scholarly journals Inovasi Perguruan Tinggi Raharja Dalam Era Disruptif Menggunakan Metodologi iLearning

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Ninda Lutfiani ◽  
Arini Dwi Lestari ◽  
Edward Boris P Manurung

Rapidly technological advancements have led to the emergence of a disruptive era, namely the innovation theory that was initiated by newcumbent, the publication of which threatened incumbent. The effect of this disruptive is a fundamentally significant and widespread technological innovation that changes the way human relations in various heresies is no exception to higher education. When viewed from a quantitative perspective, the growth is quite severe. However, if it is related to its quality, its development is worrying. Therefore, higher education must compete to change the learning system by following disruptive patterns in order to improve the quality of learning that will improve the quality of human resources. In this study there are 2 (two) methods, The results of this study present the readiness of Raharja University in the face of the disruptive era through iLearning. Where in the learning process includes 3 (three) things, called Rinfo, iDu and iMe.With this learning method, students become more innovative and critical thinking.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Bustami Yusuf ◽  
Hendri Ahmadian ◽  
Masrura Mailany ◽  
Basrul Abdul Majid ◽  
Yusran Asnawi

The growth of Information Technology (IT) has changed the order of conventional learning process toward the learning model without geographical boundaries, which is known as E-learning. This study aims to explore the readiness of Dayah Jeumala Amal Lueng Putu to implement the E-learning method by using ELR Aydin & Tasci data analysis model. The results of this study has shown that Dayah Jeumala Amal is ready to implement learning system based on E-learning except on Human Resources factor (2.99) and Innovation factor (3.11). The highest score is on Technology factor (4.02), followed by self-development factor (3.57). This study contributes to educational institutions to improve the quality of human resources and innovation in the implementation of learning methods based on E-learning.

Madhu Gupta ◽  
Pooja Pasrija

This paper discusses the need of co-operative learning in Indian classrooms in order to promote active participation of all students in the classroom. In order to prepare the students for life and higher education, the gaining and improvement of important mental skills such as the effective usage of the mind, critical thinking, and problem solving are necessary so that they can face the challenges of life actively. In recent years, teaching has been confronted by demands for higher standards and better pupil achievement in several parts of the world. Researchers have suggested a shift from teacher-centred instruction towards more active participatory learning methods as one way to improve the quality of the learning process. The search on co-operative learning is overwhelmingly positive, and the co-operative approaches are appropriate for all curriculum areas. The present paper reflects that co-operative learning makes teaching–learning more satisfying, momentous, enjoyable and effective.

Destria Arta Parmani ◽  
Sumiati Sumiati ◽  
Meliasari Meliasari

One of the objectives of national education is to improve the quality of human resources (HR). Increasing the quality of human resources can be through critical thinking skills in learning achievement and activeness of students. The purpose of this paper is to motivate students to be more active in the learning process and are expected to improve student learning achievement. In Indonesia, education still has constraints related to the quality of education, so the learning process is not optimal and the motivation carried out by teachers and students is still lacking. The learning process in Indonesia is still fairly weak, a lot of the quality of the teacher itself is considered lacking because it still uses conventional methods. Students become passive and do not have the opportunity to express their ideas or ideas. Therefore, the problem needs to be overcome by making changes. One model that can be used as a learning model is Project Based Learning (PjBL). In this learning model the teacher acts as a facilitator. Project Based Learning aims to find problem solving, besides that also so that students learn the concept of how to solve problems and develop critical thinking skills. In learning concepts and critical thinking skills, students work together in their groups to study real problems. However, the Project Based Learning method has weaknesses in terms of time and cost, so it must be modified with Task and Forced Learning Strategies. The application of Task and Forced Learning Strategies aims to improve the quality of learning of students with a high sense of responsibility and discipline on assignments and on time. Task and Forced Learning Strategies also do not require a lot of time and money so that they can complement the Project Based learning (PjBl) method. Learning by applying this learning model is expected to make students become more disciplined, active and able to develop their creativity. This article succeeded in formulating the Project Based Learning learning model modified with Task and Forced Learning Strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Yudit Ayu Respati

Perubahan jaman menuntut peserta didik menjadi lebih aktif dan kreatif. Namun metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan di perguruan tinggi masih menggunakan metode tradisional, yaitu pengajar memiliki peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Akibatnya, peserta didik hanya menjadi objek dalam sistem pembelajaran yang membuat mereka menjadi pasif. Peserta didik tidak memiliki inisiatif untuk membangun sendiri pengetahuan mereka karena memang kurangnya kesempatan yang mereka untuk terlibat atau berpartisispasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Active learning adalah model pembelajaran yang dianggap efektif untuk meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu cara pengaplikasian model pembelajaran ini adalah dengan menerapkan metode collaborative learning, dimana perspektif dari metode ini adalah seseorang dikatakan belajar apabila orang tersebut terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.Kata kunci: Active Learning, Collaborative Learning  Abstract: Increasing Student Participation Through Collaborative Learning. Changes in time require students to be more active and creative. But, learning method that applied in higher education still use traditional method, which is lecturer has an important role in the learning process. As a result, students only become objects in the learning system that makes them passive. They don’t have initiative to build their own knowledge because of the lack of opportunities that they are involved in or participating in the learning process. Active learning is a learning model that is considered effective to increase the activity of the students in the learning process. One way to apply this learning model is to apply collaborative learning method, where the perspective of this method is that someone is said to learn if the person is actively involved in or participates in the learning process.        Keyword: Active Learning, Collaborative Learning

Ahmad Tarmizi Hasibuan ◽  
Andi Prastowo

AbstrakPerubahan pola pendidikan yang terasa pada saat ini merupakan salah satu ciri era globalisasiatau disebut dengan era keterbukaan (era of oppenes), ini dibuktikan dengan berkembangnyaIlmu Pengetahuan (science) dan Teknologi (tecnology). Era ini sering disebut dengan abad21. Abad 21 lebih menekankan atau menuntut dalam menciptakan kualitas sumber dayamanusia. Oleh karenanya tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji bidang pendidikan danmenambah pemahaman pemimpin atau kepala sekolah tentang abad 21 baik dari segikarakteristik, elemen dan relevansinya untuk mengembangkan mutu sumber daya manusia diera globalisasi yang penuh dengan tantantangan persaingan serta menuntut keahlian.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian library research dengan membaca buku-buku terkaitdengan metode studi kepustakaan. Adapun temuan peneliti tentang karakteristik abad 21: 1).Kreatif dan inovatif (creative and innovative), 2) Sifat berfikir kritis (the nature of criticalthinking), 3) Pengintegrasian ilmu (integration of science), 4) Mudah mendapatkan informasi(easy to get knowledge), 5) Berjiwa komunikatif dan kolaboratif (communicative andcollaborative spirit), 6) Menghargai perbedaan pendapat (respect differences of opinion), dan7) pendidikan sepanjang hayat (longlife education). Dari segi elemen abad 21: 1) Membentuksumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, dan 2) Belajar sepanjang hayat. Sedangkan dari segirelevansi kepemimpinan dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia SD/MI: 1)Memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mencari sumber informasi, 2) Berkomunikasi danberkerjasama, 3) Kreatif dalam proses pembelajaran, 4) Menanamkan literasi, 5) Menghargaipendapat dan berfikir kritis, 6) Mengembangkan berbagai pembelajaran secara inovatif serta7) Menjadi manusia pembelajar sesuai dengan konsep pendidikan sepanjang hayat.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Abad 21, Sumber Daya ManusiaAbstractChanges in education pattern nowdays is one of the characteristics in globalization era oropenness era, it is evidenced by the development of Science and Technology. This era usuallycalled the 21st century. The 21st century will emphasize or demand more in creating thequality of human resources. Therefore the purpose of the article is to study the field ofeducation in the 21st century both in terms of its characteristics, elements and relevance inAhmad Tarmizi H, Andi P Konsep Pendidikan Abad 21...27 MAGISTRA - Volume 10 Nomor 1 Juni 2019developing the quality of human resources. This research uses research library research byreading books related to the library study method. The characteristics of the 21st century: 1).creative and innovative, 2) nature of critical thinking, 3) integration of science, 4) easy to getinformation, 5) communicative and collaborative spirit, 6) Respect for differences of opinionand 7) longlife education. Elements and Characteristics of the 21st century: 1) Establish thequality human resources, and 2) Lifelong learning. While leadership relevance in developingSD/MI human resources: 1) Utilizing technology to find information sources, 2)Communicating and collaborating, 3) Creative in the learning process, 4) Installing literacy,5) Respecting opinions and critical thinking, 6) Developing a variety of innovative learningand 7) Become a human learner in accordance with the concept of lifelong education.Keywords: Education, 21st Century, Human Resources

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Jasmani Jasmani ◽  
Noryani Noryani ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Reni Hindriari ◽  
Lia Asmalah

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kewajiban dosen untuk melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Untuk itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi dosen berbagi pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui penyuluhan pengembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia agar senantiasa berupaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Dan juga bertujuan Karang Taruna Kampung serua poncol dapat menjalankan fungsi dan perannya secara optimal sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi Kampung serua poncol. Pengembangan juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga lebih positif dalam berkontribusi tenaga dan pikiran untuk memajukan Kampung serua poncol.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to fulfill the obligations of lecturers to do tridharma of higher education. For that reason, it has become an obligation for lecturers to share their knowledge and insights through counseling the development of human resource management so that they always strive to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. And also aims at Karang Taruna Kampung Serua Poncol can carry out its functions and roles optimally so that it brings benefits to Kampung Seronc Poncol. The development is also intended to improve the quality of human resources in carrying out their duties so that it is more positive in contributing energy and thoughts to advance the village of all poncol.Keywords: Human Resource Management 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-278
Diah Rina Miftakhi ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah

describe the implementation of an integrated quality management component consisting of the quality of services provided by the school, human resources in teaching, the school environment, and learning process  in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang.               The method used in this study, namely by using a naturalistic qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study include the principal, teachers, employees, and students. The validity of the data is done by triangulation, and deeper observation. Analysis of the data used is the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.              The results showed that: (a) the quality of services to students in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang had met good service standards. This can be seen from the services in the form of facilities and infrastructure which are quite complete in schools; (b) the quality of human resources in the education process shows good teacher resources. This can be seen from the teacher data which shows that the teaching staff at SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% of educators with S1 qualifications in the field of education; (c) the quality of the environment in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang is already good. This can be seen from the very strategic location of the school because the location of the school is in the middle of the city so that it is easily accessible by the community; (d) the quality of the learning process carried out by teachers at Pangkal Pinang YPAC SLB is good. This can be seen from the realization of the form of activities through learning planning by preparing lesson plans for each subject, then implementing learning, which includes strategies and methods used by teachers in delivering learning material, and evaluation of learning. Keywords: Integrated quality management, student achievement     ABSTRAK Tujuan dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini  adalah untuk melihat pelaksanaan serta mendeskripsikan implementasi  komponen Manajemen Mutu Terpadu yang terdiri dari kualitas layanan yang diberikan sekolah, sumber daya manusia dalam mengajar, lingkungan sekolah, dan proses pembelajaran di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini antara lain kepala sekolah, guru, pegawai, dan peserta didik. keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, dan pengamatan yang lebih mendalam. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui kegiatan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) mutu layanan terhadap peserta didik di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah memenuhi standar layanan yang baik. Hal ini dilihat dari layanan yang berupa fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang sudah cukup lengkap di sekolah; (b) mutu sumber daya manusia dalam proses pendidikan menunjukkan sumber daya guru yang baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data guru yang menunjukkan bahwa tenaga pengajar di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% pendidik berkualifikasi S1 bidang kependidikan; (c) mutu lingkungan yang ada di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini terlihat dari letak sekolah yang sangat strategis karena lokasi sekolah yang berada di tengah kota sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat; (d) mutu proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari realisasi bentuk kegiatan melalui perencanaan pembelajaran dengan menyusun RPP setiap mata pelajaran, kemudian pelaksanaan pembelajaran, yang meliputi strategi dan metode yang digunakan guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Carlos Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Luis Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Ruth Barba

La presente investigación, analiza los conceptos más importantes del pensamiento Crítico, así como su importancia y utilidad en los procesos de formación profesional a nivel de Posgrado. Se hace un análisis detallado de los conceptos más ampliamente aceptado y de los factores inmersos en el desarrollo y aplicación de este tipo de pensamiento. Finalmente se propone un modelo que engloba los conceptos y factores analizados y como se interrelacionan entre ellos; el objetivo final es brindar a los docentes y directivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior, una herramienta que posibilite la inclusión de este tipo de pensamiento en sus procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje con el fin último de mejorar la calidad de los procesos de formación. Palabras Clave: Pensamiento Crítico, Educación Superior, Educación ABSTRACT This research analyzes the most important concepts of critical thinking as well as their importance and usefulness for the educational processes at graduate level. A detailed analysis of the most widely accepted concepts and factors involved in the development and application of this kind of thinking has been made. Finally, a model that includes the concepts and analyzed factors and their interrelations is proposed; the ultimate goal is to provide teachers and directors of Institutions in Higher Education, a tool that enables the inclusion of this type of thinking in their teaching and learning processes with the ultimate intention of improving the quality of the training processes. Keywords: Critical thinking, Higher Education, Education Recibido: mayo de 2016Aprobado: septiembre de 2016

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Indrayanto Indrayanto ◽  
Smyshlyaeva Larisa Germanovna

AbstractThe problem of Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia is becoming increasingly complex, this is reflected in the large number of formal education graduates from various levels who are not absorbed in the world of work. Many factors cause this to happen, including the mismatch between HR competencies and the labor market, the growth of the workforce is greater than the availability of available employment and population distribution between regions is not evenly distributed. If you look at the achievements of Indonesian tertiary education graduates, many of Indonesian tertiary education graduates are slow to get jobs, this shows that there is a broken link between higher education and the world of work. Higher education has not been able to produce graduates with high selling prices armed with the knowledge they have learned even though in general higher education graduates have greater employment opportunities than high school or lower level graduates. Many realities on the ground show that the quality of Indonesian people as a potential resource still does not meet expectations. This happens because of the low quality of education in Indonesia. By fulfilling good educational needs, the students will get benefits and can improve the quality of life of the knowledge they have, so that after completing their education, they can get decent jobs or create quality jobs. Indonesia's education world must start to build links with the world of work, so that the world of work responds to graduates produced in accordance with what the world of work wants; this paradigm must be understood and built by the Indonesian government. Education transformation is needed so that education is able to produce reliable and resilient human resources; education and educators must be improved. 

Telos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 754-775 ◽  
Michel Valdés Montecinos

Year after year the number of students in higher education increases worldwide, and particularly in the virtual mode. In the face of this reality, a series of phenomena combine that have driven university institutions to reinvent themselves. The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of globalization and internationalization on the curriculum of university education, with particular emphasis on Latin American virtual education. The methodology used is the review of both literature specialized in the subject and official documents of the agencies involved. The results reveal that: 1) multilateral agencies have been made efforts to establish two-way academic partnership and cooperation agreements, on the one hand, to promote the mobility of students and teachers, as well as the realization of joint projects; on the other hand, to promote the processes of quality control and internationalization of the curriculum. 2) Regarding virtual education in the region, the need to ensure and demonstrate the quality of its programs has been set, with the Latin American and Caribbean Institute of Quality in Distance Higher Education (CALED) being one of the main references regarding guidelines and instruments for evaluation and advice to universities on quality assessment and accreditation processes. It is concluded that the internationalization of the curriculum in virtual university education in Latin America faces the challenge of taking the step towards comprehensive internationalization, that is, the one that comprehensively impacts the curriculum from a conceptual and cultural structure including interdisciplinary studies and multiculturalism.

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