI didapatkan dari PU Bina Marga Lumajang, sedangkan metode PCI dilakukan secara visual. Hasil rata-rata keempat ruas metode PCI sebesar 76,54 dengan kondisi sangat baik dan metode IRI didapatkan 3,94 dengan kondisi baik, sehingga kedua metode ini menghasilkan kesimpulan yang sama Pemeliharaan untuk metode PCI dan metode IRI menggunakan pemeliharaan rutin, dilihat dari kedua nilai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (01) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Muhammadiya Rifqi ◽  
Heni Fitriani

[IN] Ruas Jalan Soekarno-Hatta kota Palembang merupakan Jalan Nasional yang berkelas Jalan Arteri Primer yang dilapisi dengan perkerasan lentur (flexible pavement). Jalan yang diamati dari Simpang Empat fly over Tanjung Api-Api hingga Simpang Empat Macan Lindungan  memiliki panjang 8,45 kilometer. Saat itu kota Palembang sedang menggenjot pembangunan proyek venue dan LRT guna menyukseskan perhelatan olahraga Asian games. Ruas Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Palembang digunakan sebagai aktivitas lalulintas kendaraan proyek akibatnya terjadi peningkatan volume kendaraan dan kepadatan lalulintas yang tak terkendali, sehingga dikhawatirkan berdampak pada kualitas perkerasan jalan tersebut. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan permukaan perkerasan lentur jalan dengan menggunakan metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index). Survei metode PCI dilakukan secara visual berdasarkan jenis dan tingkat kerusakan jalan dengan penilaian numerik antara nol (gagal) hingga seratus (sempurna). Hasil identifikasi kerusakan permukaan jalan menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan yang terjadi pada ruas jalan tersebut sebanyak tujuh jenis yaitu kegemukan, amblas, keriting, pelepasan butiran, retak kulit buaya serta tonjolan dan lengkungan. Jumlah unit sampel segmen jalan yang mengalami kerusakan sebanyak 17 unit sampel dari total yang diteliti 68 unit sampel dengan nilai rata-rata PCI didapatkan sebesar 95,655 artinya jalan tersebut dengan kondisi “Sempurna”. Meskipun ruas jalan tersebut tergolong sempurna secara kondisi, akan tetapi masih terdapat kerusakan yang terjadi pada ruas tersebut, untuk itu perlu dilakukan pemeliharaan jalan pada unit sampel yang rusak sehingga dapat menjaga kualitas serta umur layak ruas jalan tersebut. [EN] The Soekarno-Hatta Road section of the city of Palembang is a classy National Road of the Primary Arterial Road that is equipped with flexible pavement. The road chosen from Simpang Empat fly over Tanjung Api-Api to Simpang Empat Macan Lindungan has a length of 8.45 kilometers. At present the city of Palembang is being promoted by a construction site and LRT project to succeed in the sporting event Asian games. The Soekarno-Hatta Palembang Road Section is used as a project vehicle traffic activity resulting in an increase in vehicle volume and uncontrolled traffic density, so it is feared to have an impact on the quality of the pavement. The purpose of this study was to identification road surface damage using the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method. PCI survey method is carried out  visually based on the type and severity level of road damage with a numerical rating between zero (failed) to one hundred (excellent). The results of identification of road surface damage showed that there were 7 types of damage that occurred on the road section namely bleeding, depression, corrugation, weathering and raveling, potholes, alligator cracking, and bumps and sags. The number of sample units of the road segment that suffered damage as many as 17 sample units of the total studied by 68 units samples with an average value of PCI obtained by 95,655, This means that the road with the condition "excellent". Even though the road is classified as excellent, but damage is still needed in that section, for this reason it is necessary to maintain the road on the damaged sample unit so that it can be used at a reasonable quality for the life of the road section.

Elizaveta Derevenets ◽  
Elizaveta Derevenets

Gelendzhik is the resort town, there aren't a lot of industrial enterprises here. The main pollutant is transport. The work purpose is the assessment of a condition of the artificial landings of a pine located along the Federal highway "Don" and landings, which is nearly the sea coast. Researches were conducted to a standard technique of the General vital state (A. S. Bogolyubov). The assessment of a condition of pines was carried out during 6 years: from 2010 to 2015. For carrying out research we used 6 experimental grounds on the Markotkhsky spine and 2 control grounds within the town. We investigated 24 trees on each platform, middle age of the trees were 30 - 40 years. Results. 1. The condition of trees in the pine forests located in immediate proximity with the Federal highway "Don" (No. 1, 2, 3) is unsatisfactory. As even weak influences of the majority of atmospheric gaseous pollutants (sulphurous gas, nitrogen oxides, etc.) give effect of a necrosis and hloroz of pine needles, the condition of pines is connected with technogenic pollution. So near the Federal highway "Don" the air environment is strongly polluted by exhaust gases. Information of 2012 confirm that negative influence of the route on Markotkh's vegetation decreases at reduction of load of the route. 2. On the sites located above on a slope (No. 4,5,6) thanks to remoteness and the wind mode intensity of influence of pollutants is lower and a condition of pines the quite satisfactory. 3. Trees on the sites located near the sea (No. 7,8) are in a good shape. Small deterioration of a state is noted in very droughty years. Conclusion. Results of six years' research show that the condition of the plantings which are in close proximity with the road worsens. It is explained by increase in intensity of the movement on the road, especially during a resort season. Gelendzhik is the city with a good ecological shape, but the damage to environment is already caused. If not to take measures, we can lose a unique part of the nature in the future, recreate it will be impossible. Measures of reduction of negative impact of exhaust gases were offered. Results of researches are transferred to ecological department of the City administration of Gelendzhik.

2012 ◽  
pp. 116-123
Alicja Ślusarska

Retracing in his novel the labyrinthine journey that leads Oedipus from the place of his abomination (Thebes) to the city of his future glory (Colonus), Henry Bauchau fills the emptiness between Sophocles’s Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Bauchau’s hero, a powerful king, loses everything and stabs his eyes out when the cruel truth about his real identity is revealed. Blind, homeless, devoid of meaning of life, Oedipus leaves on a journey to pass away anywhere. However, his way to death turns out to be, thanks to benevolent presence of others and art’s liberating power, the road to personal elucidation. The story of Bauchau’s Oedipus, who finally recognizes himself as a truly human, is based therefore on the passage between absence and presence, between darkness and lucidity, on the union of contradictions which symbolize the complexity of human nature. This paper attempts to analyse different representations of absence in Bauchau’s novel. Afterwards, the article focuses on the ways which facilitate Oedipus’s road leading from depersonalization to rediscovery of his own identity.

Elizaveta Derevenets ◽  
Elizaveta Derevenets

Gelendzhik is the resort town, there aren't a lot of industrial enterprises here. The main pollutant is transport. The work purpose is the assessment of a condition of the artificial landings of a pine located along the Federal highway "Don" and landings, which is nearly the sea coast. Researches were conducted to a standard technique of the General vital state (A. S. Bogolyubov). The assessment of a condition of pines was carried out during 6 years: from 2010 to 2015. For carrying out research we used 6 experimental grounds on the Markotkhsky spine and 2 control grounds within the town. We investigated 24 trees on each platform, middle age of the trees were 30 - 40 years. Results. 1. The condition of trees in the pine forests located in immediate proximity with the Federal highway "Don" (No. 1, 2, 3) is unsatisfactory. As even weak influences of the majority of atmospheric gaseous pollutants (sulphurous gas, nitrogen oxides, etc.) give effect of a necrosis and hloroz of pine needles, the condition of pines is connected with technogenic pollution. So near the Federal highway "Don" the air environment is strongly polluted by exhaust gases. Information of 2012 confirm that negative influence of the route on Markotkh's vegetation decreases at reduction of load of the route. 2. On the sites located above on a slope (No. 4,5,6) thanks to remoteness and the wind mode intensity of influence of pollutants is lower and a condition of pines the quite satisfactory. 3. Trees on the sites located near the sea (No. 7,8) are in a good shape. Small deterioration of a state is noted in very droughty years. Conclusion. Results of six years' research show that the condition of the plantings which are in close proximity with the road worsens. It is explained by increase in intensity of the movement on the road, especially during a resort season. Gelendzhik is the city with a good ecological shape, but the damage to environment is already caused. If not to take measures, we can lose a unique part of the nature in the future, recreate it will be impossible. Measures of reduction of negative impact of exhaust gases were offered. Results of researches are transferred to ecological department of the City administration of Gelendzhik.

Adrianos Golemis ◽  
Panteleimon Voitsidis ◽  
Eleni Parlapani ◽  
Vasiliki A Nikopoulou ◽  
Virginia Tsipropoulou ◽  

Summary COVID-19 and the related quarantine disrupted young adults’ academic and professional life, daily routine and socio-emotional well-being. This cross-sectional study focused on the emotional and behavioural responses of a young adult population during the COVID-19-related quarantine in April 2020, in Greece. The study was conducted through an online survey. A total of 1559 young adults, aged 18−30 years, completed Steele’s Social Responsibility Motivation Scale and the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, and answered questions about compliance with instructions, quarantine-related behaviours and coping strategies. According to the results, participants displayed a relatively high sense of social responsibility (M = 16.09, SD = 2.13) and a trend towards moderate feeling of loneliness (M = 2.65, SD = 1.62); young women reported significantly higher levels of loneliness than men. The majority complied with instructions often (46.4%) or always (44.8%). Significantly more women created a new social media account and used the social media longer than 5 h/day, compared with men. Resorting to religion, practicing sports and sharing thoughts and feelings about COVID-19 with others predicted higher levels of social responsibility; humour, practicing sports and sharing thoughts and feelings about COVID-19 with others predicted lower levels of loneliness. Conclusively, COVID-19 is expected to have a significant psychological impact on young adults. Currently, Greece is going through the second quarantine period. This study raises awareness about loneliness in young adults during the COVID-19-related quarantine and highlights the importance of developing online programmes, attractive to younger people, to nurture adaptive coping strategies against loneliness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2329
Elżbieta Macioszek ◽  
Agata Kurek

Continuous, automatic measurements of road traffic volume allow the obtaining of information on daily, weekly or seasonal fluctuations in road traffic volume. They are the basis for calculating the annual average daily traffic volume, obtaining information about the relevant traffic volume, or calculating indicators for converting traffic volume from short-term measurements to average daily traffic volume. The covid-19 pandemic has contributed to extensive social and economic anomalies worldwide. In addition to the health consequences, the impact on travel behavior on the transport network was also sudden, extensive, and unpredictable. Changes in the transport behavior resulted in different values of traffic volume on the road and street network than before. The article presents road traffic volume analysis in the city before and during the restrictions related to covid-19. Selected traffic characteristics were compared for 2019 and 2020. This analysis made it possible to characterize the daily, weekly and annual variability of traffic volume in 2019 and 2020. Moreover, the article attempts to estimate daily traffic patterns at particular stages of the pandemic. These types of patterns were also constructed for the weeks in 2019 corresponding to these stages of the pandemic. Daily traffic volume distributions in 2020 were compared with the corresponding ones in 2019. The obtained results may be useful in terms of planning operational and strategic activities in the field of traffic management in the city and management in subsequent stages of a pandemic or subsequent pandemics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 365-376
Andrzej Bąkowski ◽  
Leszek Radziszewski

Abstract The study analyzed the parameters of vehicle traffic and noise on the national road in the section in the city from 2011 to 2016. In 2013–2014 this road was reconstructed. It was found that in most cases, the distribution of the tested variable was not normal. The median and selected percentiles of vehicle traffic parameters and noise were examined. The variability and type A uncertainty of the results were described and evaluated. The results obtained for the data recorded on working and non-working days were compared. The vehicle cumulative speed distributions, for two-way four-lane road segments in both directions were analyzed. A mathematical model of normalized traffic flow has been proposed. Fit factor R2 of the proposed equations to the experimental data for passenger vehicles ranges from 0.93 to 0.99. It has been shown that two years after the road reconstruction, the median noise level did not increase even though traffic volumes and vehicle speeds increased. The Cnossos noise model was validated for data recorded over a period of 6 years. A very good agreement of the medians determined according to the Cnossos-EU model and the measured ones was obtained. It should be noted, however, that for the other analyzed percentiles, e.g. 95%, the discrepancies are larger.

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