scholarly journals Inclusive Education for Health: Analysis of the Mandatory Nature of Vaccination and Its Regulation by Administrations, and Implications and Considerations for Vaccination against COVID

Vaccines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Eduardo García-Toledano ◽  
Emilio López-Parra ◽  
Antonio Cebrián-Martínez ◽  
Ascensión Palomares-Ruiz

In the process of vaccination against COVID-19, the problem of parents who do not want to vaccinate their school-age children has been evident. A conflict arises between two fundamental rights: the right to ideological freedom, privacy, and physical integrity of parents and minors who do not opt for vaccination; and the right to health of the rest of the children who attend the same school, provoking a social debate on the need to introduce regulatory changes that favor the mandatory imposition of vaccination in certain cases. This research offers an observational study through a cross-sectional design of a quantitative nature, in which one thousand people belonging to the education, health, and economy sectors from seventy-six countries of five continents have participated. The instrument used was a previously validated questionnaire: VACUNASEDUCA. It was considered essential to know the awareness of vaccination processes of professionals from essential social sectors. Therefore, the objectives were: to reflect on the measures of mandatory vaccination, to know the importance of teachers being able to demand a regulated vaccination card from students, to study the need for regulation by administrations of compliance with vaccines, and to analyze the importance of health education. It has been shown that women and those under thirty years of age are the least in favor of compulsory vaccination, with the health sector being the most defending of their demand, and with Europe with the lowest means. It is concluded that mandatory vaccination could be an acceptable tactical option to prevent high-risk situations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ireine S. Waworuntu ◽  
John . Porotu'o ◽  
Olivia A. Waworuntu

Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). In Indonesia, there are about 430.000 new cases, of which 61.000 cases ended in death. This disease has many clinical varieties, therefore, a gold standard for the right and exact diagnosis is needed. The examination of sputum by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining must be more improved for public health service. This study aimed to determine the profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid-fast bacteria) among patients with coughing ≥2 weeks at Ranotana, Wenang and Sario Primary Health Cares (PHCs) by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method during the period of September 2015 - December 2015. The results showed that there were 38 cases of coughing ≥2 weeks as follows: 15 cases at Wenang PHC, 13 cases at Ranotana PHC, and 10 cases at Sario PHC. The examination of acid-fast bacteria from the 38 cases of three PHCs showed that 1 case (2.7%) had acid-fast bacteria (++). Conclusion: In this study, there was only one case (2,7%) with positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Keywords: cough more than two weeks, tuberculosis, BTA Abstrak: Tuberkulosis adalah suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). Indonesia memiliki sekitar 430.000 kasus baru dimana 61.000 kasus berakhir dengan kematian. Penyakit ini memiliki gejala klinis yang bervariasi sehingga perlu ditetapkan standar baku untuk menegakkan diagnosis lebih cepat dan akurat. Pemeriksaan sputum dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen harus lebih ditingkatkan pada pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran Mycobacterium tuberculosis (basil tahan asam, BTA) dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen pada pasien batuk ≥2 minggu di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana, dan Puskesmas Sario Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan cara total sampling pada kurun waktu September 2015 - Desember 2015. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 38 kasus batuk ≥2 minggu yaitu 15 kasus di Puskesmas Wenang, 13 kasus di Puskesmas Ranotana dan 10 kasus di Puskesmas Sario. Pada pemeriksaan (BTA) di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana dan Puskesmas Sario didapatkan BTA (++) 2,7% sedangkan BTA (-) 97,3%.Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 1 kasus (2,7%) Mycobacterium tuberculosis positif

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Ni Putu Lydya ◽  
Ni Putu Aryati Suryaningsih ◽  
Ni made Umi Kartika Dewi

Latar Belakang: Nyeri merupakan keluhan terbanyak yang mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan praktek swamedikasi. Analgesik efektif dan memiliki indeks terapi yang luas, namun dapat berpotensi untuk menimbulkan efek samping yang serius bahkan ketika digunakan dalam dosis yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran terkait rasionalitas penggunaan analgesik dalam swamedikasi nyeri di Kota Denpasar. Metode: Studi ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dan melibatkan 196 responden yang dipilih dengan consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada enam apotek di wilayah Kota Denpasar dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil: Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa 50,5% responden menggunakan analgesik secara tidak rasional dalam praktek swamedikasi nyeri. Mayoritas responden yang menggunakan analgesik dalam swamedikasi nyeri adalah perempuan, usia 17-25 tahun, tingkat pendidikan tinggi, bekerja dan memiliki tingkat pendapatan yang rendah. Kesimpulan: Setengah dari total responden menggunakan analgesik secara tidak rasional dalam praktek swamedikasi nyeri. Tingginya ketidakrasionalan penggunaan analgesik dapat menyebabkan peningkatkan biaya pengobatan dan dapat menimbulkan kondisi yang berbahaya. Kata kunci: Penggunaan analgesik, rasionalitas, swamedikasi AbstractBackground: Pain is the most complaints of illness that encourage communities to use analgesics in self-medication practice. Analgesics are effective and have a broad therapeutic index, but may have potentially serious side effects even when they used in the right dosage. This study aimed to determine the rationality of analgesic use in pain self-medication in Denpasar City. Method: A cross-sectional design was used, and involved 196 respondents selected through consecutive sampling. Data were collected from questionnaire distribution in six pharmacies in Denpasar City and analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Result: This study found that 50,5% respondents used analgesics irrationally in pain self-medication practice. The majority of respondents who used analgesics in pain self-medication were females, aged 17-25 years old, high education level, employed, and had low income. Conclusion: Half of the total respondents used analgesics irrationally in pain self-medication practice. High of irrational analgesic use can increase medical costs and lead to dangerous conditions. Keywords:  Analgesic use, pain, rationality, self-medication

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 370-382
Rina Kriswiastiny ◽  
Festy Ladyani Mustofa ◽  
Syuhada Syuhada ◽  
Reychan Gustiawan Putra

ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP OF SLE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS) ACTIVITIES BASED ON MEX-SLEDAI SCORING ON DEPRESSION IN ODAPUS COMMUNITIES BANDAR LAMPUNG Background: Depression is a clinical manifestation that can occur in patients with SLE and it is suspected that the level of SLE disease activity can affect these events (Nery, et al. 2007). Ironically, this section is a part that is often overlooked by many people, including the health sector. In fact, by understanding this point of view, cross-scientific collaborative treatment such as the Internal and Psychiatry Fields can be done to improve the treatment and quality of life of patients.Objective: To determine the relationship between SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) disease activity based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring against depression in the Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020.Methodology: The type of research used in this study is correlative analytic with cross-sectional design. The sample used in this study were patients with SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring for depression in the Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020. Data analysis used the Spearman test.Results: In the activity variable SLE and depression, the P value = 0.001 (P <0.05) with a correlation value of r = 0.490 was obtained.Conclusion: There is a relationship between SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) disease activity based on MEX-SLEDAI Scoring against depression in Odapus Community, Bandar Lampung City 2020 with moderate correlation strength. Keywords: Lupus, Depression, MEX-Sledai  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN AKTIFITAS PENYAKIT SLE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS)  BERDASARKAN MEX-SLEDAI SCORING TERHADAP DEPRESI DI KOMUNITAS ODAPUS KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNGLatar Belakang: Depresi merupakan manifestasi klinis yang dapat muncul pada penderita SLE dan diduga tingkat aktivitas penyakit SLE dapat mempengaruhi kejadian-kejadian tersebut (Nery, dkk. 2007). Ironisnya, bagian ini merupakan bagian yang sering luput diperhatikan oleh banyak orang, termasuk bidang kesehatan. Padahal, dengan memahami sudut pandang ini, pengobatan kolaboratif lintas keilmuan seperti Bidang Interna dengan Bidang Psikiatri dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengobatan dan kualitas hidup pasien.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan aktifitas penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020.Metodologi: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik korelatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penderita penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020. Analisa data menggunakan Uji Spearman.Hasil: Pada variabel aktifitas penyakit SLE dan depresi diperoleh nilai P value = 0,001 (P<0,05) dengan nilai korelasi r = 0,490.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan aktifitas penyakit SLE (Systemic lupus Erythematosus) berdasarkan MEX-SLEDAI Scoring terhadap depresi di Komunitas Odapus Kota Bandar Lampung 2020 dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang.Kata Kunci     : Lupus, Depresi, MEX-Sledai

2019 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-168
Yu-Chen Lin ◽  
Yen-Li Chao ◽  
Chieh-Hsiang Hsu ◽  
Hsiao-Man Hsu ◽  
Po-Tsun Chen ◽  

Background. Knowledge regarding the relationship between writing kinetics and the difference among writing tasks is limited. Purpose. This study examined the differences in handwriting performance when doing tasks with different levels of challenge from both temporal and kinetic perspectives among children in four different age groups. Method. The cross-sectional design introduced a force-acquisition pen to detect differences of pen grip and writing kinetics among 170 school-age children doing writing tasks at different difficulty levels. Data were obtained on the force information of the digits and pen tip and the kinetic parameters to examine the coordination-and-control mechanism between the digits and pen. Statistical analyzes were carried out to indicate the differences in writing performance among groups and tasks. Findings. Statistical differences in the pen-grip forces, force fluctuation, and force ratio between grip and pen-tip forces were found when performing different writing tasks and among different age groups. Implications. The study provides an alternative method to explore how writing performance among school-age children can vary according to the difficulty of the writing tasks.

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Lyon Lalita ◽  
Ora I. Palandeng ◽  
Olivia C.P. Pelealu

Abstract: Physiologically, nose has several functions such as a filter and the first-line defence as well as protectve organ against the negative impacts of the environment. The nose is also useful to clean the air from dust, bacteria, and viruses through a mucociliary transport mechanism. Generally, the important role of smell has lack of public attention until eventually disorders or injuries that can disturb the ability and physiological function of the nose occur. This was an observational descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Respondents were 30 students in Sekolah Polisi Negara (State police school) Karombasan Manado; all were males. Nose health status of every respondent was determined by examination of the nasal cavity, conchae, mucous layer, secretion, septum, and post nasal drips. The results showed that from the 30 respondents, there was edema at the right conchae and left conchae each as many as 6.7%. Examination of septum showed that septum deviation of the right nose. Examination of nasal cavity, mucosa layer, secretion and post nasal drips overall resulted in normal category. Conclusion: Nose health status at Sekolah Polisi Negara Karombasan Manado was categorized as good.Keywords: nose health, physical examination of nose Abstrak: Secara fisiologis hidung mempunyai beberapa fungsi antara lain sebagai penyaring dan pertahanan lini pertama serta pelindung tubuh terpenting terhadap lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan. Hidung juga berguna membersihkan udara inspirasi dari debu, bakteri dan virus melalui mekanisme transpor mukosiliar. Umumnya, peran penting dari indera penghiduan kurang mendapat perhatian khusus dari masyarakat sendiri hingga terjadi gangguan atau cidera yang dapat menghilangkan kemampuan dan fungsi fisiologis dari organ hidung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkangambaran kesehatan hidung di Sekolah Polisi Negara Karombasan Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Sampel penelitian ialah 30 orang mahasiswa Sekolah Polisi Negara Karombasan Manado, seluruhnya berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Status kesehatan hidung setiap responden dinilai dengan memeriksa kavum nasi, konka, mukosa, sekret, septum, dan post nasal drip. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan dari 30 mahasiswa, terdapat edema pada konka sebelah kanan dan kiri masing-masing sebesar 6,7%. Hasil pemeriksaan septum, ditemukan deviasi septum pada hidung kanan sebesar 3,3%. Pada pemeriksaan kavum nasi, mukosa, sekret, dan post nasal drips didapatkan hasil yang normal. Simpulan: Secara keseluruhan kesehatan hidung di Sekolah Polisi Negara Karombasan tergolong baik. Kata kunci: kesehatan hidung, pemeriksaan fisik hidung

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Firda Ulfa Ramadhani ◽  
Diana Tri Ratnasari Ratnasari ◽  
Masfufatun Masfufatun

Superficial dermatomycosis is a fungal infection of the skin, nail and hair. Based on the pathogen, this infection can be divided into dermatophytosis, phytiriasis versicolor and candidiasis. The rapid diagnosis for this infection is the key point to deliver the right theraphy. The supporting investigation for this infection can be performed directly using KOH. The KOH 20% solution has an indistict color contrast, that cause the fungal element seemed transparent. The observant expertise would be required for this case. The alternative method to enhance sensitivity and specificity of KOH is to add dyes such as Blue Black parker ink. The objectives of this research was to observe the sensitivity and specificity of KOH 20% + blue black parker ink in comparisson with KOH 20% method in superficial dermatomycosis. The research method was cross sectional design analitical obsevation with 30 research subjects. The samples were taken from superficial dermatomycosis lesion swabs. These samples were tested using KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution in Siti Khodijah Muhammadiyah Hospital, Sepanjang and dr. Makmuri Clinics, Surabaya. The results demonstrated that the sensitivity of KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution were 86.67% and 93.33%, respectively. The specificity of KOH 20% solution and KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution were 100% and 100%, respectively. It can be concluded from the research that KOH 20% + blue black parker ink solution can be used for the routine diagnosis for superficial dermatomycosis due to the high sensitivity and specificity.

e-GIGI ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Novany Lumempouw ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan ◽  
Kustina Zuliari

Abstract: During the developmental stage, children begin to do a variety of activities including tooth brushing. Generally, children use their right hands dominantly to do their activities (right-handed), however, there are also children who use their left hands (left-handed) dominantly. This study was aimed to assess the oral hygiene status based on tooth brushing with a combination technique among left-handed and right-handed children. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Population study consisted of left-handed and right-handed children at Kalawat, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi province. Respondents were 60 children consisted of 30 left-handed children and 30 right-handed children obtained by using the purposive sampling method. Data were obtained by using checking form of oral hygiene status. The results showed that oral hygiene status of most left-handed and right-handed children was in good category. The average of OHI-S score of the left-handed children before tooth brushing was 0.7 and after tooth brushing was 0.3, whereas, of the right-handed children, the average of OHI-S score before tooth brushing was 0.6 and after tooth brushing was 0.2. Conclusion: Oral hygiene status of right-handed children who brushed their teeth with a combination technique was better than of the left-handed children. Keywords: oral hygiene status, left-handed children, right-handed children, tooth brushing, combination techniqueAbstrak: Seiring berjalannya tahap perkembangan, anak-anak mulai melakukan aktivitas termasuk menyikat gigi. Umumnya anak dominan melakukan aktivitas menggunakan tangan kanan (non-kidal) tetapi ada juga yang dominan melakukan aktivitas menggunakan tangan kiri (kidal). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut nerdasrkan cara menyikat gigi dengan teknik kombinasi pada anak kidal dan non-kidal. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ialah anak kidal dan non-kidal di Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Jumlah responden sebanyak 60 orang anak terdiri dari 30 anak kidal dan 30 anak non-kidal diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan formulir pemeriksaan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada anak kidal dan anak non-kidal sebagian besar memiliki kategori baik. Rerata skor OHI-S anak kidal sebelum menyikat gigi yaitu 0,7 dan sesudah menyikat gigi 0,3 sedangkan pada anak non-kidal rerata skor OHI-S sebelum menyikat gigi 0,6 dan sesudah menyikat gigi 0,2. Simpulan: Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut berdasarkan cara menyikat gigi menggunakan teknik kombinasi pada anak non-kidal lebih baik dibandingkan pada anak kidal.Kata kunci: status kebersihan gigi dan mulut, anak kidal, anak non-kidal, menyikat gigi teknik kombinasi.

2019 ◽  
Gilbert Banamwana

Abstract Background: Workplace violence is a global problem in the health sector especially in the hospitals affecting healthcare works' job satisfaction and performance. Method: The research approach used was quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design. The stratified random sampling method was used to recruit 195 participants among 379 nurses. Results: The findings revealed that 58.5 % (n=114) of nurses have experienced some types of workplace violence in the twelve months preceding the study among them 44.6% (=108) of nurses were verbally abused. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, it was concluded that the hospital management needs to be aware of workplace violence, develop and implement appropriate policies and strategies. These strategies will strengthen nurses' concentration towards their and will results in service delivery improvement. Keywords: Workplace, workplace violence, nurses

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Ferawati Dakio ◽  
Nurlaily Idris ◽  
Mirna Muis ◽  
Andi Alfian ◽  
Hasyim Kasim ◽  

Hidronefrosis dapat terjadi pada satu atau kedua ginjal yang menyebabkan aliran urine menjadi lemah dan mengganggu fungsi dari ginjal itu sendiri.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi ketebalan korteks ginjal dan resistive index ginjal berdasarkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi pada pasien hidronefrosis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bagian Radiologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dari Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2018. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan rancangan potong lintang.Sampel penelitian sebanyak empat puluh orang yang memiliki klinis hidronefrosis. Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi grayscale terhadap pasien dilakukan untuk mengukur ketebalan korteks ginjal yang dilakukan di bagian tengah ginjal pada potongan longitudinal dan diukur dari puncak piramid tegak lurus ke arah kapsul, kemudian dilanjutkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi doppler di arteri interlobar atau arcuata pada pole superior, median, dan inferior ginjal untuk menilai  renal resistiveindex. Data dianalisis dengan analisis statistik melalui uji korelasi Spearman dan Pearson.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata sampel penelitian mengalami hidronefrosis derajat ringan. Mean tebal korteks ginjal kanan pada penelitian ini 0,9 cm (0,26-1,79cm) dan ginjal kiri 0,84 cm (0,22-1,57cm). Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara derajat hidronefrosis dengan ketebalan korteks ginjal kanan dan kiri dengan arah korelasi negatif (p=0,0001). Kecenderungan peningkatan derajat hidronefrosis, meningkatkan nilai resistive index meskipun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara ketebalan korteks dan resistive index  ginjal berdasarkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi.   Hydronephrosis can occur in one or both kidneys which causes the flow of urine to become weak and interfere with the function of the kidney. This research aimed to investigate the correlation between the cortex thickness and the resistive index of kidney based on the ultrasonography examination in hydronephrosis patients.  The research was conducted in Radiology Department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital, Makassar from May through August 2018. The research design used was observational using the cross sectional design. The total samples comprised 40 samples with clinical hydronephrosis. The examination of ultrasonography grayscale was carried out in order to measure the cortex thickness of the kidneys in the central parts of kidneys and the longitudinal cut was measured from the pyramid top straight down the capsule, then it was continued with the Doppler ultrasonography examination in the interlobare artery or arcute at superior pole, median and inferior kidney in order to evaluate the renal resistive index. The data were analyzed using the statistical analysis through the correlation tests of Spearman and Pearson. The research results indicated that the mean research samples had experienced the light hydronephrosis. The mean cortex thickness of the right kidney was 0.9 cm (0.26 - 1.79 cm), and that of the left kidnet was 0.84 cm (0.22 - 1.57 cm). There was a significant correlation between the degree of hydronephrosis and the cortex thickness of the right and the left kidneys, with the direction of the negative correlation (p=0.0001). There was a tendency of the increase of hydronephrosis degree to increase the value of resistive index, though statistically it was insignificant. There was no correlation between the cortex thickness and the resistive index of kidney based on the ultrasonogrphy examination.  

2019 ◽  
Birgitta Wennberg ◽  
Anette Kjellberg ◽  
Per Anders Gustafsson ◽  
Lena Almqvist ◽  
Gunnel Janeslätt

Abstract Background Children with ADHD and those with intellectual disability (ID) often have problems in daily time management (DTM) and the underlying time-processing ability (TPA). It is, however, less well-known how DTM and TPA may impact children’s everyday autonomy. The purpose of this study was to investigate DTM, TPA and self-rated autonomy in the activities of everyday life among children aged 9-15 years with ADHD ( n = 47), with ID ( n = 47) and typically developing (TD) children ( n = 47). Method A descriptive, comparative and cross-sectional design was used. Group comparisons and cluster analysis with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey post-hoc tests and bootstrapping were used to analyse the data. Results Children with ADHD and those with ID had significantly lower TPA and DTM than TD children. However, there was a considerable heterogeneity among the children with ADHD and ID ranging from skilled to having significant problems in TPA Children with ADHD had lower DTM than those with ID. For all children the levels of self-rated autonomy seemed to follow the level of TPA. Conclusions Children with ADHD and those with ID have an increased risk of delayed TPA, affecting their DTM and autonomy. The results indicate a need to measure TPA and tailor interventions for each child.

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