scholarly journals Identifying Sixth Grade Students’ Misconceptions on Solar System

Febiola Eka Putri ◽  
Neni Hermita ◽  
Zufriady Zufriady ◽  
Tommy Tanu Wijaya

The purpose of this study was to determine sixth grade students’ misconception on the solar system. This study uses a sampling technique while total sampling with a total sample of 88 students. This research uses the descriptive quantitative method. This research aims to describe the misconceptions on the material of the solar system in class 6 of public elementary school in Pekanbaru, data collection techniques using the Four Tier Test. The results showed that students' misconceptions were categorized as "medium" with an average of 47.58% of 88 students. The highest misconception on material related to the characteristics of stars with a misconception level of 67.61% with this level can be said that there are still many students who are investigated experiencing misconceptions. The lowest misconception is 27.27%, which is material about the sun as the center of the solar system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-172 ◽  
So Ra Kang ◽  
Haeryun Cho ◽  
Shin-Jeong Kim

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate empathy, awareness, and attitudes toward violence among elementary school students. Methods: The participants were 195 fifth and sixth grade students in Y elementary school. The data collection period was from June 24 to July 4, 2019. Results: Empathy scores significantly differed according to participants' gender and need for education on violence prevention. Attitudes towards violence (permissive and neglectful) significantly differed according to students' grade and need for education on violence prevention. Empathy was negatively correlated with permissive attitudes toward violence (r=-.26, <i>p</i><.001) and neglectful attitudes toward violence (r=-.24, <i>p</i>=.001). Conclusion: The results of this study are expected to be utilized as basic data for education on violence prevention through empathy.

Suratman Suratman

<em>This research activity was motivated by the low interest in learning and the low learning outcomes of students of Aditirto Elementary School, Pejagoan District, Kebumen Regency. This study aims to improve student motivation and learning outcomes in Civics learning about State Institutions in the sixth grade students of Aditirto Elementary School through using the Learning Model "Make A Match with Color Card media"<strong>. </strong>This research is a Class Action Research conducted in two cycles, where each cycle consists of Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. The research subjects were 30 sixth grade students of Aditirto Public Elementary School, in the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. Our data collection techniques are done with Observation, Interview and Test as well as data triangulation techniques to maintain data validity and validity. Important results in this study, as well as the conclusions of research activities is that the use of learning models "Make A Match" with Color Card Media"<strong> </strong>really can improve motivation and learning outcomes of sixth grade students of Aditirto Public Elementary School</em>

2020 ◽  
Andria Pragholapati

Work motivation is an influential condition for arousing, directing, and maintaining behavior related to the work environment including nurse work motivation. The purpose of this study was to edit the Nurses' Work Motivation in the Inpatient Room of Majalaya Regional Hospital. This type of research uses analytic survey methods. The sampling method uses a total sampling technique with a total sample of 55 nurses in 6 inpatients. Data collection techniques using a work motivation questionnaire. The analysis used is univariate. The results of the study 28 people (50.9%) have high work motivation. The conclusion of the results of this study some nurses have work motivation of nurses in the inpatient room of Majalaya Regional Hospital. Based on the results of the study are expected to require motivation support to increase work motivation of nurses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Ni Luh Bella Citra Dewi ◽  
Ni Ketut Murdani ◽  
Ni Luh Ketut Ayu Sudha Sucandrawati

The study entitled “The Effect of Product Quality and Service on Indomaret Sukawati Customer Satisfaction in Gianyar Regency” aims to determine the significant effect of service and product quality on customer satisfaction at Indomaret Celuk Sukawati Branch, Gianyar, both on a persial and simultaneous basis. Data collection techniques using questionnaires as well as methods of observation, literature study and interviews. Analysis technique with multiple linear regression test, F-test, t-test, and determination test. In determining the sample the researcher uses purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 70 respondents.The results of the Influence of Product Quality and Service on Indomaret Sukawati’s Customer Satisfaction in Gianyar Regency are Services that have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, Product Quality has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, so it can be concluded that Service and Product Quality variables have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction Indomaret minimarket, Jalan Raya Celuk Sukawati, Gianyar Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 204
Melia Wulandari ◽  
Happy Fitria ◽  
Achmad Wahidy

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and work discipline on the performance of public elementary school teachers in Cluster I, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency. This type of research is quantitative. The sample in the study was 55 respondents with data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The results showed that: 1) there is a significant influence of leadership on teacher performance, 2) there is a significant effect of work discipline on teacher performance, 3) there is a significant influence between leadership and work discipline on teacher performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Andi Kaharuddin ◽  
Sartika Arifin ◽  
Topanus Tulak ◽  
Putu Ayu Suyastini

Abstrak: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan perbedaan pengaruh dari penerapan TGT dan DL dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan Quasi Experiment. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VI sekolah dasar dengan sampel yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling terdiri dari du kelas. Instrumen yang digunakan mengumpulkan data yaitu observasi keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran dan tes akhir pembelajaran berupa tes essay. Hasil pengujian secara deskriptif yaitu penerapan TGT berpengaruh positif dibandingkan dengan DL ditinjau berdasarkan hasil belajar dan keaktifan siswa. Berdasarkan pengujian inferensial pada hipotesis penelitian dengan uji t ditemukan thitung > α berarti terdapat perbedaan pengaruh, dimana pengaruh penerapan model TGT lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan DL. Sehingga, secara umum diinterpretasikan bahwa TGT berpengaruh positif dibandingkan dengan DL terhadap hasil belajar dan keaktifan siswa sekolah dasar.TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT (TGT) AND DISCOVERY LEARNING (DL) IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAbstract: This study describes the different effects of the application of TGT and DL in mathematics learning in elementary schools. This research is a Quasi Experiment. The population of this research is the sixth grade students of elementary school. The sample is determined by using purposive random sampling technique consisting of two classes. The instruments used to collect data were the observation of student activeness in learning and the final test of learning in the form of an essay test. The results of the descriptive test, namely the application of TGT have a positive effect compared to DL in terms of learning outcomes and student activity. Based on inferential testing on the research hypothesis with the t test, it was found that tcount > α means that there is a difference in influence, where the effect of applying the TGT model is higher than that of DL. Thus, it is generally interpreted that TGT has a positive effect compared to DL on learning outcomes and the activeness of elementary school students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-134
Khusnul Hatima ◽  
Niluh Putu Evvy Rossanty ◽  
Risnawati Risnawati

This study determines simultaneous and partial influence of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence on academic achievement of Management Department Students of 2013 and 2014 at the Faculty of Economics, Tadulako University. The type of research is quantitative and sampling technique applies purposive sampling, with a total sample of 83 respondents consisting of 36 students of class 2013 and 47 students of class of 2014. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this study show that the variables intelligence (X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) simultaneously influence academic achievement (Y) with sig. value of 0.000 <0.05. Furthermore, variable intellectual intelligence (X1) with sig. value of 0.003, and Emotional Intelligence (X2) with sig is 0,001 that showing partial influences on academic achievement (Y). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial dari kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi akademik Mahasiswa Manajemen Angkatan 2013 dan 2014 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tadulako. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan teknik penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 83 responden yang terdiri dari 36 mahasiswa angkatan 2013 dan 47 mahasiswa angkatan 2014. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kecerdasan intelektual (X1) dan kecerdasan emosional (X2) terhadap prestasi akademik (Y) berpengaruh secara simultan dengan nilai sig sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Selanjutnya variabel Kecerdasan Intelektual (X1) dengan nilai sig sebesar 0,003, dan Kecerdasan Emosional (X2) dengan nilai sig sebesar 0,001 yang berarti secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap Prestasi Akademik (Y).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-114
Muhammad Fadhil Junery ◽  
Nur Asyira

This research aims to determine the immigration office services providing services to the community and how much influence the quality of immigration office services on the level of community satisfaction. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method. The population in this research amounted to 21613 people. While sampling uses the Slovin formula with convenience sampling technique so that a sample of 100 people is obtained. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires and literature studies. The results of this research are that the service at the Bengkalis Immigration Office has been well fulfilled based on the determination of the central government. Then the service quality of Bengkalis Immigration Office has a significant effect on the level of community satisfaction with a percentage of influence of 68.6% and the remaining 31.4% is influenced by other variables.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Maulidiyah firda Yanti ◽  
Machful Indra Kurniawan

The purpose of this study is to find  how much the influence storytelling method for speaking skills of elementary school  01 Waru Sidoarjo inter class. The kind of the study use quantitative  of kind pre-experimental with one grup desain of pretest-posttest. the sampling technique in this study  use  purposive sampling technique with certain considerations, which use all members of the population as a sample of 25 students inter A class. the  data collection methods  are descriptive statistic and analysis prerequisite tests and hypothesis testing. The results of students analysis are speaking skills before using the storytelling method is in the medium category. Furthermore, the T test was compare with a 5% significance level of 1.7081.  Then it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. While the calculation of the level influence obtained 0,91 results which means that there is a large influence in the study, because eta square is 0,91 > 0,41. These results illustrate that the speaking skills of students in class 3 are influenced by using the storytelling method in grade 3 elementary school at Bangah 01 Waru Sidoarjo.

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