2019 ◽  
pp. 31-34

EXPERIMENTO DE LIBERACIÓN ISOTÓPICA MARCADA (LR) Y LA BÚSQUEDA DE VIDA EN MARTE LABELED RELEASE EXPERIMENT (LR) AND THE SEARCH FOR LIFE ON MARS Julio E. Valdivia-Silva, Paola Medina, Aura Palma, Bertha Torres, Rafael Navarro-González DOI: RESUMEN Las misiones Vikingo en los 70’s mostraron que el suelo marciano presentaba tres características importantes: ausencia de vida, ausencia de material orgánico, y presencia de uno o varios oxidantes altamente reactivos. Esta conclusión fue realizada gracias a cuatro experimentos que iban a bordo, uno de los cuales se denominó Liberación Isotópica Marcada (LR). En este experimento la liberación de CO2 fue monitoreada luego de la adición de nutrientes marcados isotópicamente con Carbono-14 a muestras del suelo marciano. El presente trabajo resume los resultados de este experimento encontrados por la sonda Vikingo y compara los resultados con otros realizados en suelos terrestres análogos a Marte. Palabras clave: Misión Vikingo, Búsqueda de vida en Marte, Astrobiología, Experimento de Liberación Marcada. ABSTRACT The Viking mission at the 70’s showed the Martian soil to have three important characteristics: absence of life, absence of organic material and the presence of one or more highly reactive oxidants. This conclusion was made due to four experiments on board of Viking spacecraft, one of whom was named Labeled Release Experiment (LR). In this experiment gas evolution was monitored after the addition of nutrients 14C-labeled to Martian soils. The present work summarizes the results found by the Viking and compares these data with others made in terrestrial Mars-like soils. Keywords: Viking mission, Search of Life on Mars, Astrobiology, Labeled Release Experiment.

2007 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-108 ◽  
Gilbert V. Levin

Abstract30 years after the Viking Mission landed on Mars (20 July 1976) to search for life, despite the positive findings of the Labelled Release (LR) experiment, the issue remains unresolved. The controversial history, following the immediate dismissal of the LR’s evidence for microbial activity in the Martian soil, and the later claim to its having found living microorganisms are reviewed. The bearing of post-Viking-to-current data on the issue is discussed in the context of the scientific community’s growing interest in the long-dismissed possibility of microbial life on Mars. Objections raised over the years to the biological interpretation of the Mars LR, those currently maintained, and their rebuttals are reviewed. A case is presented that enough evidence now exists for an objective review by astrobiologists to resolve this key issue, a review, surprisingly, not yet held. The results could greatly influence NASA’s currently shifting plans for Mars exploration. A variation of the LR experiment to test for chiral specificity in the metabolism of substrates by the active agent found in the Martian soil, and thus having the capability of obtaining an unambiguous answer to the life question, is proposed. Confirmation of life on Mars by this experiment can also determine whether Martian and Earth life forms share a common heritage. Together with mounting evidence for the viable transfer of microorganisms between the two planets, this would be evidence for panspermia, and establish the presence of a common biosphere in which the two planets participate. Should Martian microorganisms show a different chiral specificity than that of Earth life then this would indicate separate origins of the two neighbouring life forms, thereby strongly implying that life occurs widely throughout the cosmos. Any one of these possible outcomes would be a paradigm-breaking event.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  
Gabriel Loza

<p>El autor sostiene que, a diferencia de lo que postula el Modelo de Economía Plural, el proceso de avance en la realidad boliviana es desigual, dado que, por una parte, se ha centrado en la nacionalización y en las empresas públicas, y, por otra, se asienta en la forma de organización cooperativa en el sector minero y en el sector informal de la economía, relegando la economía solidaria, en un contexto con alta desprotección social, informal y capitalista. No se observan avances en un socialismo comunitario, puesto que el peso y la importancia de la comunidad campesina se ha mantenido relativamente igual con relación a los gobiernos anteriores, salvo la economía campesina de la coca, basada en pequeños propietarios y escasa tradición comunitaria.</p><p>Palabras clave: Economía Social Solidaria, Economía Plural, Nacionalismo, Empresas Públicas</p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>The Bolivian experience and the community and cooperative organization within the framework of the plural economy</em></p><p><em>The author argues that, unlike what postulated Model Plural Economy, the process advance in the Bolivian reality is uneven, since on the one hand, has focused on nationalization and public enterprises, and, on another, sits in the form of cooperative organization in the mining sector and the informal sector of the economy, relegating the solidarity economy, in a context with high social, informal and capitalist vulnerability. No progress has been made in a community socialism, since the weight and importance of the peasant community has remained relatively unchanged compared to previous governments, except the peasant coca economy based on small landowners and little community tradition.<br /></em></p><p><em>Keywords: Social Solidarity Economy, Plural Economy, Nationalization and Public Companies</em></p>

Annarita Teodosio

Abstract: The relationship between Le Corbusier and the visual arts (drawing, photography and cinema) is deep and complex and, although the subject of numerous publications and research since the late 60s, still arouses much interest, as evidenced by the many events organized in the last years - "Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer ", Maison La Roche, Paris, 2012; "Construire the image: Le Corbusier et la Photographie", Musée des Beaux-Arts, the Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; or the recent "Le Corbusier and photography", IUAV, Venice, May 2015-. The paper, starting out from the researches already developed, proposes a further reflection on the relationship between the Swiss architect and the photography, paying particular interest to the shooting made in first person. The study analyzes the different approaches and the different subjects photographed in the course of his life and it is proposed to include the work of Le Corbusier in the broader cultural context of the twentieth century, a period in which the relationship between architecture and visual communication, thanks to the many possibilities offered by technological innovations, it becomes increasingly close and inevitable. Resumen: La relación entre Le Corbusier y las artes visuales (dibujo, fotografía y cine) es profunda y articulada y, aunque es objeto de numerosas publicaciones y investigaciónes desde el finales de los años 60es, todavía despierta mucho interés, como lo demuestran los diversos eventos realizados en los últimos años - “Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer”, Maison La Roche, Parìs, 2012; “Construire l’image: Le Corbusier et la photographie”, Musée des Beaux-Arts, la Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; o la más reciente “Le Corbusier e la fotografia”, IUAV , Venezia, mayo 2015-. El articulo, a partir desde investigación ya desarrollado, propone una reflexión más sobre la relación entre el arquitecto suizo y la fotografía, prestando especial interés a las realizata en primera persona. El estudio analiza los diferentes enfoques y diferentes sujetos fotografiados en el curso de su vida y se propone de insertar la obra de Le Corbusier en el contexto cultural más amplio del siglo XX, un período en el que la relación entre la arquitectura y la comunicación visual, gracias a las muchas posibilidades que ofrecen las innovaciones tecnológicas, se vuelve cada vez más estrecha e inevitable.  Keywords: Le Corbusier; photography; representation of architecture. Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; fotografia; representaciones de la arquitectura. DOI:

Franca Bellarsi

Key words: European ecocriticism, Canadian ecological identity, federation, European nature, European identity, diversity, fragmentation, bioregional network, eco-comparatist, multilingual ecocriticism European ecocriticism is distinguished from ‘ecocriticism made in USA’ by geo-physical fragmentation, the absence of shared encounters of the human with the non-human, and linguistic and political heterogeneity. There is no unitary continental consciousness. However, linguistic and cultural diversity can be an asset rather than a disadvantage, if it is allowed to steer European ecocriticism in a new direction. The European terrain invites ecocritics to become multilingual eco-comparatists, paying special attention to how linguistic representation aids and hampers environmental consciousness.  Palabras clave: eco crítica europea, identidad ecológica canadiense, federación, naturaleza europea, identidad europea, diversidad, fragmentación, red bioregional, eco-comparatista, eco crítica multilingüe. La ecocrítica europea se distingue de la ecocrítica ‘made in USA’ por la fragmentación geofísica, la ausencia de encuentros compartidos de lo humano con lo no-humano y por la heterogeneidad lingüística y política. No hay una conciencia continental unitaria. Sin embargo, la diversidad cultural y lingüística puede ser una ventaja más que una desventaja si se la permite dirigir la ecocrítica europea en una nueva dirección. El terreno europeo invita a los ecocríticos a convertirse en eco-comparatistas multilingües, prestando especial atención a cómo la representación lingüística ayuda y obstaculiza a la conciencia medioambiental.

Miguel Angel De la Cova Morillo

Resumen: El “mouleur” Charles Lasnon representa la convivencia que durante el primer tercio del siglo XX se dará entre las Artes y Oficios y las nuevas técnicas de representación vinculadas a la fotografía. Lasnon realizará para Le Corbusier una serie de maquetas que presentarán sus propuestas a escala doméstica y urbana, primera aproximación a una expresión tridimensional de sus teorías: los modelos 1:20 de los Salones de Otoño en 1922 y 1923, a camino entre el objet-type y la escultura de vanguardia, y las del “Urbanisme á trois dimensions” del Plan Obus y Nemours. Las maquetas de las Villas se establecerán como “manifiestos estéticos y arquitectónicos”. En ellas se ensayarán principios teóricos plásticos, previos incluso a una idea de construcción, indagaciones que abren la puerta a transferencias entre la representación a escala realizada en yeso y la arquitectura a realizar. Por otra parte, la vinculación de Lasnon con el Service Geographique de l’Armée le familiarizará con las nuevas técnicas de representación del territorio. Así, realizará los Carte-Relief de Argel coetáneamente a la ejecución de las maquetas de las propuestas urbanas argelinas de Le Corbusier, garantes no sólo del rigor geométrico de sus postulados: quedan en ellas registradas el paisaje original, cuya topografía se modela y manipula como si de un trabajo plástico se tratara. Utopías en busca de un lugar imaginado sobre un trozo de yeso. Abstract: Charles Lasnon, "mouleur",represents the coexistence between the Arts and Crafts and the new rendering techniques related to photography that took place in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Commissioned by Le Corbusier, Lasnon made in those years several models that represent his new proposals at a domestic and urban scale. That was the first approach to a three-dimensional expression of his theories –the scale models of 1:20 from "Salon d'Automne" in 1922 and 1923, which were halfway between objet-types and avant-garde sculptures, and the theories of "L'Urbanisme à trois dimensions" from Plan Obus and Nemours. The scale-models of "Villas" were established as “aesthetic and architectural manifestos”. They were used to test theoretical and plastic principles, formulated before the idea of construction. These tests resulted in "transfers" between plaster-craft scale models and the architecture to be built. Additionally, the links between Lasnon and the “Service Geographique de l’Armée” enabled him to be familiar with new techniques to represent landscape. Thus, Lasnon made the Carte-Reliefs d'Argel at the same time as Le Corbusier made the models for the urban proposals in Alger. These models not only guarantee the geometrical accuracy of his proposals, but also capture an original landscape whose topography is modeled as if it was a plastic craftwork. Utopias seeking an imaginary place on a plaster slice.  Palabras clave: maqueta; moulage; Charles Lasnon; urbanismo; plan-relief; Salón de Otoño. Keywords: model; "moulage", Charles Lasnon; urbanism; plan-relief; Salon d'Automne. DOI:

2018 ◽  
pp. 367-421

Abstract.-This article attempts to demonstrate that the work of Piero Sraffa –especially Production of commodities by means of commodities-is the greatest revolution in economic analysis. The novelties introduced by the Italian economist, against all classical and marginalist traditions, such as considering the surplus of reproducible goods as the object of the economy, the intersectoral relations between goods and services on the one hand and processes on the other, the prices formed as a margin on costs, reduction of capital to dated work, the selection of techniques and the considerations about of the joint production support the above statements. To this we can add other more questionable or more or less significant as the standard system, its theory of fixed capital, the considerations on land and mines, the differentiation between basic and non-basic goods. Some of these analyzes have precedents or are contemporaries (physiocracy, Ricardo, Leontief), but the whole of them supposes this revolution made in the economic analysis and supposes for this the ideal model to be candidate to base any economic analysis worthy of such name. Keywords: Sraffa, economic analysis, theoritical revolution Resumen.-En este artículo se intenta demostrar que la obra de Piero Sraffa –en especial Producción de mercancías por medio de mercancías- supone la mayor revolución del análisis económico. Las novedades introducidas por el economista italiano contra toda tradición clásica y marginalista tales como considerar el excedente de los bienes reproducibles como objeto de la economía, las relaciones intersectoriales entre bienes y servicios por un lado y procesos por otro, los precios formados como un margen sobre los costes, la reducción del capital a trabajo fechado, la elección de las técnicas y las consideraciones sobre la producción conjunta avalan las afirmaciones anteriores. A ello le añadimos otras más discutibles o más o menos significativas como el sistema patrón, su teoría del capital fijo, las consideraciones sobre la tierra y las minas, la diferenciación entre bienes básicos y no básicos. Algunos de estos análisis tienen precedentes o son coetáneos (fisiocracia, Ricardo, Leontief), pero el conjunto de ellos supone esa revolución que hace del análisis económico de Sraffa como el modelo idóneo para ser candidato a fundamentar cualquier análisis económico digno de tal nombre. Palabras clave: Sraffa, análisis económico, revolución teórica

J. Carlos Díez Fernández-Lomana ◽  
Antonio J. Romero

RESUMEN El consumo de miembros de la misma especie acontece en numerosos organismos y debió ser practicado por los humanos durante la Prehistoria, aunque su reconocimiento arqueológico es difícil. En muchas ocasiones podemos demostrar la intervención sobre los cuerpos, pero no si hubo ingesta de la carne. Tampoco es sencillo saber las causas concretas de cada acción de canibalismo, debido a que las evidencias halladas suelen ser magras y pueden interpretarse bajo diferentes hipótesis (equifinalidad). Hemos avanzado mucho en la caracterización de las señales dejadas por el empleo de armas y cuchillos sobre los cuerpos, pero nuestra complejidad cultural produce dificultades para definir las motivaciones de los comportamientos pretéritos. Trataremos de actualizar las evidencias que poseemos sobre antropofagia en el registro arqueológico, en particular para los períodos más antiguos y para el ámbito ibérico, tratando de plantear posibles motivos en cada caso y ver si hay patrones o tendencias a nivel de especie, época, sistema económico o creencias. Los casos documentados parecen avalar un canibalismo de tipo gastronómico entre los cazadores-recolectores simples, al que se le reviste de ritualidad entre los cazadores complejos. De todas formas, desde sus primeras manifestaciones en Atapuerca TD6, apreciamos una clara consciencia en la identificación y distinción de los seres humanos respecto a otras presas por parte de los homininos. Nada parece indicarnos territorialidad o violencia reiterada durante el Paleolítico. Las redes de intercambio y la reciprocidad debieron amortiguar los conflictos en épocas de escasez o en procesos de fisión-fusión de los grupos.   PALABRAS CLAVE: canibalismo, violencia, sociedad humana, tafonomía, Pleistoceno   ABSTRACT Consumption of members of the same species occurs in many organisms and it must have been practiced by humans during Prehistory, although archaeological evidence for this is scant. It is often possible to show interventions on the bodies, but we cannot prove meat ingestion. Neither is it easy to demonstrate the specific causes of each act of cannibalism. The evidence can be interpreted in terms of several hypotheses (equifinality). Progress has been made in characterizing knives and tool marks on bodies, but our cultural complexity produces difficulties in defining the motivations of behaviors. We will try to provide an update regarding the evidence of anthropophagy in the archaeological record, particularly for the most ancient periods and the Iberian area. We will try to outline reasons in each case and check for patterns regarding species, period, economic system and beliefs. Documented cases seem to show a gastronomic cannibalism between simple hunters-gatherers and a “ritualization” of this for complex hunters-gatherers. In any case, since its first appearance at the Atapuerca TD6 site, we note a clear conscience among hominine groups in terms of the identification and distinctiveness of humans by comparison to other animals. Nothing suggests territoriality or repeated violence during the Palaeolithic. Sharing of resources and reciprocity must have decreased conflicts in times of shortage or fusion/fission processes of groups.   KEY WORDS: cannibalism, violence, human society, taphonomy, Pleistocene

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 633-661
Betina Aymone ◽  
Isadora Marcon Medina

RESUMO O estudo intencionou investigar os marcadores de gênero presentes nos processos de socialização de crianças entre seis e sete anos de idade, estudantes do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, e seu reflexo no ambiente escolar. Para tal, foram realizadas quatro observações não participantes em duas escolas de ensino público do Município de Porto Alegre (RS). Observou-se a interação entre os estudantes entre si e com seus professores, além de seus comportamentos e atividades no cotidiano escolar. A análise dos dados sugere a presença de marcadores de gênero, estruturados em uma lógica binária, que se materializam na forma como meninos e meninas brincam, se apresentam e se expressam, além do papel mediador da instituição escolar nesse contexto. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educação. Gênero. Relações Infantis   RESUMEN El estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar los marcadores de género presentes en los procesos de socialización de infantes de seis y siete años, estudiantes de primer año de la enseñanza básica, y su reflejo en el ámbito escolar. Se realizaron cuatro observaciones no participantes en dos escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Porto Alegre (RS). Se observó la interacción de estudiantes entre si y con sus profesores, además de sus comportamientos y actividades en la rutina escolar. El análisis de los datos sugiere la presencia de marcadores de género, estructurados en una lógica binaria, que se manifiesta en la forma como niños y niñas juegan, se presentan y expresan, además del rol mediador de la institución escolar en este contexto. PALABRAS-CLAVE: Educación. Género. Relaciones entre niños   ABSTRACT The study aimed to investigate the gender markers present in the socialization processes of children between six and seven years old, students of the first year of elementary school, and their reflection in the school environment. To this end, four non-participating observations were made in two public schools in the city of Porto Alegre (RS). The interaction between the students among themselves and with their teachers, as well as their behaviors and activities in the school routine were observed. The analysis of the data suggests the presence of gender markers, structured in a binary logic, that is manifested in the way boys and girls play, present and express themselves, in addition to the mediating role of the school institution in this context. KEYWORDS: Education. Gender. Child Relations

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 161-183
Edinael Pinheiro Da Silva ◽  
Geovani Goncalves Farias ◽  
Odair José Aragão Alves

Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e analisar de que maneira as políticas públicas permeiam o cotidiano dos ribeirinhos da Comunidade Menino Deus, bem como, indicar a relação existente entre ela e o modo de vida desses sujeitos. Desse modo, verificamos que as políticas públicas aplicadas nessa Comunidade são desarticuladas uma das outras, onde os órgãos responsáveis, não planejam e nem formulam suas ações de forma conjunta, muito menos garantem a participação desses sujeitos nos processos de elaboração e decisões das políticas públicas. Portanto, a análise desse processo deu-se por meio de observações realizadas na referida Comunidade, onde foi possível apreender os reflexos de tais políticas no modo de vida. Utilizou-se de aplicação de questionários e entrevistas com os moradores de Menino Deus, bem como, alguns instrumentos de pesquisa como fotos do espaço estudado e, posteriormente, a análise dos dados que são apresentados no corpo deste trabalho, facilitando o entendimento e a interpretação dos resultados. Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas; Modo de Vida Ribeirinho; Comunidade.   THE PUBLIC POLITICIES AND THEIR REFLEXES IN THE WAY OF LIFE OF THE RIVERSIDE DWELLERS IN THE MENINO DEUS COMMUNITY IN PORTEL (PA) Abstract The aim of this work is to identify and analyze how these public politicies permeat the daily lives of the Riverside dwellers from the Menino Deus Community, as well as explain the relationship that exixts between it and the way of living of those people. Even though, we have noticed  that the public politicies that were applied in that Community are disjointed fron the others, where the responsible bodies don’t plan, nor formulate their actions jointly and much less guarantee the participation of those individuals in the process of elaborations and decisions of the public politicies. Therefore, the analysis of that process was through observations made in the referred Community, where it was possible to learn the reflexes of such politicies in their way of living. It was used the application of a questionnaire and interviews with Menino Deus’ residentes, as well as, some research tools as pictures of the studied space and subsequentlyr, the analysis of the data that are presented in the body of this work, facilitates the understanding and the interpretation of the results. Word-keys: Public Politicies; Riverside dwellers; Way of Life; Community.   LAS POLITICAS PUBLICAS Y SUS REPERCUSION EN EL MODO DE VIDA RIBEREÑOS EN LA COMUNIDAD MENINO DEUS EM PORTEL (PA) Resumen Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar de qué manera las políticas públicas permean lo cotidiano de los ribereños de la Comunidad Menino Deus, bien como indicar la relación existente entre ella y el modo de vida de los comunarios. De ese modo, se verifico que las políticas públicas aplicadas en esa comunidad son desarticuladas unas con las otras donde los órganos responsables no planean ni formulan sus acciones de forma conjunta y mucho menos garanten la participación de los comunarios en los procesos de elaboración y decisiones de las políticas públicas. Por tanto, el análisis de ese proceso se dio por medio de observaciones realizadas en la mencionada comunidad, donde fue posible aprender los reflejos de tales políticas en el modo de vida. Se utilizaron aplicaciones de entrevistas con los moradores de Menino Deus, así como algunos instrumentos de investigación como fotos del espacio estudiado, y posteriormente el análisis de los datos que son presentados en el cuerpo de este trabajo, facilitando el entendimiento y la interpretación de los resultados.  Palabras clave: Políticas Públicas, Modo de Vida Ribereño, Comunidad.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-225 ◽  
Rocco L. Mancinelli ◽  
Amos Banin

Nitrogen is an essential element for life. Specifically, fixed nitrogen (i.e. NH3, NH4+, NOx or N that is chemically bound to either inorganic or organic molecules and can be released by hydrolysis to form NH3 or NH4+) is useful to living organisms. Nitrogen on present-day Mars has been analysed only in the atmosphere. The inventory is a small fraction of the amount of nitrogen presumed to have been received by the planet during its accretion. Where is the missing nitrogen? Answering this question is crucial for understanding the probability of the origin and evolution of life on Mars, and for its future astrobiological exploration. The two main processes that could have removed nitrogen from the atmosphere include: (1) non-thermal escape of N atoms to space and (2) burial within the regolith as nitrates and ammonium salts. Nitrate would probably be stable in the highly oxidized surface soil of Mars and could have served as an NO3− sink. Such accumulations are observed in certain desert environments on Earth. Some NH4+ nitrogen may also be fixed and stabilized in the soil by inclusion as a structural cation in the crystal lattices of certain phyllosilicates replacing K+. Analysis of the Martian soil for traces of NO3− and NH4+ during future missions will provide important information regarding the nitrogen abundance on Mars. We hypothesize that Mars soil, as typical of extremely dry desert soils on Earth, is likely to contain at least some of the missing nitrogen as nitrate salts and some fixed ammonium bound to aluminosilicate minerals.

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