2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Rusdin Rusdin ◽  
Zainal Abidin

Extensive cocoa plantations in Southeast Sulawesi at 2013 were approximately 245 624 ha, which consists of 177 996 ha of productive plants, 38.970 ha and 28.658 ha unproductive unproductive plants. Cocoa productivity in Southeast Sulawesi as a whole is 0.754 t/ha. The low productivity of cocoa was due to several factors, namely: the use of random seed, still high PBK pest attack, low levels of cultivation technology, as well as the age old cocoa plants. The study was conducted in March - June 2014 Andomesinggu village, district. Besulutu, Konawe. The study results showed that the average productivity of the cocoa plant side grafting 2-3 years amounted to 380 kg/ha, profit of Rp. 7.160.900, -. with the value of RC ratio  of 4.22, meaning farming in the district Konawe economically feasible to be developed. Variables land area is very significant in improving cocoa production and is positive. Similarly, production factors KCl fertilizer, organic fertilizer real berpengatuh to increase cocoa production. While the factors of production of NPK fertilizer, Urea, ZA and pesticides did not significantly decline in production (negative values).

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Listiasari, Jajat Sudrajat, Adi Suyatno

ABSTRACT This study was aimed to determine the effect of the use of production factors rainfed lowland rice farming in Serindang, Tebas, Sambas regency. The method used in this study was a survey method. The location of research was purposively selected in the Serindang, Sambas by considering of farming was the central high produced of rice and it was the main income for the farmers. The primary data was collected by simple random sampling while secondary data was collected from Central Bureau Statistic (BPS) and Village Chief Office. The numbers of respondents were 37 farmers from 730 populations of rainfed rice farmers. The variables examined in this study covered a land area, number of seeds, Urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, the amount of herbicides, insecticides, and the non-family workers. The analysis of production factors use in Serindang was Regression Test Cobb-Douglas function. The results of the analysis showed that the factors of production land area were significantly affect production, while the factors of production of seed, urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides and non family workers were not significantly affect production. It was influenced by the use of local seed that was not responding toward fertilizing and erroneously rainfall affected uncontrolled irrigation that was influencing the rice growth. Keywords: Factors of production, rice, rainfed lowland

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-87
Purry Nur Hasanah ◽  
Mahananto ◽  
Agung Prasetyo

The purpose of this research were to determine the amount of production costs and income obtained from the cultivation of curly red chilli, knowing the factors of production that affect the production of curly red chilli, and to Determine an efficient use of production factors in curly red chilli farming in  the Prawoto Sari Farmer Group Krajan Backwood, Munding Village, Bergas District, Semarang Regency. The method of determining the location of research using purposive or intentional methods. The sampling technique used was Random Sampling. The results showed that the average total cost incurred by farmers per farm is Rp. 10,658,731.33 or Rp. 85,269,850.64 per hectare. The average income received by farmers per farm is Rp. 11,437,101.67 or Rp. 91,496,813.36 per hectare. Based on the F test all independent variables together have a very significant effect on curly red chilli production. Based on the t test the factors of production that significantly affect production are NPK fertilizer, liquid organic fertilizer Gro-mate Ls and rotraz 200 ec insecticide. The use of production factors in curly red chilli farming has not yet reached the maximum efficient level. Inefficient factors are manure, NPK fertilizer, POC, rotraz 200 ec insecticide and mulch so that its use needs to be added. While the inefficient factor is labor, dupont lannate 25 wp insecticide and stakes, so that its use does not need to be increased or reduced.


Identification of Factors Affecting Asparagus Farmer’s Income (Case On Kelompok Tani Mertanadi at Pelaga Village, Badung Regency)Asparagus is one of the horticultural products that has high sales value. MertanadiVegetables Farmer group is a group of farmers who produce asparagus in Bali. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the factors of production that have an impacton farmer’s income. Data collection for this study was conducted from May to June2016 with accidental sampling method. PLS path modeling is used to analyze theinfluence of production factors on income. Results showed some of the factors ofproduction such as chicken manure, cow manure, NPK fertilizer, and urea fertilizerhas effect on revenue. All factors of production are reflected through latent variablesfertilizers and chemicals, with t-statistics value of 5.625 at 5% significance level andalso with f2 value of 0.552 in the model. Other factors of production used as anindicator obtained did not have a significant effect on revenue. Suggestion can begiven based on this research to farmers is to optimize the use of fertilizers and drugsin the production process by taking into account the costs required. Government isexpected to support the farmers with price support policies. Further research isexpected to do research with indicators relating to cost with more indicators and alarger sample.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-199
Azka Fadlli ◽  
Prasetyo Ari Bowo

Harvest area and production of cassava in Pati Regency at 2014 are enhancement, but productivity of cassava has decrease.The purpose of this study to determine the technical efficiency, price efficiency and the economic efficiency of the use of factors of production in cassava farming in Pati regency. The independent variables in this study are land area, labor, fertilizer, and seed. While the production of cassava as the dependent variable. The analytical method used is the analysis of technical efficiency, price efficiency and economic efficiency with software frontier 41c tools. The results showed that the use of factors of production in cassava farming in Pati regency yet achieved technical efficiency, price efficiency and economic efficiency. The advice can be given is the use of production factors in the cultivation of cassava in Pati regency can be combined and optimized through the addition of production factors of labor and seedlings, as well as reducing fertilizer production factor. Luas Panen dan produksi ubi kayu di Kabupaten tahun 2014 mengalami peningkatan, tetapi produktivitas ubi kayu mengalami penurunan.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efisiensi teknis, efisiensi harga dan efisiensi ekonomi penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi pada usahatani ubi kayu di Kabupaten Pati. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah luas lahan, tenaga kerja, pupuk dan bibit, sedangkan produksi ubi kayu sebagai variabel dependen. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis efisiensi teknis, efisiensi harga dan efisiensi ekonomi dengan alat bantu software frontier 41c. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi pada usahatani ubi kayu di Kabupaten Pati belum tercapai efisiensi teknis, efisiensi harga dan efisiensi ekonomi. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi pada usahatani ubi kayu di Kabupaten Pati dapat dikombinasikan dan dioptimalkan melalui penambahan faktor produksi tenaga kerja dan bibit, serta mengurangi faktor produksi pupuk.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 226
Jessica Anggraesi ◽  
Raden Hanung Ismono ◽  
Suriaty Situmorang

The objectives of this study are to analyze factors affecting production, analyze the percentage of cassava farming income contribution to household income, and analyze the differences income of sweet cassava and bitter cassava farming. This research was conducted in March to April 2018 in Seputih Banyak, Central Lampung. The to determine production factors, the study used Cobb-Douglas production function. To determine contribution of cassava farming income to household income, the study used production analysis, while to determine income of sweet cassava and bitter cassava farming, the study used Independent Sample T-Test. The number of sample for bitter and sweet cassava were 30 respondents each chosen by non-proportional random sampling. The study indicates that the factors affecting production of bitter cassava are NPK fertilizer, urea fertilizer, SP-36 fertilizer, and harvest age, while the factors that significantly influence sweet cassava are land area and NPK fertilizer. The contribution of industrial cassava farming income to household income is 75.01%, while sweet cassava income only accounts for 6.95% of total household income. There is a significant difference between the income of sweet cassava farming and bitter cassava farming.Key words: cassava, income, production

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Astrid Wijayanti ◽  
Eko Sri Wiyono ◽  
Akhmad Solihin

Pukat cincin adalah salah satu alat penangkapan ikan yang dominan digunakan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Tegalsari, Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah dan belum optimal dalam pengoperasiannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan faktor -faktor produksi, menghitung produktivitas, efisiensi, dan elastisitas faktor produksi kegiatan penangkapan purse seine. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan analisis deskriptif (grafik dan gambar) dan kuantitatif (Cobb-Dougla). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh simultan terhadap produksi hasil tangkapan purse seine adalah ukuran kapal, jumlah BBM, kegiatan penangkapan, dan lama operasi. Rata-rata produktivitas unit penangkapan purse seine tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2014 sebesar 370.877,22 kg/trip, sedangkan produktivitas unit penangkapan purse seine tahun 2013 dan 2015 berturut-turut sebesar 340.784,86 kg/trip dan 351.956,60 kg/trip. Penggunaan faktor produksi ukuran kapal dan lama operasi sudah tidak efisien yang dapat menurunkan hasil produksi, sedangkan penggunaan jumlah BBM dan kegiatan penangkapan belum efisien yang penambahannya akan menaikkan hasil produksi.Purse seine is one of the dominant fishing gear used in the Beach Fishery Harbor (PPP) Tegalsari, Tegal, Central Java and it has been not optimal in operation. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of production, calculate productivity, efficiency, and elasticity of production factors of purse seine fishing activities. The method used in this research is survey method with descriptive (graphs and pictures) and quantitative analysis (Cobb-Douglas) . The results showed production factors that influence simultaneously towards the production of purse seine catches are the size of the vessel, the amount of fuel, fishing activities, and long operation. The average productivity of purse seine fishing unit was highest in 2014 amounted to 370,877.22 kg/trip, while the productivity of purse seine fishing unit in 2013 and 2015 respectively amounted to 340,784.86 kg/trip and 351,956.60 kg/trip. The use of production factors and the old ship size are already inefficient that can reduce yield, while the use of the amount of fuel and fishing activities are not efficient yet that the addition will increase production output.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-124
Rosmalina Sinaga ◽  
Rosmaria Girsang

The research aims to know the effect of factors of production on the production of lettuce farming, to determine the level of technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of the use of production factors of lettuce farming and to determine the level of profit that can result from lettuce farming. The reason for choosing the area was because the majority of the population were cultivating lettuce plants. The results showed that: the influence of production inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labour and land area) significantly influence the production of lettuce farming. The level of efficiency in the use of production factors (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labour and equipment) has not been technical, price, and economically efficient. Net income per farmer amounted to Rp. 2,608,062.,63, per month amounted to Rp. 869,354. 21 when compared to the UMK of Rp. 2,829,558, the income of lettuce farming in the study area was relatively low.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-44
La Ode Muhammad Mustari

Abstract   The problem statement in this research is: Whether the factors of production (land area and seeds) affect the income of shallot farming in Lapandewa Kaindea, Lapandewa sub-district, South Buton Regency? The purpose of this study was to determine whether the factors of production (Land area and seeds) affect the income of onion farming in Lapandewa Kaindea Village, Lapandewa Sub-district, South Buton Regency. The Population of this study is the onion farmers in Lapandewa Kaindea Village, Lapandewa sub-district, South Buton Regency. The researcher’s sample took was 32 farmers. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires and analyzed using income analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that farmers in Lapandewa Kaindea Village, Lapandewa District, South Buton Regency, were the factors of production in the form of costs (labor, seeds, and fertilizer) that significantly affected the red onion farming income. With an R2 value of 0.981. This means that the factors of production in the form of (labor, seeds, and fertilizer) have an effect of 98.10% only, the rest is influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. Recommendations on the part of the government are expected to give more attention to farmers, both in the form of handling fertilizer prices, fertilizer, and fake fertilizer distribution.   Keywords: Effect of production factors, revenue, onion

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  

Herlina, Analysis Of Efficiency Use Of Production Factors Of Rice Farming In Tidal Swamp Land Sungai Kakap Village, Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency, under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Erlinda Yurisinthae, MP as the First Supervisor and Ir. Sutarman Gafur, M.Sc, Ph.D as the Second Supervisor. This research objectives to analyze the effect of production factors are land area, number of seeds, Urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, KCl fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides  and manpower to rice production and to analyze efficiency of production factors to the rice farming in tidal swamp land Sungai Kakap Village, Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency. The analytical method used in this research is survey method. The location was chosen intentionally in Sungai Kakap Village, Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency becouse this area is the center of producing rice in the Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, which consist of four orchards are Nirwana, Merpati, Merak, dan Garuda. The research sample of 35 farmers. This research used the data analysis with the Cobb Douglass Production Function and Efficiency.The result showed that factors are land area, NPK fertilizer, KCl fertilizer, herbicides and manpower partially significantly influence the production in the rice farming activities while the number of seeds, Urea fertilizer, insecticides and fungicides partially does not significantly affect the production in the rice farming. The  use of production factors in the rice farming in Tidal Swamp Land Sungai Kakap Village, Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency in the form of land area, NPK fertilizer, KCl fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides are not efficient while number of seeds, Urea fertilizer and manpower are inefficient.Keywords: Rice, Farming, Efficiency, Cobb Douglass

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Juliana R. Mandei ◽  
Christy P. Tuwongkesong

The study aims to determine the efficiency of use of factors of production in Broccoli farming. Research carried out on all Broccoli farmers in Kakaskasen Village. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with a model of Cobb-Douglas production function. The results showed that the uses of factors of production (land, seed, fertilizer and labor) have given a significant effect simultantly on the production of broccoli in Kakaskasen Village. Technically, the use of production factors of seed, fertilizer, NPK fertilizer and labor is efficient, while the use production factor of land is not efficient yet and Urea fertilizer production factor is not efficient. Economically, the use of production factors of land, seed, fertilizer, NPK fertilizer and labor have not been efficient yet, while the use of factors of production of urea is not efficient.

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