Vigih Hery Kristanto

The purpose of this research was to find out how the stage of proofing the Stewart theorem was conducted by students of the Mathematics Education Department at Catholic Widya Mandala University of Madiun. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive data analysis. The number of research subjects consisted of three students. This study describes the stage of proofing Stewart's theorem by students. The data collection process begins with the subject being asked to prove Stewart's theorem and write down the process of proving Stewart's theorem on the answer sheet provided. From the results of data collection, it was found that the verification process carried out by the three students used the direct verification method, there were some similarities between the three students in initiating the verification process, namely: drawing a high line on a triangle and using the pythagoras theorem to add information used in the verification process, to proving that Stewart's theorem required precision when describing an algebraic form and understanding of algebraic concepts from numbers, to prove Stewart's theorem needed time according to the speed of thinking that proves, to prove the Stewart theorem required problem solving skills, logical thinking, critical, analytical and systematic. Thus it can be concluded that, in general the steps of proving Stewart's theorem carried out by students of the Mathematics Education Department, starting with drawing ABC triangles and also describing auxiliary lines (high of CE), collecting information used in the verification process, then use the information obtained to describe the shape of the right side of the equation  becomes the left hand side, so that the equation applies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Erwan Setiawan ◽  
Guntur Maulana Muhammad ◽  
Muhamad Soeleman

AbstrakTeori bilangan merupakan cabang matematika yang mempelajari sifat-sifat dan hubungan dari suatu bilangan bulat. Untuk dapat memahami materi teori bilangan dengan baik maka dibutuhkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang baik pula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika mahasiswa pada mata kuliah teori bilangan. Subjek penelitian yaitu 26 mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika, FKIP, Universitas Suryakancana tingkat I tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Data penelitian yang dikaji adalah lembar jawaban mahasiswa pada Ujian Tengah Semester tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, didapatkan hasil secara umum yang menerangkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika FKIP Universitas Suryakancana dapat dikategorikan “cukup” (64,62%). Lebih rinci, kemampuan mahasiswa dalam merencanakan penyelesaian masalah dapat dikategorikan “baik”, dengan persentase 74,62% namun sayangnya kemampuan dalam melakukan pengecekan kembali adalah yang paling lemah, dapat dikategorikan “kurang” dengan persentase 54,62%. Hal ini yang nantinya akan menjadi dasar evaluasi dalam perbaikan pembelajaran. College Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Analysis on Number Theory CourseAbstractNumber theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties and relationships between an integer. Understanding the material studied in number theory well also requires good mathematical problem-solving skills. This research aims to determine college students' problem-solving skills in a number theory course. The research subjects were 26 students in the mathematics education program, FKIP, Suryakancana University level I in the 2017-2018 school year. The research data used is the student answer sheet in the Middle Semester Examination in the 2017-2018 school year. By the quantitative descriptive method, the results of the research were that the problem-solving skills of students, in the mathematics education program, FKIP, Suryakancana University, can be categorized as fair (64.62%). Specifically, the students’ skill to plan problem-solving can be categorized as good (74.62%) but the validating conclusion is the weakest one that can be categorized as poor (54.62%). This will underlie the evaluation in improving learning.

2018 ◽  
Riana Agustin Tindjabate

The purpose of this study is to describe learning needs of the students of Biology Education Department on the English learning. The research was conducted at the Christian University of Tentena particularly in the Biology Education Department. The research subjects were 24 students who acted as research participants. The data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires of the 25-BioSNEL to 24 participants. Data from the research showed that students of Biology Education Department of the Christian University of Tentena needed knowledge about the terms of English used in the field of biology education and for training English speaking students desperately needed exercises that teach them how to use the English vocabulary in daily conversation. The research concluded that the teaching of English in the field of biology education should be more focused on learning about the vocabulary and terms in the field of biology as well as learning about how to use the English vocabulary in conversation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Andi Sitti Suhartini ◽  
Etriana Meirista ◽  
Khumaeroh Dwi Nur’aini

This study aims to determine the significance of the influence of gadget usage on student independence learning in Mathematics Education Department of Musamus University. This research is quatitative research. The population in this study was students of Mathematics Education of Musamus University amounted to 210 students. Sampling technique used is convenience non probability sampling technique and obtained 78 students as sample. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire and interview, then the data from the questionnaire were analyzed using simple correlation and linear regression analysis. The result of the research shows that there is influence of gadgets usage on the independence learning of students in Mathematics Education of Musamus University, in which there is a relationship between the "medium" category between gadgets usage and the independence learning of students in Mathematics Education of Musamus University. Contribution given by gadget usage variable to the independence of learning as 27.2%.

Tita Elisya Wibowo ◽  
Siti Faizah

Problem-solving ability became a learned process as well as a goal that must be achieved in learned mathematics so it is important for students to have these abilities, especially in algebraic form material. But in fact, in the material of algebraic forms, the ability was still minimally mastered by students. Based on the results of the interview, it shows that the lack of ability was due to the questions given by the teacher only in the form of routine questions taken from LKS or textbooks that did not require the use of problem-solving skills but only require the used of procedural formulas. Therefore, it was necessary to develop test questions that contain question items that could measure students' problem-solving abilities in the algebraic form of material. This type of research was developed researched using the ADDIE model which stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques used in this study were validation questionnaires and tests. Meanwhile, the data collection instruments were validation questionnaire sheets and test sheets. The test subjects in this study were class VII C students of MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Seblak Jombang. The results showed that the product developed in the form of a test was declared valid by the expert with an average validity of 3.75 and was in very valid criteria. Meanwhile, the results of the empirical validity test showed that only four of the five items on the test developed were declared valid and of the four items that were valid, the reliability value of 0.786 with high criteria was obtained. The research findings prove that the developed test contains only four items that were valid both theoretically and empirically and reliably so that they could be used to measure students' problem-solving abilities on the algebraic form of material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Rizcky Juliawan ◽  
Berti Mandala Putra

Misconception Analysis in Mathematics Education Department Student of STKIP Harapan Bima. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to explore misconceptions in students and students’ views about their misconceptions. The subject in this study were five students of Mathematics Department at STKIP Harapan Bima. Data collection techniques used in this study are tests and interviews. The test questions consist of geometry, probability theory, algebra, and calculus. Interviews were conducted to obtain information about students’ views on the their misconceptions. The result of the research shows that in every mathematics material, students experience misconceptions. Overall, misconceptions are most common in geometric materials, but they are not significantly different from other materials. The type of misconception that is most often experienced by students is confusion because the do not master the supporting cocepts. The misconception that is most rarely experienced by students is wrong classification of concept examples.

Ferry Kurnia Putra ◽  
Hobri Hobri ◽  
Susi Setiawani

This research aims to describe about the profile of climber students’ self efficacy to the problem solving skills of high level mathematics problems. It is including form of descriptive research with qualitative approach. The research subjects are 13 climber students in class XI MIPA 8 of SMA Negeri 1 Jember, were tested by Adversity Response Profile (ARP) questionnaire. The method of data collection use a test of problem solving skills of high level mathematics problems, adversity response profile (ARP) questionnaire and interviews. The results of this research showed that the climber students are tend to have high  self efficacy and  able to by every Polya’s stages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-210
Rihlatis Sa'idah ◽  
Mukti Sintawati ◽  
Fitria Desi Nurhadiyani

This study aims to improve mathematics communication skills and problem solving through the application of realistic mathematics education. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects were 18 students of class V SD Muhammadiyah Notoprajan, while the object of this research was the mathematics communication skills and problem solving abilities. The data collection techniques used were tests and observations. The data collection instruments used were mathematical communication test questions and problem solving, and observation sheets. Mathematical communication data and problem solving abilities were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicate that there is an increase in mathematics communication skills and problem solving through the application of realistic mathematics education. This is indicated by the percentage of students with high and very high mathematics communication skills in the first cycle of 72.22% and an increase in the second cycle to 94%. The percentage of students with the ability to solve math problems in the high and very high category in the first cycle was 66.67%, an increase in the second cycle to 100%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 226
Lusi Wira Aftriyati ◽  
Yenita Roza ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah

The problem solving abilities of students in learning mathematics are still not well trained, and there are varying degrees of difficulty experienced by students in learning mathematics. Factors that influence the ability to solve problems include interest in learning. This study aims to analyze the ability of problem solving based on students' interest in learning mathematics. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative study, which was conducted at Babussalam Pekanbaru High School with research subjects coming from Class X MIPA 1 selected based on the level of problem solving skills and student interest in learning. Problem solving abilities consist of categories: high, medium, low. Learning interest is categorized as positive and negative interests. Data collection techniques are written tests and non-tests in the form of questionnaire interest in learning and interviews. Based on the research results, the problem solving ability of high category students with positive learning interest is able to meet all indicators of problem solving ability. The problem solving ability of the medium category students with positive learning interest is able to meet the indicators of planning for solving, solving problems, and checking. The problem solving ability of low category students with positive learning interest is only able to meet the indicators of planning a solution, and solving a problem. The ability of problem solving students in the moderate category with negative learning interest is able to meet the indicators of planning for solving, solving problems, and checking.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Dyan Falasifa Tsani

<p>The process of reasoning has a very strong connection with mathematic world, especially on problem solving skills. But in real life, teachers usually use textbook to measure how much do their students understand materials taught by the teachers. Hence, it is necessary to understand completely do the widely used mathematic textbook has led students to increase their mathematic reasoning skills. The method used were descriptive qualitative, with Competency Test’s problems in 2013 Curriculum text book revised in 2014 for 1 th grade used for research subjects. Documentation method was used as data collection method. Problems analysis guide was based on mathematic reasoning skills indicator according to NCTM. The analysis result tells that from 225 problems analyzed there were 76 problems fulfilled the indicator 1, 110 problems fulfilled the indicator 2, 30 problems fulfilled the indicator 3 and 183 problems fulfilled the indicator 4. Analysis also shows that based on mathematic reasoning skills, from 225 problems there were only 8 problems haven’t fulfilled the mathematic reasoning skills with 3,56% presentation number. While the rest there were 217 problems have fulfilled the mathematic reasoning skills with 96,45% presentation number with 49 problems with 21,78% presentation number have a good criteria, 80 problems with 35,56% have an average criteria and 88 problems or 39,11% have a low criteria.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-212
Rina Oktaviyanthi ◽  
Tatang Herman ◽  
Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan

The purpose of this study was to investigate the flow of thought of the pre-service mathematics teachers through the answers of a function limit evaluation by formal definition. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The research subjects were the students of mathematics education department of Universitas Serang Raya, Indonesia. After analyzing the students’ written answers, we interviewed the subjects to get further explanation on their strategies and common mistakes. This study found that based on the students’ results in the function limit evaluation by formal definition, there were common strategies, i.e. (1) preparing the proof and (2) proving. The stage of preparing the proof consisted of (1) determining delta value by the final statement of formal definition, (2) substituting the given f(x) and L process, (3) simplifying value in the absolute sign, (4) solving the inequality, and (5) finding the delta value. The stage of proving consisted of (1) stating positive epsilon, (2) defining delta, (3) stating positive delta, (4) substituting the constants and delta values in the initial statement of formal definition, and (5) solving the inequality to create the final inequality statement of the formal definition.

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