scholarly journals The Orientation Of Multiple Intelligence Framework In Learning Arabic In Digital Era

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-126
Apri Wardana Ritonga

Digital-based Arabic learning has become a necessity that must be done by every teacher in the technology era. The concept of multiple intelligences is present as an answer to some of the perceptions that reveal that there are students who are stupid in the field of language. This study intends to explore the theoretical framework of multiple intelligences in learning Arabic in the digital era. Using a qualitative approach with library research methods in describing research findings. Research data was obtained from primary and secondary sources in the form of articles, proceedings and books. The collected data is then presented using a descriptive content analysis technique deductively. This research shows that the digital era is a great opportunity for teachers in compiling multiple intelligences-based learning that is tailored to the conditions and needs of students. In addition to the above aspects, the concept of multiple intelligences adopted in Arabic learning provides room to compete with other subjects that have applied multiple intelligences first. To refine these findings, further research is needed to test the learning outcomes using multiple intelligences with conventional learning without the concept of multiple intelligences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Arizul Suwar ◽  
Tb Endayani

This study aims to determine the concept of Sufism education according to Jalaluddin Rumi, and its relevance to character education in the digital era. The method used in this research is library research. Primary sources are Jalaluddin Rumi works, secondary sources are books and works that are relevant to the discussion of the concept of spiritual education. The data analysis technique uses content analysis method. The results of the discussion of this study indicate that education according to Jalaluddin Rumi is the ability to transcend everything that is born (visible) with the aim of obtaining the inner meaning behind it, related to character education. Rumi emphasizes education in the realm of spirituality (heart) because character is a reflection of the human heart. Facing a digital era marked by being fast and instantaneous, Rumi warns all of us not to forget the process, because something valuable can only be produced from a maximum process. On the other hand, Rumi also emphasized the importance of awareness, this is because character is marked by "one's attitude towards others", awareness here means being aware that other people are also human as they are God's creatures, meaning that they must be able to respect other people without any restrictions of identity.Keywords: Sufism Education, Jalaluddin Rumi, character education, the Digital Era

Syarifuddin Syarifuddin

AbstractThis study was conducted to the influents of the Islamic symbolisms toward the decision of consumption buying of the food products. This is a quantitative research. A survey was also involved in this research. Data are also collected through questionnaire to gain an accurate information. Data analysis technique used was a simple regression. The research findings show that Islamic symbolisms have significant influents toward decision to buy food products. That is, t value of p significant is < 0,005 (0,000 < 0, 05) while R square is 0,273 or 27,3 %. In conclusion the influents of Islamic symbols toward the decision on buying have influents as of 27, 3 %. Keywords: Islamic Symbolism, Decision on buying, food products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Ahmat Miftakul Huda ◽  

Humans are the perfect creation of Allah SWT. It lies within their mind. Moreover, they also have the brain as a control center for all human activities. This article aims to explain the concepts of al-quran and neuroscience as well as the study of the brain and mind in al-quran and neuroscience. The approach used was qualitative of Creswell model library research. Data sources were obtained from the literature in the fields of the brain and mind, al-quran and neuroscience. Data collection techniques had used Sugiyono model. The data analysis technique had used Moleong analysis model. The results of this study indicated that if humans use their brains and mind to think properly and correctly, they would be able to provide and to create new ideas in solving various problems. After humans are even more aware, they would increase the faith and devotion to Allah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dedi Wahyudi ◽  
Devi Septya Wardani

This study aims to determine the increased activity and learning outcomes akidah morals through multimedia LCD Projector. The method used in this research is library research. Data collection is obtained through documentation studies of related scientific works. The type of research is qualitative ie that produces analytical procedures that do not use statistical analysis procedures or other qualifications. Based on the results of the study concluded that the application of media: (1) Increase student learning activities. This is based on literature studies that researchers get. (2) Improve learning outcomes. This is based on literature studies that researchers obtain, from the results of pre-cycle learning has increased.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Heru Setiawan

This research examines and discovers the variation and formation of slang in the street food court (angkringan) of the Perpek community, Ponorogo Regency, which is indicated by a variant of the slang language. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research data is in the form of words from languages that contain slang forms and are spoken by sellers and buyers. Data collection uses observation techniques supported by note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is the equivalent method and the method of religion. The findings of this research are four processes of the formation of slang language in terms of the formation of phonological structures, namely: (1) reversing the overall arrangement of letters, for example "mahal" to "laham", (2) giving an insert at the beginning and at the end both vowels and consonants, for example "kopi" becomes "ngikop", (3) exchanges consonants and replaces one or two letters, for example "sedikit" becomes "sikit", and (4) words are shortened or cut without changing their meanings, for example "mama cantik" to be "macan". The results of the research findings indicate the formation of new slang languages that are different from the original languages, both from Indonesian and regional languages (Javanese). Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menemukan variasi dan pembentukan bahasa slang di angkringan komunitas Perpek, Kabupaten Ponorogo, yang terindikasi ditemuakan varian bahasa slang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa kata dari bahasa yang mengandung bentuk bahasa slang dan dituturkan oleh penjual dan pembeli. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi yang didukung dengan teknik simak-libat-catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode padan dan metode agih. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh temuan berupa empat proses pembentukan variasi bahasa slang dari segi pembentukan struktur fonologis, yaitu: (1) membalikkan susunan huruf secara keseluruhan, misal "mahal" menjadi "laham", (2) memberikan sisipan di awal dan di akhir kata, baik vokal maupun konsonan, misal "kopi" menjadi "ngikop", (3) menukar konsonan dan mengganti satu atau dua huruf,  misal "sedikit" menjadi "sikit", dan (4) kata dipendekkan atau dipotong tanpa mengubah maknanya, misal "mama cantik" menjadi "macan". Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan adanya pembentukan bahasa slang baru yang berbeda dari bahasa aslinya, baik dari bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa daerah (bahasa Jawa).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Syarifah Nur Fajrin ◽  
Syarifah Aeni Rahman

The main problem in this study is to determine the relationship between the educational contributions of parents and the learning outcomes of grade III students of SD Inpres Jongaya, Makassar City. This study aims to determine the extent of the relationship between the educational contributions of parents and the learning outcomes of class III SD Inpres Jongaya Makassar City. The type of research used is correlational, this study seeks to reveal the relationship between the educational contribution of parents and social studies learning outcomes of students at SD Inpres Jongaya, Makassar City. The subjects in this study were 31 class III students. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used to analyze the research data was inferential descriptive statistical analysis using product moment correlation analysis for hypothesis testing. The results in this study indicate that there is an educational contribution from parents to grade III SD Inpres Jongaya students in the medium category with average learning outcomes. -average 82.3. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between Parents' Educational Contribution and Learning Outcomes of Class III students of SD Inpres Jongaya Makassar City. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Rima Zakirah Sirait ◽  
Julaga Situmorang

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar ekonomi melalui pembelajaran kooperatif jigsaw berbeda dari siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran kooperatif Think Pair Share; (2) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar ekonomi antara siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan interpersonal dengan siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal; (3) Untuk mengetahui interaksi antara model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan kecerdasan ganda yaitu kecerdasan interpersonal dan intrapersonal dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar ekonomi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Medang Deras. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) siswa yang diajarkan dengan pembelajaran kooperatif jigsaw lebih tinggi dari diajarkan dengan pembelajaran kooperatif TPS; (2) siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan Interpersonal lebih tinggi dari yang memiliki kecerdasan Intrapersonal; (3) Terdapat Interaksi antara model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan kecerdasan ganda (interpersonal dan intrapersonal) dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar Ekonomi Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran kooperatif, kecerdasan ganda, belajar ekonomi Abstract: The purpose of this study are: (1) To determine differences in learning outcomes of the economy through different jigsaw cooperative learning of students taught by cooperative learning Think Pair Share; (2) To know the difference between the results of the economic study of students who have interpersonal intelligence with students who have intrapersonal intelligence; (3) To understand the interaction between cooperative learning model with multiple intelligences namely interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence in influencing learning outcomes of economic class X SMA Negeri 1 Medang Deras. The results of this study indicate that: (1) students taught by cooperative learning jigsaw higher than taught by cooperative learning TPS; (2) students who have Interpersonal intelligence is higher than that have intrapersonal intelligence; (3) There is interaction between cooperative learning model with multiple intelligence (interpersonal and intrapersonal) in influencing learning outcomes Economy Keywords: cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, learning economics

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 397
Sumaidi Sumaidi

Regarding the circulation of Narcotics in nightclubs, it is regulated in Article 35 to Article 44 of Law 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics so that this study aims to determine the criminal responsibility of owners of nightclubs for the distribution of narcotics, especially in the city of Jambi and explain the efforts that conducted to tackle the circulation of narcotics in night entertainment venues in the city of Jambi. The method in this research is juridical empirical and the scope of research studied is the circulation of narcotics and the object studied is a nightclub in the city of Jambi. The materials used are field materials and library research. Data collection techniques, namely document studies related to documents in accordance with the subject matter. The analysis technique in this research is qualitative. Criminal responsibility for the owners of nightclubs for the distribution of narcotics, especially in the Jambi City area has not been implemented so that efforts made, namely the Jambi City Police Resort with the Provincial Narcotics Agency and the National Narcotics Agency must carry out raids on visitors and commercial sex workers, as well as entertainment business owners. night in Jambi City.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Mahrus Mahrus ◽  
Zubdatul Itqon

This study aims to describe the implications of humanistic learning theory and multiple intelligences on learning Islamic education. This research is library research. Research data were obtained from books and scientific journal notes. The results showed that Abraham Maslow's humanistic theory aims to humanize humans as early as possible as their nature. The learning process is considered effective if students understand themselves and their surroundings. Students in a series of learning should try so that sooner or later they can actualize themselves as best as possible. Meanwhile, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is oriented towards understanding the potential abilities of various intelligences so that their potential can be optimized according to the nature of their creation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implikasi teori pembelajaran humanistik dan kecerdasan majemuk terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari buku dan catatan jurnal ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Teori humanistik Abraham Maslow bertujuan untuk memanusiakan manusia sedini mungkin sebagaimana fitrahnya. Proses pembelajaran dianggap efektif jika siswa memahami dirinya dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Siswa dalam suatu rangkaian pembelajaran hendaknya berusaha agar cepat atau lambat ia dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya sebaik mungkin. Sedangkan teori kecerdasan majemuk Howard Gadrdner berorientasi pada memahami kemampuan potensi berbagai kecerdasan agar potensinya dapat optimal sesuai dengan fitrah penciptaannya.

Asma’a Abdulrazzaq Al-Mahbashi ◽  
Noorizah Mohd Noor ◽  
Zaini Amir

Over the past decades, the potential for the direct use of corpora known as data driven learning (DDL) has gained great prominence in English language classrooms. A substantial number of empirical studies demonstrated that DDL instruction positively affects students’ learning. As learning outcomes can be affected by individual differences, some researchers have investigated the efficiency of DDL in the light of learners’ different characteristics to determine the type of learners who were more responsive to DDL. The DDL literature has indicated the need for more research addressing for whom DDL best suits. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine whether or not learners’ predominant intelligences were significant predictors of DDL learning outcomes. The sample for this study included 30 female EFL Yemeni students at Sana’a University. The study used three primary instruments:  a multiple intelligence questionnaire, a posttest and a delayed test on the vocabulary that was taught using DDL. The result of the correlation analyses between the participants’ three identified predominant intelligences and their performances in the posttest and delayed test showed an insignificant relationship between the variables. The regression analyses results also revealed that the predominant intelligences insignificantly predicted the participants’ posttest and delayed test performances.  Based on these findings, learners’ needs and preferences should be activated and addressed by classroom instructions for creating a diverse and motivating learning environment.Keywords: corpora, DDL, individual differences, IQ, multiple intelligences 

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