Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University
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Published By Transbaikal State University


2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Bazarova Tatyana S. ◽  
Fomitskaya Galina N. ◽  

The article is devoted to an urgent pedagogical problem – the influence of the Internet on the socialization of student youth in modern conditions, which determined the purpose and objectives of the article: to characterize the role of the Internet in the formation of values and attitudes of student youth, the development of Internet-dependent behavior. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: literature analysis on the problem under study, express survey and testing, comparative analysis of the results. This problem is considered taking into account the increasing importance of electronic resources in the context of digitalization of modern society. The characteristics of the main concepts of the problem under study are given: socialization, student youth, the Internet, etc. The approaches to defining the place of the Internet as the main means of communication and information for young people are reflected. The authors present the results of a comprehensive monitoring study conducted in recent years among the students of the Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University. On the basis of the primary data of the study the actual characteristics of the problem under study are highlighted: the goals and reasons for visiting the Internet (communication in social networks, information search, entertainment, studies), the respondents’ evaluation of the impact of the Internet as more positive than negative. The study of the value orientations of modern student youth showed that the respondents choose the main traditional values: family, health, love, self-development. Thus, the peculiarities of the influence of the Internet on the socialization of student youth are presented as follows: the main purpose of visiting the Internet is to communicate in social networks; young people are quite aware of the role of Internet influence; the main life values of the young generation retain a traditional character; a significant proportion of respondents have formed and stable Internet addictive behavior. The analysis of the results obtained shows that the use of the Internet as the main means of communication and information does not, in general, have a negative impact on the formation of values and attitudes of student youth, but contributes to the development of Internet-dependent behavior. Keywords: socialization, student youth, the Internet, value orientations, Internet-dependent behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Vinokurova Natalia F ◽  

Throughout the history of its development, environmental education has been viewed as a priority area in the modernization of all educational systems in the face of aggravated environmental problems. A comparative analysis of the change in environmental education paradigms made it possible to conclude that they evolved in accordance with the change in cognitive models and value-target guidelines: environmental education, environmental education and environmental education for sustainable development. On the basis of a generalization of philosophical, scientific, psychological and pedagogical research, the statement is substantiated that in the modern conditions of the global environmental crisis, the relevance and importance of developing the methodological foundations of environmental education based on a co-evolutionary strategy, which ensures the transition of mankind to the path of sustainable development, is obvious. The article reveals the methodological foundations of the co-evolutionary strategy of environmental education for sustainable development, which reflects the cognitive model, value co-evolutionary relations and the constructive coherent-creative orientation of nature-friendly activity. The co-evolutionary paradigm of environmental education for sustainable development, based on the ideas of synergy, reflects the picture of the world of a post-industrial society. The essence of co-evolutionary subject-activity, transdisciplinary, integrative and integrative-situational, cultural-ecological coherent-creative approaches is revealed. The conclusion is made about the semantic and value-worldview conjugation of these approaches, which ensures the integrity of the methodological foundations of the co-evolutionary paradigm of environmental education for sustainable development. The experience of the Nizhny Novgorod scientific school of environmental education in the implementation of the considered methodological approaches in environmental education for sustainable development is presented. The promising directions of research on this problem are formulated, related to the determination of the functional completeness of the methodological foundations and the development of methods for their implementation in educational practice. Keywords: co-evolutionary paradigm, environmental education for sustainable development, methodology

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Ermakov Dmitry S. ◽  
Ermakov Aleksander S. ◽  
Kolesova Ekaterina V. ◽  

Education is the most important mechanism for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the methodological difficulties in the implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) is associated with its proactive, predictive nature. In this regard, when designing ESD, it seems appropriate to use technologies of futurology, particularly, the technology of foresight. The article considers the main features of foresight and examples of its application in Russian education. The results of the foresight session on the design of ESD as an innovative pedagogical system and the development of a “roadmap” for the implementation of ESD in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 are presented. 14 experts took part in this work (21 % are with D. Sc. degree, 50 % are with Ph. D. degree; average teaching experience is 17,4 years, including 12,6 years in the field of ESD). During the STEEPV analysis, we identified the main social, technological, economic, environmental, political, and value-based factors that will affect both the education system in general and ESD in particular. The SWOT analysis allowed us to determine the characteristic features of ESD, regarding its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In the brainstorming mode, the main elements of the ESD roadmap for the next 10 years (trends, technologies, formats / social practices, and “jokers” / bifurcation points) were identified. In general, obtained results are consistent with the key directions of the development of Russian education to achieve the SDGs, and are also aimed at solving the main problems in the field of ESD. This research will be continued. Keywords: sustainable development, education for sustainable development, futurology, foresight, design

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Kachimskaya Anna Yu. ◽  
Skorova Larisa V. ◽  

One of the components of a teacher’s psychological health is the psychological well-being of his personality. The relevance of this study is due to the need to find such professional methods of the teacher’s work that would serve as a resource for his psychological well-being. The article discusses approaches to understanding an educational event as a condition for creating situations of psychological well-being in educational interaction. Psychological well-being can be a consequence of the design and implementation of a series of educational events focused on gaining experience of activity, the formation of a model of behavior, experience of behavior, skill of activity and change of oneself. Empirical research methods were: a diagnostic method to identify psychological wellbeing and satisfaction with professional activity; mathematical method using the Wilcoxon T-criterion for assessing the shift in indicators of psychological well-being before and after the creation (development and implementation) of educational events by teachers. The results of an empirical study conducted in schools of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia suggest that the participation of teachers in the development and implementation of educational events in their professional activities becomes a resource for increasing their psychological well-being. In conclusion, the author argues the idea that an educational event as an element of a teacher’s professional training can serve as a tool for optimizing a teacher’s own mental health. Such an approach to the psychological well-being of the teacher’s personality will make it possible to purposefully manage not only the effectiveness of the teacher’s professional activity, but also his psychological well-being. It seems promising to teach teachers the techniques of designing educational events and their implementation in the educational process, not only to manage the well-being of the teacher himself, but also to create conditions for the psychological well-being of other participants in educational relations, first of all, the psychological comfort of students. Keywords: psychological well-being, educational event, teacher’s activity, teacher’s psychological health, eventfulness, satisfaction with activity

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-54
Marfenin Nikolay N. ◽  
Popova Lyudmila V. ◽  

The widespread simplistic understanding of the concept of sustainable development (SD) and the strategy of education for sustainable development (ESD) is poorly compatible with the increasing natural and social instability of the world. In fact, SD and ESD allow you to quickly navigate in a crisis. The core of the SD concept is a conscious refusal of a person or society from any actions that may complicate life in the future. The ESD strategy is not limited to explaining environmental problems to the population and possible ways to solve them. ESD is designed to contribute to the intellectual development of wide sections of the population – the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions, the ability to independently find solutions to any problems, the skills of advanced self-organization and self-education. ESD is based on an ‘initiative learning model’, and not on the completeness and accuracy of the reproduction of knowledge and skills, which have long been considered central to education. The ability to acquire any knowledge and skills on your own is the main thing in the initiative learning model. Searching for your own solutions, and not memorizing ready-made ones, allows you to get used to acting independently in nonstandard conditions, which is necessary in an unstable world. The transition to the initiative learning has long been brew, The transition to the initiative learning model (ILE) has long been brew and even partially taking place, but too slowly. Initiative learning takes longer than reproductive learning, so it is difficult to fully implement it without changing traditional education. This is the main reason for the failure of attempts to introduce initiative learning model over the centuries. According to the initiative learning model, which is the basis of ESD, education is becoming continuous and lifelong. At the same time, the reduction in the number of compulsory educational sections occurs with the simultaneous expansion of curricula and the freedom of students to choose courses, sections and tasks that they study in depth. The assimilation of knowledge becomes mosaic, but this deficiency is fully compensated by the depth of the acquired knowledge and the desire to independently fill their gaps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Kupriyanova Marina Yu. ◽  
Sharonova Evgeniya G. ◽  
Arestova Inessa Yu. ◽  

The article analyzes the implementation of the ideas of sustainable development at the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev in the field of education. The methodological basis was the work of domestic and foreign authors in the field of research. The relevance of the work lies in considering the experience in the field of environmental education in the discourse of the concept of sustainable development from the standpoint of participation in it of the administration, teachers and students of the university in question, from the point of view of content and organizational aspects. Analysis of the experience of the ChSPU named after I. Ya. Yakovlev in the field of environmental education from the perspective of the sustainable development concept, identified the main contradictions that are of a socio-political and economic nature. It has been noted that teachers, students and the administration of the university are involved in the implementation of activities that create conditions for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in education on the example of environmental education. It is noted that the university still has problematic issues in the field of education for sustainable development, for the solution of which the authors propose a number of measures that will create comfortable conditions at the university for the global responsibility and active citizenship formation in the field of sustainable development. Within the framework of this article, the authors have developed basic recommendations for integrating the concept of sustainable development into national educational programs, which consist in the following: organization of a center for environmental education and sustainable development of the university; development of the concept of the university in the field of sustainable development; development and implementation in the curriculum of the discipline “Sustainable Development” with the provision of the course with appropriate methodological support. Keywords: sustainable development, environmental education, education for sustainable development, pedagogical university

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Anudarieva Dolgorma Ts. ◽  
Lesnyanskaya Zhanna A. ◽  
Kopylova Lyubov V. ◽  

The problem of handling solid municipal waste, which is formed during the life of a modern person, is becoming more and more urgent every day. The growth of consumption in modern society entails an increase in the formation of waste, which must no longer be stored, but subjected to recycling or recycling for further use. The solution of this problem, in addition to the technical and organizational component, is possible by forming a culture of solid municipal waste management (hereinafter MSW) among the population, that is, the formation of an ecological culture. The article describes the implementation of the social project “Organization of environmental education and formation of environmental culture of the younger generation in the field of solid municipal waste management” of the Transbaikal State University. During the implementation of the project, the level of environmental culture of schoolchildren was studied by testing in accordance with age. The developed educational and educational program, which includes a set of measures for training and environmental education of general education organization students, helped to motivate them to properly handle waste and form a responsible attitude to nature. Diagnostics formation level of the ecological culture of the younger generation allowed us to state the presence of a problem, namely, the insufficient (low and average) formation level of the ecological culture of general education organization students. Environmental classes and actions allowed students to form an idea of the problems of waste disposal, as well as their understanding of the need for separate collection and recycling of waste. Environmental education of the younger generation has changed their attitude to the problem of separate waste collection and contributed to the formation of environmental consciousness. Keywords: environmental education, environmental culture, younger generation, municipal solid waste, waste management

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Kaplina Svetlana E ◽  

The questions related to postgraduate education as an institution for training scientific personnel, which seeks to create and put into practice its own concept of training graduate students and applicants on the basis of universities are observed in the article. The author considers the architectonics of postgraduate training from the perspective of the quality of educational programs and pedagogical technologies; creating conditions for continuing education through a combination of different forms and methods of education based on the principle of continuity and preservation of the pedagogical potential of all scientific disciplines in teaching of personnel in postgraduate school. Having studied the reasons for low publication activity of postgraduates / applicants in the Transbaikal State University and on the basis of the existing FSES of Higher Education in postgraduate education the author has attempted to create an architectonics of postgraduate training continuity (1st level). On the example of the “Foreign Language” discipline the practical implementation of first-year postgraduates training within the framework of the succession architectonics is shown. The article provides a detailed description of each block of training with an emphasis on the integration of the educational process participants and taught scientific disciplines, analyzes the collected statistical data on the problem in the ZabGU, draws conclusions and forecasts the results. Keywords: architectonics, continuity, postgraduate professional education, scientific personnel, postgraduate school, foreign language, publication activity

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Sitnikova Natalya V. ◽  

The subjects of the Russian Federation located in the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East are characterized by attention to the issues of preserving the traditional way of life of nomads-reindeer herders, hunters and fishermen. At the same time, it remains relevant to study the issues of organizing the education of children traveling with their parents in the tundra and taiga. The purpose and objectives of the study are related to the hypothesis of the transformation of educational activities and the creation of new models of education in the nomadic region. Within the framework of the study, the level of education of parents from among representatives of indigenous small numbered peoples engaged in reindeer husbandry, the possibility of expanding the family form of education and increasing the availability of all levels of education in remote form was monitored. The monitoring was attended by representatives of the Amur, Arkhangelsk, Magadan regions, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Khanty-Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets, Chukotka Autonomous district, Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, cases of pilot family nomadic preschool and school groups have been collected and analyzed. As a result, the need for providing affordable secondary general education, secondary professional pedagogical education in correspondence form, using distance technologies has been identified. Strategies for the further development of nomadic education are proposed. Based on the analysis of empirical material obtained during field research in 2019–2020 and interregional round tables on the topic of nomadic education (March, April 2021), prospect models for organizing the education of the nomadic population in the conditions of digitalization have been developed. The article will be useful for the organizers of indigenous peoples’ education in order to improve the system of nomadic education in Russia. Keywords: transformation of education, nomadic education, indigenous peoples, digitalization, prospect organizational models

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-47
Zhyeva Aleksandra H. ◽  

At the present stage of development of society and technologies, information in digital format acquires the status of capital and becomes the leading factor in the development of the state economy. Digitalization of education is a response to the need of the digital economy for competitive specialists. To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the digitalization strategy in the field of vocational education, providing the industry with labor personnel, a necessary condition is the presence of a high level of information competence of vocational training teachers. The professional activity of these specialists is of an integrative, practice-oriented nature, since it is aimed at preparing qualified workers and middle-level specialists for professional activity in various industries that are switching to the use of digital technologies today. The analysis of educational standards for the training of teachers of vocational training allowed the author of the article to establish the fragmentary and unclear requirements for the information competence of this specialist, which prevents its effective development in the process of studying at a university. Also, the analysis of educational standards in the areas corresponding to the profiles of training teachers of vocational training revealed higher industry requirements for the information competence of a teacher of vocational training. These contradictions make it necessary to develop the information competence of future teachers of vocational training in the process of specialized training and the development of appropriate technology. The solution of this problem has been started by the author with the substantiation of the methodological basis for the development of information competence of future teachers of vocational training. The article presents the author's definition of the information competence of a teacher of vocational training and its structural components. When determining the methodological basis for the development of information competence of future teachers of vocational training, the trends, patterns, principles and methodological approaches of this process are highlighted.

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