scholarly journals Using Wordless Picture Book as a Contributive Learning Media to Enhance the Student's Writing Ability

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34 ◽  
Khadijah Maming ◽  
Irmayanti Irmayanti ◽  
Rafi'ah Nur

This research aims to know enhancement the Student's writing ability by using wordless picture book as a contributive learning media. The benefits of using wordless picture book show that the students enhance their writing ability and create their creative writing and thinking skill. The researcher applied quasi-experimental method, with two groups namely experimental and control class. The experimental class consists of 30 students and control clas consists of 30 students. The subjects of the research were 60 students from two classes taken from students of SMP Negeri 10 Parepare. The research instrument was writing test in which the comparison of pre-test and post-test decided the enhancement of the Student's writing ability. The results of the data analysis showed that the Student's writing ability getting significantly improvement. It was proved by the mean score of pre-test was 46.93 and the post-test was 80.00. It indicates that the use of wordless picture book can enhance the Student's writing ability at SMP Negeri 10 Parepare. Besides, after analyzing the data by using the t-test formula, the result of t-test value in post-test was 6.02 and t-table value was 1.671. It meant that the t-test value was higher than t-table value. It clarified H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected and the students who were taught by using wordless picture book were better than the students who were taught by using wordless picture book.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Syamsiah Syamsiah

This research investigated the implementation of the use of stories in improving the students’ writing ability. The objectives of this research were (1) to find out whether or not the use of the stories is effective to improve the writing ability, (2) to find out which of the writing components that is mostly increased by the implementation of the use of stories. This research was carried out on the second year students of MTs N Mangempang Barru. The writer employed a quasi-experimental design. This research assigned two groups namely experimental and control group. Each group consists of 24 students. The sample was using cluster random sampling. The experiment group of were taught by using stories while in other group taught by using mono text. The instrument of this research was writing descriptive text. The data obtained through the test were analyzed by using inferential analysis by some formulas. Based on the result of research the mean score of post test of experimental group (73.42) was higher than the control group (69.50). The result of the t-test value (2.99) was higher than t-table value (2.021) . in other words, Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted..This means that the use of stories significantly improved the students’ writing ability of the second year students of MTs N Mangempang Barru.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Nur Rahmi Akbarini ◽  
Wiedy Murtini ◽  
Andre N Rahmanto

This study was a research and development type. The media developed was a lectora inspire-based interactive learning media in general administration subject. The procedure of research and development employed nine out of ten steps of Borg & Gall’s research and development (1989). Data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative and quantitative analyses with t-test. Considering the result of analysis on the effectiveness of lectora inspire-based interactive learning media with t-test formula, it could be found that t-statistic value obtained in posttest of experiment and control class was 5.747, with ttable of 2.000172; thus tstatitic > ttable meaning that the improvement of learning outcome in experiment class was better than that in control class. The learning outcome of experiment class showed the mean post-test of 84.53, while that of control class showed the mean posttest of 71.73. The conclusion of research was that Lectora Inspire-based interactive learning media was feasible and was used effectively to improve the students’ learning outcome. It was based on the result of t-test suggesting the significance value (0.000<0.05), indicating that there is a difference of learning outcome between experiment class and control class

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
M. Arif Rahman Hakim ◽  
Tri Nur Susanti ◽  
Asiyah Asiyah ◽  
Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin

The aim of this study is to find out whether or not there was a significant difference between students who were taught using picture and picture strategy and that of those who were not in writing recount text. The study employed a quasi-experimental study. The population in this study were the second grade students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bengkulu city, Indonesia with a total number are 89 students. Out of this population, 60 students were taken as the sample. They are divided into two groups; experiement and control group, which consisted of 30 students for each group. The data were collected by using writing test. The data obtained were analyzed by using t- test formula. The data were found that the result of t-count post-test (6.34) was higher than t- table (2.00) with α = 5 % and df= 58. The finding of this research shows that there is a significant difference between students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah who are taught using picture and picture strategy and that of those who are not. Based on the result on the study, picture and picture strategy can improve students’ writing achievement in writing recount text evidently

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Siti Nur Aida ◽  
Elok Widiyati

This research aims at finding out whether or not the use of extensive reading is effective for teaching writing explanation text to the eleventh grade at Islamic University in Semarang. Quasi experimental research was applied as the method. The researchers took two groups as the sample, they were XI MIPA 6 as the experimental class and XI MIPA 2 as the control class. The total subject of this research was 65. This research used SPSS in analysing the data of writing test through several activities. They were pre-test before treatments, and post-test after treatments. The result of the research shows the significance difference in the writing ability of explanation text between eleventh-graders who were taught by using extensive reading and those were not taught by using it. It can be seen in the result of mean score in the post-test of experimental class which is 64.4118 and control class which is 48.5484 and as a result Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.00 < 0.05. Therefore, the null hyothesis of this research is rejected. It means that the use of extensive reading had significantly improved the eleventh-graders’ writing ability of the explanation text in English teaching and learning process of the experimental class at Islamic School in Semarang in the academic year 2018/2019.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-125
Badaruddin Badaruddin ◽  
Sahabuddin Sahabuddin

Speaking is the ability to pronounce words in order to convey or stated intention, ideas, thoughsts, feeling and dificult to deal with students. There are some problems as causes of the students’ difficulties in speaking, such as they are afraid of making mistake, less convidence, seldom to communicate and cannot express their ideas. To solve the problems, the researcher suggests the use of PPP Model in learning process. Based on the previous explanation, the researcher formulates the objective of the research is to find out whether or not the speaking ability of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare can enhance through the Use of PPP Model In this research, the researcher applied quasi-experimental design, with two group namely experimental class and control class. The samples was chosen using cluster random sampling technique. The total numbers of sample were consisted of 55 students from two classes taken from the population of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Parepare. The instrument used in this research was speaking test by record the students’ utterance. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the data analyzed shows that the students’ speaking ability improved significantly. It was showed by the mean score of pre-test was 45.33 and the post-test was 72. 83. Besides, the mean score of the students in post-test (72.83) was higher than the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (71) in SMP Negeri 9 Parepare and include good classification base on Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menegah (2005). In the same line, the result of t-test value was 2.102 and t-table value was 2.004 in post-test. It means that the t-test value (2.102) was higher than t-table value (2.004). Those indicate that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. It also shows there is a significant difference between the speaking ability of the students who were taught through the Use of PPP Model and the speaking ability of the students who were thought by Discovery Learning Model (Conventional Ways).

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Juvrianto CJ

This research highlights the speaking ability of the students which categorized in tenth year students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare . The students were taught through role play method to know the improvement of the students speaking ability. The data collected in 2012 by applying quasi-experimental method, with two group pre-test and post-test design. The samples were taken of the research were consisted of 43 students from two classes taken from the population. The result of the data analysis shows that the students’ speaking mastery improved significantly. It was showed by the mean score of pre-test was 49.34 and the post-test was 71.304. It shows that the use of role play method can improve the students’ speaking ability of the tenth year students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare significantly. Besides the different score of pre-test and post-test, the mean score of the students in post-test was 71.304 is higher than the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (70) in SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. After analyzing the data by using the test formula, the result of t-test value in post-test was 1.868 and t-table value was 1.684. It means that the t-test value (1.868) was higher than t-table value (1.684). Those indicate that H1 was accepted and H0was rejected and the students who were taught through role play method are better than the students who were taught through conventional method.This research highlights the speaking ability of the students which categorized in tenth year students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare . The students were taught through role play method to know the improvement of the students speaking ability. The data collected in 2012 by applying quasi-experimental method, with two group pre-test and post-test design. The samples were taken of the research were consisted of 43 students from two classes taken from the population. The result of the data analysis shows that the students’ speaking mastery improved significantly. It was showed by the mean score of pre-test was 49.34 and the post-test was 71.304. It shows that the use of role play method can improve the students’ speaking ability of the tenth year students of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare significantly. Besides the different score of pre-test and post-test, the mean score of the students in post-test was 71.304 is higher than the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (70) in SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. After analyzing the data by using the test formula, the result of t-test value in post-test was 1.868 and t-table value was 1.684. It means that the t-test value (1.868) was higher than t-table value (1.684). Those indicate that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected and the students who were taught through role play method are better than the students who were taught through conventional method.

Dira Permana ◽  
Heri Hidayatullah ◽  
Nurul Hafizah

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan teknik Chain Drill dalam mengajarberbicara bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu menggunakan pretest-posttestcontrol group design. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data sampel pada penelitian ini adalah tesberbicara dalam bentuk instruksi. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah pretest danposttestberbicara. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianaisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptifdan inferensial untuk menarik sebuah kesimpulan. Berdasarkan analisis, ditemukan bahwa skor rata-rata post-test lebih tinggi dari skor rata-rata pre-test (64≥37), sedangkan di kelas kontrol, skor rata-rata post-test jugalebih tinggi daripada skor rata-rata pre-test (50≥30). Dari data yang diperoleh, diperoleh perbedaan skor baikpada post-test dari pre-test antara kedua kelas; kelas eksperimen 14≥7 untuk kelas kontrol yang menunjukkanskor eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Analisis lebih lanjut pada uji-t, ditemukan bahwa skor uji-t(2,52) lebih tinggi dari t-tabel (1,671) dengan tingkat kebebasan 42. Dengan kata lain, Ha diterima dan Hoditolak, dimana terdapat perbedaan signifikan dalam perolehan selisih skor antara kelas eksperimen dankontrol. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknik Chain Drill efektif dalam mengajarberbicara. Abstract: This study aims at finding out the effectiveness of Chain Drill technique in teaching speaking. Thisstudy useda quasi-experimental research method with pretest-posttest control group design. The instrumentused to gain data of samples was a speaking test in the form of instruction. The technique used to collect datawas pretest and posttest of speaking test. Data gained were subsequently analyzed by using descriptive andinferential statistical analysis from which a conclusion was drawn. Based on the analysis, it was found that themean score of post-test was higher than the mean score of pre-test (64≥37), while in the control class, the meanscore of post-test was also higher than the mean score of pre-test (50≥30). From the data obtained, it was foundthe difference in score both in post-test from pre-test between the two classes; experimental class 14≥7 forcontrol class which showed experimental score was higher than the control class. The further analysis on the t-test, it was found that t-test score (2.52) was higher than t-table (1.671) with the degree of freedom 42. In otherwords, H a was accepted and H o was rejected in which there was a significant difference in scores betweenexperiment and control class. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of Chain Drill technique is effective inteaching speaking.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 43
Frida Hayu Novendiana ◽  
Zakiyah Tasnim ◽  
Bambang Arya Wijaputra

The aim of this research was to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy on the tenth grade students at MA Unggulan Nuris Jember. The research design used was quasi experimental research specifically post test only non equivalent group design . The respondent of the research was chosen by using cluster random sampling by a lottery . The students of X IPA A as the experimental group and X PK B as the control group. The data was collected by interview, documentation and administering reading comprehension test. Then the data collected were analyzed by using independentt sample T-test . It was known that the mean score of the experimental group was 78.80 and the mean score of the control group was 73.73. In the output of the t-test column, it was shown that the significant value was 0.03. It was lower than 0.05. It means that the mean scores of the two classes (experimental and control groups) were different. Therefore, there was a difference between the experimental class and the control class. In conclusion, the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy was a significantly affected on the tenthgrade students’ reading comprehension achievement tat MA Unggulan Nuris Jember.   Keywords: reading comprehension achivement, DRTA strategy 

Abdullah Farih

The objective of this study is to measure whether there is or not significant effect of teaching reading by utilizing Hot Potatoes software toward students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. The variables used were the teaching treatment of Hot Potatoes Software as the independent variable and the students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text as dependent variable. Then, the research designed was Quasi-experimental design and the presentation of data used was quantitative. The data were obtained from the eleventh grade, of which 28 students were taken as sample. The students are divided into two groups; experiment group consisted of 12 students and control group consists of 16 students. To get the data, the pre-test and post-test were applied and then analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher had concluded that there is Significant effect of Hot Potatoes Software toward the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result showed that mean of students’ post-test was increased. It is proved by the t-test (8.54) which is higher than t-table (2.05) at level of significance 5%. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and it proved that Hot Potatoes Software had significant effect toward students’ reading comprehension of Descriptive Text

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
A.P. Adhiyanti ◽  
A.A.I.N Marhaeni ◽  
I.P.I Kusuma

  This study aimed to investigate the effect of anonymous peer assessment on students’ writing ability. Quantitative approach was used in this study. Post-test only control group design was the design used in this experimental study. The post-test only control group design was designed to discover the purpose of this study which was to investigate the significant effect on writing ability between students who obtain feedback from anonymous peer assessment and students who obtain feedback from conventional assessment. The study was conducted at SMK PGRI 1 Singaraja. The eleventh grade students in Academic Year 2017/2018 were chosen as the population. The samples were 44 students from XI AP and XI UPW. The instruments used in this study were lesson plan, anonymous peer checklist, writing scoring rubric, and writing test. Writing scoring rubric and writing test were used to obtain the data through post-test while lesson plan and anonymous peer assessment were used during the treatment. The data then was analyzed by using SPSS 16. The results of the analysis show that (1) the mean score of the experimental group was 77.55 while the mean score of the control group was 68.77. (2) The t-observe was 3.892 and it exceeded the t-critical value which was 2.018. Therefore, based on the aforementioned results, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference on writing ability between the eleventh grade students who obtained feedback from anonymous peer assessment and those who obtained feedback from conventional assessment at SMK PGRI 1 Singaraja in academic year 2017/2018. 

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