scholarly journals 90-th anniversary of the Sci-tech Library of R. E. Alekseev State Technical University in Nizhny Novgorod

V. P. Khorunzhy

The publication coincides with the 90-th anniversary of the Sci-tech Library of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. The history of the Library is described; the Library was established as a result of merging several universities, in particular it comprises the collections of Warsaw Emperor Nickolas II Polytechnic Institute. The Library’s collections have been supporting educational and research activities of the University. The continuing process of collection development is based on modern technologies which meets the user demands.The most recent data on library services, collections and users is provided. The library processes are computer-based; the e-catalog and e-library databases are available. The library collections support the learning process in 1,623 courses and disciplines. The role of the library in the educational process and university’s research programs is emphasized. The library environment has become more comfortable for the users.The Library contributes to cultural and social activities and to students’ personal development and social adaptation, humanistic education of the young adults. Innovative activities are described.The author concludes that the Sci-tech library plays a significant role in educational, research and social processes and offers its users various and relevant information products and services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 10006
Tamara Olenich ◽  
Anatoly Koryakin ◽  
Diana Ovcharenko

The analysis of the adaptation of the students' youth from foreign countries within Russian society and the educational environment is presented in the current research. The authors study the problem of adaptation based on the case of the Don State Technical university which is providing activities on increasing the number of foreign students. Logically this university's politics lead to the engagement of the students from many foreign countries and the gradual formation of the multicultural and multi-confessional community within the campus. Despite the engagement of a large number of the representatives of different cultures the university, namely, the Orthodox culture and theology department has established the number of innovative educational methods and educational techniques which contribute to the adaptation of the foreign youth into Russian society. These new methods are based on the establishment of spiritual and moral subjects which were integrated into the educational process. The results of the cycle of the research activities have confirmed that these methods can be effectively used for the adaptation of the foreign students within Russian society.

Tatyana Kazakova

The Belarusian-Russia University was established on the basis of Mogilev State Technical University, in accordance with the Agreement signed between the government of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation (Mogilev, January 19, 2001). New objectives of the library are set up due to new programs to be taught at the University. Today, the library supports 16 education programs as provided by the Belarus education standards, and 7 programs as provided by the Russian standard. The author discusses in particular: collection development funding; delivery of books published by Belarus and Russia publishers’; establishing the repository “Belarusian-Russian University E-library and digital catalog databases, and among them The Proceedings of the Belarusian-Russian University Researchers, «Authors’ abstracts. Theses», «Digital Documents»; library’s publishing activities, personal bibliographies of the prominent university scholars and researchers). The Library also acts as the coordination regional methodological center. The author concludes that the Library of Belarusian-Russian University plays a significant role in education and science promotion, opens access to the cultural heritage and intellectual resources for the students, professors and scientists, and offers relevant information products and services.

A. L. Galinovsky

The article examines the problem of personnel training in modern conditions. The task is set about the competencies of students of a technical university, what educational technologies are effective for training personnel, how to form the topic of scientific work for students. The article concludes that scientific and research work for the educational process is an important discipline, the importance of this discipline is very high. The article notes the role of the discipline “Introduction to the specialty” and its importance for further education at the university. All these questions are asked at a time when the world is entering a new industrial revolution.

The Great Patriotic War left a deep mark in the history of our country. The higher school, in particular, Ivanovo agricultural Institute, did not become an exception. This article considers the main milestones in the institute’s life in the period of the war, shows the directions of its scientific activity, provides statistical data on the number of students, graduates and teachers of the Institute who worked and studied in it. The study showed that the university not only retained its enrolment, but also managed to increase it by opening a new veterinary faculty. Despite the difficult conditions of wartime, research activities of Ivanovo agricultural Institute have increased markedly, and the connection of university science with industry has become even closer. The war certainly affected the educational process as well. Some buildings were transferred to hospitals. Classes were held in two shifts. The period of study was reduced to three years. However, such difficulties did not affect the quality of graduates’ training and their importance for the country. The staff and students of Ivanovo agricultural Institute took an active part in the labor front, bringing the Victory closer by their activities. A special part of the article is devoted to biographical notes about frontline teachers, who fought bravely at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. This is S.K. Voita - Director of Ivanovo agricultural Institute in 1939-1941, N.I. Belonosov - Rector of Ivanovo agricultural Institute in 1961-1974, V.K. Baluyev - Vice-Rector of the Scientific Department, Dean of the zootechnical faculty, I.P. Skurikhin - Vice-Rector on Educational and Scientific Work, Dean of the agronomy faculty and other teachers of the institute.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 00079
Svetlana Mironova ◽  
Tamara Bogdanova ◽  
Svetlana Simonova

The article is devoted to the problems of introducing digital technologies in the educational process of training lawyers. The authors' team examines the history of the development of LegalTech in the Russian Federation and abroad, examines questions about the use of information technology in the training of lawyers, the requirements for modern lawyers and what skills they should possess, the requirements for modern teachers and teaching methods. The article reviews the university programs of higher education, as well as additional education (advanced training), aimed at studying digital technologies, and also examines information products aimed at improving the quality of work of lawyers offered by other organizations. The problems of digitalization of education and the introduction of information technologies in the educational process are identified and ways of their solution are outlined. The results of the study are practically relevant for the government, universities and educational centers, engaged in improving the education of lawyers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18036
Galina Radchenko ◽  
Svetlana Pervukhina

The article discusses the issues of methods of teaching a foreign language using digital technologies, taking into account their development in the Rostov region on the basis of the Don State Technical University. Attention is focused on the creation of information and educational environment at the university and the features of such an important didactic property of digital learning as interactivity. The types of interactivity, their differentiation, functioning, and interaction in the educational process are considered in detail. The authors observe such directions of digital education as blended learning, distance learning, and mass public on-line courses. To create a digital medium, the university organized a digital portal SKIF. The authors describe this portal and its opportunities for distance teaching. The advantages of digital education in comparison with traditional ones are noted, and the problems of transition from reproductive to creative-problematic type of teaching a foreign language are considered. The authors also note usage of gamification and augmented reality in the digital educational process.

Galina A. Untura ◽  

Integration of science, higher education, innovative entrepreneurship contributes to the solution of topical problems caused by global challenges. The article shows that universities integrate scientific, educational, innovative activities both within their structural units and in cooperation with other participants in regional innovative systems. The aim is to identify the trends in multichannel funding of universities in the regions, which creates the conditions for the integration of educational and research activities, and summarize the experience of universities that have created strategic academic units (SAUs) as one of the forms of integrating science and higher education. Based on the statistical analysis of financial receipts to universities from various sources in 2015 and 2019 (form VPO_2), the trends and structure of the funding distribution by type of educational and research activities in the regions of the Russian Federation were compared. It has been revealed that educational activities dominate in universities, accounting for about 70% of all income, and research activities 12–13%. Regional cases of the universities (ITMO, NNU, TSU, NSU, SFU) were analyzed. They integrated science and education in the form of SAUs. The cases were prepared on the basis of a content analysis of roadmaps for the period 2016–2020, interviews, and other open information. The analysis has showed that the organizational model of each SAU is created on the basis of the uniqueness and competitiveness of the university’s scientific and educational specialization by mechanisms that ensure the integration of the educational process and research activities through the involvement of students, graduate students in research and innovative projects. It is concluded that the flexibility and versatility of training programs and research at the university in the SAU format is formed in cooperation with many participants in regional innovation systems, which leads to the demand for its services by enterprises in the regions of the European part of the country and Siberia. The synergy of educational, research and innovation activities is achieved within the framework of both one university and through its network interaction with other Russian and international universities, scientific organizations, and enterprises. The experience of creating SAUs can be used by regional administrations, corporations in the development of world-class scientific and educational centers within the framework of the Science national project and national research and flagship universities of the strategic academic leadership program.

Akhurbek А. Magometov ◽  
Boris A. Takhokhov

The article presents the authors ‘view on the activities of the scientific journal” Bulletin of the North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov”. The relevance of the article is due to a significant increase in the role of research work of teachers and students of universities and the requirements for their publication activity; the importance for the university of having highly rated scientific journals and the increasing importance of the scientific publication of the university for improving the training of students. At the scientific and theoretical level, the changes that were determined by the modernization of education in the country and the need to improve the quality of scientific publications in accordance with the vector of development of international high-ranking publications and the desire of the university management and the editorial board to keep the journal in the trend of modern science are understood. Attention is paid to the problem of evaluating and reviewing scientific articles, the idea of the impact of reviews on the development of scientific knowledge is justified; the systematic work of the editorial board on the introduction of scientific research into the educational process of the university is shown. The new tasks of the editorial board are considered, the solution of which will contribute to improving the quality of the publication and the research activities of the teaching staff and students of the university. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the author’s approach to the current state, functioning and perspective view of the development of the university scientific publication and to determine its place in the modern scientific and educational space. The research methodology is based on systematic, activity-based and culturological approaches using such methods as systematization, generalization, analysis, description and comparison.

The article attempts to comprehend the essence and possibility of forming discourse competence among foreign and Russian students with simultaneous immersion in patriotic discourse. It is highlighted that the addition of the humanitarian series of “History of Civilizations” and “Features of Russian Civilization” to the educational process at the university creates the necessary pedagogical conditions for organizing a special linguo-ethno-cultural environment that forms active social interaction of authors within the framework of the medical and patriotic linguistic scenario. The authors of the article conducted a semantic and historical analysis of interpretations of the concept of “patriotism” that were studied from the point of view of traditional and liberal culture. The article presents the results of a socio-pedagogical study of students' perceptions of this concept. The article describes various theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the concepts of “discourse” and “discursive picture of the world” as well as psycholinguistic features of the method of semantic differential. Special attention in the article is paid to the typologies of discourse presented in the scientific literature. The authors of the article present the principle of genre and the principle of thematic correlation as the basis for distinguishing between types of discourse and highlight differences in language and discursive pictures of the world. The tasks of educators is to form not only purely medical discursive competence, but also to immerse the listener in “correctly” interpreted picture, saturated with verbal patterns that allow to create statements of patriotic content.

Бадма-Ханда Бадмадоржиевна Цыбикова ◽  
Дарима Санжиевна Жамсуева

В статье устные рассказы рассматриваются как часть этнокультурного компонента фольклора бурят, кроме того, в их составе выявляются этнокультурные составляющие. На основе анализа записанной в экспедиции в Эвенкийском хошуне Внутренней Монголии КНР устной прозы локальной этнической группы бурят охарактеризованы историко-этнографические сведения, традиционное народное мировосприятие и религиозные представления, обрядовые элементы. В несказочной прозе китайских бурят содержатся сведения исторического характера с подачи самих участников прошедших событий об осваивании переселенцами новых земель, в числе которых важными являлись вопросы выживания и самосохранения. После очистки и приведения в порядок заброшенной территории и некоторого обустройства жизнедеятельности поселенцев были начаты работы по организации лечебного дела и учебного процесса детей своими силами. Сделано заключение, что в начальный период социальной адаптации мигрантов наблюдается попытка определенным образом самоизолироваться по отношению к титульной нации принимающей стороны, соседним этносам и народам. Их быт характеризуется замкнутостью уклада жизни, минимальной открытостью к принимающему обществу, неинтегрированностью в общекитайский процесс экономического развития в широком масштабе. Вместе с тем, поддерживаются добрые отношения с жившим по соседству русским населением, так как буряты считают себя и русских, проживавших в Китае, детьми одной колыбели — России. В устных рассказах китайских бурят наличие буддийского этнокультурного компонента в целом определяет их религиозное сознание. Наряду с этим прослеживаются добуддийские мировоззренческие установки, шаманистские составляющие этого сознания, связанные с почитанием культа неба, огня, воды, солнца. В похоронно-поминальном же обряде доминируют исключительно тибето-буддийские ритуалы и действа. Сделан вывод о том, что в устной прозе китайских бурят наблюдается синкретизм двух начал в их культовых представлениях: превалирующая приверженность буддийскому вероучению и сохранение элементов древних мифологических воззрений. This article considers the oral stories as a part of the ethno-cultural component of the Buryat folklore. Also, the ethno-cultural constituents are revealed in their composition. Based on the analysis of the oral prose of the local ethnic group of the Buryats recorded during the expedition to the Evenki Khoshun of Inner Mongolia of the PRC, the historical and ethnographic data, traditional folk worldview and religious ideas, ritual elements were described. The fictional prose of the Chinese Buryats contains historical information from the participants of the past events about the development of new lands by the settlers, among which the issues of survival and self-preservation were important. After cleaning up and tidying up the abandoned territory and some settler activities, independent work began to organize healthcare and educational process for children. It is concluded that during the initial period of social adaptation of migrants, there is an attempt to isolate themselves in a certain way in relation to the title nation of the host country, neighboring ethnicities and peoples. Their everyday life is characterized by closeness, minimal openness to the host society, and lack of integration into the overall Chinese economic development process on a large scale. At the same time, good relations are maintained with the Russian population living next door, as the Buryats consider themselves and the Russians living in China to be children of the same cradle – Russia. In the oral tales of the Chinese Buryats, the presence of the Buddhist ethno-cultural component generally determines their religious consciousness. At the same time, one can trace pre-Buddhist relics, shamanistic components of this consciousness related to the worship of the sky, fire, water, and sun. The funeral rite and obit are dominated only by Tibetan-Buddhist rituals and actions. It was concluded that in the oral prose of the Chinese Buryats, syncretism of the two beginnings in their cult notions is observed: the prevailing adherence to the Buddhist faith and the preservation of elements of ancient mythological views.

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