scholarly journals Symbiosis of art studies and business

Yuliya Tarasenko

The purpose of the article is devoted to the characterization of the interaction and intersection of art practices and business, the analysis of artistic activities in existing business structures, and the expansion of tools for building a new paradigm in the system of "art-business". The methodology is based on structural-functional and system analysis, statistical method, which consists in finding and studying new knowledge, interdisciplinary approach, which involves the study of issues in the interaction of art practices and existing business systems. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time a practical study was conducted on the impact of art practices on the business structure and analyzed the artistic properties that can form new economic and artistic values and interests.  Conclusions. The issue of interaction between art and business is quite new and is just beginning to develop. However, the existing stereotypes that art and business are mutually exclusive positions have already begun to shift and outline new spaces for their interaction. Art in modern society is trying to return to a secularized space because it has properties that are able to strengthen and transform the modern business system, which in global consequences may be reflected in improving the economic condition of Ukraine. Also, a deep and meaningful look at art practices once again convinces the effectiveness not only in the aesthetic and artistic context but also reveals its pragmatic and applied potential in business. Key words: art history practices, interaction, business systems, symbiosis, corporate culture.

Zoya Ostropolska ◽  

It is noted that in modern socio-economic conditions the problem of social responsibility of business, which is based on the responsibility of the organization for the impact of its decisions on society, its welfare, the environment; the interrelation of such concepts as social corporate responsibility, corporate ethics, corporate culture, business ethics, social and ethical marketing, image, reputation is analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that compliance with the principles of socially responsible marketing directly affects the formation of a positive image and reputation of the company, which in turn are the same assets of the company as others, but do not have a material component. The essence of the concepts "image" and "reputation" is revealed, the interrelation between these concepts is investigated and their fundamental differences are determined. The special role of trust in the process of managing the reputation of the organization is determined; the definition of trust as the basis for the formation of reputation is given; emphasis is placed on the crisis of confidence in modern society and approaches to overcoming this crisis. It is noted that the formation of trust is possible due to the openness of the company and public dialogue, which is based on the organization's communication policy, not only with the use of advertising in all its manifestations or PR technologies, but also certain social actions, active participation in public life. solving social problems, ie all those issues that are outside the scope of business, but indirectly affect it. It is concluded that socio-ethical, environmental, cultural problems have long acquired a global character, solving these problems brings additional benefits to business in the long run, strengthens its reputation and forms a positive image in society, to implement all these intentions designed socially responsible marketing , which becomes a tool in managing the reputation of the organization. It is noted that the problem of reputation management as an asset of the organization, which is becoming increasingly important and requires a strategic approach, needs special attention.

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 572 ◽  

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>[</span><span>Evidence indicates that we may be witnessing a redefinition of traditional theories of the role of the corporation. Traditional shareholder primacy theory contends that a corporation is primarily responsible to its share- holders to maximise wealth, consequently social factors should not inter- fere in a corporation’s business operations. In the modern business setting however, a company’s core objective of profit maximisation must be un- derpinned by a proactive approach to corporate social responsibility in order to manage and mitigate a broader array of risk factors. Managing risk via community engagement and the implementation of socially re- sponsible strategies is increasingly linked to business success and stake- holder confidence. Intangibles such as trust, ethics, corporate culture, employee satisfaction, environmental behaviour and community responsi- bility are increasingly relevant to consumers, business partners, govern- ments, special interest groups, existing and potential employees and investors</span><span>.] </span></p></div></div></div>

2022 ◽  
pp. 53-65
Elvira Nica ◽  
Ana-Maria Iulia Şanta ◽  
Katarina Valaskova ◽  
Maria Gabriela Horga

The present paper deals with burnout as a challenge of our modern business world, given the phenomenon of heavy work investment in our society. The present article is emphasizing the strong connection between business, psychology, and medicine when dealing with people working in a modern, international business environment. The research methods are multi-disciplinary, combining elements of business, corporate culture, psychology, and even medical issues that are relevant in this context. The research methods used in the present paper are qualitative methods, metadata, and interviews (the questionnaire as a qualitative method) completed by the assessment of data and by proposing appropriate indicators ensuring the monitoring of burnout tendencies in companies. The paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together aspects of business and economics, psychology, life sciences, sociology, ethical issues, and cultural issues related to work. A tool for detecting burnout is analyzed. The research results can be relevant for managers and human resources departments.

В. Пугачев ◽  
V. Pugachyev

The article develops and elaborates the ideas expressed by the author in the previous issue of the magazine; these ones are about the need for rethinking of the theory and practice of motivational work in light of the new, integrative paradigm that meets the requirements of a modern information society at its current digital stage of development. It is shown that the new paradigm of motivation involves a shift from the primarily subject-object review of the critical factors that infl uence the process of determination of organizational behavior to the integrative system analysis and accounting of all phenomena, processes and all employees activities including the managerial and performing ones, that directly determine the behavior of employees of organization in their subject-subject interaction. The main imperatives of integration paradigm are characterized. In the light of this paradigm the new understanding of motivation system of employees is justifi ed, it allows encompassing the main factors that directly determine the behavior of employees, including their destructive activities, in their holistic interaction. The principal elements of motivation system are identifi ed, its bipolar and polystructural nature, its organizational and social environment is justifi ed. On the basis of the conducted analysis the general recommendations for enhancing the eff ectiveness of motivational work and for ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the modern society are off ered.

2021 ◽  
Tohobytska V.D.

The article provides a comprehensive scientific substantiation and study of organizational and legal principles and mechanisms of public management of socio-economic risks in the context of digitalization. Emphasis placed on the fact that in complex modern state and social processes, as well as relations in the field of economic and entrepreneurial activities, it is difficult to imagine their functioning without the use of information and digital technologies, because their use has facilitated and even changed various areas of business and respectively management processes in the field of business administration. To date, in the scientific literature there are studies on such a phenomenon as digitalization, which are mainly descriptive in nature and relate to various areas of modern society, including the consequences of digitalization for modern society, directly at the enterprise level, the impact on enterprises of various fields. As well as the issue of digitalization of various sectors of the economy. Instead, the concept of "digitalization" and its place in the processes of business administration of business structures and socio-economic relations is becoming increasingly important. It concluded that the management and business administration of the business structure in the digitalization of society should have a number of specific features, in particular, the entrepreneur should, taking into account modern technologies, become a story customer-oriented to the business structure. At the same time, customer orientation in the traditional economy and digital economy is of different nature: in the traditional economy, managing customer needs in the company as a whole, and in the digitalization of the economy  the needs of a particular consumer; as channels of advancement in the traditional economy are mainly offline communications, and in the digital economy  digitalization elements of public administration. The transition to customer orientation in a digital economy is an important management process that requires changes not only in individual business processes of business structures, but also in the work of the whole organization, certain adjustments must be made to the business administration of the business structure in general.

Shedyakova T. ◽  
Shapoval V.

The article is devoted to deepening the scientific and theoretical foundations of the study of the impact of cultural differences on the development of business relations in global conditions and substantiating the strategic priorities for the development of modern forms of international business. The article analyzes various approaches to defining the main features of economic behavior in the context of the implementation of varied forms of international business as a feature of an individual's activity, formed depending on his sociocultural norms, rules, traditions and determines the totality of various business models. The article describes the cultural features of the creation of integrated international business structures based on determining the degree of difference between the countries of the world in terms of socioeconomic and cultural indicators in the process of organizing international business. The presence of cultural differences, investigated in the article, on the main processes of international interaction made it possible to determine how intercultural factors affect various aspects of the activities of companies during their international cooperation, namely, on the formation of corporate culture, as well as on decision-making in international integrated business structures. The existence of cultural differences in the main processes of international interaction determined in the work allowed introducing of models of the functional dependence of economic behavior in the organization of various forms of international business from the influence of multicultural components. The study are based on the main approaches to measuring cultural variability in cross-cultural relations and differences in different countries of the world was also conducted, it shows which differences in national cultures are more significant than the impact of corporate culture. The theoretical principle of economic behavior’s analysis, which are formed under the influence of cultural factors, enables to describe the distance and differences in the economic activity of the state, taking into account the cultural factors that determine the values, principles and nature of the economical behavior in global markets, and to provide its effective adaptation to their exit.Keywords: international business, intercultural relations, cultural differentiation, cultural differences, business processes. Стаття присвячена поглибленню науково-теоретичних засад дослідження впливу культурних відмінностей на розвиток бізнес-відносин в глобальних умовах та обґрунтуванню стратегічних пріоритетів розвитку сучасних форм міжнародного бізнесу. В статті аналізуються різні підходи щодо визначення основних рис економічної поведінки в умовах реалізації різноманітних форм міжнародного бізнесу як особливості діяльності індивіда, яка формується залежно від соціально-культурних норм, правил, тра-дицій та обумовлює сукупність різноманітних бізнес-моделей. У роботі охарактеризовано культурологічні особливості створення інтегрованих міжнародних бізнес-структур на основі визначення ступеню розбіжності між країнами світу за соціально-економіч-ними та культурологічними показниками в процесі організації міжнародного бізнесу. Наявність культурних відмінностей, що до-сліджуються в статті, за основними процесами міжнародної взаємодії дозволила визначити, як міжкультурні фактори впливають на різні аспекти діяльності компаній під час їх міжнародної співпраці, а саме на формування корпоративної культури, а також на прийняття рішень у міжнародних інтегрованих бізнес-структурах.Ключові слова: міжнародний бізнес, міжкультурні відносини, культурна диференціація, культурні відмінності, бізнес-процеси.

Olha Kibik ◽  
Iuliia Khaiminova ◽  
Inna Chumachenko

The article is devoted to the study of the formation and the improvement of the logistics costs management system to ensure sustainable development of economic agents at different levels. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of logistics costs and systematize the prerequisites for improving approaches to logistics costs management in the system of sustainable development of economic agents. The study is based on the use of general and special scientific methods of scientific knowledge: method of system analysis, the system-structural method etc. Ensuring sustainable development is prerequisite for the formation of the sufficient level of competitiveness of economic agents. The assessment of Ukraine’s logistics activities in the world ranking is performed in the article. Directions of the development of global logistics are systematized. Developed logistics infrastructure is the prerequisite for investment and innovation development of business structures, region’s economic systems, and the state within the framework of international cooperation. The structure of logistics costs of modern business structures is analyzed in the article. The main trends in the formation of logistics costs are the growth of total logistics costs in the context of globalization, of growth of requirements for the sustainable development; the logistics services costs as a percentage of sales in value terms is constantly growing; components of logistics costs have different trends; smaller business structures have higher specific logistics costs etc. Active use of modern technologies in logistics activities to ensure compliance with the requirements of sustainable development is an important factor logistics costs increasing. The degree of dependence of the economic agent on the procurement, transport, warehousing, information and other areas of logistics determines the approaches to optimizing logistics costs of the economic agent. Logistics can have a negative impact on the socio-economic sphere and the ecosystem. This impact causes to additional costs for economic agents. Identifying problems and forming approaches to effective management of logistics costs of economic agents at the micro- and macro levels, taking into account the requirements of sustainable development is the subject of further research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Elvira Nica ◽  
Ana-Maria Iulia Şanta ◽  
Katarina Valaskova ◽  
Maria Gabriela Horga

The present paper deals with burnout as a challenge of our modern business world, given the phenomenon of heavy work investment in our society. The present article is emphasizing the strong connection between business, psychology, and medicine when dealing with people working in a modern, international business environment. The research methods are multi-disciplinary, combining elements of business, corporate culture, psychology, and even medical issues that are relevant in this context. The research methods used in the present paper are qualitative methods, metadata, and interviews (the questionnaire as a qualitative method) completed by the assessment of data and by proposing appropriate indicators ensuring the monitoring of burnout tendencies in companies. The paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together aspects of business and economics, psychology, life sciences, sociology, ethical issues, and cultural issues related to work. A tool for detecting burnout is analyzed. The research results can be relevant for managers and human resources departments.

2019 ◽  
pp. 124-136
Victor D. Gazman

The article considers prerequisites for the formation of a new paradigm in the energy sector. The factors that may affect the imminent change of leadership among the energy generation are analyzed. The variability of the projects of creation and functioning of power stations is examined. The focus is made on problematic aspects of the new generation, especially, storage and supply of energy, achieving a system of parity that ensures balance in pricing generations. The author substantiates the principles of forming system of parities arising when comparing traditional and new generations. The article presents the results of an empirical analysis of the 215 projects for the construction of facilities for renewable energy. The significance and direction of the impact of these factors on the growth in investment volumes of transactions are determined. The author considers leasing as an effective financial instrument for overcoming stereotypes of renewable energy and as a promising direction for accelerated implementation of investment projects.

Steven Jacobs ◽  
Susan Felleman ◽  
Vito Adriaensens ◽  
Lisa Colpaert

Sculpture is an artistic practice that involves material, three-dimensional, and generally static objects, whereas cinema produces immaterial, two-dimensional, kinetic images. These differences are the basis for a range of magical, mystical and phenomenological interactions between the two media. Sculptures are literally brought to life on the silver screen, while living people are turned into, or trapped inside, statuary. Sculpture motivates cinematic movement and film makes manifest the durational properties of sculptural space. This book will examine key sculptural motifs and cinematic sculpture in film history through seven chapters and an extensive reference gallery, dealing with the transformation skills of "cinemagician" Georges Méliès, the experimental art documentaries of Carl Theodor Dreyer and Henri Alekan, the statuary metaphors of modernist cinema, the mythological living statues of the peplum genre, and contemporary art practices in which film—as material and apparatus—is used as sculptural medium. The book’s broad scope and interdisciplinary approach is sure to interest scholars, amateurs and students alike.

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