scholarly journals Alfred Döblin vs. Bertolt Brecht: reception of the genre Lehrstück in A. Döblin’s drama

2021 ◽  
pp. 124-131
Larysa Fedorenko

The article is devoted to the drama of Bertolt Brecht and Alfred Döblin. On the material of A. Döblin’s play «The Marriage» analyzes the typological factors of the genre Lehrstück («learning» or «didactic» play), which became widespread as Brecht’s authorial innovation. The purpose of the article: on the basis of comparative analysis of Lehrstück by B. Brecht and the play «The Marriage» by A. Döblin to explore their formal and poetic factors and to conclude about the common and distinctive features of artistic and aesthetic intention of the genre Lehrstück in the works of both playwrights. The source base of the research is represented by literary studies of Günter Hartung, Jan Knopf, Klaus-Dieter Krabiel, Heiner Müller, Rainer Steinweg, Bernhard Klaus Tragelehn, Florian Vaßen, Oleksandr Chirkov. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: cultural-historical, comparative-historical, structuralsemantic, descriptive, literary analysis and synthesis. The study presents the main stages of the genre in the work of Brecht and focuses on the initial period of origin of the «learning» or «didactic» play, which is also relevant to the drama of A. Döblin. The play «The Marriage» contains three scenes, a prologue and an interlude. Thematically, all the scenes are united by a common plot core – showing the breakup of marriage and family due to external circumstances. Family and marital relationships fail regardless of social status or financial status. Results and conclusions: The article proves that A. Döblin’s play «The Marriage» has a number of aesthetic and typological features that make it related to Brecht’s «didactic» plays: rejection of theatrical scenery, props, that is, everything that creates a theatrical illusion; the presence of epic elements and music as components of drama; use of text and illustrative projections, songs, recitatives with musical accompaniment; presence of a speaker (commentator) and a choir; the inclusion of the author’s commentary, which states the theme and issues of the drama, as well as explains how the play is constructed, emphasizes the probable educational, educational, instructive influence; the presence of director’s remarks that explain the options for the stage embodiment of the play; the ability to improvise, modify the text of the play and release individual scenes according to the purpose and type of production. A generalized analysis of the existing typological characteristics gives grounds to consider the play «The Marriage» by A. Döblin as a conceptual imitation and / or continuation of the theory and practice of the author’s genre Lehrstück B. Brecht.

2021 ◽  
pp. 196-204
Larysa Fedorenko

The article is devoted to the drama of Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956), the peculiarities of its genre palette and analysis of the main factors of the playwright's artistic method. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: descriptive; matching method; literary analysis and synthesis. The Brecht Theater is represented by genre varieties of theatrical forms: expressionist drama, musical, opera, operetta, Lehrstück, epic and dialectic theater. The article proves that dialectics is the ideological soil and the conceptual core of the Brecht Theater. The dialectic poetics of a playwright should be understood as the method of analysis and argumentation presented by the Hegelian triad: thesis – antithesis – synthesis. In accordance with the dialectical concept, the Brecht theater puts in the center primarily the principle of contradiction, aimed at a multifaceted understanding of phenomena, overcoming a frozen, ossified way of thinking. The study defines the key concepts and principles of creating the drama of Bertolt Brecht, namely the «alienation effect» (Verfremdungseffekt) and assemblage (composition). The principle of the «alienation effect» is that a familiar phenomenon appears in the theater from an unexpected perspective, and therefore requires awareness of the viewer’s novelty. The means of this is the constant violation of theatrical illusion, the reality of what is happening on stage. The assemblage stipulates that the theatrical action is not a homogeneous system, but is a «made», «constructed» plane of various heterogeneous «materials»: dialogical discourse is interrupted by lyro-epic components (songs); in the musical plan, which is designed in the same style, jazz elements are suddenly «mounted», actors exchange roles during the performance, elements of the cinema «penetrate» the event plane, the causal course of the events depicted is interrupted by the demonstration of banners or posters with provocative appeals. The prospects for further research are the literary analysis of post-Brecht theater, that is, drama, which appeared as an imitation or negation of the dramatic principles of Brecht's theater.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 906-921
R.A. Alborov ◽  
S.M. Kontsevaya ◽  
S.V. Kozmenkova

Subject. This article deals with the theory-and practice-relevant issues of classification and content definition of different types of capital used as sources of operations financing, and recommendations for developing their accounting in agricultural organizations. Objectives. The article aims to substantiate the organizational and methodological aspects of capital accounting development to generate information on value reserve and creation of value as new in the organization's integrated reporting. The article also aims to define the classification and content of capital types as sources of financing for the organization's activities and develop recommendations for developing the accounting of the availability, increase, reduction or transformation of the relevant types of capital in the organization's business activities. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, and comparison. The scientific works of domestic specialists and regulations, including the International Standard on Integrated Reporting (IR) are the methodological basis of this work. Results. The article defines conceptual provisions and offers practical recommendations on the set-up and development of capital flow accounting in the corporate governance system of the agricultural organization. It clarifies the classification and economic content of capital as a source of funding for the organization's reproduction activities. The article also offers an original method of accounting for the value reserve (balances) and capital changes. Conclusions and Relevance. The practical application of the developed recommendations for value accounting and capital changes will help generate all the necessary information in the integrated reporting of the agricultural organization to assess its reserves of value, create value as new, economic, environmental, and social efficiency of the organization's activities. The results of the study can be used to develop the theory, methodology and techniques of accounting of capital types as sources of financing of value creation as a result of the agricultural organization's business activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 405-410
Wade Luquet ◽  
Lamar Muro

Marriage and family common factors are used to understand the curative elements in marriage and family therapy (MFT) models of treatment. Sprenkle, Davis, and Blow identified four common factors of well-established MFT treatment models. This article deconstructs Imago relationship therapy (IRT), a widely used model of couples therapy, for the purpose of determining whether IRT utilizes the four curative common factors of MFT in its theory and practice. The analysis indicates that IRT does utilize the four broad common factors of MFT shared by other well-established models of MFT in addition to its narrow model factors that make it unique.

1910 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
William W. Fenn

It is related that Dr. Everett was once asked by the professor of systematics in another institution what subjects he found it possible to discuss in a non-denominational school of theology. The question was a silly one, for it assumed that in such a school no teacher gives utterance to the particular views which determine his own denominational affiliations, whereas, in Harvard at any rate, each instructor expresses without hesitation or reserve his entire thought, not seeking to present a composite picture but trusting that his instruction will blend with that of his colleagues to impress upon the minds of his students, whatever distinctive features they may finally adopt, the deep common lines of Christian faith. Characteristically, however, Dr. Everett did not point out the false presupposition of the question, but mentioned some of the principal topics considered in his lectures,—the nature of religion, the thought of God as Absolute Spirit, and the like,—to which the inquirer replied in some surprise, Why, we take all those things for granted. Dr. Everett answered mildly, I wish we could. It was a thoroughly characteristic remark not only because of the humor of its gentle rebuke, so gentle that probably the victim did not realize that his head was off, but also on account of its utter fidelity to his own theory and practice. He did not take fundamental things for granted; hence it was that while students in other theological schools were articulating a body of divinity, Dr. Everett's pupils were searching into the deep things of the spirit. For he was, first of all, a philosopher whose religious nature made him a theologian. The twenty-fifth chapter, of the thirty-five which make up the recently published volume upon Theism and the Christian Faith, begins with the words, “It may seem as though we were only now beginning our examination of the content of Christian faith.” Doubtless it would have seemed so to most of his contemporaries in theological chairs, but it was precisely in the relation between the Christian faith, as he conceived it, and the profound metaphysics of the preceding chapters, that Dr. Everett found the supreme worth of Christianity and the assurance of its absoluteness. The heart of a worshipper made the mind of a philosopher that of a Christian theologian.

2017 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Vytautas Kardelis

This article deals with one of the most promising stages in Lithuanian dialectology discussed in the article “Seven stages of Lithuanian dialectology” published in the 2016 issue of the scientific electronic journal “Lietuvių kalba” (‘The Lithuanian Language’) (see Kardelis 2016). I referred to this stage as typological; however, now I think that the best term for this stage is the term areal-typological complexity (arealtypologische Komplexität) which originates from works by Alfred Lameli (2013). The concept of complexity is not associated with the attempt to classify dialects according to different “distinctive features” but rather with an idea, clearly supported by empirical facts that diatopical variation in language is highly complex. A closer look at the context of Lithuanian dialectology research reveals that the concept of complexity is still not discussed thoroughly; while specific studies are practically non-existent. The most general methodological principle which should be applied in carrying out an areal-typological study of the complexity of Lithuanian dialects could be referred to as the principle of offside. This means that studies of Lithuanian dialectology should offside from the conventionally applied research tradition and from: a) the aim to classify dialects typologically; b) all classifications of Lithuanian dialects published up to date; c) distinctive features described in the contemporary classification (as well as earlier classifications); d) the goal to specify the boundaries of dialects and subdialects. The second general theoretical criterion is related to the approach to the linguistic system. Here I rely on the concept of a diasystem introduced into the field of dialectology by Uriel Weinreich (1954; 1974). The whole area of the Lithuanian language together with its diatopical variants may be interpreted as a diasystem of Lithuanian which consists of separate systems. The most suitable, convenient and universal criteria for the analysis of empirical data established by the long-standing theory and practice of research into phonology are the following: 1) the quality of the elements of a vocalism system; 2) the quantity of the elements of a vocalism system; 3) the interrelationship between the quality and quantity of a vocalism system. Since here we are dealing with the Lithuanian language which features a complex prosodic system, we must introduce an additional criterion, i.e. 4) stress. Empirical data for the present study were collected from modern, phonological “grammars of dialects”. This article does not encompass the whole diasystem of the Lithuanian language since it only tackles the area covered by the Aukštaičiai dialect. The main phonological qualities according to which the basic vocalism model of the diasystem of the Aukštaičiai dialect can be described are the following: 1) the system of long vowels in the stressed position; 2) the shift in the level of rise of low vowels; 3) the system of short vowels in the stressed position; 4) automatic qualitative shifts; 5) vowel reduction (three degrees). The basic vocalism model described in accordance with the above criteria rather clearly indicates that the great differentiation of Lithuanian dialects postulated in the works on Lithuanian dialectology only has a phonetic and not a phonological basis and it can only be based on the differences of phonetic features. A phonological approach to the diasystem of the Aukštaičiai dialect of Lithuanian does not reveal any radical or extreme differentiation. In addition, the model also shows another significant regularity. The more features are taken into account, the lower the occurrence of individual, less significant dialectal elements distinguished on the basis of one feature (in comparison to the classification by A. Girdenis and Z. Zinkevičius). This approach thus allows solving the complexity of the puzzle of Lithuanian dialects (or, rather the complexity of the diasystem of the Aukštaičiai dialect of Lithuanian) which is summarised in Figure 10. As the matrix in Figure 9 illustrates, the diasystem of the Aukštaičiai dialect of Lithuanian so far consists of three zones represented in the matrix by three different colours.

Viktoriia Yakovenko

The article describes the peculiarities of legal regulation of marriage in the UAE. The author notices that the religious provisions of Islam and the historical roots of this country have had a significant impact on the laws of this country, they have also influenced on the marriage registration procedure, which is of particular scientific interest. In particular, it concerns the procedure of marriage between citizens of the state and certain aspects of marriage with foreigners. Particular attention is paid to the religious rite of marriage. It is noted that the marriage and family relations are regulated by the Koran and certain legislative acts. The author separately discloses the practical aspects of marriage registration, including the conditions, which are mandatory for marriage registration. It is stated that marriage can take place only if the requirements are fulfilled: marriage contract, lack of close blood ties, compliance with the requirements of religion, attainment of marriage age, mutual consent of both parties, equality, presence of witnesses during marriage and marriage observance of folk traditions. For a direct marriage registration, couples also need to prepare a package of documents required by law. In addition to ID documents, you must also provide medical certificates from both brides, issued by a government hospital in a format approved by the UAE Ministry of Health. The article also outlines common and distinct features between the marriage process in Europe and the UAE. In common is the consent of both spouses is envisaged, whereby on such terms that do not degrade honor and dignity, that is, they do not run counter to human rights. The couple must also be of a certain age and be fully capable. Close relatives cannot be married. Distinctive features include, in particular, the possibility of entering into polygamous marriages. In addition, the obligation to conclude a marriage contract is not compulsory in the territory of European countries.

V.A. Adolf ◽  
O.N. Bukhov ◽  

Statement of the problem. The purpose of professional education is to provide managers with professional qualities which form the competence of an individual. In this context, much attention is paid to the formation of reflexive skills of future managers that contribute to understanding, awareness, analysis, and evaluation of large amount of information. The lack of universal understanding in Pedagogy of the features of the process of forming reflexive skills among future managers proves the relevance of this study. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the process of formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the system of secondary vocational education and to analyze the results of experimental work on the implementation of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational process. Review of the scientific literature on the problem. The analysis and synthesis of professional and educational standards, normative legal documents of secondary vocational education is carried out. The analysis of scientific works of philosophers who have studied human reflection and thinking is carried out. The works on psychology devoted to the problem of understanding the essence of the process of reflection and the formation of reflexive competence of the individual’s personality in modern society are considered. In the field of pedagogical science and practice, the analysis of scientific works devoted to the competence approach and the study of the essence of the process of forming reflexive skills is carried out. The elements of the methodology of pedagogy and the theory of pedagogical research are systematized, in particular, the concept of humanization of the educational process, the methodology of personality-oriented learning, the competence approach, the theory of reflexive activity, on the basis of which systematization of an educational process is carried out within the framework of modern tendencies and trends. Methodology (materials and methods). Based on the research of scientific works of Russian and foreign authors devoted to the development of pedagogical theory and practice in the field of vocational education and arrangement of an educational process in vocational education institutions. The analysis and synthesis of practical methods and techniques that contribute to systematization of the process of formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the Secondary Professional Education (SPE) system is carried out. The analysis of scientific literature, a survey among teachers and heads of institutions in the SPE system, allowed us to identify and justify the features of the formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system and to develop organizational conditions for the process of developing these skills. The article shows the content, features, and results of the implementation of these conditions. Research results. The article deals with current methods and techniques that provide effective professional training of management students in the system of secondary vocational education, who are able to detect and formulate professional tasks and find ways to solve them. On the basis of the philosophical understanding of reflection, the content of reflexive skills aimed at discovering meanings in their own activities and in the “teacher – student” interaction is determined. The conditions for the formation of reflexive skills in the pedagogical process are revealed: creation and implementation of the typology of reflexive tasks; creation of a dialogic context in educational activities based on construction of the process of solving educational tasks; ensuring personal acceptance of the subject of a reflexive task; filling an educational process with a reflexive component; creation and implementation of the mechanism for development of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system. The results of the formation of reflexive skills in the system of secondary vocational education are presented. Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of reflexive skills among future managers in the SPE system were developed providing a qualitative increase in the level of formation of reflexive skills among students. Consequently, the reconstruction of the educational process in the SPE system, based on the implementation of the presented organizational and pedagogical conditions, significantly optimizes the process of forming the reflexive skills among future managers.

Mykola Stopchak ◽  

The article focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the historiographical achievements of modern Ukrainian historians on the policy of the leadership of Poland and Romania regarding the interned in the camps of these countries, the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic. The methodological basis of the study comprises the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematics. General scientific and special research methods were used in solving the set tasks: historiographical analysis and synthesis of knowledge development, generalization, quantitative, historical-comparative, chronological, retrospective, etc. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive analysis of the state of study in modern domestic historiography of the policy of the leadership of Poland and Romania during 1921-1924s concernig interned Army of the UPR. Conclusions. The analysis of the historiographical achievements of modern Ukrainian historians proved they have made significant progress in studying the scientific field. Having gained access to previously closed domestic and foreignarchival materials, scholars of independent Ukraine cooperated with foreign historians and rejected unscientific, ideologically biased approaches and conclusions of Soviet historiography regarding the policy of the Polish and Romanian leadership towards the interned army. The shortcomings of Ukrainian foreign historiography on this problem, which consisted of a number of inaccuracies and a weak source base, were eliminated, which led to the distortion of historical realities. Domestic historians have clearly shown that the policy pursued by the governments of Poland and Romania regarding the internment of the UPR Army in the camps of these countries was aimed at ensuring their own national interests. It varied depending on the state of relations with its aggressive northern neighbor – Bolshevik Russia. The orientation of this policy was significantly influenced by the position of the Entente states, the victors of the First World War/ They viewed the UPR Army as a force capable of counteracting the expansionist aspirations of Bolshevik Russia. At the same time, despite significant progress in the study of this topic, especially in the 1990s – early XXI century, in the last twenty years, domestic historians didn’t pay enough attention to its study. A number of aspects of this problem remain unexplored and require further scientific analysis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-148 ◽  
Carlos P. Maquieira ◽  
Lorenzo A. Preve ◽  
Virginia Sarria-Allende

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