2021 ◽  
pp. 29-35
António Martinho

The Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) has recently carried out work on planning and management of recreational fishing in the area of ​​the Mouro River drainage basin — a mountain watercourse in the North of Portugal (River Hydrographic Basin). Minho) which is born near the place of Lagarto (Lamas de Mouro, Melgaço), in the Peneda-Gerês National Park (PNPG). The model adopted was initially implemented (2008) to manage that activity in the Olo river basin (BH of the Douro river), and this methodology also served as a foundation for creating in 2020 in the Northeast region of Trás-os-Montes (Mente rivers, Rabaçal and Tuela – Vinhais and Bragança) plus three recreational fishing areas. In this context, 13 sampling stations were set up (12 in the Mouro river and 1 in the Sucrasto river), considered representative of a large part of the habitats that make up this study area, where actions were carried out to monitor the ichthyofauna (electrical fishing) and hydromorphological characterization of habitats (River Habitat Survey, RHS). The monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrates was an additional action, recently introduced in this type of work, aimed at improving the biological assessment of water quality and aquatic ecosystems and which is serving as a basis for the preparation of a Master's Thesis. With this study, data was analyzed concerning age, growth, physical condition of the monitored specimens, as well as their relationship with the different types of habitats where they were captured. To detect spatial distribution patterns underlying biotic (species/abundance and species/ages) and environmental data, multivariate methods can be used. As a result of this work, the Ludic Fishing Zone (ZPL) of the Mouro River (and its tributaries) will be created, with the aim of promoting recreational and sport fishing based on more conservationist principles. With this initiative, ICNF intends to guarantee greater protection and sustainability of endogenous aquaculture resources, with particular emphasis on the case of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). This salmonid annually elects a significant part of these continental waters to complete its reproductive phase. However, other studies, in this context, should be developed to better understand the ecology of the species in a country that coincides with its southern limit of distribution in Europe.

2015 ◽  
Vol 95 (8) ◽  
pp. 1613-1620 ◽  
Sophia A. Nazarova ◽  
Ksenia Shunkina ◽  
Evgeny A. Genelt-Yanovskiy

Density distribution of the common infaunal bivalves, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule, was studied along the Murman Coast of the Barents Sea during 2002–2010. In both species, abundance was generally higher in West Murman in contrast to East Murman. Highest density of Macoma balthica reaching 1535 ind. m−2 was observed in the Kola Inlet. Cerastoderma edule was less abundant; its density rarely exceeded 10 ind. m−2 in all but one site, where 282 ind. m−2 was registered. Reconstruction of abundance distribution across the European geographic range of Macoma balthica revealed that it does not match an ‘abundant-centre’ pattern, having features of ramped north. On the other hand, distribution of Cerastoderma edule abundance across the range generally follows an ‘abundant-centre’ pattern but southern edge populations show relatively higher abundances as compared with those at the north edge (the Barents Sea).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Liping Wang ◽  
Miao Zhu ◽  
Yulu Fang ◽  
Hao Rong ◽  
Liuying Gao ◽  

AbstractEnterovirus A71 (EV-A71), Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16) and CV-A10 are the major causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). The conformational epitopes play a vital role in monitoring the antigenic evolution, predicting dominant strains and preparing vaccines. In this study, we employed a Bioinformatics-based algorithm to predict the conformational epitopes of EV-A71 and CV-A16 and compared with that of CV-A10. Prediction results revealed that the distribution patterns of conformational epitopes of EV-A71 and CV-A16 were similar to that of CV-A10 and their epitopes likewise consisted of three sites: site 1 (on the “north rim” of the canyon around the fivefold vertex), site 2 (on the “puff”) and site 3 (one part was in the “knob” and the other was near the threefold vertex). The reported epitopes highly overlapped with our predicted epitopes indicating the predicted results were reliable. These data suggested that three-site distribution pattern may be the basic distribution role of epitopes on the enteroviruses capsids. Our prediction results of EV-A71 and CV-A16 can provide essential information for monitoring the antigenic evolution of enterovirus.

M. F. Dyer

The distribution patterns of many marine benthic invertebrates are not well known, and when records exist they are usually in the form of presence and absence data with little or no information on the relative density of populations from area to area.

1978 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 351 ◽  
KC Hodgkinson ◽  
JA Quinn

Seedlings and older plants of five populations of Danthonia caespitosa from south-eastern Australia were grown in controlled environments and in a transplant garden to determine the effect of day length, temperature, and vernalization of floral initiation and inflorescence development. The populations were selected from widely separated sites which spanned the latitudinal range (31-42°S.) for the species and extended from a hot, semiarid environment in the north to a relatively cool and moist temperature environment in the south. Examination of herbarium specimens indicated that seed set could occur as early as mid September at the northern limit for the species and not before mid January at the southern limit (Tasmania). In a uniform transplant garden located at Deniliquin (latitude 35° 23′S.) plants from the northern site reached anthesis 4 weeks earlier than plants from southern sites. Controlled environment experiments revealed that D. caespitosa is a long-day plant. Northern populations required a 9 . 5 hr day length or longer for floral induction compared with 11 hr or longer for southern populations. The number of days in inductive conditions (outside, day length 13.5 hr) required for floral initiation was 5-7 for the three most northern populations and 21-25 days for the two southern populations. Inflorescence development (initiation to flag leaf stage) was considerably slower in southern populations. All but the most northern population responded to vernalization. Flowering was earlier in temperatures that were optimal for plant growth. At high temperatures (36/31°C day/night) flowering was not significantly delayed for the three most northern populations, but was for the two southern populations, and florets contained caryopses in only the three northern populations. These results suggest that in cool and moist temperate habitats reproduction of this species is programmed by day length and temperature effects on floral initiation and development to coincide with a predictable growing season, whereas in hot semiarid habitats this control is relaxed, which permits opportunistic reproduction whenever soil moisture and temperature permit growth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 831-869 ◽  
Andrew D. Wickert

Abstract. Over the last glacial cycle, ice sheets and the resultant glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) rearranged river systems. As these riverine threads that tied the ice sheets to the sea were stretched, severed, and restructured, they also shrank and swelled with the pulse of meltwater inputs and time-varying drainage basin areas, and sometimes delivered enough meltwater to the oceans in the right places to influence global climate. Here I present a general method to compute past river flow paths, drainage basin geometries, and river discharges, by combining models of past ice sheets, glacial isostatic adjustment, and climate. The result is a time series of synthetic paleohydrographs and drainage basin maps from the Last Glacial Maximum to present for nine major drainage basins – the Mississippi, Rio Grande, Colorado, Columbia, Mackenzie, Hudson Bay, Saint Lawrence, Hudson, and Susquehanna/Chesapeake Bay. These are based on five published reconstructions of the North American ice sheets. I compare these maps with drainage reconstructions and discharge histories based on a review of observational evidence, including river deposits and terraces, isotopic records, mineral provenance markers, glacial moraine histories, and evidence of ice stream and tunnel valley flow directions. The sharp boundaries of the reconstructed past drainage basins complement the flexurally smoothed GIA signal that is more often used to validate ice-sheet reconstructions, and provide a complementary framework to reduce nonuniqueness in model reconstructions of the North American ice-sheet complex.

2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
pp. 471-494 ◽  
Matúš Hyžný

AbstractDecapod associations have been significant components of marine habitats throughout the Cenozoic when the major diversification of the group occurred. In this respect, the circum-Mediterranean area is of particular interest due to its complex palaeogeographic history. During the Oligo-Miocene, it was divided in two major areas, Mediterranean and Paratethys. Decapod crustaceans from the Paratethys Sea have been reported in the literature since the 19thcentury, but only recent research advances allow evaluation of the diversity and distribution patterns of the group. Altogether 176 species-level taxa have been identified from the Oligocene and Miocene of the Western and Central Paratethys. Using the three-dimensional NMDS analysis, the composition of decapod crustacean faunas of the Paratethys shows significant differences through time. The Ottnangian and Karpatian decapod associations were similar to each other both taxonomically and in the mode of preservation, and they differed taxonomically from the Badenian ones. The Early Badenian assemblages also differed taxonomically from the Late Badenian ones. The time factor, including speciation, immigration from other provinces and/or (local or global) extinction, can explain temporal differences among assemblages within the same environment. High decapod diversity during the Badenian was correlated with the presence of reefal settings. The Badenian was the time with the highest decapod diversity, which can, however, be a consequence of undersampling of other time slices. Whereas the Ottnangian and Karpatian decapod assemblages are preserved virtually exclusively in the siliciclastic “Schlier”-type facies that originated in non-reefal offshore environments, carbonate sedimentation and the presence of reefal environments during the Badenian in the Central Paratethys promoted thriving of more diverse reef-associated assemblages. In general, Paratethyan decapods exhibited homogeneous distribution during the Oligo-Miocene among the basins in the Paratethys. Based on the co-occurrence of certain decapod species, migration between the Paratethys and the North Sea during the Early Miocene probably occurred via the Rhine Graben. At larger spatial scales, our results suggest that the circum-Mediterranean marine decapod taxa migrated in an easterly direction during the Oligocene and/or Miocene, establishing present-day decapod communities in the Indo-West Pacific.

2017 ◽  
Camille Litty ◽  
Fritz Schlunegger ◽  
Willem Viveen

Abstract. Twenty-one coastal rivers located on the western Peruvian margin were analyzed to determine the relationships between fluvial and environmental processes and sediment grain properties such as grain size, roundness and sphericity. Modern gravel beds were sampled along a north-south transect on the western side of the Peruvian Andes, and at each site the long a-axis and the intermediate b-axis of about 500 pebbles were measured. Morphometric properties such as river gradient, catchment size and discharge of each drainage basin were determined and compared against measured grain properties. Grain size data show a constant value of the D50 percentile all along the coast, but an increase in the D84 and D96 values and an increase in the ratio of the intermediate and the long axis from south to north. Our results then yield better-sorted and less spherical material in the south when compared to the north. No correlations were found between the grain size and the morphometric properties of the river basins when considering the data together. Grouping the results in a northern and southern group shows better-sorted sediments and lower D84 and D96 values for the southern group of basins. Within the two groups, correlations were found between the grain size distributions and morphometric basins properties. Our data indicates that fluvial transport is the dominant process controlling the erosion, transport and deposition of sediment in the southern basins while we propose a geomorphic control on the grain size properties in the northern basins. Sediment properties in the northern and southern basins could not be linked to differences in tectonic controls. On the other hand, the north-south trend in the grain size and in the b/a ratio seems controlled by a shift towards a more humid climate and towards a stronger El Nino impact in northern Peru. But, generally speaking, the resulting trends and differences in sediment properties seem controlled by differences in the complex geomorphic setting along the arc and forearc regions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 1342-1355 ◽  
Xochitl Cormon ◽  
Christophe Loots ◽  
Sandrine Vaz ◽  
Youen Vermard ◽  
Paul Marchal

Spatial interactions between saithe (Pollachius virens) and hake (Merluccius merluccius) were investigated in the North Sea. Saithe is a well-established species in the North Sea, while occurrence of the less common hake has recently increased in the area. Spatial dynamics of these two species and their potential spatial interactions were explored using binomial generalized linear models (GLM) applied to the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) data from 1991 to 2012. Models included different types of variables: (i) abiotic variables including sediment types, temperature, and bathymetry; (ii) biotic variables including potential competitors and potential preys presence; and (iii) spatial variables. The models were reduced and used to predict and map probable habitats of saithe, hake but also, for the first time in the North Sea, the distribution of the spatial overlap between these two species. Changes in distribution patterns of these two species and of their overlap were also investigated by comparing species’ presence and overlap probabilities predicted over an early (1991–1996) and a late period (2007–2012). The results show an increase in the probability over time of the overlap between saithe and hake along with an expansion towards the southwest and Scottish waters. These shifts follow trends observed in temperature data and might be indirectly induced by climate changes. Saithe, hake, and their overlap are positively influenced by potential preys and/or competitors, which confirms spatial co-occurrence of the species concerned and leads to the questions of predator–prey relationships and competition. Finally, the present study provides robust predictions concerning the spatial distribution of saithe, hake, and of their overlap in the North Sea, which may be of interest for fishery managers.

1996 ◽  
Vol 42 (142) ◽  
pp. 440-446 ◽  
Roberto H. Gwiazda ◽  
Sidney R. Hemming ◽  
Wallace S. Broecker ◽  
Tullis Onsttot ◽  
Chris Mueller

Abstract40Ar/39Ar ages of most single ice-ratted amphiboles from Heinrich layer 2 (H2) from a core in the Labrador Sea, a core in the eastern North Atlantic and a core in the western North Atlantic range from 1600 to 2000 Ma. This range is identical to that for K/Ar ages from the Churchill province of the Canadian Shield that outcrops at Hudson Strait and forms the basement of the northern part of Hudson Bay. The ambient glacial sediment includes some younger and older grains derived from Paleozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Archean sources, but still the majority of the amphiboles have ages in the 1600–2000 Ma interval. The Ca/K ratios of these 1600–2000 Ma old amphiboles, however, have a bimodal distribution in contrast with the uniformity of the Ca/K ratios of H2 amphiboles. This indicates that 1600–2000 Ma old amphiboles of the ambient sediment were derived from an additional Early Proterozoic source besides Churchill province. In H2, Churchill-derived grains constitute 20–40% of the ice-rafted debris (IRD). The fraction in the ambient glacial sediment is 65–80%. Results presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that Heinrich events were produced by a sudden intensification of the iceberg discharge through Hudson Strait that mixed, in the North Atlantic, with icebergs that continued to calve from other ice sheets. The shift from mixed sources in the background sediment to a large dominance of Churchill province grains in H2 indicates that, even if calving of other ice sheets intensified during the Heinrich episode, the increase in the iceberg discharge via Hudson Strait from the Hudson Bay drainage basin of the Laurentide ice sheet was by far the largest.

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