Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

2580-5967, 1978-2071

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Ayly Soekanto ◽  
Emillia Devi Dwi Rianti

The Covid-19 case is a global pandemic outbreak, resulting in the closure of the implementation of education carried out online by students as well as the work on the results of research data, based on filling out an implementation questionnaire with an average result related to effectiveness, there are 44% which shows that it is not good. Students experience fatigue by 56%, student concentration in lectures by 20%, internet use by 72%, indicating that the conversion value of the level of achievement and qualifications is sufficient, resulting in boredom and stress, as well as physical and mental fatigue. The learning process online or online is very important, supported by the need for internet access

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Yolanda Esperanza ◽  
Sulistiana Prabowo ◽  
Fitri Handajani

Paracetamol has analgesic properties comparable to NSAIDs, but paracetamol have minimal side effects. Paracetamol is metabolized via sulfation and glucuronidation conjugation which is then excreted in the urine. A small part of the paracetamol has been changed to NAPQI. NAPQI will be detoxified by gluthathione. In high doses, there in an increase in NAPQI and a decrease in glutathione levels that results in oxidative stress and liver cell necrosis. Curcumin is often used as a traditional medicine to treat liver disease where it contains phenolic groups capable to scavenge free radicals. Curcumin extract can improve cellular responses to oxidative stress such as increasing the expression of Nrf2, SOD, and gluthathione. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of curcumin on the improvement of liver function in white rats (Rattus novergicus) induced by high dose  paracetamol. The design of this research was a descriptive research using literature studies from at least 15 international journals indexed by Scimago or national journals indexed by Sinta published in 2015-2020. Based on the journals used in this research, giving curcumin at a dose of 200 mg/kg BW/day for 2 weeks was effective in significantly increasing gluthathione levels in rats receiving high dose paracetamol. Giving curcumin at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW/day for 7 days can reduce AST and ALT activity in rats receiving high dose paracetamol, but the dose of curcumin that was more effective in reducing AST and ALT activity was 200 mg/kg BW/day for 2 weeks. This is because of curcumin which functions as a hepatoprotector that bind directly to the toxic metabolite of paracetamol, thereby reducing the use of glutathione and quench free radicals, so that oxidative stress in the liver decreased and gluthathione levels increased, AST and ALT activity decreased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Basuki Supartono ◽  
Ayola Dewi Utami ◽  
Prita Kusumaningsih

Diet vegan belakangan ini menjadi semakin populer di Eropa dan negara lainnya termasuk Indonesia. Pola seperti itu bila dijalankan oleh ibu hamil dan menyusui berpotensi menimbulkan kekurangan nutrisi dan menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan tulang anak. Review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko diet vegan pada ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui. Hasil review memperlihatkan bahwa diet vegan pada ibu hamil dan menyusui dapat menganggu kesehatan tulang anak. Kesimpulan review adalah rakitis nutrisi dapat terjadi akibat diet vegan pada ibu hamil dan menyusui. Sehubungan dengan hal diatas perlu dilakukan edukasi pada ibu hamil dan menyusui yang melakukan diet vegan untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah tersebut. Review ini membahas efek diet vegan terhadap kesehatan tulang anak, pencegahan dan tatalaksananya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Rachma Eka Rani ◽  
Fitri Handajani ◽  
Eva Pravitasari Nefertiti

AbstrakLatar Belakang : Kayu manis (Cinnamomun burmannii) mengandung flavonoid dan sinamaldehid yang berguna sebagai antioksidan dan bersifat renal protektor. Parasetamol berguna sebagai antipiretik dan analgesik. Parasetamol dimetabolisme oleh sitokrom P450 di sel hepar membentuk glukoronida, sulfat, dan NAPQI. NAPQI merupakan hasil metabolit yang sangat reaktif dan mengakibatkan stres oksidatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk engetahui efek pemberian ekstrak kayu manis  yang dapat mencegah kerusakan sel tubulus ginjal tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol.Metode :  30 ekor tikus yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok; (1) kelompok kontrol negatif tanpa perlakuan, (2) kelompok kontrol positif yang diinduksi parasetamol dosis tunggal 1750 mg/kgBB pada hari ke 14, (3) kelompok perlakuan  yang diberi ekstrak kayu manis dosis 400 mg/kgBB selama 14 hari lalu diinduksi parasetamol dosis tunggal 1750 mg/kgBB pada hari ke 14. Pada hari ke 17  hewan coba dikorbankan, dilakukan pengambilan ginjal dan dipemeriksa secara mikroskopik. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji Mann-Whitney U.Hasil : Uji  Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan derajat kerusakan ginjal yang signifikan. Uji Mann-Whitney U menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok kontrol negatif dan kelompok kontrol positif p=0,001 (p<a); kelompok kontrol negatif dan kelompok perlakuan p=0,001 (p<a); juga antara kelompok kontrol positif dan kelompok perlakuan p=0,001 (p<a).Kesimpulan : Terdapat pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kayu manis gambaran histopatologi ginjal  tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol.Kata Kunci : Ekstrak kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii), parasetamol, gambaran histopatologi ginjal AbstractBackground: Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) contains flavonoids and cinnamaldehyde which are useful as antioxidants and renal protectors. Paracetamol is useful as an antipyretic and analgesic. Paracetamol is metabolized by cytochrome P450 in liver cells to form glucuronide, sulfate, and NAPQI. NAPQI is the result of highly reactive metabolites and cause oxidative stress. This study aim to know the effect of cinnamon extract  which can prevent damage of renal tubular cell rats  male induced by paracetamol.Method: 30  rats used and divided into 3 groups (1) untreated group, (2) rats which were induced by single dose paracetamol 1750 mg/kgBW on 14th day, and  (3) rats were which given cinnamon extract dose 400 mg/kgBW for 14 days then induced single dose paracetamol 1750 mg/kgBW on day 14th. On the 17th day the kidneys are taken and microscopic examination is performed. Data analysis uses the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney U test.Result: The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significant difference in the degree of kidney damage. The Mann-Whitney U test showed a significant difference between the negative control group and the positive control group p=0.001 (p <); negative control group and the treatment group p=0.001 (p <); also between the positive control group and the treatment group p=0.001 (p <).Conclusion: There is an effect of administration of cinnamon extract  on the histopathological picture of the kidney of white rats male induced by paracetamol.Keyword:  Cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum burmannii), paracetamol, renal histopathology. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Sukma Sahadewa ◽  
Nike Salindri ◽  
Sandra Miladyna ◽  
Siti Hadijah

The objectives of this research is to find out the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding, nutritional status, and the correlation between of breastfeeding and nutritional status in babies aged 6 to 24 months at the Kedungsari Public Health Center in Mojokerto Regency. This study used 50 babies aged 6-24 months from the Kedungsari Health Center as samples. This study applied a cross-sectional study design. The data was collected by gathering primary data via questionnaires and secondary data from the Kedungsari Health Center. The majority of the children in this research, aged 6-24 months, had been exclusively breastfed (58%). The majority of the children in this research, aged 6 to 24 months, showed normal nutritional status (74%). Furthermore, in the Kedungsari Health Center in Mojokerto Regency, there is a correlation between of breastfeeding and nutritional health in infants aged 6 to 24 months. This study's findings provide up-to-date information on the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding, nutritional status, and the correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status in babies aged 6 to 24 months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
I Kadek Wawan Wijaya ◽  
Riska Ammalia ◽  
Didi Wirdiana ◽  
Arya Yudanta ◽  
Masfufatun Masfufatun

Aloe Vera merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat-obatan yang semakin populer, tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk kecantikan tapi juga untuk kesehatan. Tujuan dari artikel ini yaitu membahas kandungan yang terdapat pada Aloe Vera sebagai antiviral dan imunostimulan. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka/literatur review, dengan mengumpulkan beberapa sumber tertulis melalui pencarian data yang di akses melalui Google sholar dan Science direct. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa Aloe Vera mengandung senyawa aktif yang memiliki efek biologik yaitu Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) salah satunya adalah polisakarida Acemannan yang mengandung bahan aktif Acetylated mannose yang masuk dalam golongan sakarida dan mempunyai fungsi untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh (immunostimulan). Selain itu  Aloe Vera memiliki kandungan antraquinon dan juga aloe emodin yang berfungsi sebagai antiviral untuk mencegah masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh. Berdasarkan hasil review artikel ini maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa  Aloe Vera bisa sebagai antiviral dan  immunostimulan karena memiliki kandungan Acemannan, antraquinon dan aloe emodin. Dengan mengetahui informasi ini diharapkan masyarakat bisa memanfaatkan Aloe Vera yang berada di lingkungan sekitar sebagai bahan pangan selama Pandemi Covid – 19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Nur Khamidah ◽  
Yayi Suryo Prabandari ◽  
Detty Siti Nurdiati

Increasing exclusive breastfeeding effort was continued in Jember district. Local government collaborates with USAID to increase breastfeeding promotion program. Health promotion program used multilevel approach. This study aimed to evaluate exclusive breastfeeding program and impact program to increasing breastfeeding in Jember district. This study method used cross sectional study in two population with mix method approach (qualitative and quantitative). Collecting qualitative data was using participative observation, indepth interview and focus group discussion to describing program. Collecting quantitative data was using questionare to evaluate impact program in two populations (120 respondent program and 125 respondent non program). Data was analyzed by open code in qualitative data. To analyzed quantitative data was used chi square.  The research result shows that Health promotion program increased exclusive breastfeeding was using multilevel approach. In top level, implementation of the program was regulation government policy number 17, 2013 about save childbirth, initiation breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding. In the middle level implementing program by Jember health department and local government clinic through peer breastfeeding support, mother pregnant class and promote by midwife. Lower level evaluation result was that two population program and non program have different significant. Population who give program have 2,4 higher OR value in exclusive breastfeeding than population not give the program. Based on this research it can be concluded that multilevel approach can used to increasing exclusive breastfeeding until six month. Government support was needed to successful program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Geri Febriyanto ◽  
Mgs. Irsan Saleh ◽  
Theodorus Theodorus

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the water fraction of caramunting leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk). Against a decrease in blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial and an increase in insulin levels of male white rats induced by streptozotocin. This research is an in vivo laboratory experimental research. The subjects of this study were 30 male white rats divided into 5 groups, namely positive control using glibenclamide, negative control using Na CMC, treatment group using caramunting leaf water fraction 70mg/ KgBB, 140mg/ KgBB, and 280mg / KgBB. The results showed that the caramunting leaf water fraction group was 70mg/ KgBB. 140mg/ KgBB, and 280m / KgBB effectively reduce blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial and increase insulin levels. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the water fraction of caramunting leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk). Effectively reducing blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial and increasing insulin levels with a dose of 280mg / KgBB is the most effective dose.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Budi Santo ◽  
Dorta Simamora

The energy drink is a beverage that is increasingly being used by the community with the aim to improve work performance, vitality, and concentration. The energy drink is also suspected to affect kidney function. This study aims to determine whether there is influence of various brands of energy drinks (M1, M2, M3, M4) of the serum creatinine levels in male rats Rattus norvegicus.This is a study with randomized post test only control group design. The study used male rats Rattus norvegicus as many as 25 animals that were divided into 5 groups. The control group, the group P1 = M1 energy drinks, group P2 = M2 energy drinks, group P3 = M3 energy drinks, group P4 = M4 energy drinks. The energy drinks were given as many as 2.5 ml / 200 g weight / day for 1 month. Cardiac blood sampling performed to measure the levels of serum creatinine and then the results were analyzed using One-Way Anova to compare the levels of serum creatinine in each group of this study. Results of One-Way Anova test obtained by sig α = 0.000 which means there is significant difference between the treatment group and the control group. It can be concluded that the administration of energy drinks to the Rattus norvegicus would be altered the kidney function. It is caused by various substances contained in energy drinks such as taurine, sugar, vitamin B, caffeine, and other supplementary materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Siti Gusti Ningrum

The objective was to investigate nitrite contents of edible bird’s nest product for human consumption. The investigated edible bird’s nest included 19 samples from multiple lots of commercially local products. Nitrite concentrations were determined by spectrophotometry. Nitrite was detected in low concentration (10.752±1.515 ppm). Detection of adulteration which is residue of hydrogen peroxide was conducted in the present study. Hydrogen peroxide was detected by rapid test which specific for hydrogen peroxide. From 19 sample tested, there was no residue of hydrogen peroxide contained in the products. These results provide new information for evaluating nitrite and hydrogen peroxide in local edible bird’s nest products regarding potential public health consequences.

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