scholarly journals Perancangan Aplikasi Interaktif Pembelajaran Cara Perawatan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Berbasis Multimedia

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-113
Nuriadi Manurung

Abstract: Education plays an important role in the intellectual life of the nation. So in this case the need of a technology to improve the quality of a school. In addition, it also needs a new and more effective teaching and learning system that is very supportive in the quality and quality of teaching and learning in schools, considering the increasingly sophisticated and the development of science and computerized technology. This study discusses about learning media of oral and dental health. This app is designed using Adobe Flash CS3. This application will simplify the learning process and with this application also the learning process become more interesting, fun, and effective and can help the students / i can learn well and fast and can shorten the learning process that has been submitted manually with guide book.The main purpose of designing this learning media is to make new innovations in teaching and learning process in schools, especially primary school students to be more interesting. Keywords: learning media, learning, innovation, interesting, fun, adobe flash, multimedia. Abstrak: Pendidikan sangat berperanan penting dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.Sehingga dalam hal ini diperlukannya suatu teknologi untuk meningkatkan mutu suatu sekolah. Selain itu juga dibutuhkannya suatu sistem cara belajar mengajar yang baru yang lebih menarik dan efektif yang sangat mendukung dalam kualitas serta mutu belajar mengajar di sekolah, mengingat sudah semakin canggih dan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi komputerisasi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai media pembelajaran kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Aplikasi ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3. Aplikasi ini akan mempermudah dalam proses belajar mengajar dan dengan aplikasi ini juga proses belajar mengajar jadi lebih menarik, fun, dan efektif serta dapat membantu siswa/i bisa belajar dengan baik dan cepat serta dapat menyingkat waktu proses belajar yang selama ini disampaikan secara manual dengan panduan buku.Tujuan utama perancangan media pembelajaran ini adalah untuk membuat inovasi baru dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah khususnya siswa/i sekolah dasar agar lebih menarik. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, belajar, inovasi baru, menarik, menyenangkan, adobe flash, multimedia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Barany Fachri ◽  
H Hendry

Abstract - Education plays a role in the intellectual life of the nation. So that in this case the need for a technology to improve the quality of a school. This study discusses the design of interactive animation of learning to count for children at TK-IT AL Washliyah Klambir Lima Hamparan Perak. The main purpose of designing this learning media is to make new innovations in the teaching and learning process in schools especially students to be more interesting, fun, effective, and not waste a lot of energy for teachers to teach.Keywords - Design, Animation, new innovation, interesting and fun, Adobe Flash, Multimedia. Abstrak - Pendidikan sangat  berperanan dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Sehingga dalam hal ini diperlukannya suatu teknologi untuk meningkatkan mutu suatu sekolah. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan animasi interaktif belajar berhitung untuk anak pada TK-IT AL Washliyah Klambir Lima Hamparan Perak. Tujuan utama perancangan media pembelajaran ini adalah untuk membuat inovasi baru dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah khususnya siswa/i  agar lebih menarik, fun, efektif, serta tidak membuang banyak tenaga bagi para guru untuk mengajar.Kata Kunci - Perancangan, Animasi, inovasi baru, menarik dan fun, Adobe Flash, Multimedia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
M Najmudin Rahmatullah ◽  
Imam Tholkhah ◽  
Amie Primarni

ABSTRACT  Management is a process of activities that are planned and carried out intentionally and continuously to all students in the relevant educational institutions in order to be able to participate in the learning and teaching process effectively and efficiently.  Learning achievement is the level of humanity students have in accepting, rejecting and assessing the information obtained in the teaching and learning process.  A person's learning achievement is in accordance with the level of success of something in learning subject matter which is expressed in the form of grades or report cards for each field of study after experiencing the teaching and learning process.  This study aims to determine the extent of implementation, acceptance, student management, efforts made, as well as the implications of the application of student management in At-Thiriiriah Junior High School in improving the quality of students.  This study uses a qualitative approach using a type of case study research by taking a background in At-Thiriahah Junior High School, Gunung Bunder I, Pamijahan, Bogor.  Data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation.  Data analysis uses descriptive analysis method.  Based on the process of data collection and data analysis, researchers can conclude several things including: (1) The application of student management that takes place at At-Thiriahah IT Junior High is classified as good, where the concept of student management starts from the  planning and implementation of new students, monitoring or control and evaluation can be applied by all at IT Thohiriah Junior High School.  (2) In an effort made by schools related to student management to improve the quality of students in At-Thiriahah Junior High School, among others: improving discipline including a).  At-Thiriahah Junior High School students arrive at 07.00 WIB, b) Wearing Uniforms.  (3) As for the implications of the implementation of student management to improve the quality of students in At-Thiriah Gunung Bunder I Junior High School, seen from the academic achievement in the form of UN scores that have increased, non-academic achievements achieved  by At-Thiriahah IT Middle School students have also increased, and graduates of At-Thiriiriah IT Middle School were accepted into public and private schools.  Keywords: Student Management, Academic Quality of Students

Eksponen ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-95
Khusnul Khotimah

The Mathematic Teaching and learning based informatic system is learning system implementing computerization technology as a learning tool in theteaching and learning process. This teaching and learning process in which it combines conventional method with the application practice has been constructed on the basis of the implemented curriculum in a college. The use of media in a teaching and learning process like computer as a learning tool will make the teaching and learning process more effective because it will create an interesting teching and learning process as well as stimulate the students’ creativity. In addition, the teaching and learning process not only as a tutorial qctivity but also it provides the implentation of the theories given. The Mathematic teaching and learning based informatic is done to know the comparison of problem solving in mathematic using Mathematic software application. The standardized process and the use of informatic are constructed based on the exsisting curriculum in order to control the quality of the learning proses and result.

Arif Munandar ◽  
Heni Sulistiani ◽  
Qadli Jafar Adrian ◽  
Agus Irawan

The teaching and learning process needs to be done well and directed. Good quality of learning will certainly produce good learning outcomes. The learning process at SMK Al-Huda, South Lampung is still done through face-to-face. For this reason, Al-Huda Vocational School needs to develop an online learning system to facilitate teachers in sharing material, assignments and conducting examinations. And can facilitate students in obtaining material, collecting assignments and doing exam questions. The design of this system is made using the PHP programming language, MySQL database and usecase diagrams. The results of testing the system using the blackbox method involved 8 respondents and the results showed that the system built was in accordance with user requirements and could run very well.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-256
I Wayan Sastra Oka Paramartha ◽  
I Putu Ngurah Wage Myartawan ◽  
Ni Putu Astiti Pratiwi

The new learning system that is published by the Indonesian government as a prevention due to Covid-19 brings a new challenge for the teachers particularly in implementing 21st century learning. Teachers are suggested to do a reflection toward the online learning that has been conducted to find out the teaching and learning process quality. This study is aimed at investigating the level of teachers’ reflective thinking in which it was conducted in SMAN 2 Singaraja. There were two teachers involved in this study and the data were collected through the spreading of questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed by using interactive data analysis to check the validity and reliability. The results showed that the awareness of the teacher in carrying out a process of reflection on learning during the online learning period. The efforts made by the English teacher at SMA N 2 Singaraja in improving the quality of learning both by discussing and innovating need to be used as an example for other teachers. In the future, of course, it is hoped that a better online learning process and learning objectives can be maximally achieved

Larassati Diana ◽  
Aulia Fashanah Hadining ◽  
Risma Fitriani

Along with the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) had been growing more advanced. It encourages students to be technology savvy in order to make them easier in learning. One of the technology benefits in learning process is in a way of e-learning system development. The portrait of education in Indonesia in utilizing Internet, the fact showed the educational facilities and infrastructures are not well distributed to all societies, the quality of education is still low, and also the level of utilizing ICT is quite low too. The Ministry of Education and Culture which has responsibility in education developed a Learning Management System (LMS) by releasing a distance learning portal called Rumah Belajar. Rumah Belajar is an innovation that aims to improve the quality of education that allows students to study anytime and anywhere. However, Rumah Belajar is still not fully understood and accepted. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the adoption of Rumah Belajar in Karawang. This research used five perceptions of the factors that influence the innovation adoption by using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory such as: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 400 respondents from high school students in Karawang. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result showed the factors that significantly influence the adoption of Rumah Belajar are compatibility, trialability, and observability. From this research, the writer hopes that all parties involved in learning process such as schools, teachers, and students have to support the utilization of Rumah Belajar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Irzal Arief Wisky ◽  
Riki Iskandar ◽  
Dinul Akhiyar

The media is one of the factors that also determines the success of teaching because it helps students and teachers deliver the subject matter in connection with the teaching objectives. In this condition the use of instructional media in the form of multimedia can improve the efficiency of the process and the quality of teaching and learning outcomes. the use of media in the teaching and learning process can arouse new desires and interests, generate motivation and stimuli for learning. In dealing with students who can be said to not be able to motivate themselves, this becomes a challenge for a teacher. So that the application of multimedia applications can help students in learning, training and directing students in primary schools in the introduction of animal development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 911-917
Dwi Prasetyo ◽  
Basuki Wibawa ◽  
Diana Nomida Musnir

Learning model is a series of meetings in the teaching and learning process that occurs between lecturers and students in college. Along with the development of information technology through mobile learning, the learning process also experiences a positive impact, namely by utilizing smartphone devices. The purpose of this study is: accelerate transformation and facilitate communication learning between lecturers and students. The method used in this study is ADDIE method. The results expected with the support of smartphone devices can improve the quality of students. So that lecturers and students can interact in the teaching and learning process without being constrained by space and time. The optimism of the successful implementation of this Mobile Learning system is very high because the facilities and atmosphere of various parties are very supportive coupled with the need to be a priority requirement for everyone in this case students or students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 339 ◽  
Heppy Puspitasari

Abstract: The quality of the learning process is manifested into the achieving standards in learning. These standards will be guidelines for all the process of learning activities, namely, planning, implementing and monitoring / evaluation. SMPN 1 Geger is one of the formal educational institutions that run the learning process by applying internal quality assurance to certify that the learning process is guaranteed and in accordance with predetermined standards. The result of this research revealed that in ensuring the quality of learning process, SMPN 1 Geger has a policy refers to the applicable legislation and internal policies made by the institution. Policies in the learning process comprises planning, implementation, assessment and supervision of learning. Quality assurance mechanism of learning process is conducted in five stages, namely; Quality mapping, compiling of quality fulfillment plan, quality fulfillment, conducting evaluation / quality audit, and formulating standard above SNP. There are several excellent programs implemented at SMPN 1 Geger, including implementing IT / E-Learning learning,  ICT Day, English Day, and Dinten Boso Jawi program, sister classes, GLS culture and teaching and learning system outside the class.Abstrak: Kualitas mutu proses pembelajaran dinyatakan dalam bentuk pencapaian standar-standar dalam pembelajaran. Standar-standar tersebut akan menjadi pedoman seluruh aktivitas proses pembelajaran, mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan monotoring/evaluasi. SMPN 1 Geger merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang mengawal proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan penjaminan mutu internal untuk memastikan bahwa proses pembelajaran terjamin dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dalam menjamin mutu proses pembelajaran, SMPN 1 Geger memiliki kebijakan mengacu pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta kebijakan internal yang dibuat lembaga. Kebijakan dalam proses pembelajaran meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian dan pengawasan pembelajaran. Mekanisme penjaminan mutu proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan di  SMPN 1 Geger dilakukan melalui lima tahapan, yakni; pemetaan mutu, penyusunan rencana pemenuhan mutu, pemenuhan mutu, evaluasi/audit mutu, dan penyusunan standar di atas SNP. Terdapat beberapa program unggulan yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Geger, diantaranya adalah menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis IT / E-Learning, terdapat juga program ICT Day, English Day, dan Dinten Boso Jawi, serta membentuk kelas rujukan, budaya GLS dan menggerakkan sekolah lapang atau sistem belajar mengajar di luar bangku sekolah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Syariful Fahmi ◽  
Soffi Widyanesti Priwantoro ◽  
Burhanudin Arif Nur Nugroho

ABSTRACTThe ability of teachers to teach influenced by ability in technology in the learning process. E-learning as one form of technology will help teachers in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore the ability of e-learning mastery teachers becomes key words in the activities of e-learning in education. One form of E-learning is moodle. The purpose of this training is to provide skills for teachers of mathematics in developing media-based learning, moodle. Moodle is an application program that can modify a media learning into web forms. This application allows students to enter into the "digital classroom" to access learning materials. The participants of these activities is the mathematics teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Gamping, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan, SMP Muhamamdiyah 1 Depok and SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Depok. The method of training is giving lectures about moodle, the practice and accompaniment the creation of media-based learning, moodle. This training has managed to build the learning system with the concept of e-learning (electronic learning) or distance learning (distance learning). With this concept the system of teaching and learning will not be limited to space and time. A teacher can give a lecture learning materials from anywhere. Similarly, a student can follow lectures from anywhere.Keywords: E-Learning MoodleABSTRAKKemampuan mengajar guru salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan penggunaan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. E-learning sebagai salah satu bentuk teknologi akan membantu guru dalam proses belajar mengajar. Oleh karena itu kemampuan penguasaan e-learning guru menjadi kata kunci dalam kegiatan e-learning dalam pendidikan. Salah satu bentuk E-learning adalah dengan menggunakan moodle. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah memberikan ketrampilan bagi guru-guru matematika dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis moodle. Moodle merupakan program aplikasi yang dapat merubah sebuah media pembelajaran kedalam bentuk web. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan siswa untuk masuk kedalam “ruang kelas digital” untuk mengakses materi-materi pembelajaran. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah para guru matematika dari SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Gamping, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan, SMP Muhamamdiyah 1 Depok dan SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Depok. Metode pelatihan adalah dengan ceramah tentang moodle, praktek secara langsung dan pendampingan pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis moodle. Pelatihan ini telah berhasil membangun sistem pembelajaran dengan konsep e-learning (pembelajaran secara elektronik) ataupun distance learning (pembelajaran jarak jauh). Dengan konsep ini sistem belajar mengajar akan tidak terbatas ruang dan waktu. Seorang guru dapat memberikan materi pembelajaran kuliah dari mana saja. Begitu jugaKata Kunci: E-Learning Moodle

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