scholarly journals Pengaruh Sikap dan Self Eficacy terhadap Niat untuk Menyusui pada Ibu Hamil

2020 ◽  
pp. 39-45
Linda Hardianti Saputri ◽  
Andi Tenri Abeng ◽  
Nia Karuniawati

Menyusui adalah proses alamiah yang keberhasilannya tidak diperlukan alat khusus dan biaya yang mahal, namun membutuhkan kesabaran, waktu dan pengetahuan tentang menyusui serta dukungan dari keluarga terutama suami.  Cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif ditingkatkan dengan merancang intervensi yang efektif. Inisiatif yang dapat mendorong penyediaan kualitas dukungan untuk ibu menyusui. Rekomendasi yang dilakukan berupa program ASI eksklusif, yaitu memberikan ASI saja sejak bayi lahir sampai usia 6 bulan, kemudian dilanjutkan sampai usia 2 tahun dengan bantuan makanan pendamping ASI atau MP ASI.  Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh sikap dan self efficacy terhadap niat untuk menyusui pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rappokaling Kota Makassar. Design penelitisn ini adalah Cross Sectional study. Populasi dan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang kehamilannya memasuki trimester III, sebanyak 46 ibu hamil. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menguji pengaruh hubungan variabel yang diteliti dengan menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh sikap dan self efficacy terhadap niat untuk menyusui pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rappokaling Kota Makassar. Disarankan Petugas puskesmas untuk selalu memberikan dorongan kepada ibu hamil dalam berniat untuk menyusui bayinya. Ibu hamil hendaknya sering melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sehingga dapat meningkatkan keyakinan diri dalam berniat untuk menyusui.Keluarga dan orang terdekat hendaknya mendukung ibu hamil dalam berniat untuk menyusui dalam bentuk menceritakan pengalaman-pengalaman orang lain sebelumnya. Exclusive breastfeeding program, which is giving breast milk only from a baby born to the age of 6 months. This program so that babies can grow and develop normally and normally. The target of approving exclusive breastfeeding starting in 2010 is 80% of the total number of babies born, national approval approved by ASI in Indonesia fluctuates and shows a tendency to increase in the last 3 years. The purpose of the study was to prove the intention of the mother, the future conditions of childbirth, and the smoothness of the production of breast milk towards the decision of the mother to care. This research design is a cash control study. Population and study sample of breastfeeding mothers at the Makassar Rappokalling Health Center. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the effect of relationships carried out using the chi square test.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Rahmi Fitri ◽  
Nurhikmah Panjaitan

    Breast milk contains substance known as IgA for the defense system in digestive tract against infection. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and working mothers with exclusive breastfeeding in Sidomulyo, Stabat. The type of research used is a descriptive analytic survey using a cross sectional study. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with 150 as population and 30 people is involved as the research sample.  The data analysis applied chi square test to determine the relationship between two variables. The results of this study revealed that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge of exclusive breast feeding with a significant level (ɑ) = 5% (0.05) and df = 2, the result is value = 0.026 at df = 2 where sig <ɑ (0.026 < 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.  Therefore, mothers are advised to continue to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies even though they work by storing breast milk in the refrigerator.  

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Widya Juliarti ◽  
Atifa Merlin

Exclusive breastfeeding is the only breast milk given to infants without additional other liquids without solid food for six additional 6 months. Breastfed babies have a greater chance of early success exclusive breastfeeding. Based on preliminary studies in December 2015 in BPM Khairani Asnita, in the know of 20 people who gave birth to entirely successfully perform IMD but only 3-5 people who exclusively breastfed rest melanjutlan with formula. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who carry BPM Khairani Asnita IMD in Riau Province in 2015. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The population is mothers delivered in BPM Khairani Asnita and do IMD with babies aged 16-12 months amounted to 60 m people. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Bivariate data analysis with test of chi-square test. Based on the results of the univariate analysis showed that the majority of mothers breastfeed as much as 56.7% exclusive. The results of the bivariate analysis pvalue values obtained for each variable with α 0.05 is for attitude p = 0.000, husband support the value of p = 0.004, p = success IMD 0,007, maternal age the value of p = 0.031. The conclusion of this study that the attitude of the mother, husband support, the success of IMD and the mother's age is a factor that affects exclusively breastfeeding mothers do IMD in BPM Khairani Asnita Year 2015. It is expected the next BPM Khairani Asnita able to reassure patients who visit or maternity there for can give only breast milk until the child is 6 months old, as well as explaining the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies and mothers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Trivena Larengkeng ◽  
Lenny Gannika ◽  
Rina Kundre

Abstract: Nurses have a big responsibility because nurses are human service occupation that give a service to the society. Being a nurse had many job demands that potentially can be a stressor (burnout). Nurses must have disposition of certain behavior to finish it. One of disposition behavior is self efficacy. The purpose of this research is to know the Corelation between burnout and self efficacy of nurses at medical ward RSU GMIM Pancaran Kasih Manado. Design of this research used Descriptive Analytic With Cross Sectional Study approach. The sample was 61 respondent, used non random samplimg technique. The result of statistic test that used Chi-Square test in significance level was 95%, and significant score p vzlue = 0,020 < α (0,05). Conclusion that there is a corelation between burnout and self efficacy of nurses in medical ward.Keywords : Burnout, Self Efiicacy, NursesAbstrak: Perawat memiliki tanggung jawab yang tinggi karena memiliki pekerjaan yang bersifat human service atau memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, Tanggung jawab dan tuntutan pekerjaan yang banyak dapat berpotensi menjadi stressor (burnout) bagi perawat Perawat dituntut untuk memiliki disposisi perilaku tertentu agar dapat menyelesaikannya. Salah satu disposisi perilaku tersebut ialah efikasi diri (Self efficacy). Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Burnout dengan self efficacy pada perawat di ruang rawat inap RSU Gmim Pancaran Kasih Manado. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Deskriptif Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study. Sampel berjumlah 61 responden yang didapat dengan menggunakan tehnik non random sampling. Hasil penelitian uji statistik menggunakan uji Chi-square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95%, didapatkan nilai signifikan ρ Value = 0,020 < α (0,05). Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara burnout dengan self efficacy pada perawat di ruang rawat inap.Kata Kunci : Burnout, Self Efficacy, Perawat

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Fenny Anngraeny Nasution ◽  
Laras Sitoayu ◽  
Putri Ronitawati

Use cooking oil for everyday cooking very often used it makes the majority of community especially the food trade is highly dependent on cooking oil. Cooking oil serves as a conductor of heat, savory flavor enchancer, and adding value calorie fried foods. This study aimed to determine the relationships of knowledge, attitude, and use of cooking oil at taders around University Esa Unggul. This research is an analytical survey  with cross sectional Study design. The data were obtained using questionnaire. Data processing using Chi Square Test with a confidence level of 95% and α = 0,05. This study conducted in Desember 2016 till Febuary 2017. This study population all traders in Universitasy  Esa Unggul with sample 45 peoples. There is a relationship between knowledge an use of cooking oil p value 0.011 (p0.05)  and there is a relationship attitude and use of cooking oil p value 0.024 (p0.05). Keywords: attitude,  cooking oil, knowledge, trader

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (10) ◽  
pp. 1417-1421
Maíra Ribas Goulart ◽  
Julia Lima ◽  
Marcelo Ahlert ◽  
Sandra Barbiero ◽  
Daniela Schneid Schuh ◽  

AbstractIntroduction:Breast milk is nutritionally adequate and is related to the reduction of various health problems in childhood. Its offer is widely recommended in health guidelines.Objective:To estimate the prevalence and obstacles to breastfeeding in patients with CHD in southern Brazil.Methods:Cross-sectional study of patients with CHD between 2 and 18 years of age. Patients with genetic syndromes and patients whose mothers had died were excluded from the analysis. The variables on breastfeeding in the first 2 years of life were collected through a phone call to the mothers, which was conducted by trained evaluators. Prevalence was described in proportions and the continuous variables as means and standard deviation. Bivariate analyses were evaluated using a chi-square test to measure the association between the variables and the outcome.Results:A total of 351 patients with CHD were analysed. There was a predominance of males (53%) and a mean age of 9.54 ± 4.52 years. Breastfeeding up to the sixth month was present in 40% of the cases.Conclusion:The mothers of babies with CHD face great challenges to maintain the supply of breast milk, whether inherent to the practice of breastfeeding or related to CHD.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Nia Karuniawati ◽  
Andi Masnilawati ◽  
Linda Hardianti Saputri

Program ASI eksklusif, yaitu memberikan ASI saja sejak bayi lahir sampai usia 6 bulan. Program ini dimaksudkan agar bayi dapat bertumbuh dan berkembang secara sehat dan normal. Target cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif mulai tahun 2010 ditetapkan 80% dari jumlah kelahiran bayi, secara nasional cakupan pemberian ASI di Indonesia berfluktuasi dan menunjukkan kecendrungan menurun dalam 3 tahun terakhir. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuktikan pengaruh niat ibu, kondisi masa nifas, dan kelancaran produksi ASI terhadap keputusan ibu untuk menyusui. Design penelitian ini adalah cas control study. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ibu menyusui yang berada di Puskesmas Rappokalling Makassar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menguji pengaruh hubungan variabel yang diteliti dengan menggunakan uji chi square. ASI eksklusif, yaitu memberikan ASI saja sejak bayi lahir sampai usia 6 bulan. Program ini dimaksudkan agar bayi dapat bertumbuh dan berkembang secara sehat dan normal. Target cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif mulai tahun 2010 ditetapkan 80% dari jumlah kelahiran bayi, secara nasional cakupan pemberian ASI di Indonesia berfluktuasi dan menunjukkan kecendrungan menurun dalam 3 tahun terakhir. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuktikan pengaruh niat ibu, kondisi masa nifas, dan kelancaran produksi ASI terhadap keputusan ibu untuk menyusui. Design penelitian ini adalah cas control study. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ibu menyusui yang berada di Puskesmas Rappokalling Makassar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menguji pengaruh hubungan variabel yang diteliti dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Exclusive breastfeeding program, which is giving breast milk only from a baby born to the age of 6 months. This program so that babies can grow and develop normally and normally. The target of approving exclusive breastfeeding starting in 2010 is 80% of the total number of babies born, national approval approved by ASI in Indonesia fluctuates and shows a tendency to increase in the last 3 years. The purpose of the study was to prove the intention of the mother, the future conditions of childbirth, and the smoothness of the production of breast milk towards the decision of the mother to care.This research design is a cash control study. Population and study sample of breastfeeding mothers at the Makassar Rappokalling Health Center. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the effect of relationships carried out using the chi square test.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-134
Puji Lestari ◽  
Ardesy Meilizah Kurniati ◽  
Asmarani Mamun

Exclusive breasfeeding is defined as giving breast milk for infants from birth tosix months of age. The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Palembang hasnot reached national target. There aremany factors that may affect the mother in exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is mother's knowledge of breast milkand breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to examine the association of mother’s knowledge about breast milkandbreastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding in Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Palembang. This cross-sectional study was held inJuly–December 2016. The population of this studywere mothers who have baby 6–24 months age in PuskesmasKecamatan Ilir Timur II. In this study, there were 93 mothers who fulfill inclusion criteria. The data were taken fromstructural interview by using questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square statistic test using IBM SPSS Statistic22. The was no significant association of mother’s knowledge about breast milk and breastfeeding with exclusivebreastfeeding (p=0,120). The mother’s knowledge about breast milk and breastfeeding was not related with exclusivebreastfeeding in Kecamatan Ilir Timur II Kota Palembang.

Aswathy S. ◽  
Lakshmi M. K.

The study was aimed to assess the breastfeeding practices among mothers of infants in Peringara Gramapanchayat in Kerala. Study was a community based cross-sectional study among mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat using a pretested questionnaire. 142 breastfeeding mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat were studied and mothers who were not present at home during the study were excluded from the study. Study period consisted of 18 days between December 2015 and January 2016. Study variables includes type of delivery, initiation of breastfeeding, breastfeeding practices and role of ASHAs in promoting good breastfeeding practices. Statistical analysis was done using Pearson’s Chi-square test and T test. The study found that exclusive breastfeeding has been done by 68.3% of mothers. There is no practice of giving pre-lacteal feed, 95.8% of mothers have given colostrum to the new born. Statistically significant association was found between the type of delivery and time of initiation of breastfeeding (p less than 0.05). Time of initiation of breastfeeding was prolonged in case of Caesarean section. 49.3% of mothers have breastfed the baby within one hour. 55.6% of mothers were informed about importance of breastfeeding by ASHAs and only 20.4% of mothers were informed about period of exclusive breastfeeding and period of complimentary feeding by ASHAs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 440
Sri Handayani ◽  
Puteri Fannya ◽  
Putri Nazofah

<p><em>Based on data from the Indonesia Ministry of Health in 2015, In Indonesia, new professional nurses were just 2% of the total nurses. This figure was much lower than the Philippines which has reached 40% with bachelor and master level as their education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, and leadership with the performance of health personnel</em><em>. </em><em>The design of this research was analytical research with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study was all nurses and doctors who served in the internal room, children, surgery and midwifery</em><em>. </em><em>Sampling using total sampling</em><em> </em><em>by questionnaires. The data was processed by univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test</em><em>. </em><em>The result showed that 57,8% nurses had poor performance, 56,3% doctors had poor performance, 64,4% nurses had average age 26-35 years, 56,2% doctors had average age  36-45 years, 64.4% nurses have poor leadership, </em><em>and </em><em>50.0% of doctors have less good leadership</em><em>.</em><em> There is a relationship between age</em><em> and </em><em>leadership with the performance of health personnel.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Berdasarkan data kemenkes RI tahun 2015 jumlah tenaga kesehatan terbanyak yaitu perawat sebanyak 147.264 orang (45,65%). Di Indonesia, perawat profesional baru mencapai 2% dari total perawat yang ada. Angka ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Filipina yang sudah mencapai 40% dengan pendidikan strata satu dan dua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain penelitian analitik dengan Cross Sectional Study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perawat dan dokter. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Total Sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data diolah dengan analisis univariat menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 57,8% perawat memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 56,3% dokter memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 64,4% perawat memiliki umur rata-rata 26-35 tahun 64,4%, 56,2% dokter memiliki umur rata-rata 36-45 tahun, 64,4% perawat memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik, 50,0% dokter memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik. Terdapat hubungan antara umur dan kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Marc Tshilanda ◽  
Ulrick S. Kanmounye ◽  
Remy Kapongo ◽  
Michel Tshiasuma

Objectives: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death, disability, and dementia in developing countries. Our study aimed to evaluate the systemic disorders associated with mortality in patients admitted within 72 hours of the initial stroke event. Setting: The study took place at a tertiary hospital in Kinshasa. Participants: Patients admitted within 72 hours of the initial stroke event. Interventions: This cross-sectional study consisted of a retrospective review of stroke patient records from January 2016 to December 2018. The Pearson-Chi square test and odds ratios were calculated with a threshold of significance of 0.05. Main outcome measures: Mortality Results: We recruited 114 cases. The mean age was 61.8 ± 2.4 years, and the sex ratio was 1.78 in favor of men. Hypertension (76.3%), dyslipidemia (71.1%), and diabetes mellitus (58.8%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Most patients had hypoxia (85.9%), hypertension (82.4%), hyperglycemia (57.8%), and fever (28.1%). We registered thirty-two deaths (28.1%): 20 (62.5%) from the ischemic strokes, and 12 (37.5%) from hemorrhagic strokes. Systemic disorders with the worst prognosis during were arterial hypotension (OR=3.87, p >0.001), and fever (OR = 1.56, p = 0.047). Conclusion: Arterial hypotension and fever adversely affect stroke patient outcomes, and strokes are responsible for high mortality in Congo

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