structural method
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Liudmyla Lukasheva ◽  
Svіtlana Sadovenko

The purpose of the article is to carry out a culturological dimension and define as a synthetic phenomenon the musical-theatrical aspect of the artistic activity of the outstanding actor, director, theater teacher, and entrepreneur Mykola Mykolayovych Sinelnikov (late 19th – early 20th century). The methodology of research is based on the use of a complex of general scientific and specific scientific methods in accordance with the cultural discourse. In order to study the problem in a historical sequence, the historical method was applied. Setting the goal of illumination and analytical measurement of the constituent components of the problem under study, the system-analytical method is applied. The system-structural method is used to study a cultural phenomenon as a system of interrelated and interacting elements. The hermeneutic method is used to study and interpret the theoretical provisions of the problem under study. In order to study the life path of a creative person, illuminate her inner world, and understand the motives of her activity, the biographical method is used. The generalization method was applied to determine the general conclusions of the study. The scientific novelty lies in the musical and theatrical reflection of the creative phenomenon of the outstanding artist-reformer of the late 19th – early 20th centuries Mykola Sinelnikov. Conclusions. Consideration of the issue raised in the article made it possible to state the importance of the presentation of the creative practice of N.N. Sinelnikov as a representative of musical and theatrical syncretism. Research of the phenomenon of N.N. Sinelnikov made it possible to illuminate the system of artistic principles of the creator, which fully corresponded to the nature and content of the modern era. It was determined that the musical and theatrical segments of N.N. Sinelnikov’s works are harmonious integrity, that is, they represent musical and theatrical syncretism. Keywords: musical and theatrical syncretism, a creative phenomenon, syncretism, cultural studies, theater, music, musical and theatrical reflection, socio-cultural space.

Kravtsov Serhij ◽  
Vlasenko Serhii ◽  
Rozhnov Oleh ◽  
Iryna Malinovska

Tremendous efforts of legislators are directed towards the development of an ideal judicial system and procedure of administering justice. However, current trends of judiciary reformation are easier to comprehend and accept if we turn to the origins of legal protection of human rights which, undoubtedly, go back to the Roman law. Methodology: From this point we use comparing methods for analizing the legislative provisions; the structural method and historical method was used for the background of Legal procedure in roman law. Results and conclusions: In this article we will outline the main stages of formation of legal protection of human rights in Roman law and characterize types of these processes – namely legis actiones, formulary procedure and cognitio. By analyzing the original sources that have survived to our times, namely the Law of Twelve Tables, Gaius`s Institutions and Justinian`s Digestes, we will examine what peculiarities of consideration and resolution of cases each of these stages demonstrated; how the traditional views on the behavior of the parties and the court in the process were established; which main requirements were applied to justice in civil matters in Roman law. The course of the work the following methods were used: essential, comparative, general historical.

2021 ◽  
Lorena Bort-Mir

The analysis and identification of figurative language is one of the largest research areas in cognitive linguistics, and metaphor is one of these tropes. Focusing on the genre of TV advertising, a structural method for the identification of metaphorical components used in films in a cross-modal fashion is developed in the present paper. A corpus of 11 TV commercials is analyzed under seven steps that guide analysts from the content description of the multimodal materials to the concrete identification of metaphorical elements. This research presents the Filmic Metaphor Identification Procedure (FILMIP, Bort-Mir 2019) as a tool for the identification of metaphorically used filmic components in multimodal filmic materials. More concretely, the paper presents the application of the procedure to two TV commercials from different perfume brands. FILMIP offers a valuable contribution not only to metaphor scholars but also to researchers focused on other fields of study such as multimodality, discourse analysis, communication, branding, or even film theory.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-54
O. Kripak

The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of the texture program performance reproduction of a musical work. Based on the consideration of the textural program as a sequence of changes in the musical performance during the process of developing the form of the work, the performer-pianist must build the appropriate means of performance: artistic and technical ones. An important role here belongs to the author and the editorial remarks, the content of which, however, is quite conditional and requires individual performance correction. The topicality of the chosen topic lies in the need for in-depth consideration of the problems of musical texture and its attributes in the piano-performance specification. The purpose of the research is to identify the performance component of the piano work textural program, to propose an algorithm for its analysis on a specific example of B. Liatoshynskyi’s cycle. The methodology: the article uses a set of general scientific and special musicological approaches for developing the content of the stated topic. Among them are the following methods: systematic and structural method, it is aimed at revealing the essence of the phenomenon of the musical work textured program; a deductive method, it determines the course of research in the direction from a general part (textural program of a musical work) to a special (specificity of textural performance during a piano work) and a specific one (textural programs of plays of the cycle by B. Liatoshynskyi); genre and stylistic types of analysis from the point of view of reproduction of these phenomena in textural programs; texture analysis as a kind of musicological analysis; performance analysis, which is aimed at identifying the features of the textural attributes of the work under consideration. The results of the study show that the process of a piano work performance in the direction of its full interpretation is inseparable from analytical observations on the texture program and its attributes. The set of analytical and performance-technical procedures has as its ultimate goal the act of performing a piano work, in which the composer’s intentions are reproduced by means of the individual style of the pianist. The novelty of this study is the extrapolation of ideas about the piano work textural program on the interpretive activities of the performer. Embodying own understanding of the textural process and its attributes in the interpretation, the performer demonstrates personal version of the work sound image, revealing the means of the drama and composition art features. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its provisions and conclusions in the courses “Musical Interpretation”, “Analysis of Musical Works”, “History of Piano Performance”, as well as in classes specializing in “piano” for bachelors and masters of the higher educational institutions of art and culture of Ukraine. Conclusions. Thus, the concept application of the piano work “texture program” in relation to the activities of the performer-interpreter raises a number of issues related to the means of the performance center: dynamics, articulation, agogics, in their vision by the musical composer and directly the performer. In this context, the identification and implementation of the piano work textured program gives the key to the disclosure of its ideological and artistic content, a clear understanding of the drama and form features, implemented in the act of performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (47) ◽  
pp. 173-179
Oleksandr Yunin ◽  
Sergii Komisarov ◽  
Diana Shebanits ◽  
Sergii Naumenko ◽  
Alina Steblianko

The urgency of the problem described in the article is the existence of an ineffective observance mechanism of athletes' and fans' rights in connection with the manifestations of discrimination in sports. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to find ways to improve Ukrainian legislation in terms of protection of human rights from any manifestations of discrimination. To achieve this goal, the system-structural method and the formal-legal method, the method of analysis, the formal-logical method were used. The Ukrainian legislation in the researched field is analyzed. The experience of other countries in combating discrimination in sports has been studied. It is proposed to create an institute of sports ombudsman in Ukraine and stressed the need not to improve the criminal legislation in terms of clarifying the provisions of Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The expediency of establishing administrative liability for non-compliance with anti-discrimination legislation, amending the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, which, in turn, will facilitate more prompt prosecution for human rights violations in sports. The practical value of the obtained results is that it can be taken as a basis for finding a mechanism to improve the fight against discrimination in sports.

Nytspol V.I.

Lexical analysis has always been a productive way to study discourse through the semiotic nature of the word and its ability to function as a link between language and reality. The purpose of the article is to explore the lexical level of the discourse of a serial killer character in order to reveal their psychological features and prove their authenticity in comparison with the lexicon research of real serial killers. This study is relevant because the number of thrillers with serial killers in American literature is growing every year, but the discourse of these characters is poorly studied and requires more attention from linguists. The article uses such research methods as the method of lexical and semantic analysis of language units to study the features of language nominations; method of semantic fields, for grouping language units according to their thematic affiliation in microfields; associative method for the distribution of language units to the corresponding microfields; structural method for the separation of units, their classification and interpretation.Results. In the process of lexical analysis of the discourse of the serial killers characters, the words of the characters were divided into three main groups: words denoting mental activity, psychological needs, physiological activity and security. These groups were divided into semantic fields in order to facilitate the process of research. The analysis showed that the largest group of words in most discourses (except for two characters) is a group denoting physiological activity and safety, which corresponds to a study of the lexicon of real serial killers conducted by J. Hancock, which shows that the most important for the life of serial killers is biological component. The lexicon of the two characters (Lecturer and Claiborne), which differ from others by the predominance of words denoting mental activity, can be explained by their high educational and professional level, which shows their high IQ, which is also a feature of real serial killers.Thus, we can conclude that the authors were able to portray the characters plausibly through their lexicon.Key words: discourse, lexicon, semantic field, term, character. Лексичний аналіз завжди був продуктивним способом вивчення дискурсу через семіотичну природу слова та його здатність функціонувати як сполучна ланка між мовою та реальністю. Ця стаття має на меті дослідити лексичний рівень дискурсу персонажа серійного вбивці, щоб розкрити його психологічні особливості та довести достовірність та правдоподібність змалювання його образу в порівнянні з дослідженнями лексикону справжніх серійних убивць. Таке дослідження є актуальним, оскільки в американській літературі з кожним роком зростає кількість трилерів, де ключовими фігурами є серійні вбивці, а от дискурс цих персонажів є маловивченим і вимагає більшої уваги лінгвістів.У статті використані такі методи дослідження, як метод лексико-семантичного аналізу мовних одиниць для вивчення особливостей мовних номінацій; метод семантичних полів, для групування мов-них одиниць за їх тематичною приналежністю в мікрополя; асоціативний метод для розподілу мовних одиниць до відповідних мікрополів; структурний метод для виокремлення одиниць, їх класифікації та інтерпретації.Результати. У процесі лексичного аналізу дискурсу персонажів серійних вбивць слова персонажів було розділено на три основні групи: слова, що позначають розумову діяльність, психологічні потреби, фізіологічну активність та безпеку. Ці групи були поділені на семантичні поля, щоб полегшити процес вивчення. Аналіз показав, що найбільша група слів у більшості дискурсів (крім двох персонажів) – це група, що позначає фізіологічну активність та безпеку, що відповідає дослідженню лексикону справжніх серійних вбивць, проведеному Дж. Хенкоком, яке показує, що найважливішим для життя серійних вбивць є біологічний компонент. Лексикон двох персонажів (Лектор і Клейборн), що відрізняються від інших перевагою слів, які позначають розумову діяльність, можна пояснити їхнім високим освітнім та професійним рівнем. Це засвідчує їхній високий коефіцієнт інтелекту, що також є особливістю справжніх серійних вбивць.Отже, можна зробити висновки, що авторам вдалося зобразити портрети персонажів правдоподібно через їх лексикон, що співвідноситься з дослідженнями лексикону реальних серійних вбивць. Завдяки лексичному аналізу дискурсу вдалося розкрити психологічні особливості характерів персонажів.Ключові слова: дискурс, лексикон, семантичне поле, термін, персонаж.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 663-684
Olga A. Kuznetsova

One of the most serious problems in the field of combating crime is the fight against transnational corruption crime. This type of crime already (de facto and de jure) exists as international crime and has a specific subject composition, geography of commission and complex objective reasons. The core of transnational corruption crime is bribery widely used by transnational corporations for achieving their corporate purposes. Combatting such crimes by means of criminal law is carried out at various levels: international, interregional, regional, subregional, bilateral, and domestic. The purpose of this article is to characterize transnational corruption, which is one of the forms of self-determination of crime. The article provides a comprehensive classification of corruption crimes based on various criminal law and criminological criteria. The author pays special attention to the fact that all transnational corruption crimes can be divided into main and auxiliary. At the same time, these two types of offences are often inseparable. The author proposes the main directions of criminal law impact on transnational corruption crime, which could be used in both the General part and Special part of criminal law. The methodology of the article is based on the laws of materialist dialectics. The article rests on a wide range of Russian and foreign sources of scientific, legal, statistical, sociological, and other nature. The author applied the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, systemic-structural method, logicallegal, and comparativelegal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-225
Inna Birillo ◽  
Yelyzaveta Bohachek

The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the coworking space design, in accordance with the possibilities of using intelligent systems and technologies in the organization of the main and secondary working space zones of the spatial-functional organization. The research methodology is based on the use of theoretical methods: scientometric method, analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the design and construction of the object, analysis of domestic and foreign standards and regulations on the research topic, and empirical methods: structural analysis method, experimental design method, structural method -functional modeling. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the generalization and systematization of the basic techniques and features of the flexible coworking space design. For the first time, the application of intelligent systems and innovative technologies to functional areas of primary and secondary importance has been identified and systematized. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research the basic regularities of formation of coworking spaces for creation of integral harmonious subject-technical space of the environment of human life were revealed. There are 3 groups of coworking users (owners, employees, residents), according to which the requirements for office space are justified. Functional zoning of coworking allowed to specify the possibilities of using intelligent systems and innovative technologies in each zone and to develop recommendations for their use. As a result of the study, the effectiveness of the use of office furniture and accessories to combine work formats during the day was systematized. The expediency of using intelligent systems to change the working mood to an atmosphere of rest and relaxation, as well as the use of equipment for physical activity in the sports rooms of the coworking space was substantiated. The installation of such intelligent systems and innovative technologies is becoming a clear indicator of the concern for the physical and mental health of residents, which is in line with the latest trends in the use of innovative technologies and intelligent systems.

Yevheniia Bondar

The purpose of the research is to identify the peculiarities of performing reading and conducting-methodical mastering of choral works by M. D. Leontovych in the activities of outstanding representatives of the Odesa choral school. The tasks of the work are determined: coverage of the concept of a performing school, in particular, the Odesa choral school; identification of the poetical-semantic features, intonational-expressive factors that influenced the performing approaches to the works of M. Leontovych; determination of the creative continuity’s features of generations in the context of interpretations, intonation and artistic images’ embodiment of M. D. Leontovych’s works in choral sound. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific and special chorological approaches. An analytical-abstract approach was used to study the scientific literature on the outlined issues; in working with the memories of contemporaries, graduates – analytical and historical; in work with musical texts – choral, textual and selective methods; The system-structural method helped to present the phenomenon under study as a generalization of various research and practical tools – it became a unifying factor in the holistic understanding of experience. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that for the first time an original view of the performing interpretation of individual works of M. Leontovych from the standpoint of performing, conducting, research experience of the Odessa Choral School; figurative-associative approaches in the context of chorological elaboration of the author’s text are covered; emphasis is placed on the relationship between musical and historical facts and current trends in the development of choral performance. Conclusions. M. Leontovych’s choral works are an original example of an individual author's concept of the folk song idea in choral elaboration, which forms multiple semantic vectors for performing interpretation. Genre-style, intonation-expressive priorities of the composer in the processing of folk song material become a kind of ‘guide’ in the interpretive strategies of performers and provoke them and the listener to certain reflections of associative, musical-semantic, theatrical and figurative composition. At the present stage of its development, the Odesa Choral School, declaring historically established approaches to the works of M. Leontovych in the repertoire of the student choir at the same time demonstrates their living performing tradition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 244-250
V.V. Zaborovskyy

This article is devoted to the disclosure of theoretical and applied issues related to the implementation of one of the main guarantees of a lawyer's professional activity, namely ensuring the confidentiality of his communication with his client. The study revealed various approaches of scholars, as well as the position of the legislator on the practical provision of the right of a suspect (accused) to confidential communication with his lawyer, especially in cases of detention of such a person. The international standards and practice of the European Court of Human Rights in the aspect of implementation of the prohibition of interference in private communication of a lawyer with his client are also analyzed. The position is argued that the existence of undoubted trust in the professional activity of a lawyer, as the quintessence of advocacy, is possible only if the principle of confidentiality is ensured, including the prohibition of interference in private communication between the lawyer and the client. To achieve this goal, the authors used methods typical of legal science. The study was conducted using a dialectical method of cognition of legal reality, which provided an opportunity to analyze the essence of the guarantee of interference in private communication between lawyer and client, while the use of system-structural method provided an opportunity to determine the overall structure of the study. Based on the study, the author concludes that Ukrainian law pays considerable attention to ensuring the confidentiality of communication between a lawyer and his client, which generally complies with international principles in this area and aims to create appropriate conditions for confidentiality and legal secrecy as necessary conditions. advocacy.

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