scholarly journals Pemberian Jus Buah Naga Merah dapat Menurunkan Kolesterol Total Wanita dengan Diabetes Melitus

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-95
Ike Ulantari ◽  
Kusdalinah Kusdalinah ◽  
Eliana Eliana

Non-communicable diseases caused global death. Deaths due to non-communicable diseases are expected to continue to increase throughout the world. More than 70% of the global population will die of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus. Purpose of this research to analyze effect of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizius) on total cholesterol levels of women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study was pre-experiment with one group Pretest and Posttest design. The subjects of the study were women with diabetes mellitus who had cholesterol levels of ≥200mg / dl as many as 20 people. The intervention for 14 days was given red dragon fruit juice at a dose of 5.72 g / kgBB. The normality test uses the Shapiro Wilk test. Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The highest cholesterol level before intervention was 327 mg / dl, lowest was 209 mg / dl. The highest cholesterol level after intervention was 312 mg / dl, lowest was 198 mg / dl. There were differences before and after the intervention (p = 0.025). Red dragon fruit juice supplement can decrease total cholesterol on women with Diabetes melitus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-68
Diah Atmarina Yuliani ◽  
Khamidah Achyar ◽  
Isnaeni Rofiqoch

Hypertension is a global problem that requires attention because it can caused major deaths in both developed and developing countries. According to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000, total world population suffering from male hypertension was around 26.6% and women around 26.1% it was estimated that by 2025 the number would increase to 29.2%. Indonesia 2013 Basic Health Research showed the prevalence of PTM (non-communicable diseases) including Stroke 12.1 per 1000, Coronary Heart Disease 1.5%, Heart Failure 0.3%, Diabetes Mellitus 6.9%, Kidney Failure 0.2%, Cancer 1.4 per 1000, Obstructive Chronic Lung Disease 3.7% and Injury 8.2%. Riskesdas 2013 showed 69.6% of Diabetes Mellitus and 63.2% Hypertension were still undiagnosed. Aim of activity was to increase maternal knowledge about hypertension and know total cholesterol levels. Activity begins with a survey of the target group, coordination, licensing with related agencies, and preparation of materials and equipment. Community service activities include providing health education about hypertension and cholesterol and measuring total cholesterol levels. Follow up activities carried out results of monitoring mothers understand and understand hypertension and cholesterol are non-communicable diseases. Importance of community service is increased knowledge of mothers about some non-communicable diseases, namely hypertension and cholesterol.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Eka Yudha Chrisanto ◽  
Megah Rachmawati ◽  
Rika Yulendasari

Abstrak. Menurut International Diabetes Federation (IDF) pada tahun 2015, prevalensi jumlah DM di dunia sebesar 8,8 persen dengan jumlah penderita sebesar 415 juta penderita dan pada 2040 diperkirakan akan meningkat sejumlah 642 juta penderita (10,4 persen) (IDF, 2015). Sedangkan Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-7 penderita diabetes terbanyak di dunia. Salah satu buah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perbaikan diet penderita diabetes melitus adalah buah naga yang memiliki keunggulan yaitu kaya serat dan antioksidan. Tujuan setelah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi, diharapkan pembuatan jus buah naga merah dapat untuk menurunkan kadar glukosa pada klien diabetes melitus. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan menggunakan leaflet dan demonstrasi pemberian buah naga merah. Terdapat penurunan kadar glukosa pada klien diabetes melitus setelah pemberian buah naga merah selama 10 hari di Bandar Lampung. Dengan demikian, pemberian buah naga merah pada klien diabetes melitus sangat efektif dalam menurunkan glukosa.  Abstract: According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2015, the prevalence of DM in the world (8.8 percent) with the number of sufferers at 415 million and 2040 it was expected to increase by 642 million patients (10.4 percent). While Indonesia ranks 7th most diabetics in the world. One of the fruits that can be used to improve the diet of diabetics is a dragon fruit that has the advantage of being rich in fiber and antioxidants. The Purpose after counseling and demonstration is expected to make red dragon fruit juice can reduce glucose levels in diabetes mellitus clients. The activities carried out in the form of counseling using leaflets and demonstrations giving red dragon fruit. There is a decrease in glucose levels in diabetes mellitus clients after giving red dragon fruit for 10 days at Bandar Lampung. Thus, giving red dragon fruit to diabetes mellitus clients is very effective in reducing glucose. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Dian Aulia Kurniawati ◽  
Mateus Sakundarno Adi ◽  
Rita Hadi Widyastuti

Stres pada lansia dengan penyakit tidak menular merupakan masalah psikososial yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan lansia apabila tidak segera diatasi, terutama dalam hal perawatan dirinya yang berpusat pada kepatuhan dalam pengobatan serta manajemen diri. Namun, penelitian yang membahas tentang tingkat stres pada lansia dengan penyakit tidak menular di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pudakpayung Kota Semarang belum tersedia sehingga penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk melihat tingkat stres lansia dengan penyakit tidak menular: diabetes mellitus dan hipertensi. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 109 lansia dengan penyakit tidak menular yang didapatkan melalui teknik total sampling di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pudakpayung di Kota Semarang pada tahun 2020. Kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia berusia 60 tahun keatas dengan penyakit tidak menular yaitu diabetes melitus dan hipertensi, menderita penyakit < 5 tahun. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Depresion, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-42) berisi 14 pertanyaan, dengan tingkatan Discriminant validity dan mempunyai reliabilitas sebesar 0,8806 berdasarkan Cronbach Alpha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lansia dengan diabetes melitus sebagian besar mengalami stres sedang sebesar 62,7% dan lansia dengan hipertensi mengalami stres sedang sebesar 59,1%. Kata kunci: lansia, penyakit tidak menular, stres STRESS LEVELS IN ELDERLY WITH NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES  ABSTRACTStress in elderly with Non-communicable Diseases is an psychosocial problem that can affect the quality of life and well-being of the elderly if not immediately addressed, especially in terms of self-care that is centered on adherence in medication and self-management. However, research that discusses about the levels of stress in elderly with non-communicable diseases in the working area of Pudakpayung’s Public Health Centers in Semarang City is not yet available, so this research are needs to be done to look at the stress levels in elderly with non-communicable diseases : diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The study used a cross sectional design with 107 elderly with non-communicable diseases to be a sample obtained through total sampling techniques in Pudakpayung’s Public Health Centers in Semarang City on 2020. The criteria of inclusion in this study were the elderly aged 60 years and above with non-communicable diseases, suffering from illness < 5 years. The instruments used in this study were Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-42) contains 14 questions, with levels Discriminant validity and reliability have amounted to 0,8806 by Cronbach Alpha. The results showed that elderly with diabetes mellitus mostly experienced moderate stress by 62,7% and the elderly with hypertension experienced moderate stress by 59.1%.  Keywords: elderly, non-communicable diseases, stress

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-154
Irma Kania Safitri ◽  
Krispinus Duma ◽  
Rahmat Bakhtiar ◽  
Evi Fitriani

Non-communicable diseases have become a major public health problem in the last decade. In Indonesia, it was more than 36 million people dying from non-communicable diseases related to several risk factors including behavioral, metabolic and social risk factors. Several indicators can be considered to detect the risk factors of non-communicable diseases. They are blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, and body mass index. Efforts to prevent and control non-communicable diseases that are being developed in Indonesia are integrated management posts for non-communicable diseases that provide facilities and guidance to the community to take part in controlling the risk factors for non-communicable diseases. This research is an observational analytic study with the cross-sectional method based on data obtained from the monitoring book of members of the Medical School of Mulawarman University. The sample of this study was all individuals in the population that met the inclusion criteria of the study. Sixty-five samples were obtained to see the posbindu effect on blood pressure and 61 samples saw the effect of posbindu on total cholesterol levels that met the inclusion criteria. The variables observed in this study were posbindu utilization, sample blood pressure, and total cholesterol levels in the sample. The results of the research, there was the effect of using posbindu on sample blood pressure (p = 0.042), and there was no effect on the use of total cholesterol level in the sample (p = 0.590).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 562-569
Firhat Esfandiari ◽  
Tusy Triwahyuni ◽  
Resti Arania ◽  
Najmi Bias Aysa

ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE AND TOTAL CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN ARAFAH CLINIC, CENTRAL LAMPUNG Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia, with the underlying cause being an increase in insulin resistance and or an increase in pancreatic beta cell dysfunction (Decroli, 2019). Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and increased cholesterol levels are conditions that are often found to be interrelated. Hypertension and increased cholesterol levels can be comorbid conditions that accompany DM (Noviyanti et al., 2015). Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between systolic blood pressure levels and total cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at the Arafah Clinic, Central Lampung. Method: The type of research used in this research is descriptive analytic with aapproach Cross Sectional. As well as samples taken from Arafah Clinic patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, as many as 46 patients. Results: Based on the results of thetest, it was fisher exact found that there was no correlation with the p value = 0.735 (p> 0.05). Conclusion: H0 is received, which means there is no significant correlation between systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol levels in type 2 DM patients at the Arafah Clinic, Central Lampung. Keywords: Systolic Blood Pressure, Total Cholesterol Levels, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN ANTARA TEKANAN DARAH SISTOLIK DENGAN KADAR KOLESTEROL TOTAL PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI KLINIK ARAFAH LAMPUNG TENGAH Latar Belakang: Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 merupakan suatu penyakit dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia, dengan penyebab yang mendasarinya adalah peningkatan resistensi insulin dan atau peningkatan disfungsi sel beta pankreas (Decroli, 2019). Diabetes melitus, hipertensi dan peningkatan kadar kolesterol merupakan keadaan yang sering dijumpai saling berkaitan. Hipertensi dan peningkatan kadar kolesterol bisa menjadi kondisi komorbiditas yang menyertai DM (Noviyanti et al., 2015).Tujuan: Penelitian ini ditujukkan untuk mengetahui hubungn antara kadar tekanan darah sistolik dengan kadar kolesterol total pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Klinik Arafah Lampung Tengah.Metodologi: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Serta sampel diambil dari pasien Klinik Arafah yang terdiagnosa DM tipe 2 yaitu sebanyak 46 pasien.Hasil: Berdasarkan dari hasil uji fisher exact didapatkan tidak adanya hubungan dengan nilai p =0,735 (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Didapatkan H0 yang diterima yang berarti tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tekanan darah sistolik dengan kadar koletesterol total pada pasien DM tipe 2 di Klinik Arafah Lampung Tengah. Kata Kunci:Tekanan Darah Sistolik, Kadar Kolesterol Total, Diabetes Melitus tipe  

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

<p>The pattern and lifestyle of today's society with the presence of an interner facility makes people spend more time sitting out than on exercise and increased consumption of high-fat foods may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. An effective therapy is needed in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Hyperbaric oxygen now starts to develop for the treatment of several diseases, which in turn can increase the gene forming antioxidant enzymes and ROS. To determine effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on total cholesterol levels of wistar white rats (Rattusnovergicus) induced bye high fat. The study was carried out in an expeative post test only group control of three groups. One group is given standard feed. All groups induced high-fat diet and standard feed. Of the two groups induced, one group was given hyperbaric oxygen therapy with a dose of 3 x 30 minutes for six days on day 7 at a blood test to determine total cholesterol levels<strong>. </strong>One way Anova parametric statistic test showed that p = 0.007 &lt; α proved hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy giving effect to total cholesterol level of white mice of jantangalurist rings induced by high fat diet. Total cholesterol was significantly different between K (-) and K (+) and between K (-) and P. It was found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy had an effect on total cholesterol level dose of 3x30 minutes for six days.</p>

1992 ◽  
Vol 90 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-86 ◽  
David S. Freedman ◽  
Tim Byers ◽  
Karen Sell ◽  
Sarah Kuester ◽  
Eva Newe1l ◽  

The relation of an initial measurement of serum total cholesterol to subsequent levels over a (mean) 13-month interval was examined in a multiracial (white, Hispanic, American Indian, and black) sample of 1680 one- to four-year-olds. Although the relation of the initial level to the final measurement (r = .54) did not vary by race, sex, relative weight, or changes in relative weight, the association increased with age at the time of the initial measurement (eg, r .64 among 4-year-olds). Based on the initial and final total cholesterol determinations, the within-person standard deviation was 21 mg/dL and the coefficient of variation was 13%. Although the final total cholesterol level was within 5 mg/dL of the initial level for 18% of the children, the two determinations differed by ≥25 mg/dL for about 35% of the children and by ≥50 mg/dL for about 8%. Of the 149 children who had an initial cholesterol level ≥200 mg/dL, 34% (about five times the expected number) had a follow-up level that was similarly elevated whereas 25% had a subsequent measurement below 170 mg/dL. The results indicate that although an initial cholesterol level in early life is moderately predictive of subsequent levels, it may be difficult to interpret a single total cholesterol determination because of substantial within-person variability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Md Mazharul Islam Khan ◽  
Ariful Haque ◽  
- Md Shamimuzzaman ◽  
Chyochyo Nancy ◽  
Farzana Zafreen

Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become burning issues worldwide, especially among the elderly individuals. Bangladeshi elderly is also susceptible cohort to NCDs for its recent epidemiologic transition and the NCDs is casting as prominent risk for major mortality and morbidity related issues. Objectives: To find out the prevalence of common NCDs and its risk factors among the Bangladeshi retired military personnel. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among the retired military personnel admitted in Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Savar from January 2019 to July 2019. A face-to-face interview was carried out among the respondents using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: Among 153 retired military personnel; most common NCDs were hypertension (80.4%), diabetes mellitus 66.7%, ischemic heart disease37.3% and only 3.9 % had low back pain. Most of them accessed their health in CMH (66.7%), where 17.6% reported to Govt. hospital and only a minor portion (15.7%) to private hospital. Moreover, 70.6% of them were not willing to regular health check-up. Conclusions: The most common NCDs were hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease. This study concluded with a few intervention strategies and community-based health promotion programs to reduce the burden of NCDs among the retired military personnel. JAFMC Bangladesh. Vol 16, No 2 (December) 2020: 35-39

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Satya Darmayani ◽  
Anita Rosanty ◽  
Dian Rahmayani

One of the effects of coffee consumption that still questionable is the increase of total cholesterol levels. The content of cafestol in coffee beans could be expected to block the process of β-oxidation of cholesterol that increases cholesterol levels in the blood. This study aimed to describe the normal total cholesterol levels and high total cholesterol levels in coffee addicts in the working area of Puskesmas Poasia, Subdistrict of Poasia. The research sample amounted 38 people taken by purposive sampling. The results showed that the total cholesterol levels test in coffee addicts obtained as many as 14 people (36.84%) with normal total cholesterol levels and as many as 24 people (63.16%) had a high total cholesterol level, but from 24 people of the coffee addicts, there are 4 of them in young age and allowed the possibility of an increase in cholesterol levels become faster due to genetic, lifestyle and unhealthy diet. It concluded that of the 38 people of coffee addicts who tested the cholesterol levels, the number of coffee addicts with high total cholesterol levels more than coffee addicts with normal total cholesterol levels. Therefore, it suggested people to reduce consumption of coffee, especially those for coffee addicts.

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