Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History
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Published By Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


Maryna Krugliak ◽  

The purpose of the article is to trace the evolution of the attitude of the authorities and the public (both in urban and rural areas) of sub-Russian Ukraine to abortion during the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. punishment for this crime. The methodology of research is based on a combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, systematization) and special-historical methods (historical-structural, constructive-genetic, historical-comparative) with the principles of historicism, objectivity, systemicity, verification. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic and foreign historiography there was made an attempt to comprehensively consider the problem of abortion in the Russian Empire in the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. (the case of sub-Russian Ukraine), in particular, the peculiarities of the attitude to abortion by the state and the public were determined, a comparative analysis of the reasons for their commission, conditions and means of abortion, availability of such operations in rural areas and in modernized cities. Conclusions. The legislation of the Russian Empire considered abortion as a criminal offense, the punishment for which was quite severe, although with a tendency to liberalize (from exile to Siberia and beatings with a whip to imprisonment for several years). Despite criminal liability, at the beginning of the 20-th century, abortions have become an integral part of the daily lives of the cities. Punishment for such “crimes” was infrequent, mostly only when the case gained considerable media coverage or when the operation resulted in the patient's death. Attitudes toward abortion in cities and villages were different: traditional Ukrainian culture condemned abortion as a crime against the unborn child, an attempt on moral norms and values, and a social hierarchy. In cities, attitudes toward abortion were more pragmatic; such operations were most often performed for material reasons, in the case of the lower class, or to avoid shame and to entertain (concealment of the fact of extramarital pregnancy by married nobles, etc. “new women”). On the eve of the World War I, the advanced public advocated the decriminalization of abortion.

Gennadii Kucherov ◽  
Volodymyr Kotsiuk ◽  

The purpose of the article is to analyze the financial situation of rural «Prosvit» on the territory of the Right Bank of Ukraine in 1920–1922. On the basis of mainly archival materials, the authors find out the problems and achievements of educators in financial activities, the influence of the Soviet regime on it, its consequences. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific methods (comparison, generalization, analysis) with interdisciplinary (structural-system method). The main methods during the preparation of the publication were historical-comparative, synchronous, statistical. The application of these methods helped to clarify the whole set of aspects related to the scientific problem. The scientific novelty of the work is that using the methods of analysis of historical documents, the authors analyze the impact of the financial situation of educational societies on their cultural and educational work in the first years of the Soviet regime. For the first time in Ukrainian historiography the peculiarities of the financial activity of rural «Prosvit», its role in the formation and development of societies are clarified. Conclusions. The financial activity of the rural «Prosvits» of the Right Bank of Ukraine in 1920–1922 is an important component of their functioning. It determined the development of societies as well as the cultural and educational level of the peasants. «Prosvit's» financial activities were significantly influenced by local conditions and state aid. The educators organized various events to increase their budget and spend money only when needed. The financial activities of the rural «Prosvit» were under the total control of the Soviet regime. When the regime's attempts to turn educational institutions into «pocket» organizations became apparent, they were transferred to local funding and liquidated.

Nelia Romaniuk ◽  
Andrii Sinitskyi ◽  

Purpose of the article is to broaden the knowledge about the Ukrainian national movement, problems of the creation of a nation in 19th – beginning of the 20th century through the prism of life and activities of an individual person – Volodymyr Amvrosiiovych Menchyts, as a cultural and educational figure. The methodology of research is based on a combination of general scientific and special historical methods with the principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency. The application of these methods made it possible to conduct a systematic analysis of the sources that helped to personify the figure of V. Menchyts. Scientific novelty. The role of V. Menchyts against the backdrop of the epoch of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century has been highlighted on the basis of published and archival documents. His role was marked by the intensification of the national movement, the formation of the idea of state formation of Ukraine. Conclusions. Research into the biography of Volodymyr Amvrosiyovych Menchyts and its reproduction showed that he was an outstanding personality, a bright representative of the Ukrainian national movement of the second half of the 19th – beginning 20th century. He entered Ukrainian history as an educator and philosopher, a collector of Ukrainian folklore, and a specialist in literature and publishing. V. Menchyts was a representative of the spiritual elite of the society of that time. Those people contributed to the formation of moral and ethical foundations of the social worldview, national idea and state formation of Ukraine. A significant constellation of figures that developed and acted in this period in society, in particular Volodymyr Menchyts and his company, clearly defined the outlines of the Ukrainophil movement. Along with a cohort of less known but, undoubtedly, sincere patriots, the famous representatives of this movement were able to lay the ideological foundation for the development of the Ukrainian state at the beginning of 20th century.

Vitalii Telvak ◽  
Lidiia Lazurko ◽  

The article reviews the monograph by Ihor Hyrych which examines the theoretical bases of formation of independent sociopolitical thought in Ukraine (in the middle of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century). It covers the main tendencies of an independent state ideology at different periods of the national liberation movement. There is a characteristic given to the main groups of Ukrainian intellectuals and some of their leading representatives in connection with the attitude to the idea of Ukrainian political identity.

Olha Perepeliuk ◽  

The purpose of the article is to identify the historical processes that led to increased attention to the study of church singing in the second half of the nineteenth century and the analysis of methodological support for the training of future choristers of churches in parish schools. The methodological basis of the research is formed by general historical methods (analysis and synthesis), as well as the principles of scientificity, historicism, and objectivity. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that on the basis of the analysed publications of the church press and the available research of modern authors, for the first time, the recommendations that were provided to singing teachers for the preparation of future choristers are highlighted. The teaching aids and some methodological recomndations that were provided to facilitate the learning of students are indicated. Conclusions. In the ХІХ century, a number of reforms were carried out in all eparchies of the Russian Empire, concerning various spheres of spiritual education. There was a reorganization of educational institutions and an update of educational programs. The church singing became one of the main subjects; it was introduced for compulsory study in educational institutions of all levels – from academies to parish schools. Pupils of theological educational institutions mastered its theory and practice at the divine services. The Holy Synod issued provisions that regulated the volume of educational material and even a list of chants and prayers. In addition, church singing could be studied not for one semester or a year, but for the entire period of study. The main aspect requiring improvement in the reform process is the creation of church choirs. Since most of the teachers had a low level of solfeggio knowledge, they are not able to teach singers – teaching aids and methodological recommendations were developed to solve this problem. The useful information for singing teachers was distributed for giving the lesson: easy ways to study musical notation, elementary musical theory, examples of melodies, and so on. Their popularization was carried out with the help of church publications. The article analyses publications of the church press of the ХІХ century, as well as modern researches, which contains information on teaching church singing and advice for teachers who train children-choristers.

Tetiana Karoyeva ◽  

Мета роботи. З’ясувати чому адвокати як страта були єдиною професійною групою в Російській імперії, яка відігравала провідну роль у міському житті пореформеної країни. Методологія. Теоретичною основою статті є погляди Дж. Коулмена на соціальний капітал корпоративного а́ктора. Наукова новизна. Для реалізації історико-просопографічних досліджень запропоновано використання понять «соціальний капітал» та «корпоративний а́ктор». З’ясовано, чому адвокатуру можна вважати корпоративним а́ктором міського суспільства. Висновки. У модерному суспільстві Російської імперії адвокатура була корпоративним а́ктором міського життя, тому що це була єдина професійна страта, повністю виключена з державної системи, але така, що в силу професійних обов’язків її представники опинялися втягнутими в місцеве громадське життя, володіли широкими та активними соціальними контактами, завдяки яким легко реалізовували різноманітні соціальні обміни ресурсами. В умовах поліційно-бюрократичної Російської імперії адвокати стали деперсоналізованим громадським гарантом дотримання законності та справедливості, тому користувалися неабияким рівнем довіри. Їхні дії мали широкий суспільний розголос і могли впливати на формування соціальних норм. Публічний характер діяльності виробляв навички, необхідні для громадської діяльності в різних сферах міського життя. Адвокати могли впливати на функціонування громади не тільки як пересічні її представники, а й як представники корпоративного а́ктора, на соціальний капітал якого люди покладали певні надії. Здатність соціального капіталу до накопичення на колишніх річпосполитівських теренах, де в очах місцевого суспільства адвокатська кар’єра здавна була однією з шанованих і гідних для шляхтича, надавала цій професійній страті додаткових важелів впливу.

Kyrylo Mieliekiestsev ◽  

The purpose of the article is the analysis of the development of Donetsk region emblems (official heraldry and vexillology of Donetsk Oblast, reflection of historical themes in commercial nomenclature, reinterpretations of official symbols by individuals) in 1991–2015, identifying the main trends in the development of emblems, their connections with the views of customers and authors on history and politics, transformations of symbolics. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and systematics. General scientific and special-historical methods were used, such as content analysis, generalization, chronological, retrospective methods. The scientific novelty is based on it being the first attempt to generalize various elements of emblem studies of the Donetsk region, for the first time going beyond the official heraldry and vexillology of the Oblast, while considering their transformation in the hands of non-state actors. Conclusions. The post-Soviet era emblems of Donetsk and the Donetsk Oblast were developed in a unique situation: on the one hand local elites wanted to move away from Soviet symbols and modernize Donetsk as a “brand”, and on the other hand, due to the peculiarities of these elites’ education, origins and political preferences, did not perceive the region’s history. outside of the Soviet stereotypes about “Donbas as the economic center.” As a result, local elites ignored Cossack history of the Donetsk region in contrast to the perpetuation of industrial achievements of the Russian Empire (such as the Oblast’s coat of arms motto with a quote from Dmitri Mendeleev, “The Mertsalov Palm Tree”, as well as various “John Hughes/Yuz” nomenclature). Over the decades, there has been a divergence of traditions of Donetsk emblem use: official, business, and national-patriotic. At the same time, pro-Moscow organizations have been developing and imposing a separate emblem tradition since 1991, based on historical myths around the Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Soviet Republic, but detached from both the old Soviet symbols and the new official Donetsk emblems. The latter were developed to symbolize the “uniqueness” of eastern Ukraine, the “separateness” of Donetsk region, but did not actually intersperse with Russian symbols (with the exception of the Russian-language motto). In this form, it did not meet the goals of Moscow’s agents of influence, but was accepted and reworked by pro-Ukrainian patriotic forces. Thus, the use of one or the other version of Donetsk region symbols indicates a person’s political beliefs, their understanding of regional history and “memory politics” around it.

Andrii Pavlyshyn ◽  

The aim of the research is to introduce an important source of the history of the church, in particular the monasticism of the Lviv Union eparchy of the first half of the XVIII century into scientific circulation – “Inspection of the hegumens of the Lviv eparchy in 1724”. The methodology of the researchis based on the principles of historicism, analytical and synthetic critique of sources. Comparative and typological general historical methods are also used.The scientific noveltyis in the introduction of the source, which most fully reflects the real state of monasticism of the Lviv eparchy in the first quarter of the XVIII century into wide circulation for the first time. Conclusions: As a result of archival searches, a historical source “Inspection of the hegumens of Lviv eparchyin 1724”was discovered and put into scientific circulation. It is the first complete description of the existing monasteries of the Lviv dioceseand allows to recreate their detailed network at the first quarter of the XVIII century. For the first time, the document also reliably outlines the number of monastic communities in the eparchy. Onthebasisofinspection it can be stated that the Lviv Union diocesein 1724 had 62 monasteries with 341 monks. The source also allows us to trace the power of bishops over monasteries, in particular the mechanism of hegumens subordination to bishops. The document contains valuable information about the relationship of monasteries, in particular the subordination of smaller monastic communities to larger ones. No less important are the sources about the economic situation of the monasteries.In 1724, only 34 out of 62 monasteries, showed documents for the right to own some land plots, which allows us to speak of a relatively modest monastic farming. “Inspection of the hegumens of the Lviv eparchy in 1724”, is a key source that allows us to characterize not only the state of monasteries, but also the Lviv eparchy in general in the first decades after the adoption of the Brest Union by the diocese.

Vitalii Telvak ◽  
Iryna Lozynska ◽  

Мета статті. На основі аналізу різнопланової історіографічної літератури узагальнено інституційну структуру української історичної науки у міжвоєнній Польщі. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на використанні міждисциплінарного підходу. Виходячи з принципів об’єктивності та історизму, дослідницький акцент зроблено на структурно-функціональному системному аналізі історіографічних фактів і порівняльно-історичному методі. У статті використано евристичні можливості методів періодизації, класифікації і типологізації. Наукова новизна статті полягає у спробі узагальнення інституційної структури української гуманітаристики в Другій Речі Посполитій. Висновки. Українські інтелектуали в Другій Речі Посполитій, подекуди за сприяння представників польської влади, але частіше наперекір її антиукраїнській політиці, загалом добре адаптувалися до наявних у країні суспільно-політичних реалій. Відповідаючи на численні виклики, вони успішно трансформували набутий у попередній період інституційний досвід української гуманітаристики та, попри значні фінансові труднощі, ініціювали створення нових науково-дослідних інституцій, чиї співробітники опрацьовували найбільш перспективні тоді українознавчі проблеми. Специфікою української гуманітаристики в Другій Речі Посполитій був її інституційний поділ між Львовом та Варшавою. І тут, попри насиченість міжособистісних взаємин між галицькими вченими та їхніми наддніпрянськими колегами-емігрантами у польській столиці, так і не вдалося налагодити повноцінної інституційної співпраці. Це призвело до дублювання організаційних структур, котрі нерідко займалися подібною проблематикою. Така ситуація, котра вочевидь не відповідала скромним матеріальним і людським ресурсам тогочасної української науки, мала наслідком неузгодженість наукових проєктів, а іноді – й особистісну конфліктність. Утім, саме наявні у Другій Речі Посполитій українські історичні інституції були перенесені у повоєнному часі емігрантами до країн вільного світу, що дозволило вітчизняній гуманітаристиці перетривати часи комуністичного експерименту на Батьківщині та зберегти інституційну пам‘ять.

Yurii Dolzhenko ◽  

This article is dedicated to the publication and the comparative analysis of 11 – 12 centuries Pereiaslavl (modern name Pereiaslav) cranial series found during excavations by D. Samokvasov (1877), V. Shcherbakivskyi (1914), and a permanent archaeological expedition of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav» under the leadership of M. Tovkailo (2004 – 2007), D. Teteria (2008 – 2012), M. Rozdobudko (2014 – 2016), O. Priadko (2015 – 2019). The purpose of the article is to introduce a new material into scientific domain, provide a general description of Pereiaslav population of 11th – 12th cent. on the background of neighboring ethnic groups from Ukraine and Eastern Europe (synchronistic method), determine the distance between separate cranial series of 11th – 12th cent. with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of 11th – 12th cent. Pereiaslav male population in the system of craniological types of Eastern Europe. This paper attempts to apply two typological approaches to the researched group. The methodology of the research. The research is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, general scientific (analysis and synthesis), historical (comparative-historical), anthropological and statistical methods were used. The skulls were measured according to the full craniometric program using the standard R. Martin method, according to which the numbering of signs was indicated. Computer software developed by B. Kozintsev and O. Kozintsev in 1991 has been used in the research. 14 craniometric traits defined by R. Martin have been involved into the study. Scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time, the general male Old Rus selection of Pereiaslav town including 59 skulls has been created. According to the craniometric trait average value, the male part of the series can be classified as dolichocranic Caucasoid variant with moderately broad face. It has been proved that after uniting two male craniological groups from Pereiaslav, its representatives, according to typological scheme by T. Alekseeva, belong to dolichocranic, middle size face craniological type. This is the same type where Siverians, Dregoviches, Smolensk Krivichs, and Radimichs belong to. Grounding on V. Diachenko typology, the male group can be classified to some extend as Neopontic craniological type. Conclusion. The comparison of the male researched group from 11th – 12th cent. with synchronic series from Old Rus territory with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis has shown its similarity to town series from Liubech, Halych and to less extend Chernihiv.

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