scholarly journals Indonesia: ¿Una nueva meca del islamismo?

10.33177/9.6 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Julián Goldin ◽  
Joaquín Sosa

RESUMEN: Indonesia, uno de los países con mayor cantidad de población musulmana en el mundo, inició durante los primeros años del siglo XXI un proceso de democratización que se ha ido consolidando cada vez más a partir de las sucesivas elecciones que han tenido lugar en el archipiélago. Frente a las posturas que plantean que en el país está teniendo lugar una radicalización y crecimiento de los partidos islámicos e islamistas los cuales bogan por el establecimiento de la sharía como ordenamiento jurídico del Estado, el siguiente articulo pretende a través del análisis de las elecciones de 2004 y 2009 examinar cuál es el rol y la importancia de estos grupos dentro de la democracia indonesia. Palabras clave: Indonesia, Democracia, Islam, Sudeste Asiático, Elecciones ABSTRACT: Indonesia, one of the countries with the largest Muslim population in the world, began during the first years of the 21st century a process of democratization that has been increasingly consolidated by means of the successive elections that have taken place in the archipelago. In light of opinions that state that the radicalization and growth of Islamic and Islamist parties is taking place in the country, which advocate the establishment of Sharia as the legal order of the State. The following article seeks through the analysis of the elections of 2004 and 2009 to examine what is the role and importance of these groups within the Indonesian democracy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-460 ◽  
John Kerr

Presenting a large threat to irreplaceable heritage, property, cultural knowledge and cultural economies across the world, heritage and cultural property crimes offer case studies through which to consider the challenges, choices and practices that shape 21st-century policing. This article uses empirical research conducted in England & Wales, France and Italy to examine heritage and cultural property policing. It considers the threat before investigating three crucial questions. First, who is involved in this policing? Second, how are they involved in this policing? Third, why are they involved? This last question is the most important and is central to the article as it examines why, in an era of severe economic challenges for the governments in the case studies, the public sector would choose to lead policing.

2013 ◽  
pp. 277-292
Milan Mijalkovski ◽  
Veselin Konatar

The world has always been an arena where various conflicts, visible and invisible have been happening and unfortunately happen nowadays. The most frequent conflict is (was) the conflict of sovereign subjects (states), while the first decade of the 21st century was mostly marked by many asymmetrical conflicts, between a state (or states) on the one side and not sovereign terrorist subjects on the other side. Every imperilled state, as in any other conflict, has realistic prospects to successfully defend itself and win only when it is adequately informed about the aggressor which, in this particular case, implies terrorist collectivity. Guided by that knowledge, a state endeavours to develop adequate intelligence as an inseparable component of national power, whose success against aggressor, proven in practice, could be optimal, partially successful or weak (inadequate, unsuccessful etc). Accordingly, some aspects of national intelligence power and powerlessness against terrorism are considered in this work.

2016 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-71
Zeljko Bjelajac

Contemporary Islamic religious fanaticism and terrorism is increasing in spite of the opposition of the international community and the measures taken to combat trafficking. In today?s highly complex and in many ways a specific stage of development of society, there was a typical terrorist formation - the Islamic state, which has seen such a rise that has become the strongest, largest and richest terrorist organization in the world. Because of its ideology and goals, brutality and violence that implements, it generates a huge threat to regional and global security generally speaking. Until a decade ago, this kind of epilogue to the expansion of Islamic extremism and terrorism was virtually unthinkable. That is why the title of this paper is trying to suggest to all the controversy and intricacy of global Islamist trends, linking radical fundamentalism, the state in which the dominating Muslim population and the Islamic religion, and terrorism is above all a product of the strengthening of radical Islamic teachings-wahhabism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 55 (1-2) ◽  
János Weiss

In the drama titled Az Olaszliszkai the author sums up the essence of our contemporary situation in a Shakespearean paraphrase: “The country stinks”. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, a minor character utters one of the key sentences: ”Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. Considering the consequences of “rottenness”, we can also speak of stinking. But now, not “something” stinks, the country itself has a stench – the country is Hungary at the beginning of the 21st century. Szilárd Borbély searched for the possible literary presentation of this stinking country. But what makes a country stink? That is, what can the metaphor of “stinking” hint at? Reading the novel, Nincstelenek [The Dispossessed], we tend to think that the country stinks of poverty. However, we have only shifted the question: what exactly does “human deepness” mean? How can we define its centre or rather its core? If I had to answer this question, I would point out violence first of all. The dispossessed – the poor, the small and the other – are the ones being targeted and ill-treated. The country stinks of their suffering. In this sense, “dispossession” generally features the world of the dramas, and the present paper discusses Az Olaszliszkai in this context.

2009 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
W. Bentley

As the Church is moving towards its 21st century of existence, it is confronted by challenges it has never known before. This changing world demands self-reflection within the Church. It has to consider its place, identity and function, thereby giving rise to the exploration of its mission. In this article, the ecclesiology of Karl Barth is explored. By considering Barth�s understanding of the Church�s relationship with different parties such as God, other religions, those outside the Christian faith, the State and its own inner dynamics, the Church will be reminded of its missionary function in the world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 267
Deyse Luciano De Jesus Santos

Do ponto de vista da educação, pensar a sociedade do século XXI, nos remete a como a mesma se transformou ao longo dos séculos. Da antiguidade aos dias atuais, universalizações e descentracão dos sujeitos no mundo fruto das relações estabelecidas, sobretudo no campo teológico, nos leva a reflexões acerca de como estaremos num futuro próximo e incerto, reflexo das novas configurações pós-modernas. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe refletirmos o futuro da educação voltada ao reconhecimento da diversidade presente nas instituições de ensino, tomando como base a formação de professores evangélicos e o conflituoso diálogo dos mesmos, com as discussões propostas pelos componentes curriculares voltados ao diálogo no campo das humanidades. Considerando a quebra dos paradigmas modernos e o avanço do campo religioso no Brasil atual, como professores religiosos lidam com uma formação que vise atender as novas formatações da sociedade?Palavras-chave: Formação de Professores Evangélicos. Currículo. Diversidade. Teacher training, diversity and religion: curricular components and conflict zonesABSTRACTFrom the point of view of education, thinking about the society of the 21st century reminds us of how it has changed over the centuries. From the antiquity to the present day universalizations and decentralization of the subjects in the world, fruit of the relations established mainly in the theological field, leads us to reflections about how we will be in the near future and uncertain, reflecting the new postmodern configurations. Thus, the present work proposes to reflect the future of education aimed at recognizing the diversity present in educational institutions, based on the formation of evangelical religious teachers and the conflictive dialogue of them, with the discussions proposed by the curricular components aimed at dialogue in the field of humanities. Considering the breakdown of modern paradigms and the advancement of the religious field in present-day in Brazil, how do religious teachers deal with a formation aimed at attending to the new formations of society?Keywords: Formation of Evangelical Teachers. Curriculum. Diversity. Formación de profesores, diversidad y religión: componentes curriculares y zonas de conflictoRESUMENDesde el punto de vista de la educación, pensar la sociedad del siglo XXI, nos remite a cómo la misma se ha transformado a lo largo de los siglos. De la antigüedad a los días actuales universalizaciones y descentraciones de los sujetos en el mundo, fruto de las relaciones establecidas sobre todo en el campo teológico, nos lleva a reflexiones acerca de cómo estaremos en un futuro próximo e incierto, reflejo de las nuevas configuraciones postmodernas. Así, el presente trabajo propone reflejar el futuro de la educación orientada al reconocimiento de la diversidad presente en las instituciones de enseñanza, tomando como base la formación de profesores religiosos evangélicos y el conflictivo diálogo de los mismos con las discusiones propuestas por los componentes curriculares dirigidos al diálogo en el campo de las humanidades. Considerando la ruptura de los paradigmas modernos y el avance del campo religioso en el Brasil actual, ¿cómo los profesores religiosos se ocupan de una formación que apunta a atender a las nuevas formaciones de la sociedad?Palabras clave: Formación de Profesores Evangélicos. Plan de estudios. Diversidad.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (Edsus) ◽  
Anis Mashdurohatun

In essence, globalization is the best means for Muslims to introduce the culture and the teachings of Islam to all corners of the world. Islamic economic challenges including the State that in fact many Muslim population tends to use the capitalist system; In economics and politics in view of the Islamic State is not strong so it is difficult to prove that the Islamic Economic System is superior to the capitalist and socialist, and Among the experts was still disagreement on the definition Islamic Economic System. Islamic Economy Facing Future In Indonesia in the Era of Globalization needs to consider several factors, namely Mastery Technologies, Sharia-based SME Development, Keeping the Sharia Economic Excellence, namely Islamic economic system, and also the prohibition of usury.Keywords:  islamic economic, globalization, capitalism

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-257
Duílio Fabbri Júnior ◽  
Fabiano Ormaneze

Este trabalho apresenta um relato de experiência sobre o curso “Gênero, discurso e mídia: da reflexão à cobertura jornalística”, cuja primeira turma foi oferecida na Escola de Extensão da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), no segundo semestre de 2018. A proposta é oferecer elementos para uma cobertura jornalística que leve em conta a diversidade de gênero. Para isso, o corpo teórico-metodológico utilizado é a Análise de Discurso Francesa. Voltado à formação continuada, o curso tem como público-alvo jornalistas profissionais e estudantes da área, mas a experiência mostrou que pessoas com outras formações também se interessam pelo tema. O oferecimento do curso reforça o caráter essencial da formação continuada do jornalista como profissional que atua na narrativa do presente, uma vez que é necessário adquirir novos conhecimentos para entender a complexidade do mundo e ampliar percepções sobre a realidade.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalistas; Extensão universitária; Gênero; Formação continuada; Discurso.     ABSTRACT This paper presents a report about the course "Gender, discourse and media: from reflection to journalistic coverage", whose it was offered at the Extension School of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in the second half of 2018. The objective is to offer elements for journalistic to produce news about gender diversity. For this, the theoretical-methodological body used is the French Discourse Analysis. The course is aimed at professional journalists and students in the area, and people that seek continuing education out of Communication’s area. The course reinforces the essential character of the journalist's continuing education as a professional who acts in the narrative of the present, to acquire new knowledges to understand the complexity of the world and to increase perceptions about reality.   KEYWORDS: Journalists; University extension; Gender, Continuing education; Discourse.     RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta un relato de experiencia sobre el curso "Género, discurso y medios: de la reflexión a la cobertura periodística", cuya primera clase fue ofrecida en la Escuela de Extensión de la Universidad Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), en el segundo semestre de 2018. El objetivo del curso es ofrecer elementos para una cobertura periodística que tenga en cuenta la diversidad de género. Para ello, el cuerpo teórico-metodológico utilizado es el Análisis de Discurso Francés. Buscando la formación continuada, el curso tiene como público destinatario a periodistas profesionales y estudiantes del área, pero la experiencia mostró que personas con otras formaciones se interesan por el tema. El ofrecimiento del curso refuerza el carácter esencial de la formación continuada del periodista como profesional que actúa en la narrativa del presente, ya que es necesario adquirir nuevos conocimientos para entender la complejidad del mundo y ampliar percepciones sobre la realidad.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Periodistas; Extensión universitaria; Género; Formación Continua; Discurso.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Antonio Panaino

This contribution offers a conspectus of the parallel treatment of some escha­tological subjects in the comparative framework of Mazdean and Christian sources. Although some impact of the Judeo-Chris­tian tradition on Iranian apocalypticism has been fittingly detected in previous studies, the author in­sists on evidence showing a sort of circular exchange between Chris­tians and Mazdeans, where, for in­stan­ce, chiliasm presents some Iranian (and not only Ba­by­lonian) resonances, while the well-known Zo­ro­as­trian doctrine of universal mercy and of the *apokatastasis* shows impressive correspondences with the Ori­genian doctrines. What distinguishes the Iranian framework is the fact that millenarianism, apocalypse and *apokatastasis* did not directly contrast, as it happened in the Christian milieu. These Christian doc­trines played a certain influence in Sasanian Iran, although their diffusion and acceptance was pro­bably slow and progressive, and became dominant among Zoroastrians only after the fall of the Sasanian period, when the Mazdean Church was no longer the pillar of the state and the social and legal order. The diffusion of the doctrine of universal mercy was a later acquisition, as shown from the evidence that earlier Mazdean doctrines did not assume a complete salvation for the wicked but prescribed a harsh and eternal punishment for them. Fur­ther­more, the author focuses on his own research on these sub­jects and summarises some results concerning a new and original presentation of the Mazdean concept of evil as a manifestation of suffering, comparable to a state of mental 'sickness.'

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 795-804
Maryna A. Shulga ◽  
Dmytro V. Nelipa ◽  
Valerii Ye. Vorotin ◽  
Nataliia M. Korchak ◽  
Kostiantyn O. Vashchenko

Geopolitical tensions in the world are recognised as the first in the list of threats to the progress and potential of the 21st century. It is impossible to understand the essence of this geopolitical tension without clarifying the semantics of the adjective “geopolitical”, which, in turn, requires elucidation of the meaning of the concept of geopolitics, as outlined by its author – Swedish historian Rudolf Kjellen. The occasion of appealing to the figure of this researcher can be considered the fulfilment in 2021 of 105 years since the publication of his fundamental work “The State as a Living Organism.” Namely: why R. Kjellen is talking about the “immortality of territorial domination” as opposed to the “perishability of the state”; whether digital technologies cancel “immortality of territorial domination” and, accordingly, geopolitics are abolished; which is hidden behind calls to abandon geopolitics as some “scientific nonsense.” It is concluded that, first, in light of R. Kjellen 's doctrine of the state, the latter is doomed to destruction in case of refusal to build its own system of “territorial domination” in favour of another state, which, of course, does so in view of ensuring its own self-preservation and its own viability.

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