scholarly journals The Determinants of Employee Performance

Jhon Veri Elfiswandi ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan
2010 ◽  
Sarah M. Haynes ◽  
Jane A. Halpert ◽  
Brian J. Marentette ◽  
Micah D. Lueck

Ary Sutrischastini ◽  
Ratna Setyani

This research goal is to identification and evaluation influence of work motivation and work environment to employee’s performance in BAPPEDA Kabupaten Wonosobo. The object of this research is 37 employees of Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kabupaten Wonosobo. And the location of this research is at Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kabupaten Wonosobo. The analysis used is test validity, reliability testing, and test the hypothesis, with the help of the computer program SPSS version 17, using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on calculations of data and analysis used, the regression equation is obtained: Y = 11.733 + 0.320 X1 +0.334 X2 + ε, by using the equation regression analytical method can conclude that (X1) take effect positively against employees performance. With t value in amount of 2,219 (bigger than t in table in amount of 1,690) and significance value in amount of 0,33. By applying significance limited value in amount of 0,05, it means, hypothesis that claim if work motivation take effect against employees performance can be accepted. There is a positive and significant correlation between work environment variables (X2) against employees. With t value in amount of 2,219 (bigger than t in table in amount of 1,690) and significance value in amount of 0,33 (smaller than 0,5). Simultaneously, work motivation take effect positively and significantly against employees performance with the F value in amount of 11,562 (bigger than 0.05), then obtained significance value 0.000. It can be concluded that the work motivation and work environment has a positive and significant influence on employee performance in BAPPEDA Kabupaten Wonosobo.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Erlangga Arya Mandala ◽  
Faresti Nurdiana Dihan

The Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction to be part of the factors that influence performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable partially and simultaneously. This study also aimed to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable directly and indirectly. This study was conducted to 77 respondents employees of PT. Madu Baru, Yogyakarta. The research method used is quantitative method uses statistical analysis and descriptive. The results of this study are (1) there is a significant effect of emotional intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (2) there is a significant influence of spiritual intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (3) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on job satisfaction. (4) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence on employee performance. (5) There is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (6) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (7) There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction on employee performance. (8) There is an indirect effect of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. (9) There is the indirect influence of spiritual intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. Keywords: emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, job satisfaction and employee performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-88
Tyas Tunjung Sari ◽  
Pandu Nuansa Luhur

This study aims to determine the motivation of work to mediate the effect of training and work environment on employee performance at PT. Telkom Witel Yogyakarta Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze 1) the effect of training on employee performance at PT. Telkom Witel Yogyakarta 2) the effect of training on employee performance through motivation at PT. Telkom Witel Yogyakarta 3) the influence of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Telkom Witel Yogyakarta 4) the influence of the work environment on employee performance through motivation at PT. Telkom Witel Yogyakarta. This study uses primary data through research on 62 respondents. Structural Equation is used to analyze data, using PLS (Partial Least Square) version 2.0. The results of this study indicate that there are 1) positive and significant influence of training on employee performance 2) positive and significant influence of work environment on employee performance 3) positive and significant effect of training on employee performance through motivation 4) positive and significant influence of work environment on employee performance through motivation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-41
Sri Sudiarti

The objectives of this research are to know and to analyze about the effect of Continuous Improvement on the performance of employees at PT. Rentang Buana Niagamakmur (PT.RBN) Tasikmalaya. Research method which applied in this research is survey research method, while data collecting technique is done by through questionaire. Sampling technique applies sample is accidental sampling technique and the size sample is 55 respondents. Data analysis techniques used in the study is simple regression technique, analysis of the coefficient of determination  and t test. The results showed that the Continuous Improvement  including both criteria, including employee performance criteria, as well as Continuous Improvement  has a positive influence on employee performance of 76,4% in PT . Rentang Buana Niagamakmur (PT.RBN) Tasikmalaya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Riza Faizal ◽  
Maman Sulaeman ◽  
Ismayudin Yulizar

The aim of this research is to know and to analyze the influence of work culture, work motivation and competency on employee's performance. The Objects are employees of  BJB bank at Ciamis, Garut and Tasikmalaya). The method used is descriptive. The sample was taken by using total sampling technique with total of the samples 89 people. By path analysis, the research found that work motivation with indicators internal and external motivation; work culture with indicators of Service excellence, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, Intelligence, Trust included in the high category. Work motivation with indicators of internal motivation and external motivation is included in the sufficient category. Competencies with indicators of Work Quality, Cooperation, Responsibility and Quantity of work are included in the sufficient category. Employee performance with indicators of Work Quality, Discipline Behavior, Use of work time and Attendance are included in the sufficient category. There is a partial positive effect and simultaneous work culture, work motivation and competence on employee performance so that the hypothesis is verified. This means that if the strategy which includes work culture, work motivation and competence is increased, the performance of bank employees to Tasikmalaya, Garut and Ciamis will be better.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 167
Nur’enny Nur’enny ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat

This study aims to obtain information about extrinsic motivation and work experience and its effect on employee performance in the Serang Baru District Office. This study uses a saturated sample so that the population is the same as the sample of 80 employees, at the Serang Baru District Office. The method used is validation test, reliability test, then classical assumption test, which includes normality test and multicollinearity, as well as heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear analysis test, multiple linear equations, F test, coefficient of determination, and t test. The data of this research used observation methods and questionnaires distributed to 80 samples which were addressed to employees of the Serang Baru District Office. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded: 1) Extrinsic motivation does not affect employee performance because employees are willing to work more than expected regardless of extrinsic motivation or not. 2) Employee performance is strongly influenced by work experience. The more experience, they get while working, the more knowledge they will get. 3) Employee performance will be better with the support of experienced employees so as to increase the level of output produced.             Keywords: Employee Performance, Extrinsic Motivation, Work Experience

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Riski Eko Ardianto ◽  
Ergo Nurpatria Kurniawan

Employee performance is something that is considered important for the company. Employees have high performance will certainly be able to work optimally so that the objectives of the institution itself will be easily achieved. Through the improvement of the working environment and working discipline expected the resulting performance can be optimized within the enterprise. In this study to determine the three variables that can affect employee performance (Y), the work environment variables (X1) and discipline (X2). Simultaneous and partially on the performance of employees at PT.Fuji Seimitsu Indonesia. Type of research is quantitative research. Methods of data collection using questionnaires with sempel amount of research is 100 respondents.Data analysis techniques in research using descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, validity and reliability test and partial test ( Test T) and a simultaneous test (Test F). Results of research conducted using SPSS 2.2 (ststitical program for social science), from the results obtained that the working environment (X1) were significant influence on employee performance (Y) on PT.Fuji Seimitsu Indonesia because work environment variables t = 3.231 > t table 1.660 with sig = 0.002 < 0.05. Labor discipline (X2) have a significant effect on employee performance (Y). Work environment (X1) and discipline (X2) simultaneously significant effect on employee performance (Y) PT. Fuji Seimitsu Indonesia.The results obtained on the whole of the working environment (X1) and discipline (X2) are all very significant influence on employee performance (Y) in PT.Fuji Seimitsu Indonesia. Keywords:Work Environment, Work Discipline and Employee Performance

MBIA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Cut Ermiati ◽  
Dita Amanah ◽  
Dedy Ansari Harahap ◽  
Fitriani Tanjung

This study aims to determine the effect of career development and work placement on employee work performance at PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra Province. The population in this study were all employees per division, amounting to 182 employees. From the total population can be determined the number of samples in this study amounted to 65 people. The data analysis technique used is the t-test, f-test, multiple linear regression and determinant coefficient test using SPSS 22. From the calculation results using SPSS shows that there is an influence of career development on employee work performance, there is the influence of work placement on employee performance and there is the influence of career development and work placement on employee performance.

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