2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-74
Surya Anita ◽  
Dewi Rismauli Bancin ◽  
Friska Sitorus

The decrease in TFR (Total Fertility Rate) will be closer to the condition of the population growing in balance, a strategy is needed in the implementation of the family planning program. Activities that can be carried out are promoting long-term effective contraceptive methods. This study aims to determine the understanding and support of husbands for the participation of mothers in becoming IUD KB acceptors in Secanggang District, Langkat Regency. The research design used in this study was an analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The sample in this study was 30 respondents who came and wanted to do family planning. The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between Husband's understanding of the participation of mothers in becoming IUD family planning acceptors in Secanggang District, Langkat Regency, with a  pvalue of 0.000. And there is a significant relationship between the husband's support for the participation of mothers in becoming IUD family planning acceptors in Secanggang District, Langkat Regency  with a p value of 0,000. It is hoped that it can increase respondents' knowledge about contraceptives so that they can support and understand their wives in choosing contraceptives.   Keywords: Understanding, Support, IUD

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Ainul Mardhiah ◽  
Nova Hasbani Prima Dewi ◽  
Aminy Aminy

The family planning program also aims to improve the quality of the family in order to generate a sense of security, peace and hope of a better future in realizing the prosperity of birth and inner happiness. Allegedly the factor causing EFA participation in the family planning program is characteristic. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of attitude and characteristic of Elderly Age Couple (PUS) with participation in family planning program at UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Sungai Raya District, East Aceh regency 2018. The research design used was analytic survey with cross sectional design. The population of this study is all Pairs Age of Fertile located in Work Area UPT Sungai Raya Public Health Service Center in January to December 2017 which amounted to 1897 people. Sampling using Slovin formula, obtained as many as 95 samples. The study was conducted from 7-17 July 2018 using questionnaires by interview. Statistical test using chi-square test. Result of research indicate that majority of fertile couple couples (PUS) participate in family planning program as much as 67 respondents (70,5%). Statistically there is relationship of attitude and characteristic of Elderly Age Couple (EFA) with non participation in family planning program in Working Area of UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Sungai Raya District of East Aceh Regency 2018 with p value <0,1. It is recommended that the family planning program holders in UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Sungai Raya District of East Aceh District to invite cross-sectoral figures to hold meetings to create mini workshop plans at least once a month to increase the participation of the Elderly Age Couple (PUS) in family planning programs. Keyword : Family Planning Program, Attitudes, CharacteristicsABSTRAKProgram KB juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas keluarga agar dapat timbul rasa aman, tentram, dan harapan masa depan yang lebih baik dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan lahir dan kebahagiaan batin. Diduga faktor yang menyebabkan ketidakikutsertaan PUS dalam program KB adalah karakteristik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap dan karakteristik Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dengan keikutsertaan dalam program KB di Wilayah Kerja UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Aceh Timur tahun 2018. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei analitik dengan rancangan bedah lintang. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pasangan Usia Subur yang berada di Wilayah Kerja UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember tahun 2017 yang berjumlah 1.897 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin, didapatkan sebanyak 95 sampel. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari tanggal 7-17 Juli tahun 2018 menggunakan kuesioner dengan cara wawancara. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) ikut serta dalam program KB yaitu sebanyak 67 responden (70,5%). Secara statistik ada hubungan sikap dan karakteristik Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dengan ketidakikutsertaan dalam program KB di Wilayah Kerja UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Aceh Timur tahun 2018 dengan p value < 0,1. Sebaiknya pemegang program KB di UPT Puskesmas Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Aceh Timur agar mengajak tokoh lintas sektor agar mengadakan pertemuan untuk membuat rencana loka karya mini setidaknya satu bulan sekali untuk meningkatkan keikutsertaan Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) dalam program KB.Kata Kunci : Program KB, Sikap, Karakteristik

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 106
Ardhiyani Muslimah ◽  
Nur Indah Rahmawati

<p>Family Planning (FP) participation is the most important thing in the family planning program in Indonesia. Based on the baseline study, family planning participations in 6 in Argomulyo village covered 533 couples (59.22 %) of 900 total couple of reproductive age. Knowledge is one of the factors that causes reproductive age couples to join the family planning program. Knowledge is used as the basis of actions to solve problems and this was the result of knowing after the people recognice an object. Knowledge about family planning is expected to cause the participation of reproductive age couples in the family planning program. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the knowledge level of family planning participation in reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta 2014. Study design was observational analytic with cross sectional aproach. Technique sampling used was total sampling of reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta resulted on 907 respondents. Data was colected by interview using the questionnaire. The analysis used was chi-square. The result of chi-square test showed a p-value 0.318&gt;(0.05) and coefficients contingency of 0.05 so knowledge level had no relationship with FP participation. Knowledge level was 71.00% good, while the highest participation of family planning in the majority of with fair level enough was 68.8%, in addition, the highest proportion of couples who did not participate in FP program was 41.8%. In Conclusion, there was no significant relationship between the knowledge level about family planning and the participation of the family planning in reproductive age couples in Argomulyo village, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta year 2014.</p>

Ari Salis Saputri

Introduction: The coverage of MKJP were 6.99% (implants), 7.15% (IUD), 2.78% (MOW), and 0.53% (MOP) indicating the use of MKJP contraceptive methods in Indonesia decreased from the previous year (RI Ministry of Health, 2018). The low use of MKJP has been a cause of stagnation in birth rates over the past decade. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between service costs, husband support and fear of action against the use of long-term contraception methods at the Umi Rahma Clinic in Bekasi in 2019 Method: Using descriptive analytic design with Cross Sectional approach. The study population was all EFA women who performed family planning at the Umi Rahma Clinic in Bekasi in 2019, a sample of 50 respondents using the Accidental Sampling technique using a questionnaire. This study uses univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical tests Result: . Chi-Square statistical test results service costs for the use of MKJP obtained P-Value 0.002, support for the husband of the use of MKJP obtained P-Value 0.001, fear action against the use of MKJP obtained P-Value 0.001. Discussion: Long-Term Contraception Methods, because costs greatly affect all actions that will be taken by couples of childbearing age, one of which is in the selection or decision-making on the use of contraceptive methods. In conclusion there is a relationship between service costs , husband support and fear of action towards the use of MKJP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 744-750
Novi Eniastina Jasa ◽  
Akma Listiana ◽  
Risneni Risneni

Introduction : Long Term Contraceptive Method (MKJP) is a contraceptive method used to delay, space out pregnancy, and stop fertility that is used in the long term, which includes IUD (Intra Uterine Device), Implant (KB) and tubectomy. The MKJP failure rate is reported to be 0.2 per thousand users, while the non MKJP method is reported to be more than 10 per thousand users. From this, it can be seen that the MKJP method is more effective in preventing pregnancy in its users. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity, employment and education with the selection of Long-term Contraceptive Methods (MKJP) at PMB Rosbiatul.Method : The research design is correlational descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all MKJP and Non MKJP family planning acceptors who visited PMB Rosbiatul with a total of 194 respondents. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling where the entire population is used as a research sample, namely as many as 194 respondents. The variables in this study were parity, occupation and education with the selection of the MKJP Contraceptive Device. The measuring instrument used is a data collection format in the form of a checklist. This research was carried out from January to August in 2021. The data analysis used was quantitative analysis carried out through univariate analysis to see the distribution of each variable, bivariate analysis using Chi Square.Results : Of the 194 family planning acceptors, 82 people (42.3%) used the Long-Term Contraception Method (MKJP) and 112 people (57.7%) used the Non-MKJP Contraception Method. From 194 there were 123 multiparous (63.4%), and 71 primiparous (36.6%). From 194 people, 69 respondents (35.6%) worked and 125 people (64.4%) did not work. From 194 people, there are 133 respondents (68.6%) with higher education and 61 respondents (31.4%) with low education. From the results of the study, it is known that there is a relationship between the selection of the MKJP KB with maternal education with a p value of 0.002, there is a relationship between the selection of the MKJP KB with the mother's occupation, with a p value of 0.003, and there is a relationship between the selection of the MKJP KB with maternal parity with a p value. value 0.003.Conclusion :  The conclusion of the study is that there is a significant relationship between parity, education and mother's occupation with the choice of long-term contraceptive method (MKJP). Suggestion : Health workers are expected to be able to provide counseling and information about Long-Term Contraceptive Methods (MKJP) for effectiveness in preventing or spacing pregnancies. Keywords : parity, employment, education, MKJP ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) adalah metode kontrasepsi yang digunakan untuk menunda, menjarangkan kehamilan, serta menghentikan kesuburan yang digunakan dalam jangka panjang, yang meliputi IUD (Intra Uterine Device) , Implant (susuk KB) dan tubektomi. Angka kegagalan MKJP dilaporkan sebesar 0,2 perseribu pengguna, sedangkan metode non MKJP dilaporkan terjadi lebih dari 10 perseribu pengguna. Dari hal tersebut terlihat bahwa metode MKJP lebih efektif untuk dapat mencegah terjadinya kehamilan pada penggunanya.. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan paritas, pekerjaan dan pendidikan dengan pemilihan Metode Kontrasepsi jangka Panjang  (MKJP)  di PMB Rosbiatul.Metode Penelitian: Design penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua akseptor KB MKJP dan Non MKJP yang mengunjungi PMB Rosbiatul dengan jumlah 194 responden. Tekhnik pengambilan sample pada penelitian ini adalah total sampling dimana seluruh populasi di jadikan sample penelitian yaitu sebanyak 194 responden. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah paritas, pekerjaan dan pendidikan dengan pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi MKJP. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah format pengumpulan data berupa checklist.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai bulan Agustus pada tahun 2021. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dilakukan melalui analisis univariat untuk melihat distribusi masing-masing variabel, analisis bivariate menggunakan Chi Square.Hasil penelitian: Dari 194 akseptor KB sebanyak 82 orang ( 42,3%) menggunakan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) dan sebanyak 112 orang (57,7%) menggunakan Metode Kontrasepsi Non MKJP. Dari 194 ada 123 multipara (63,4%), dan 71 0rang primipara (36,6%). Dari 194 orang sebesar 69 responden (35,6%) bekerja dan 125 orang (64,4%) tidak bekerja. Dari 194 orang terdapat 133 responden (68,6%) pendidikan tinggi dan 61 responden (31,4%) pendidikan rendah. Dari  hasil penelitian diketahui terdapat hubungan antara pemilihan KB MKJP dengan pendidikan ibu dengan nilai p.value 0,002, terdapat hubungan antara pemilihan KB MKJP dengan pekerjaan ibu, dengan nilai p value 0,003, dan terdapat hubungan antara pemilihan KB MKJP dengan paritas ibu dengan nilai p.value 0,003.Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara paritas, pendidikan dan pekerjaan ibu dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang (MKJP).Saran: Bagi tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat memberikan konseling serta informasi tentang Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) untuk efektifitas dalam mencegah atau menjarangkan kehamilan Kata Kunci: paritas, pekerjaan, pendidikan, MKJP

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Ayu Aminatussyadiah ◽  
Aris Prastyoningsih

AbstrakUpaya penurunan AKI serta peningkatan derajat kesehatan ibu merupakan salah satu prioritas utama dalam penanganan bidang kesehatan.pelayanan KB tidak hanya untuk pengendalian penduduk namun dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatakan kesehatan ibu dan bayi. Sehingga dikatakan bahwa program keluarga berencana merupakan kunci pencapaian sasaran Pembangunan MDGs. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, pendidikan dan tempat tinggal dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi pada WUS di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-setional dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 49.627 WUS di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini  menunjukkan variabel yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi pada WUS adalah, tingkat pendidikan (p = 0,023), daerah tempat tinggal (p = 0,000). Sedangkan faktor yang tidak berhubungan dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi adalah faktor umur (p value = 0,303).Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, tingkat pendidikan dan daerah tempat tinggal mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi pada WUS. Karena itu pemerintah melalui Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) tetap memperhatikan program keluarga berencana dan memastikan setiap masyarakat untuk menerapkan program keluarga berencana, serta mendidik dan mempromosikan program keluarga berencana untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan penduduk.Kata Kunci : umur, pendidikan, tempat tinggal, pemilihan kontrasepsi, wanita usia suburFactors That Influence Use of Contraception in Fertile Age Women in Indonesia(Data Analysis of Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017) AbstrackEfforts to reduce MMR and improve maternal health are one of the main priorities in the handling of the health sector. Family planning services are not only for population control but can contribute to improving maternal and infant health. So it is said that the family planning program is the key to achieving the MDGs Development goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, education and residence with the use of contraception in WUS in Indonesia. This study uses a cross-sectional approach using total sampling techniques. The number of samples in this study were 49,627 WUS throughout Indonesia. The results of this study indicate the variables that influence the use of contraception in WUS are, education level (p = 0.023), area of residence (p = 0,000). While the factors that are not related to the choice of contraception are the age factor (p value = 0.303). The conclusion of this study is that the level of education and the area of residence affects the use of contraception in WUS. Therefore, the government through the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) keeps paying attention to the family planning program and ensures every community to implement the family planning program, as well as educating and promoting family planning programs to resolve population problems.  Keywords: age, education, residence, contraception selection, women of childbearing age

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Hasanah Pratiwi Harahap

Indonesia is a developing country that has a large population of about 237.6 million people and an average population growth rate of 1.49% per year. In Taraha Village, there are still many couples of reproductive age that are not acceptors, as many as 52 (46.2%). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with couples of reproductive age participation in the family planning program in Taraha Village in 2018. This research was analytic survey research with a cross-sectional approach. The data collection method used questioner. The study was conducted in Taraha Village, Mandrehe Utara Subdistrict, in 2018. The sample of this research was the productive age couples, who were 81 acceptors and not acceptors using a stratified random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by performing a Chi-square analysis test. Based on the results obtained on the knowledge variable the majority of knowledge lacking by 42 respondents (52%) with a p-value <0,001, the majority of negative attitudes as many as 55 respondents (68%) with a p-value of 0.010, the majority of cultural factors were not good enough as many as 44 respondents (54%) obtained a p-value<0,001. It is recommended to the government of Nias Barat District to increase health promotion, especially on the family planning program.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Sindi Eka Putri ◽  
Sri Widati

Background: One of the efforts made by the government to reduce the rate of population growth was through the Family Planning program. Many contraceptive methods are used by Fertile Age Couples (FAC), including the Long-Term Contraception Method (MKJP) and the non-Long-Term Contraception Method (non-MKJP). Low interest in fertile-couples for long-term use of contraception cannot be separated from family support to use these contraceptives. There is a need for an understanding of MKJP for FAC. Family support was defined as the attitude, actions, and acceptance of the family of its members. Family members see that those who are supportive are always ready to provide help and assistance. With family support, FAC can easily decide which contraception will be used. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of family social support to the interest of FAC in using the long-term contraception method in RW 5, Sidotopo Village. Methods: This research was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional research design. The sample of this research consists of 48 participants, taken randomly using multistage random sampling. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. Then, the data were analyzed using the Chi-square test. Results: The characteristics of family planning acceptors in RW 5 of the Sidotopo sub-district starting from the dominating age are 21-35 years old with high school as the highest level of education. The income level in the area is middle to the upper level from 2 million to 5 million rupiahs per month. Based on the results of statistical tests, there is a correlation between family instrumental social support with the interest of Fertile Age Couples to use MKJP. Conclusion: Based on the results of the bivariate test using Chi-Square, it was found that between the four support variables, only one of them has a relationship that is instrumental support. The results of this study can be used as a rationale for policymaking in order to increase the number of long-term family planning acceptors.

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRACT [Indonesia is the country with the largest population among the member countries of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) with a population of more 243.3 million. In Indonesia as many as the number of participants IUD KB 3933611 (11.12%). In South Sumatra planning acceptors IUD 56 027 (4.36%). In Palembang in 2011 the number of participants KB IUD 6,971 (4.44%). At the Maternity Clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang in 2012 the number of participants KB IUD 105 (18.6%). The purpose of this study is be knew the factors associated with the use of IUD Contraception in Maternity Clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang in 2013. This study uses the Analytic Survey cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all active acceptors who visit to get family planning services at the Maternity Clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang in May - June 2013, earned a total of 32 respondents. Sampling was carried out by the technique of "accidental sampling". Univariate analysis of the results obtained from the use of IUD 10 respondents (31.2%) were not using IUDs and 22 (68.8%), respondents who were at high risk of 9 (28.1%), and highly educated respondents 13 (40 , 6%), and high economic bersosial respondents 10 (31.2%). From bivariate analysis using chi-square test P value = 0.013 obtained showed no statistically significant association between maternal age and the use of contraceptive IUD obtained P value = 0.005 showed no significant relationship between education and the use of IUDs and contraceptive P value = 0.037 showed no significant relationship between socioeconomic IUD contraceptive use in the Maternity Clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang in 2013. From the results of this study should be conducted counseling or counseling to all about the importance of family planning acceptors IUD is a long-term contraception.                                        ABSTRAK Indonesia adalah negara dengan penduduk terbanyak di antara negara anggota ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asia Nation) lainnya dengan jumlah penduduk 243,3 juta jiwa. Di indonesia jumlah peserta KB IUD sebanyak 3.933.611 (11,12%). Di Sumatera Selatan jumlah peserta KB IUD 56.027(4,36%). Di Palembang tahun 2011 jumlah peserta KB IUD 6.971(4,44%). Di Klinik Bersalin Budi Mulia Medika Palembang tahun 2012 jumlah peserta KB IUD 105 (18,6%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Di ketahuinya faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan Kontrasepsi IUD di Klinik Bersalin Budi Mulia Medika Palembang Tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua akseptor KB aktif yang berkunjung untuk mendapatkan pelayanan KB di Klinik Bersalin Budi Mulia Medika Palembang pada bulan mei – juni 2013, didapatkan sebanyak 32 responden. Pengambilan sampel ini dilaksanakan dengan teknik “Accidental Sampling”. Dari analisis univariat didapatkan hasil responden yang menggunakan IUD 10 (31,2%) dan yang tidak menggunakan IUD 22(68,8%), responden yang berumur resiko tinggi 9 (28,1%), dan responden yang berpendidikan tinggi 13 (40,6%), serta responden yang bersosial ekonomi tinggi 10 (31,2%). Dari analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square didapat P value = 0,013 menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara umur ibu dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD dan didapat  P value = 0,005 menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD serta P value = 0,037 menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara sosial ekonomi dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD di Klinik Bersalin Budi Mulia Medika Palembang Tahun 2013. Dari hasil penelitian ini seharusnya dilakukan penyuluhan atau konseling terhadap semua akseptor KB tentang pentingnya KB IUD yaitu alat kontrasepsi jangka panjang.    

Rubiyati Rubiyati

ABSTRACT Antenatal Care is the care given to pregnant woman to monitor, support maternal health and maternal detect, whether normal or troubled pregnant women. Aki in Indonesia amounted to 359 in 100.000 live births. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between age and education in the clinic Budi Mulia Medika 2014. This study used a survey method whit cross sectional analytic. This is the overall study population of women with gestational age ≥36 weeks who come to visit the clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang on February 10 to 18. The study sample was taken in non-random with the technique of “accidental smapling “ with respondents who happens to be there or variable. The obtained using univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 83,3% of respondents did according to the standard prenatal care, high risk age 40,0 %, 60,0% lower risk of age, higher education 70,0%, 30,0% low education. Bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship betwee age and pregnancy tests wit p value= 0,622, and significant relationship between education and prenatal care with p value= 0,019. From the results of this study are expected to need to increase outreach activities to the community about the importance of examination of pregnancy according to gestational age in an effort to reduse maternal mortality.   ABSTRAK Antenatal Care merupakan pelayanan  yang di berikan pada ibu hamil untuk memonitor, mendukung kesehatan ibu dan mendeteksi ibu, apakah ibu hamil normal atau bermasalah. Di Indonesia AKI berjumlah 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia dan pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di klinik budi mulia medika tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalahseluruh ibu dengan usia kehamilan ≥ 36 minggu yang dating berkunjung ke Klinik Budi Mulia Medika pada tanggal 10-18 Februari. Sampel penelitian ini di ambil secara non random dengan tekhnik ‘’ Accidental Sampling’’ dengan responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia. Data yang di peroleh menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil analisis univariat ini menunjukan bahwa 83,8% responden melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, 16,7% tidak melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, usia resiko tinggi 40,0%, usia resiko rendah 60,0%, pendidikan tinggi 70,0 %, pendidikan rendah 30,0 %. Analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara usia dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value =0,622, ada hubunngan bermakana antara pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value = 0,019. Dari hasil penelitian ini di harapkan perlu meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai dengan umur kehamilan sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu.    

Lusia Weni ◽  
Muhammad Yuwono ◽  
Haerawati Idris

<span lang="IN">Determinant of the selection of long-term contraceptive methods on family planning acceptors in Pedamaran community health center. </span><span lang="EN"> The population problem faced by Indonesia is a large population with a low quality of life. Uncontrolled population rate will cause baby booming so information needs to be disseminated about the benefits of family planning (FP). Long-term contraceptive method has a high level of effectiveness and can reduce the rate of population growth. </span><span lang="EN">This study aim to determine the factors that affect the selection of long-term contraceptive methods in active family planning acceptors.</span><span lang="EN">This study used a cross-sectional study design and using</span><span lang="IN"> simple random sampling</span><span lang="EN"> technique, consisted of 243 acceptors. Analyzes of data were univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using chi-square test with α = 0.05 and 95% confidence interval value, and multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression.</span><span lang="EN">Based on multivariate analysis was the variables significantly related to the selection of long-acting contraception include </span><span lang="IN">age (p = 0.01; OR = 2,24; 95% CI: 1,17-4,29), education (p = 0.01; OR = 0,31; 95% CI: 0,13-0,75) and number of children (p = 0.03; OR = 2; 95% CI: 1,05-3,81).</span><span lang="EN"> Thus, age was the variable that had the greatest impact on determining the selection of long-acting contraception.</span><span lang="IN">The </span><span lang="EN">acceptors with ≥ 35 years old, low educated and have &gt;2 children more likely to choose long-acting contraception. It is hoped that family planning workers can educate and persuade people of all ages with </span><span lang="IN">different educational backgrounds so total fertility rate can be reduce.</span>

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