Adolescenza: il tempo del trauma, il trauma del tempo

2009 ◽  
pp. 131-141
Simonetta Bonfiglio Senise

- The beginning of puberty, with its bodily changes, triggers the adolescence process of transformation of the self image and of the relationship with the figures of the internal and external world. Internal and external factors may increase the pressure and the experiences of breakdown in the continuity and linearity of growth. Those experiences may, on one hand, reactivate old traumatic experiences and, on the other, offer the opportunity to perceive the transformation and separation from the world and from the objects of infancy, that is, time passing, as something of unthinkable, dangerous and shocking. From this point of view, adolescence could become the time of trauma and represent the trauma of time. Trauma can be defined not only on the basis of the consequences that an event produces on psychic organization, because of its intensity, but also in relation to the environment, the fundamental function of which is, at the beginning of life, to protect and make bearable reality to a more mature Ego. Exposing the subject to a new state of dependence from the environment, adolescence highlights the failures and insufficiencies of early experiences

Татьяна Черкашина ◽  
Tatiana Cherkashina ◽  
Н. Новикова ◽  
N. Novikova ◽  
О. Трубина ◽  

The article considers the conceptualization of the world from the point of view of its methodological paradigm assessment in the context of the globalizing world. A retrospective analysis of the relationship between language and human speech activity is given. The authors explain the role of language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the formation of worldview systems that develop in the consciousness with the help of minimal units of human experience in their ideal meaningful representation in special concepts, which allows the individual to think within the boundaries of a certain linguistic picture of the world. Analyzes the problems of the functioning of communicative norms with regard to the hierarchy of the spiritual representations of the world. The article attempts to consider the impact of the “blurring” of the information boundaries of the globalizing world on the cognitive abilities of the individual in the nomination, qualification of the subject, phenomenon, process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-156
Thomas Fuchs

From a neuro-constructivistic point of view, the brain creates an internal simulation of the external world which appears as the phenomenal world in consciousness. This view presupposes in particular that the subjective body and the organic or objective body belong to two fundamentally different worlds, the mental and the physical. The spatiality of the subject-body must then be declared an illusion, for example by referring to dissociations of the subject- and object-body as in the rubber hand illusion or the phantom limb. However, this alleged virtuality of body experience can be refuted by the intersubjectivity of perception, which confirms the co-extensivity of subject-body and object-body. Subjectivity thus proves to be as embodied as it is spatially extended, that means, as bodily being-in-the-world.

N. K. Danilova

The article proposes a possible solution to the problem of the poly-subjectness of narrative discourse, associated with the hybrid nature of artistic communication, in which not only the world of narration is modeled, but also the communicative situation of communication. As one of the parameters of the discursive process, the analysis of which makes it possible to observe the intensive interaction of a number of systems participating in modeling the imaginary world of a work of art, the subject of the statement is considered, in M. Foucault's terminology, an empty position in discourse. The narrative text can be viewed as a complex of a number of communicative phenomena, as a special type of social interaction. A speech act, in which the text becomes an integral component, represents, according to this point of view, a two-unit complex of events, the process of the speaker's production of an utterance and the process of interpretive perception of the finished speech product. The interaction of the author and the reader takes place at the point I here now (Origo), in which an event takes place, which in the theory of the speaking subject of Yu. Kristeva is defined as passing the zero position subject of evocation-process and statement-result. In a complexly structured artistic message, the dynamics of the subject of utterance is expressed in the alternation of pronoun forms. In the structure of discourse, the subject of utterance forms a position, filling which the grammatical subject realizes the relationship between the grammatical and the communicative system, which represents a complex perspective of communication. The observer's area, which determines the communicative situation of narrative discourse, completely excluding interpersonal relations (this is what Bakhtin means when he speaks of the absence of dramatic relations between the author and the reader). The introduction of the observer category makes it possible to describe the position of out-of-access, according to which the author is on the border of fiction. The perspective of the observer explains another feature of literary communication, described by M.M. Bakhtin as the birth of meanings at the moment of meeting (dialogue) of the consciousnesses of both participants.

Roberto Dante Flores

This is an analysis of the ethico-cultural crisis of modernity and the emergence of the so-called postmodern aesthetic expressions (and conduct), examined principally from the point of view of Frederic Jameson and its coincidence with other authors (D. Lowe, G. Lipovetsky, and P. Virilio). I also investigate the relationship between the new sensitivities of the end of the century and the notion of justice, and its moral. This is seen by the authors as a consequence of the impact that mass-media technologies have produced in individuals leading to a new form of experience: the aesthetization of life and the fragmentation of the subject. The culture of the image is omnipresent, diluting art into aesthetization and the subject into the objectivization of consumption. We can see that there is a loss of historicity in the postmodern individual-originating from the speed of audiovisual information-upon perceiving, on a screen, the world in an instanct, without references to either a past or a future. The new technologies are the product of a new stage of capitalism, even more so than in the modernity of massive consumption. As a consequence of these three factors (aesthetization, ahistoricity, consumption), there has emerged a hedonistic ethos which differentiates itself from its modern vanguardist antecedents in that it is no longer the transgressor of a religious moral, or the secularism of duty, because pleasure is no longer forbidden. This framework, which is lacking in hard principles and is sustained by 'weak and conviction free' individuals is compatible with the liberal ethic of Rawls. In the face of the contradiction of modernity, we shall reconsider, as factors of socio-political construction, the moral values provided by the world's great religions.

2020 ◽  
Elcio Alberton

Mystagogical education of the teaching staff in the contemporary civilizatory metamorphose deals with the deep transformations which the civilization passes through, considering the sociological, environmental, political, economic and technological aspects. It deals with human being in this complex relationship analyzing the possible consequences of this process and, in the same way, it points alternative to a right assimilation and the convenience in this new world that rises up result of the metamorphosical process. The main indication remains in comprehending the adoption of mystagogical attitude by the teaching staff and in the formation of the educators. When the subject is the education task intending to overcome its utilitaristic function and preparation for the transactional environment, it suggests that the education points supportive and mystical alternatives in the teaching / learning. It proposes the cultivation and the preparation of the integrator people which teaching condition gets over the technical and the professional perspective, being firstly mystagogos (mystic educators) i.e, people teaching more with their lives and examples than words and contents. The text suggests that the educator’s task is to value the relationship between ourselves, others, the world and the supernatural. The searching points that more than technically prepared teachers, the mystic takes in account the human dimension considering all the potentiallities of the human being to develop himself under professional, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social point of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (24) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Alexei S. Bokarev ◽  
Yulia V. Tkachuk ◽  

The article considers M. Stepanova's cycle of poems «Spolia» (2015) from the point of view of the relationship between the author and the hero, whose outlooks are clearly getting closer at the non-classical stage of poetics development. The authors analyse the artistic strategy where «I», being the subject of the utterence, delegates the right to speak and/or the right to make judgements to the «other», «connecting» to the «other» for the sake of self-expression. Spolia is based on the complex of meanings connected with the author's consciousness, directed towards the author, but not autonomous in relation to the subject: replication (usually not marked graphically) and «alien» intention (understood as value expression directed at the protagonist) are the most popular forms of speech production in the cycle. The author's powers are thus limited to recording judgements addressed to the heroine and critically interpreting Stepanova's texts (the poet's works must be read as meta-lyrics), and to organizing the space for dialogue. The «voices» of both classical and modern artists (from A. Griboyedov and P. Tchaikovsky to Ven. Yerofeyev and G. Dashevsky) are included in the subjective sphere of «Spolia» as inseparable but not merging with the author's voice. When the purpose of the intertext comes down to expanding the boundaries of the personality, which is no longer understood as a «center», but as a «radius» of the artistic world, it is natural to disregard the individual biography of the writer. The poet's «passport» name, according to Stepanova, is a «synonym» for the epicenter of pain: unity with the world is only bought at the cost of suffering, which opens up to the author the possibility of «no-self-speaking», rare in poetry

Gerhard Preyer

The study of meaning in language embraces a diverse range of problems and methods. Philosophers think through the relationship between language and the world; linguists document speakers’ knowledge of meaning; psychologists investigate the mechanisms of understanding and production. Up through the early 2000s, these investigations were generally compartmentalized: indeed, researchers often regarded both the subject matter and the methods of other disciplines with skepticism. Since then, however, there has been a sea change in the field, enabling researchers increasingly to synthesize the perspectives of philosophy, linguistics, and psychology and to energize all the fields with rich new intellectual perspectives that facilitate meaningful interchange. One illustration of the trend is the publication of Lepore and Stone’s ...

Muhittin Gümüş

ÖZET. Milletlerin çok eski zamanlardan bugüne kadar yaşayarak edinmiş oldukları tecrübeler, bilgiler, kazanımlar ve değerler o milletin kültürünü oluşturur. Edinilen değerlerin dil aracılığıyla hayat bulması kültürdilbilim alanı çerçevesinde kültür-dil-insan arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeye değer bulmuştur. Herhangi bir varlığın şekline, işlevine, görevine, görüntüsüne her toplumda farklı anlam veya dilsel dünya görüşünü yansıtan adlar verilir. Kültür-dil-insan çerçevesinde dil ve kültür ilişkilerinin belli bir disiplin altında incelenmesi ancak kültürdilbilim yoluyla mümkündür. Dilbilim alanına ait kültürdilbilim çalışmalarında ele alınan dilsel dünya görüşü kavramı her bir dilin dolayısıyla toplumun ya da ortak değerlere sahip toplumlarının oluşturduğu milletlerin dünyayı nasıl algılayıp yansıttığını, çevresindeki varlıkların ve kavramların hangi niteliklerini ayırt ettiğini, insanın duygu ve düşüncelerini, değer yargılarını nasıl betimledikleri incelenmektedir. Bu makalede kültürdilbilim çerçevesinde Türkçede “gibi”, Kırgızcada -DAy eki ve “sıyaktuu”, “öndüü” bağlacıyla yapılan benzetmeler ve deyimler Türkçe ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmekte, böylelikle iki toplum arasındaki dış dünya algısı arasındaki farklılıklar veya benzerlikler tespit edilecektir. Адам баласы алмустактан бери топтогон маалыматы, турмуштан топтогон тажрыйбасы жана баалуулуктары менен улуттук маданиятын түзгөн. Тилдик каражаттар аркылуу чагылдырылган турмуштук тажрыйбалар улуттук маданият чөлкөмүндө маданият-тил-адам баласы деген чөйрөдө изилдөөгө алынат. Сөз, форма, иш аракет, көрүнүштөр ар бир коомдо ар кандай маанини туюндурган лексикалар менен берилген. Маданият-тил-адам баласы аттуу чөйрөдө тилдик жана маданий байланыштар белгилүү бир тартипте изилдениши бир гана маданияттаануу жолу менен ишке ашат. Тил илимине тиешелүү маданияттаануу илиминде каралган тилдик дүйнө тааным түшүнүгү ар бир тилдин, ошол эле учурда орток баалуулуктарга ээ болгон коомдун дүйнөнү кабыл алышы жана аны чагылдырышы, анын чөйрөнү жана түшүнүктөрдү айырмалаган сапаттарын, адамдын ички уйгу-туйгусун жана түшүнүктөрүн кандай сүрөттөгөнүн изилденет. Бул макалада маданияттаанууда Түрк тилиндеги “gibi” Кыргыз тилиндеги –ДАй мүчөсү, сыяктуу жана өндүү жандоочтор менен бе-рилиши, фразеологиялык каражаттар Түрк тили менен салыштырылып, эки тилдин ортосундагы сырткы дүйнө тааным менен болгон айырмасы жана окшоштуктары аныкталат. The experiences, knowledge, achievements and values that have been gained by nations starting from ancient times and up today constitute the culture of that nation. It has become worthy of examining the relationship between culture-language-human within the frameworks of cultural linguistics. Names are attached to any entity in accordance with its shape, function, tasks, and appearance that reflect different meanings in each society or their linguistic worldview. Analyzing language and culture relations within the scope of a certain discipline in the frameworks of culture-language-human is only possible by means of Cultural Linguistics. The concept of linguistic worldview, which is discussed in cultural-linguistics studies in the field of linguistics, deals with studying how each language and therefore the societies or societies with common values perceive the world and reflect it through the language they use, what qualities of entities and concepts surrounding them they distinguish, how they describe feelings and thoughts of a human being and their value judgments. This paper studies analogies and idioms that are formed by means of preposition “gibi” in the Turkish language and “sıyaktuu” with the suffix –Day in the Kyrgyz language, which are examined in the context of comparative cultural linguistics. Thus, the differences and/or similarities between the perception of external world between the two societies are revealed.

Bastina ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 95-109
Đurđina Isić

The paper presents the results of research that included comparative study of the place and role of female characters in selected and representative comedies by Serbian comedigrapher Branislav Nušić (eng. MP, Suspicious person, Mrs Minister, Bereaved family, Dr, Deceased; srb. Narodni poslanik, Sumnjivo lice, Ožalošćena porodica, Dr, Pokojnik, Vlast) and Bulgarian comedigrapher Stefan Kostov (eng. Gold mine, Golemanov, Grasshoppers, Nameless comedy; blg. Zlamnama mina, Golemanov, Skakalci, Komediâ bez ime) in order to find similarities and differences in the process of comedigraphic shaping of female characters in the work of these two authors. The subject of the research was viewed primarily from a literary-theoretical point of view, and the dominant methods of study were comparative and analytical-synthetic. During the research, there was a differentiation of female characters in accordance with their motivational structures, psychological assemblies and the nature of the place and the role they play in the social environment in which they are located. Therefore, we can distinguish female characters who live in the province and who are fully representative of the small-town spirit, female characters who live in the capital and are a symbol of the modern age and female characters who dwell in the capital, but in fact, deeply down still carry a small-town view of the world. The structure of this paper is in line with this distinction. Conclusions made at the end of the study show that the representation of female characters in analyzed comedies of both comedigaphers is highly similar in its nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-120
Sabrekova Maria S. ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the scientific and philosophical thought development, which served as a challenge to the renewal of the content of environmental education at the beginning of the XXI century. The analysis of the stages of domestic environmental education development, its content from the point of view of reflection in it of relations between society and nature is carried out. A new stage in the environmental education development in the 21st century is associated with the spread of ideas of sustainable development, which determine the transformation of all spheres of human culture. The article provides examples of tasks that currently exist in the educational literature for one of the primary school subjects, and a variant of their change from the standpoint of environmental education in the interests of sustainable development is proposed. The modern literature on the methodology of teaching the subject “The World Around” in primary school is considered from the point of view of the representation of the content of environmental education in it. The author comes to the conclusion about the insufficiency of the natural science orientation of environmental education for the formation of students’ ideas about the environmental imperative – a key category for understanding the conditions for harmonizing nature, society and the world of things. Based on the analysis performed, a conclusion was made about the relevance of updating the content of school environmental education. It is substantiated that this will contribute to the achievement of its planned result – the formation of a modern ecological culture among students. Keywords: general education, environmental education, educational content, environmental imperative, environmental culture

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