scholarly journals Theoretical and Practical Training of Future Teachers of the Humanities for Socially Oriented Educational Work

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 434-440

The article discusses the theoretical and practical foundations of training future teachers for socially oriented educational work. The article also highlights the topics of experimental lectures, general requirements for their conduct, leading methods, as well as types of student’s independent work, criteria of social education, the topic of the seminar. The authors of the article believe that the experimental results of this study confirm the validity of the scientific-theoretical approach to the study of the problem, the thoroughness of the theoretical-pedagogical and theoretical-practical training of future teachers for the social and educational work.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-41
Perminova L.A. ◽  
Yurkova T.F.

An important component of the educational process in higher education institutions is the practical training of students, in particular the passage of industrial pedagogical practice, which is a mandatory component and the result of mastering the psychological and pedagogical component of higher education.The analytical materials of the organization of industrial (pedagogical) practice are presented in the work. Arguments of expediency of effective ways of formation of competitiveness of future teachers in the conditions of school practice are resulted. During the formation of practical skills, future professionals gain experience working with students, teaching staff, parents. The ability to identify acute issues, to organize correctional classes on the problems of student education, to act as a class teacher for future teachers is an important aspect of becoming a professional.The urgency of the problem is primarily determined by the task of reforming the content and forms of training of future teachers, which requires appropriate adjustments in the process of mastering practical professional competencies.The authors present the comments of stakeholders, which are analyzed and the corresponding conclusions are made. In particular, the introduction into the curriculum of the educational component “Theory and methods of educational work in educational institutions”. The practice of industrial (pedagogical) practice shows that the quality of performance indicators increases significantly in accordance with the success of higher education seekers in self-realization during practice.Among the leading competencies that are formed during practice are the development of skills to analyze educational activities, skills of self-control and self-assessment of the process and outcome of pedagogical activities and the ability to analyze difficulties in pedagogical activities and solve them. Stakeholders noted an insufficient level of self-management skills, which should be noted by the organizers of industrial practice.The purpose of the article is to substantiate the significant contribution of industrial practice in the formation of professionalism of future teachers.Research methods. During the study of the organization of psychological and pedagogical practice we used such general scientific methods as theoretical, empirical (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, systematization, generalization).Key words: psychological and pedagogical component of educational process, pedagogical (production) practice, influence of practice on quality of future profession. Важливою складовою частиною освітнього процесу в закладах вищої освіти є практична підготов-ка студентів, зокрема проходження виробничої педагогічної практики, яка є обов’язковим компонентом і результатом опанування психолого-педагогічної складової частини підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти.У роботі представлено аналітичні матеріали організації виробничої (педагогічної) практики. Наведено аргументи доцільності ефективних способів формування конкурентоздатності майбутніх учителів в умовах шкільної практики. Під час формування практичних навичок майбутні фахівці набувають досвід роботи з учнями, педагогічним колективом, батьками. Уміння виявляти гострі питання, організовувати корекційні заняття з проблем виховання учнів, виступати в ролі класного керівника для майбутніх учителів є важливим аспектом становлення професіонала.Актуальність висунутої проблеми в першу чергу визначається завданням реформування змісту та форм навчання майбутніх учителів, що потребує внесення відповідних корективів у процес опанування практичними професійними компетентностями.Авторами наведено зауваження стейкхолдерів, які проаналізовано та зроблено відповідні висновки. Зокрема, введення в навчальні плани освітньої компоненти «Теорія та методика виховної роботи в закладах освіти». Практика проведення виробничої (педагогічної) практики засвідчує, що якісні показники результативності значно зростають відповідно до успішності здобувачів вищої освіти в самореалізації під час практики. Серед провідних компетентностей, які формуються під час практики, є вироблення умінь здійснювати аналіз виховних заходів, навичок самоконтролю й самооцінки процесу і результату педагогічної діяльності та умінь аналізувати труднощі, які виникають у педагогічній діяльності й вирішувати їх. Стейкхолдерами відмічено недостатній рівень сформованості навичок само менеджменту, на що слід звертати увагу організаторам виробничої практики. Метою статті статі є обґрунтування вагомого внеску виробничої практики у становлення професіоналізму майбутніх учителів.Методи дослідження. Під час вивчення питання організації психолого-педагогічної практики нами використані теоретичні та емпіричні загальнонаукові методи (аналіз, синтез, спостереження, порівняння, систематизація, узагальнення). Ключові слова: психолого-педагогічна складова частина освітнього процесу, педагогічна (виробнича) практика, вплив практики на якість майбутньої професії.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-81
Y. Yu. Plisko ◽  

The study helped to find out that the process of organizing the social education of juvenile offenders sentenced to imprisonment by imprisonment is carried out on the basis of the use of: a multilevel complex of social and pedagogical prevention; methods of individual and collective educational work; and also, social and pedagogical rehabilitation of the personality of the child-criminal. The use of crime prevention (at three levels) is aimed at: prevention of deviations of the delinquent nature of the child, the formation of its legal awareness, providing moral and psychological assistance to "difficult" adolescents and their parents; elimination of possible risks of committing an offense and prevention of re-offending by a juvenile who has already been prosecuted. Emphasis is placed on individual educational work, which is defined as the most progressive modern form of social and pedagogical rehabilitation and socialization of difficult children (delinquents, offenders, criminals, etc.). The use of "individual case management" as a separate model of organizing comprehensive assistance to a juvenile offender sentenced to non-custodial punishment is considered. As an example of collective work, a program of social and pedagogical rehabilitation is presented, in which the process of restoring the personality of a juvenile offender has a complex, multidisciplinary nature and is carried out in a healthy society. It is revealed that the correctional and rehabilitation work is carried out taking into account the results of diagnosis, causes and conditions of each juvenile regarding his offense. Therefore, each program is adjusted to each case.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Ganna Slobodianiuk

The vector of competence approach in professional formation of specialists poses to the higher education of Ukraine the question of the quality of future teachers’ preparation, the examination of which should become the professional competencies of the graduate student. The psychological competencies of the teacher require specification of the application of psychological knowledge in relation to a number of interactions that mediate the educational process and activity of a teacher. It is logical for the society to expect that the basic psychological competences of the future teacher should be acquired at the stage of primary professionalization in the educational institution which prepares teachers. Structurally normative psychological training of future teachers is indirectly reflected in the scope of teaching and distribution of teaching hours of psychological disciplines, in their content and structuring in different training courses, the ratio of classroom hours and independent work of the student in the discipline. The purpose of the work is to summarize the educational tendencies in the content of the curricula of psychological training of future teachers in the higher education system. The main results were obtained through the methods of analysis of curricula for the preparation of mathematics teachers of bachelor level in different higher education institutions of Ukraine in the context of: the volume of academic hours of disciplines of psychological cycle and their content representation; studying trends in the ratio of different forms of classroom training and their share in the general and practical training of specialists. The analysis of ten-year curricula and programs of psychological disciplines showed a variety of volumes of study of psychological disciplines, a tendency to decrease its academic hours, a reduction in the number of ECTS credits and reduction of the applied content component of developmental, pedagogical, social psychology and psychological foundations of family life. There is a certain tendency to decrease the quota of classroom study of psychological disciplines and increase the volume of students’ independent work. The lack of approved national professional standard for the teaching profession makes it difficult to include applied psychological disciplines in teacher training plans designed to ensure the formation of professional psychological competencies of future educators.

2020 ◽  
pp. 73-92
Iryna Tsisaruk

In the article reveals the content of the structural and functional model of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology. To visualize the specific goals, ways and results of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology in the process of independent work, a modeling method was used, which is based on the principle of analogy and provides the opportunity to study a real object not directly but through consideration an object similar to it, that is, its model. The method of experimental research «pedagogical modeling» is revealed as the initial stage of process design, which involves creating conditions to achieve the goal, determining the stages and components of this process, developing strategies, forms, methods, tools, technologies of professional development and more. The structural-functional model is based primarily on the social order based on the expected results of the future teacher of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work throughout life. Given the specifics of the process of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology in the process of independent work, in our opinion, we must take into account the model of future professional activity, the structural elements of which we include taking into account the social order theoretical and methodological block (purpose, conceptual principles, methodological approaches, principles); procedural-semantic block (structural components, strategies, forms, methods, means) with an interactive development program and diagnostic-effective block (criteria, indicators, levels), focused on the preparation of future teachers of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work during life. Also, in the article defines and theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for ensuring the success and efficiency of the studied phenomenon, which ensured the continuity, efficiency and reliability of the process. Key words: model, modeling, professional development, future teachers of labor training and technologies.

А. Marushkevych

The article presents some ideas about the practical training of future educators in the analysis of Ukrainian scholars-pedagogues whose names are known in Ukraine and abroad. The emphasis is placed on the importance of accepting some ideas as relevant to the implementation under modern conditions of the development of domestic education. It has been pointed out that there are actual I. Ogienko's ideas concerning the importance of the self-criticism of the people of science to their work, the attitude of society to the scientists' scientific work, which is not sufficiently appreciated, but is the basis of the spiritual culture. M. Pirogov's ideas about importance of university education, the formation of students' need for independent reading of scientific literature and the preparation of lectures in this way have been considered. G. Vaskovych's position on the level of training of pedagogical staff, providing them with the necessary methodical assistance, publishing periodical scientific and educational publications, which would facilitate implementing the most advanced ideas into educational practice and informing the readers about the ways of their implementation have been revealed. The analysis of a number of educational ideals by Ukrainian teacher G. Vashchenko and the vision of the importance of correct choice in the education of Ukrainian youth has been presented, because the quality of the formation of the moral qualities of young people depends on the adoption of the educational ideal. The importance of the S. Chavdarov's ideas concerning the textbook creation has been proved. In his opinion, the false practice of annual creating text-books negatively affects teaching, leads to neglecting of the theory. The author substantiates M.Gryshchenko's important views on raising the level of pedagogical preparation of students, educational work with freshmen, didactic counseling for young teachers. The attention has been paid to A. Aleksyuk's analysis of independent work of students, because, in his opinion, independence in obtaining knowledge helps to acquire skills and abilities to see the purpose and content of work, to ensure selfeducation. O. Dukhnovich's thoughts about a mentor as a person gifted with special qualities, among which is the true challenge, respect for order, and the possession of a clear way of teaching have been considered. The scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions has been oriented to enriching their experience with knowledge about the providing of training and education of future specialists with the help of the heritage of outstanding personalities of the past.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 486-489
A.A. Khodakovsky ◽  
N.I. Voloshchuk

The cycle of choice “Preclinical experimental research” is an integral component of the compulsory discipline “Pharmacology”. Successful pedagogical training of scientific personnel (graduate students) became possible thanks to the development of the curriculum, which, first of all, became possible thanks to the efforts of the scientific personnel of the Pharmadar Educational and Research Laboratory. They provide not only the functioning of the cycle, but also carry out the scientific and practical burden of fulfilling the tasks of scientific research and economic calculation programs. The composition of the mandatory documentation of pedagogical (educational) work, on which the training of graduate students studying the cycle “Preclinical Experimental Research” is carried out, includes: a practical training program for applicants for the degree of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty 14.03.05 – “pharmacology”; the provision on attaching to the Department of Pharmacology approved by the Academic Council in order to master the mandatory program “222 – medicine, pharmacology”; thematic and calendar plans; independent work; list of additional literature; guidelines The laboratory staff, with the help of graduate students and doctoral students, have developed, improved and patented a number of methods for providing preclinical studies. Thus, the functioning of an educational research laboratory creates an optimal and rational scientific and practical basis for the preparation of a Ph.D. by mastering a post-graduate cycle of choice “Preclinical experimental research”, which was shown by the example of the functioning of the laboratory. In the future, it is appropriate and promising to develop a curriculum for English-speaking students, given the constant increase in their number among university entrants, and as a result — increase in the proportion of foreign citizens, among graduates and entering postgraduate study.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-133
Marzena Możdżyńska

Abstract In recent decades, we observe a significant disorganization of family life, especially in the sphere of parental functions performed by unprepared for the role emotional, socially and economically young people. Lack of education, difficulties in finding work, and the lack of prospects for positive change are the main causes of their impoverishment and progressive degradation in the social hierarchy. Reaching young people at risk of social exclusion and provide them with comprehensive care, should be a priority of modern social work and educational work. In order to provide help this social group and cope with the adverse event created a lot of programs to support systemically start in life. An example would be presented in the article KARnet 15+ program as a form of complex activities of a person stimulating subjectivity, and allows you to modify support in individual cases

Claire Taylor

This chapter lays out the theoretical approach for the book and discusses the methodological problems of writing about poverty and the poor in the ancient world. Whilst studying the lives of the poor in the ancient world is to some extent elusive, it argues that historians can do more than simply imagine this group of people back into the gaps left by other evidence. As well as reviewing previous scholarship on poverty in the ancient world, it suggests a way forward which is more in line with contemporary poverty research within the social sciences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5769
Yi Lian ◽  
Kwok-Kuen Tsang ◽  
Ying Zhang

STEM education is an important approach for preparing students for a competitive workforce with essential skills in the 21st century. However, successfully implementing STEM education in primary and secondary schools presents a variety of challenges. The study suggests that a neglected challenge in the literature is how to sustain teachers’ positive emotions toward STEM educational work, which may cause teachers to be more engaged in, motived by, and committed to STEM education. Therefore, the study aims to contribute to the literature by investigating the mechanism of the construction and suitability of teachers’ emotions toward STEM educational work based on a single case study conducted in Hong Kong from the social constructionist perspective. The major findings of the study indicate that (1) positive emotions toward STEM educational work may be constructed by the teacher’s positive interpretation of the work, i.e., STEM educational work as the facilitator of students’ overall development and that (2) positive emotions toward STEM educational work may be sustained by enabling school institutions to have the elements of shared power, administrative support, and the value of a whole-person education.

Paul Ranson ◽  
Daniel Guttentag

Purpose This study aimed to investigate whether increasing the social presence within an Airbnb lodging environment could nudge guests toward altruistic cleaning behaviors. Design/methodology/approach The study was based around a theoretical framework combining the social-market versus money-market relationship model, nudge theory and social presence theory. A series of three field experiments were conducted, in which social presence was manipulated to test its impact on guest cleaning behaviors prior to departure. Findings The experimental results confirmed the underlying hypothesis that an Airbnb listing’s enhanced social presence can subtly induce guests to help clean their rental units prior to departure. Originality/value This study is the first to examine behavioral nudging in an Airbnb context. It is also one of the first field experiments involving Airbnb. The study findings offer clear theoretical and practical implications.

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