2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Raisa Salsabila ◽  
Raisa Siti Khoirunnisa ◽  
Yuda Syahidin ◽  
Irda Sari

Abstract: This research is based on retention activities in a hospital that are still done manually. Storage activities that are still carried out manually greatly affect the performance of medical record officers because of the length of time it takes and also affects the storage of medical record files in the storage room. The purpose of this research is to create a retention information system. Where the design of this retention information system can provide information about the processing and reporting of retention carried out in a hospital. This retention information system contains data that supports the presentation of information needed by medical record officers. In addition, this retention information system helps make it easier for medical record officers to store medical record files quickly and accurately, as well as assist officers in the data reporting process. Data are collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that this retention information system makes it easier for officers to do retention more quickly and precisely, especially in terms of data reporting.            Keywords: design; informations system; microsoft visual studio 2010; retention.  Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kegiatan retensi di suatu rumah sakit yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Kegiatan retensi yang masih dilakukan secara manual ini sangat mempengaruhi kinerja petugas rekam medis karena lamanya waktu yang dibutukan dan juga berpengaruh terhadap penyimpanan berkas rekam medis di ruang penyimpanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sistem informasi retensi. Dimana perancangan sistem informasi retensi ini dapat memberikan informasi mengenai pengolahan dan pelaporan retensi yang dilakukan di suatu rumah sakit. Sistem informasi retensi ini terdapat data yang mendukung penyajikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para petugas rekam medis. Selain itu, sistem informasi retensi ini membantu memudahkan petugas rekam medis untuk meretensi berkas rekam medis dengan cepat dan tepat, dan juga membantu petugas dalam proses pelaporan data. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan literatur review. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem informasi retensi ini mempermudah petugas untuk melakukan retensi lebih cepat dan tepat terutama dalam hal pelaporan data. Kata kunci: microsoft visual studio 2010; perancangan; retensi; system informasi. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Ardi Taryanto ◽  
Lilis Nur Handayani

This study aimed to develop a medical record retention information system with a case study at Dustira Cimahi Hospital. The data collection techniques used were by observations and completed by literature study which had related with the problems. Software development methods was made using waterfull. From the research conducted, it was found several problems associated with the retention information system which has running, such as: the implementation of retention was done directly with sorting out medical record file without the computer, the absence of a retention schedule medical record file, there is no  storage space inactive and off medical record file. Therefore it is necessary to develop a medical record retention information system in the form of an application implemented with the Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2010 programming language and the Database Access System / DBMS Microsoft Access. So that this application is expected to help hospitals in overcoming file retention problems and data retention processing can be better in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Victor Marudut Mulia Siregar ◽  
Erikson Damanik ◽  
Mega Romauly Tampubolon ◽  
Eve Ida Malau ◽  
Eka Pratiwi Septania Parapat ◽  

Modified Union credo is a cooperative-type business entity owned by a group of people in a unifying bond, which agrees to invest their money (shares) so as to create joint capital with decent business results and for productive and welfare purposes. The role of cooperatives is very important in Indonesia, because cooperatives can increase the economic growth of Indonesian society. The loan administration information system (credit) at CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar is not yet effective, because it still uses a manual system so that data is easily lost and difficult to find, and the preparation of reports takes a long time. The purpose of this study is to build a system that makes it easier for staff to process data for CUM Caritas HKBP members and improve staff performance to be more efficient and minimize errors in data processing, especially in the loan administration (credit) section of CUM Caritas HKBP. In this research, in the process of collecting data, the researcher used the method of observation, interviews and literature study and the method of system development to be used was the Prototype method. The information system to be designed will be in the form of a web and use the MySQL database. It is hoped that this research can solve the problem of Loan Administration (Credit) at CUM Caritas HKBP Pematangsiantar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Wiyanto Wiyanto ◽  
Fajar Butsianto ◽  
Karsito Karsito

Information technology is rapidly developed in this century that impact to various aspects of the organization really need information technology to support the performance and everyday business processes. In health services, information technology is required to process and storage the patient medical records, so that the patient's medical record is well preserved, and competitive advantage can be obtained between patient and polyclinic. The application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach can be developed by implementing information system of medical record history to get new patient and retain existing patient, improving relationship with patient and maintaining patient loyalty as well as supporting the company/organization to provide excellent service to customers in real time through the advantage of information technology. The aims of this research are to understand patient medical record by CRM approach and Unified Modeling Language (UML) for system design, system validation using Forum Group Discussion (FGD), and using software testing Model ISO 9126. The result of this research are Medical Record History Information System and the result of system validation with FGD is 100% accepted, the result of system test using Model ISO 9126 is good with success rate 82,86%, so it can give contribution to polyclinic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Ova Nurisma Putra

Abstract. West Java Provincial Health Office still faces difficulties in managing information, especially in medical records. Recording and reporting of malnutrition are still done in some stages starting from collecting data from village midwives, puskesmas, Regency/City Health Office then Provincial Health Office and forwarded to the the central office. It is necessary to manage information through service system by utilizing Cloud Computing based on information technology. This research uses The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) approach in Architecture Development Method (ADM), from Architecture Capability Iteration to  Architecture Development Iteration. Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) are two integrated activities in the context of controlling a program. The results of this research are planning a medical record information system architecture and monitoring malnutrition based on Cloud Computing with the name of M2Rec (Medical Record and Monitoring) in the form of integrated recommendation and development between current information system and proposed information system architecture.Keywords: togaf adm, medical record and monitoring, cloud computing Abstrak. Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis dan Monitoring Gizi Buruk Berbasis Cloud Computing. Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Barat masih mengalami kesulitan dalam pengelolaan informasi yang baik, terutama pada proses rekam medis, pencatatan dan pelaporan gizi buruk masih dilakukan secara bertingkat mulai pengumpulan data dari bidan desa, puskesmas, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota kemudian Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi dan diteruskan ke pusat. Sehingga perlu diupayakan pengelolaan informasi melalui sistem pelayanan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi berbasis Cloud Computing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan framework The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM), yaitu iterasi ke satu pada Architecture Capability Iteration daniterasi ke dua pada Architecture Development Iteration. Monitoring dan Evaluasi (M&E) merupakan dua kegiatan terpadu dalam rangka pengendalian suatu program. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perencanaan arsitektur sistem informasi rekam medis dan monitoring gizi buruk berbasis Cloud Computing dengan nama M2Rec (Medical Record and Monitoring) yang berupa rekomendasi integrasi dan pengembangan antara sistem informasi berjalan saat ini dengan arsitektur sistem informasi yang diusulkan.Kata kunci: togaf adm, medical record and monitoring, cloud computing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Fitriani Dwi Ratna Sari ◽  
Amin Suryana

Research that the author did aim to know how to design inventory system on Planet Phone.The method used is quantitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are literature study, observation, and interviews. From the research conducted found that there is a problem on inventory data processing. The process of inventory data processing only by writing using a general ledger. So this causes inaccuracies and delays in reports. Therefore the authors make the information system by using PHP and MySQL database. This system consists of inputting inventory data, inventory reports, sales reports and income reports. As for some suggestions given to tackle the problem is by connecting the system with internet connection, for employees more quickly and effectively in penginputan inventory data and owner can also know the sales reports and income reports more quickly without having to come directly to the store.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Agoeng Koerniawan SA

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of academic information systems in improving the quality of higher education implementation in PGRI STKIP Bangkalan, and the extent to which the policies of implementing higher education before and after the use of information systems and how satisfaction is felt by students towards academic information systems at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, named STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad.The study was conducted by conducting a survey of users of the internet-based academic information system (Siakad STKIP PGRI Bangkalan), namely lecturers, students and employees with the method of observation and conducting in-depth interviews to obtain as much information as possible from all respondents/informants. The number of informants was 5 people consisting of the chairman of STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, Vice Chairman I, Head of BAAK and two students who had experience in their respective fields of work, knew deeply and had many roles in the process of using information systems.Based on the results of the study, it was shown that with the use of the information system/ STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad which is one of the facilities for the smooth activities of the teaching and learning process, it proved to provide convenience, many benefits and benefits that greatly support the duties of serving lecturers, students and outsiders requiring. This is evidenced by the support of the support of lecturers and students, capacity, namely the ability of employees to process data and value, namely the benefits felt by lecturers, employees and students as well as outside parties in need.

South Pringsewu is the name of a village located in Pringsewu district. This village has the main potential, namely agriculture and industry. To develop its potential it needs to be updated from the system that has been used in empowering the potential of the village manually and not yet using the information system even in the form of a website. The purpose of this research was to select South Pringsewu Village that has the potential of villages that need to be empowered using information technology. Information Technology is needed to facilitate the access, management and empowerment of village potentials, so that it is expected to be able to improve the progress and quality of South Pringsewu Village. The author conducted the research by observation, interview, and literature study methods and built web-based applications through the stages of planning, system analysis, system design and design, and system implementation using the PHP programming language

Deni Maisa Putra ◽  
Oktamianiza Oktamianiza ◽  
Mega Yuniar ◽  
Washi Fadhila

The return of medical record files is a system that is quite important in medical records, because the return of medical records starts from the file in the inpatient room until it returns to the medical record section in accordance with the return policy, which is 2x24 hours. The method used is a literature study with descriptive analysis which is done by describing the facts that exist then being analyzed, described, looking for similarities, views, and summaries of several studies. The results of the literature study show that humans are not responsible for returning medical record files, the organization lacks supervision from the management of returning files, technology (technology) with technology can assist in returning medical record files. So it is necessary to pay attention to the 3 components, so that it can produce a benefit (Net Benefit) from returning the medical record document. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the factors that influence the return of medical record documents are in terms of the HOT-FIT method, (human) where the officers lack a sense of responsibility for medical record documents, and doctors and nurses do not pay attention to the form of filling out record documents medical records, so that it becomes an obstacle in returning medical record documents. It's good to have good supervision from the management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-383 ◽  
Sudjana Sudjana

This study aims to obtain information on: first, the obligation to create and conceal Electronic Medical Record and its juridical consequences; Secondly, due to the law of absence or error in the manufacture of Electronic Medical Records and the position of Electronic Medical Record as a tool in the theoretical transactions.The research method used is normative juridical approach method, analytical descriptive research specification, research phase is done through literature study to examine primary law material, secondary law material, and tertiary law material. Data collection techniques are conducted through document studies, conducted by reviewing documents on positive law. Furthermore, the method of data analysis is done through normative qualitative.The results of the study indicate: Legal aspects of Medical Record or Electronic Medical Record   in Teurapetik Transactions related to: first, the obligation of health workers in coaching and health services to make Medical Record or Electronic Medical Record correctly and responsible for secrecy because it is the opening of Medical Record or Electronic Medical Record without With the permission of the patient having the consequences of criminal law. The absence or misuse of the Medical Record or Electronic Medical Record means that health workers may be subject to criminal, civil and administrative sanctions. Second, the position of  Medical Record or Electronic Medical Record is evidence in the form of a letter (if given outside the court), and expert information (if delivered in court).

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Arief Susanto

Geographic Information Systems ( GIS abbreviated as Geographic Information System ) is a specialized information system that manages data having spatial information . Most to process data in the form of GIS data are still many who use desktop application or can only run on one computer while the more advanced development requires us to produce information more easily is to develop a GIS online ( via the Internet ) and can be accessed Anywhere You . This application is designed using DFD modeling and created using the programming language PHP with MySQL database as well as utilizing Google Map API . As well as to facilitate the collection of data by the field of local government development . Moreover , the existence of GIS aims to help local governments in the search for building plots parcels and ownership of data previously not been structured to be more structural and facilitate spatial data collection .

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