scholarly journals AKTUALISASI KONSEP SABAR DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN (Studi Terhadap Kisah Nabi Ayub)

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Zukhrifa ‘Amilatun Sholiha ◽  
Ulfa Muaziroh

Patient is a half of iman, a secret happiness of human being, a source for strenght on trials, provision of a muslim when disaster happen, and fitnah which always continued and a weapon of sufi againts his lust, to provide him consistent doing syariat allah,and keep him from a bad ravine. Patience itself turns into three kinds. First, be patient in obedience to God. Second, patience from disobedience. Third, patience and trials. All of that (obedience, disobedience, and temptation) is a sin of life. By the difference in patience is faith because every branch of the faith is patient nature. The thing that is not isolated from the nature of patience is taslim (surrender) and pleasure to the destiny (qadha) which has been set by Allah. He gives something diferrent than the other to people who patient. People who patient given blessing, grace,and directions. People who have iman can be patient when trials and obstacle happen. So that, he deserve get reward from his god. Behind every disaster. Theres always a great gift that allah has prepared for you.  

Religions ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Barbara Aniela Bonar

In this paper, I explain the problem of the dreamer in the Zhuangzi. I aim to show that no difference exists between dreaming states and waking states because we have a fluctual relationship with these two stages. In both, “we are dreaming.” Put another way, from a psychoanalytical point of view, one stage penetrates the other and vice versa. The difference between dreaming and non-dreaming disappears because dreaming is a structural process. Also, from a psychoanalytical perspective, all confirmations and negations about dreams and non-dreams leads to one point: the being, or rather the becoming, of the subject. How does this solve the problem of the True Person/True Human Being (zhenren真人)? Does such a person have dreams or not? Does the True Person sleep without dreams, as we find in the Zhuangzi? From a psychoanalytic perspective, this is not possible. To prove this, I will present few passages from the Zhuangzi and offer a psychoanalytic explanation of them based on Jacques Lacan’s theory of the fantasy and desire.

Hiroshi Yama

In the process of human evolution, the biggest adaptive problems have been how to maintain a group and how to rise in rank in a group hierarchy. If an adaptive problem is solved, the probability the solver will survive and success in reproduction rises. Laugh and laughter is discussed in the frame that it has been used to solve the adaptive problem in this chapter. The trigger of laughter is the cognition of a discrepancy. The discrepancy is the difference between what is expected and the actual state. A discrepancy cannot be serious to cause laugh and laughter. If it is implicitly expected to be resolved, then it is likely to arise a laughter with positive feeling. When laughter is shared by some people, it functions to link them with friendly relationship. On the other hand, the laughter becomes derisive (ridicule) when the discrepancy is between a social norm and an actual behavior. The ridicule functions to one's supremacy over the target individual. This function has been adaptive in the society of dominance hierarchy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Aditya Faruq Alfurqan ◽  
Maizuddin Maizuddin

The Alquran is a guide for every human being, to understand the meaning contained herein it takes a science that is the interpreter science. There are different interpretations because of the methods, features and shapes used by a mufassir, and because the other is the period in which a mufasir lives, or other names are classical and contemporary periods, a period is a factor in the difference of interpretations, because of the many contemporary problems or the absence of ancient evidence. The method that researchers use is a descriptive analytical method of collecting existing data sources and then being properly analyzed, whereas the data source that researchers refer to are the interpretive books themselves, here researchers use interpresir Anwaru al-Tanzil wa Asraru al-Ta’wil as the classic interpretive reference, to the interpretation of contemporary researchers refer to Tafsir al-Bayani li al-Qur`an al-Karim treatise for Bintu al-Syathi. One example that became a difference in interpretation was lafadz taqhar surah al-Dhuha serves 9, Baidhawi interpret by the reach that you possess his possessions is because of his weaknesses, whereas Bintu al-Syathi interprets not arbitrary not to give property to them, but there is a treatment that offends them like harsh words, a cynical stare which the deed is committed without any deliberate measure.Abstrak: Al-Qur`an merupakan pedoman bagi setiap manusia. Untuk memahami makna yang terkandung di dalamnya, maka dibutuhkan sebuah ilmu yaitu ilmu tafsir. Adanya perbedaan penafsiran disebabkan karena metode, corak dan bentuk yang dipakai oleh seorang mufasir. Sebab lainnya adalah masa di mana seorang mufasir hidup, atau sebutan lainnya adalah periode klasik dan periode kontemporer. Masa menjadi salah satu faktor terjadi perbedaan penafsiran, karena banyaknya permasalahan di zaman kontemporer ini atau hal-hal lain yang tidak didapati di zaman terdahulu. Seperti yang terlihat dalam tulisan ini, yaitu perbedaan penafsiran pada surat al-Dhuha. Metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah analitis deskriptif yaitu mengumpulkan sumber-sumber data yang ada, lalu dianalisa secara tepat. Sumber data yang menjadi rujukan adalah kitab-kitab tafsir, khususnya Tafsir Anwaru al-Tanzil wa Asraru al-Ta’wil sebagai rujukan tafsir klasik. Untuk tafsir kontemporer merujuk kepada Tafsir al-Bayani li al-Qur`an al-Karim karya Bintu al-Syathi’. Salah satu contoh yang menjadi perbedaan penafsiran pada surat al-Dhuha (93): 9 adalah pada lafal taqhar. Al-Baidhawi menafsirkan dengan “janganlah kamu menguasai hartanya dikarenakan kelemahannya”, sedangkan Bintu al-Syathi’ menafsirkan bukan kesewenang-wenang tidak memberikan harta terhadap mereka, tetapi ada perlakuan yang menyakiti hati seperti perkataan yang kasar, tatapan sinis yang mana perbuatan tersebut dilakukan tanpa unsur kesengajaan. 

2004 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Alif Noor Anna ◽  
Retno Woro Kaeksi ◽  
Yuli Priyana

The consumption of drinking water for a community is different from one area to the other. This is normally influenced by the population development, socio-economic, cultural, and physical conditions mainly related to the supply of drinking water and how to exploit it. Banyudono district is an area located in the regency of Boyolali. The development of this area depends on Boyolali City and Kartasura district. Such a location enables the area to have a process of the physical and socio-economi developments. In addition, it has an influence upon social behaviour to consume water. This research is aimed at knowing the average consumption of household need and analyzing the factors influencing the utilization of water as drinking water. The result of this research indicated that 1) the average consumption of a human being for drinking water was 79,37 litter a day. It means that the onsumption of a human being for drinking ater generally ranged from 60 to 80 litter a day; 2) most of the ater was consumed to meet basic needs such as cooking, drinking, bathing, and washing; 3) the difference of the average consumption was influenced by the kind of water source and how to exploit it; 4) a parameter of the most significant socio-economic condition that took effect on the average consumption for drinking water was the parameter of income with correlation of 0.362 and the significant level of 0.01.

1973 ◽  
Vol 29 (02) ◽  
pp. 490-498 ◽  
Hiroh Yamazaki ◽  
Itsuro Kobayashi ◽  
Tadahiro Sano ◽  
Takio Shimamoto

SummaryThe authors previously reported a transient decrease in adhesive platelet count and an enhancement of blood coagulability after administration of a small amount of adrenaline (0.1-1 µg per Kg, i. v.) in man and rabbit. In such circumstances, the sensitivity of platelets to aggregation induced by ADP was studied by an optical density method. Five minutes after i. v. injection of 1 µg per Kg of adrenaline in 10 rabbits, intensity of platelet aggregation increased to 115.1 ± 4.9% (mean ± S. E.) by 10∼5 molar, 121.8 ± 7.8% by 3 × 10-6 molar and 129.4 ± 12.8% of the value before the injection by 10”6 molar ADP. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.01-0.05). The above change was not observed in each group of rabbits injected with saline, 1 µg per Kg of 1-noradrenaline or 0.1 and 10 µg per Kg of adrenaline. Also, it was prevented by oral administration of 10 mg per Kg of phenoxybenzamine or propranolol or aspirin or pyridinolcarbamate 3 hours before the challenge. On the other hand, the enhancement of ADP-induced platelet aggregation was not observed in vitro, when 10-5 or 3 × 10-6 molar and 129.4 ± 12.8% of the value before 10∼6 molar ADP was added to citrated platelet rich plasma (CPRP) of rabbit after incubation at 37°C for 30 second with 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 µg per ml of adrenaline or noradrenaline. These results suggest an important interaction between endothelial surface and platelets in connection with the enhancement of ADP-induced platelet aggregation by adrenaline in vivo.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Pangeran Manurung

Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 shows that the Jehovah's Witness teachings deviate from the truth of the Bible and dangerous for Christians . The danger Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses should be bringing us to the prudence and discretion to reject it . It can be said that Jehovah's Witnesses do not include Christianity in accordance with the search results against their teachings . first ; they do not recognize the Bible that has been issued by the Indonesian National Bible Institute and consider if the Bible has too much harm to use their own New Translation of the Holy Scriptures that have been proven not a translation , but just a collection of interpretations and teachings of their leader alone . second ; Jehovah's Witnesses do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior only . They simply believe that salvation is obtained through belief in Jehovah and his kingdom and perform service message and follow the trial associations .                Before errors interfere Christology Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses Bible , please note that the topic of Christology is the difference between Christianity and other religions . This discussion has also become one of the topics that face many attacks from the outside or from within Christianity , either in the form of religion , philosophy , and ideology . The debate on this topic appeared since the beginning of Christianity , and give rise to a long and complex debate for nearly three centuries ( 300 years ) !! . Such debates will continue to exist throughout the period and just a rehash issues that had once appeared . And Christians should study the various debates and views of the ever emerging that are not easily fooled by the views back to this era .Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 has been done and produce a biblical Christology and biblical correct . The truth is not in doubt because of the analysis conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules that apply in general . Now if Christology Christology of John compared with Jehovah's Witnesses, it will show a striking difference . Once observed , Christology Witnesses builds upon the interpretation of individuals who previously have had a negative Christological doctrine .                Conclusion those who think that Jesus is the firstborn of Creation ; Jesus was a human being ; Jesus is God in creating a peer ; Jesus lower than God , Jesus is the Angel Gabriel , and other Christological doctrine which basically degrading nature of Christ is a form of insult to the majesty of Christ . The Bible clearly and emphatically teaches that Christ is God incarnate , private alpha and omega , the creator of all that exists , and the equivalent of God the Father . Summing Christ as superior human or clear eldest creation is false teachings . The followers of Jehovah's Witnesses must repent. Amen

Philip Isett

This chapter presents the equations and calculations for energy approximation. It establishes the estimates (261) and (262) of the Main Lemma (10.1) for continuous solutions; these estimates state that we are able to accurately prescribe the energy that the correction adds to the solution, as well as bound the difference between the time derivatives of these two quantities. The chapter also introduces the proposition for prescribing energy, followed by the relevant computations. Each integral contributing to the other term can be estimated. Another proposition for estimating control over the rate of energy variation is given. Finally, the coarse scale material derivative is considered.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 378
Vincentia Tri Handayani

AbstrakFolklor yang menghasilkan tradisi lisan merupakan perwujudan budaya yang lahirdari pengalaman kelompok masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk tradisi lisan adalah ungkapan yangmengandung unsur budaya lokal dalam konstruksinya yang tidak dimiliki budaya lainnya.Ungkapan idiomatis memberikan warna pada bahasa melalui penggambaran mental. Dalambahasa Perancis, ungkapan dapat berupa locution dan expression. Perbedaan motif acuansuatu ungkapan dapat terlihat dari pengaruh budaya masyarakat pengguna bahasa. Sebuahleksem tidak selalu didefinisikan melalui unsur minimal, tidak juga melalui kata-kata,baik kata dasar atau kata kompleks, namun dapat melalui kata-kata beku yang maknanyatetap. Hubungan analogis dari makna tambahan yang ada pada suatu leksem muncul dariidentifikasi semem yang sama. Semem tersebut mengarah pada term yang diasosiasikan danyang diperkaya melalui konteks (dalam ungkapan berhubungan dengan konteks budaya).Kata kunci: folklor, ungkapan, struktur, makna idiomatis, kebudayaanAbstractFolklore which produces the oral tradition is a cultural manifestation born out theexperience of community groups. One form of the oral tradition is a phrase that containsthe elements of local culture in its construction that is not owned the other culture. Theidiomatic phrase gives the color to the language through the mental representation. InFrench, the expression can consist of locution and expression. The difference motivesreference of an expression can be seen from the influence of the cultural community thelanguage users. A lexeme is not always defined through a minimal element, nor throughwords, either basic or complex words, but can be through the frost words whose meaningsare fixed. The analogical connection of the additional meanings is on a lexeme arises fromthe identification of the same meaning. The meaning ‘semem’ leads to the associated termsand which are enriched through the context (in idiom related to the cultural context).Keywords : folklore, idioms, structure, idiom meaning, cultureI PENDAHULUAN

Trictrac ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Petru Adrian Danciu

Starting from the cry of the seraphim in Isaiahʹ s prophecy, this article aims to follow the rhythm of the sacred harmony, transcending the symbols of the angelic world and of the divine names, to get to the face to face meeting between man and God, just as the seraphim, reflecting their existence, stand face to face. The finality of the sacred harmony is that, during the search for God inside the human being, He reveals Himself, which is the reason for the affirmation of “I Am that I Am.” Through its hypnotic cyclicality, the profane temporality has its own musicality. Its purpose is to incubate the unsuspected potencies of the beings “caught” in the material world. Due to the fact that it belongs to the aeonic time, the divine music will exceed in harmony the mechanical musicality of profane time, dilating and temporarily cancelling it. Isaiah is witness to such revelation offering access to the heavenly concert. He is witness to divine harmonies produced by two divine singers, whose musical history is presented in our article. The seraphim accompanied the chosen people after their exodus from Egypt. The cultic use of the trumpet is related to the characteristics and behaviour of the seraphim. The seraphic music does not belong to the Creator, but its lyrics speak about the presence of the Creator in two realities, a spiritual and a material one. Only the transcendence of the divine names that are sung/cried affirms a unique reality: God. The chant-cry is a divine invocation with a double aim. On the one hand, the angels and the people affirm God’s presence and call His name and, on the other, the Creator affirms His presence through the angels or in man, the one who is His image and His likeness. The divine music does not only create, it is also a means of communion, implementing the relation of man to God and, thus, God’s connection with man. It is a relation in which both filiation and paternity disappear inside the harmony of the mutual recognition produced by music, a reality much older than Adam’s language.

2020 ◽  
José Luis Sepúlveda Ferriz

Freedom and Justice have always been challenged. Since the most remote times, and in the most varied circumstances of places and people, human beings have tried to clarify and put into practice these two controversial concepts. Freedom and Justice, in effect, are words, but also dreams, desires and practices that, not being imperfect, are less sublime and ambitious. Reflecting on them on the basis of an ethics of development and socioenvironmental sustainability is still a great challenge in our contemporaneity. This book is born from the need that we all have to reflect, understand what our role is in relation to the OTHER, understood as the other as Environment. Doing this from such disparate areas and at the same time as current as Economics, Philosophy and Ecology, is still a great opportunity to discuss complexity, transdisciplinarity and the inclusion of diverse themes, but which all converge in the Human Being and its relationship with the world. Endowing human beings with Freedom and a sense of Justice means RESPONSIBILITY. To be free and to want a better and fairer world is to endow our existence with meaning and meaning. Agency, autonomy, functioning, dignity, rights, are capacities that must be leveraged individually and collectively for authentic development to exist. Development as Freedom is a valid proposal for thinking about a socio-environmental rationality that interferes in the controversial relations between economics, ethics and the environment.

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