scholarly journals Penerapan Algoritma CART Dalam Menentukan Jurusan Siswa di MAN 1 Inhil

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 387-394
Siti Monalisa ◽  
Fakhri Hadi

MAN 1 Inhil is a school that applies ministerial regulations to determine the direction of student majors at the beginning of entry, namely in class X. Determination of majors is done by considering several indicators, namely the results of academic tests, interviews, and student interest. The calculation in determining this course is very simple, namely by adding up the values of each indicator and dividing them together so that an average value is obtained. If the value is fulfilled then the student is grouped based on their interests. This can lead to errors in decision making by the school because it can be subjective because it prioritizes student interests. Therefore we need methods and algorithms to help make decisions well, the decision tree method. One algorithm that can be used is CART algorithm to classify majors with three indicators, namely Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Religion. The results of this study indicate that the CART algorithm is able to predict correctly, from 360 data classified using the CART algorithm, it can be concluded that 71 data majoring in religion and correctly classified by CART. 144 data majoring in Natural Sciences, 119 data correctly classified and 24 data classified as IPS, and 1 data classified as religion. Of 146 data majoring in social studies, 129 were classified correctly, 16 data were classified as natural sciences. Therefore it can be concluded that CART algorithm has an 80% accuracy so that it can be used in decision making

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-113
Siti Monalisa Monalisa ◽  
Fakhri Hadi

Based on ministerial regulations for curriculum 13 regarding specialization majors at the high school level from of entering class X. Then MAN 1 Inhil applied departmental arrangements that begin by including several indicators that are consistent with the results of testing, interviews, and student interest. Assessing in this departmental setting is very simple by summing each indicator's values and gathering the whole to produce an average value. If the value is fulfilled then the student is grouped based on their interests. This can lead to errors in the school's decision-making because this can lead to responses to student interests. Therefore we need methods and algorithms to help make decisions well. One algorithm that can be used is C4.5 algorithm which is an extension of ID3. The C4.5 algorithm used to classify majors with three indicators namely Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Religion. The results showed that based on 360 data form the recapitulation result of student registrans, 71 data were obtained that had religious majors, 71 religious data were classified completely by C4.5. Furthermore, of the 144 data that have natural science majors, 123 data are fully classified, 20 data are approved as IPS, and 1 data is classified as religion. Of the 146 data that have majors in social studies, 120 are correct rules, 25 data are classified as natural sciences. Thus it can be concluded that the C4.5 algorithm has a success rate of 87.22% so that it can be used in decision making where most of the data is numeric.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-65
Rini Sovia ◽  
Aulia Fitrul Hadi

SMAN 10 Padang is one of the leading schools in the city of Padang State School which has two majors, namely Science (Science Knowledge) and Social Sciences (Social Sciences). A distinctive feature of this school is one of the international standard pilot schools (RSBI) by implementing bilingual and accelerating classes. On average students lack understanding in the selection of majors according to their abilities. Many people fail in the way they have found. To facilitate the determination of majors, a Decision Making System (SPK) is needed to find criteria. In SPK there are several methods in searching criteria, which are usually used by SAW with MFED. Based on the research carried out, by comparing the two methods, the data are grouped into three criteria, namely the value of the Natural Sciences National Examination, Psychology tests, and Interests. The results of this study show about MFEP method take a high accuration between SAW. An accuration of SAW have 38.3 % and MFEP have 70.5%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1025-1034 ◽  
Gyula Nagy ◽  
György Vida ◽  
Lajos Boros ◽  
Danijela Ćirić

Abstract Environmental justice is a normative framework for the analysis of environmental impacts on the wellbeing of individuals and social groups. According to the framework, the deprived social groups and ethnic minorities are often more exposed to environmental risks and hazards due to their disadvantaged situation, and due to the lack of representation and political power. To manage the impacts of injustices and to include the citizen in the decision-making processes, proper information is needed on local attitudes and decision-making processes. Therefore, this study sought to (i) identify the main factors shaping the attitudes towards environmental injustices and (ii) to analyse the attitudes and perception of the various social groups and (iii) to identify the main factors which are shaping the attitudes and actions of those who were affected by the floods of 2001 and 2010 through the use of decision tree method. The data for the predictive model was acquired from a questionnaire survey conducted in two disadvantaged and flood-hit Hungarian regions. Based on the survey data, a principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted, which resulted in three principal components; fear, social change, and change in the built environment. The study focused only on the elements of the “fear principal component”, due to the decision tree tool homogenous groups identified in relation to this component. Our analysis showed that ethnicity has a determinative role in the emergence and the level of fear from floods; the Roma respondents expressed a significantly higher level of fear than others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Surya Sari Faradiba ◽  
Sikky El Walida

Peranan Statistika sebagai salah satu bidang ilmu yang berfungsi untuk merencanakan, mengumpulkan, menganalisis, menginterpretasi, dan merepresentasikan data sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan sangat penting bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Oleh karena itu, tidak mengherankan jika Statistika banyak digunakan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu lain, antara lain ilmu alam, ilmu sosial, maupun ilmu humaniora. Mengingat tidak semua pengguna statistika memiliki latar belakang pendidikan Matematika, maka penggunaan alat bantu program SPSS menjadi alternatif yang patut dipertimbangkan. Sayangnya, dalam aplikasinya, pengguna SPSS lebih banyak sekedar mengikuti langkah-langkah prosedural tanpa memahami mengapa mereka melakukan hal tersebut. Dampaknya, pengguna SPSS banyak yang merasa kesulitan dalam melakukan analisis data statistik dan semakin tidak menyukai statistika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kecemasan statistik pada mahasiswa yang menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas mahasiswa dalam penelitian ini (n = 105, 73,4%) tidak menunjukkan kecemasan terhadap statistik melalui empat domain utama yang diukur. Tiga puluh satu siswa (21,7%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam satu domain, empat siswa (2,8%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam dua domain dan tiga siswa (2,1%) menunjukkan kecemasan dalam tiga domain. Tidak ada siswa dalam penelitian ini yang menunjukkan kecemasan pada keempat domain sekaligus yang diukur. The role of Statistics as one of the fields of science that functions to plan, collect, analyze, interpret, and represent data as a basis for decision making is very important for the development of science and technology. Therefore, it is not surprising that Statistics is widely used in various other disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Given that not all statistical users have a Mathematics education background, the use of SPSS program tools is an alternative that should be considered. Unfortunately, in the application, SPSS users are more just following procedural steps without understanding why they are doing it. The impact is that many SPSS users find it difficult to analyze statistical data and increasingly dislike statistics. This study aims to determine statistical anxiety conditions in students using SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the majority of students in this study (n = 105, 73.4%) did not show statistics anxiety through the four main domains measured. Thirty-one students (21.7%) showed anxiety in one domain, four students (2.8%) showed anxiety in two domains and three students (2.1%) showed anxiety in three domains. There were no students in this study who showed anxiety in all four domains as well as being measured.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 106
Mirza Suljic ◽  
Edin Osmanbegovic ◽  
Željko Dobrović

The subject of this paper is metamodeling and its application in the field of scientific research. The main goal is to explore the possibilities of integration of two methods: questionnaires and decision trees. The questionnaire method was established as one of the methods for data collecting, while the decision tree method represents an alternative way of presenting and analyzing decision making situations. These two methods are not completely independent, but on the contrary, there is a strong natural bond between them. Therefore, the result reveals a common meta-model that over common concepts and with the use of metamodeling connects the methods: questionnaires and decision trees. The obtained results can be used to create a CASE tool or create repository that can be suitable for exchange between different systems. The proposed meta-model is not necessarily the final product. It could be further developed by adding more entities that will keep some other data.

Yi-Fang Lan ◽  
Che-Jen Su

In decisions about transportation for family vacations, the distribution of the decision-making role between fathers and other family members is subject to characteristics of the society, the travel and the household. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a data-mining model that identifies the relative importance of those determining characteristics in predicting the probability of the father’s predominance in transportation decisions for family vacations. By investigating cases across four East Asian societies and using exhaustive chi-square automatic identification detector analysis, it was found that the primary source of the family’s income was the strongest predictor of the father-determined likelihood of decisions about vacation transportation. The results also suggested that the decision tree method is appropriate for targeting the father-predominant market of transportation in cross-societal contexts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.3) ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
Robbi Rahim ◽  
Ilka Zufria ◽  
Nuning Kurniasih ◽  
Muhammad Yasin Simargolang ◽  
Abdurrozzaq Hasibuan ◽  

Data Mining is a process of exploring against large data to find patterns in decision making. One of the techniques in decision-making is classification. Classification is a technique in data mining by applying decision tree method to form data, algorithm C4.5 is algorithm that can be used to classify data in tree form. The system has been built that shows the results of good performance and minimal error in view of the system that is able to distinguish the anomaly traffic with normal traffic. Data mining inventory system applications can facilitate the control of inventory in the company to reduce production costs. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 651
Riolandi Akbar ◽  
Shofwatul 'Uyun

<p>Penelitian penentuan calon bantuan siswa miskin ini di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 37 Bengkulu Selatan. Masalah yang terjadi ada ketidaksesuaian dari hasil output dalam pemberian bantuan siswa miskin, belum digunakannya metode keputusan untuk setiap kriteria dan masih menggunakan penilaian prediksi atau perkiraan untuk calon penerima bantuan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto dengan perbandingan dua metode yaitu rule pakar dan Decision Tree SimpleCart. Tahapan penelitian ini dimulai dengan menganalisis output dengan melakukan seleksi dari sejumlah alternatif hasil, kemudian melakukan pencarian nilai bobot setiap atribut dari Fuzzy Tsukamoto dengan metode perbandingan rule pakar dan Decision Tree SimpleCart. Selanjutnya menentukan parameter batasan fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy meliputi kartu perlindungan sosial, nilai rata-rata raport, tanggungan, penghasilan orang tua, prestasi dan kepemilikan rumah. Analisis hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian terhadap 75 data siswa dan telah dilakukan klasifikasi menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto didapatkan hasil akurasi dengan metode rule pakar sebesar 72% dan metode Decision Tree SimpleCart sebesar 76%. Hasil akurasi tersebut di simpulkan bahwa metode Decision Tree SimpleCart mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi dari metode rule pakar sehingga lebih mampu dalam menyeleksi serta mencari nilai bobot penentuan bantuan siswa miskin. </p><p> </p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em>Research on the determination of candidates for assistance from poor students in South Bengkulu 37 Primary School. The problem that occurs is there is a mismatch of the output results in the provision of assistance to poor students, the decision method has not been used for each criterion and is still using predictive or estimated assessments for prospective beneficiaries. The research method used was Fuzzy Tsukamoto with a comparison of two methods, namely expert rule, and SimpleCart Decision Tree. The stages of this research began by analyzing the output by selecting many alternative results, then searching for the weight value of each attribute from Fuzzy Tsukamoto with the method of expert rule comparison and the SimpleCart Decision Tree. Next determine the parameters of the fuzzy membership function limit includes social protection cards, the average value of report cards, dependents, parents' income, achievements, and homeownership. Analysis of the results obtained from testing of 75 student data and classification using Fuzzy Tsukamoto has obtained accuracy with the expert rule method by 72% and the SimpleCart Decision Tree method by 76%. The accuracy results are concluded that the SimpleCart Decision Tree method has a higher level of accuracy than the expert rule method so that it is better able to select and search for the weighting value of determining the assistance of poor students.</em></p><p> </p>

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