2019 ◽  
pp. 20-25
E.Yu. TSIS ◽  

Скармливание коровам в период раздоя синтетического полиоктилированного полисиликатного гидрогеля (ПОПСГ)  в количестве 100 г на 1 голову в сутки способствовало повышению среднесуточного удоя натуральной и базисной жирности молока на 7,74 и 16,0%, соответственно, и снижению затрат обменной энергии, сухого вещества, сырого протеина, концентратов на 1 кг молока базисной жирности на 13,0—13,6% по сравнению с аналогами из контрольной группы. Использование ПОПСГ способствовало снижению количества соматических клеток в молоке коров на 27,2% и повышению жира и белка на 0,28 и 0,07% по сравнению с контролем. Бактерицидная и лизоцимная активность крови новотельных коров  контрольной и опытной групп в конце опыта были практически на одном уровне и составили, соответственно, 68,59 и 67,03% и 0,31 и 0,30 мкг/мл. Показатель фагоцитарной активности крови у животных опытной группы равнялся 51,57%, что было выше контроля, соответственно, на 4,78%. Отмечено положительное влияние ПОПСГ на рубцовое пищеварение высокопродуктивных коров. Амилолитическая активность рубцовой микрофлоры в опытной группе животных была выше на 0,47 Е/мл. Общее количество бактерий и инфузорий в рубцовом содержимом подопытных коров находилось на одном уровне и составило в среднем 191,00—214,50 и 165,00—183,67 мг/100 мл рубцового содержимого, соответственно. Дополнительная прибыль от реализации молока коров опытной группы за период опыта равнялась 3258,72 руб. на 1 голову по отношению к контролю.Feeding cows in period of milking synthetic polyoxyling polysilicate hydrogel (SPPH) in the amount of 100 g per 1 head per day contributed to increasing the average daily milk yield natural and basis milk fat by 7.74 and 16.0%, respectively, and cost reduction of metabolizable energy, dry matter, crude protein, concentrates of 1 kg of milk basis of fat content is 13.0 to 13.6% in comparison with analogues from control group. The use of SPPH contributed to a decrease in the number of somatic cells in cow milk by 27.2% and an increase in fat and protein by 0.28 and 0.07% compared with the control. Bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood of cows of the control and experimental groups at the end of the experiment were almost at the same level and amounted, respectively, 68.59 and 67.03% and 0.31 and 0.30 µg / ml. The indicator of blood phagocytic activity in animals of the experimental group was 51.57%, which was higher than the control, respectively, by 4.78%. The positive influence of SPPH on cicatricial digestion of highly productive cows. Amylolytic activity of the rumen microflora in the experimental group of animals was higher by 0.47 U/ml Total number of bacterias and protozoans in scar contents of the experimental cows was on the same level and amounted to an average of 191.00—214,50 and of 165.00—183,67 mg/100 ml scar content, respectively. Additional profit from the sale of milk of cows of the experimental group over the period of experiment was equal to 3258,72 RUB on the head relative to the control.

V. A. Tereshchenko ◽  
E. A. Ivanov ◽  
O. V. Ivanova ◽  
G. V. Permyakova ◽  
A. V. Semenovich

An important factor in increasing the productivity of dairy cattle is to ensure the full value of diets by improving the quality of feeds and enriching its with a complex of additives from alternative sources, in particular from the richest forest resources. Scientific-economically experience by studying the effect of feeding coniferous flour on milk productivity and metabolic parameters of cows and determining its optimal dosage was carried out in the conditions of LLC Plemzavod Tayozhny Sukhobuzimsky district of the Krasnoyarsk territory. Three groups of milking cows (control and two experimental) of the Black-Motley breed of the second calving, 5 heads in each group were formed for the experiment on the principle of analogues. The duration of the experiment was 100 days. According to the scheme of studies, the control group received the main diet, the 1st experimental group in addition to the main diet received coniferous flour at a dosage of 50 g/head/day, the 2nd experimental group coniferous flour at a dosage of 100 g/head/day. Research and data processing were carried out according to generally accepted methods. As a result of researches positive influence of coniferous flour on milk productivity and technological properties of cow milk was established. The analysis of the obtained data allowed to determine the most effective dosage of coniferous flour for the diet of cows 50 g/head/day, which contributed to an increase in milk yield for 100 days of lactation by 15.6%, the milk fat amount by 29.8%, the milk protein amount by 17.1%, milk of basic fat content by 29.4%, improvement technological properties of milk.


Изучено влияние на продуктивность коров нового активатора рубцовой микрофлоры — «МегаБуст Румен» (МБР) на основе инактивированного ферментационного экстракта Trichoderma longibrachiantum и специализированного штамма дрожжей Saccharomyces cerevisiae в двух опытах. В первом эксперименте в опытной группе коровы в транзитный период получали по 100 г/день МБР за 7 дней до отела и с 1 по 150-й день лактации, в остальном содержание и кормление животных опытной (n=10) и контрольной (n=10) групп было идентичным. В среднем в сутки коровы в опытной группе давали молока 41,26±0,91 кг при среднем содержании молочного жира 3,8±0,33% и белка 3,34±0,06%, что на 6,81±0,62 кг молока больше (Р<0,05), чем в контрольной группе (34,82±0,78 кг при среднем содержании молочного жира 3,55±0,13 и белка 3,08±0,09%). Использование МБР в опытной группе способствовало существенному увеличению среднесуточного удоя (+1500 кг) в опытной группе по сравнению с контрольной на 1 голову, пересчитанного на содержание жира 3,5%, за первые 150 дней лактации. Экономический эффект применения МБР — это дополнительный чистый доход на 1 голову за период эксперимента — 40037 руб. Во втором опыте, который проводился на всей группе лактирующих коров, при скармливании на 1 голову в сутки 100 г МБР отмечали повышение добровольного потребления сухого вещества (+2 кг СВ), увеличение среднесуточного удоя (+4,4 кг) на 1 голову в день. Возврат инвестиций в активатор рубцовой микрофлоры на 1 руб. составил 12,7 руб. The effect of new rumen microflora activator — MegaBust Rumen (MBR) on the basis of inactivated fermentation extract Trichoderma longibrachiantum and a specialized strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the cows productivity was studied in two experiments.In the first experiment, in the experimental group, the cows received MBR in the dose 100 g/day in the transit period 7 days before calving and from the 1st to the 150th day of lactation, otherwise the keeping and feeding of the animals of the experimental and control groups were identical. In average, per day, cows in the experimental group gave milk 41.26±0.91 kg with an average content of milk fat of 3.8±0.33% and protein of 3.34±0.06%, which is 6.81±0,62 kg of milk is more (P<0.05) than in the control group (34.82±0.78 kg with an average content of milk fat of 3.55±0.13 and protein of 3.08±0.09%). The use of MBR in the experimental group contributed to a significant increase in the average daily milk yield (+1500 kg) in the experimental group compared to the control for 1 head, calculated on the fat content of 3.5% for the period of first 150 days of lactation. The economic effect of the use of MBR is an additional net income per head for the period of the experiment was — 40037 rubles. In the second experiment, which was conducted on the entire group of lactating cows, when feeding 100 g of MBR per head per day, an increase in voluntary consumption of dry matter (+2 kg DM), an increase in average daily milk yield (+4.4 kg) per 1 head per day were noted . Return on investment in the activator of ruminal microflora by 1 ruble amounted to 12.7 rubles.

Е.G. Chuprina ◽  
D. А. Yurin ◽  
N.А. Yurina ◽  

Studies conducted in farm conditions, the company, OOO PZ «Nasha Rodina» in Sokolovsky village of Gulkevichsky district of Krasnodar region. The aim of the research was to study the use of the PassPro Soy feed product consisting of protected soy protein in the diets of new-bodied highly productive cows. 2 groups of cows of the red-mottled Holstein breed were formed, selected according to the principle of pairs-analogues: by age in calving, calving time, live weight, productivity for the past lactation, fat and protein content in milk. The ration of the first control group was the ration accepted on the farm for newbodied cows. The diet of the second experimental group was the same as in the first control group, only 1.5 kg of compound feed was replaced with 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, which is a protected soy protein in the form of a 5 mm granule. During the milking period, the daily milk yield of cows in the control group was 30.80±1.07 kg. The daily milk yield of cows of the second group, where 1.5 kg of compound feed was replaced by 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, significantly increased by 6.6 %. Due to the increase in the gross milk yield, there is a tendency to increase the amount of milk fat in the milk of cows of the second group by 6.9 %, as well as milk protein by 11.3 %. In the experimental group, when replacing 1.5 kg of feed taken on the farm with 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, milk productivity increased by 2.03 kg. Additional profit from the sale of milk in the experimental group increased by 48.72 rubles. for 1 head per day. The economic efficiency in the second experimental group was 6.30 %.

K. V. Kireeva ◽  
I. A. Pushkaryev ◽  
N. M. Kostomakhin ◽  
T. A. Litvintseva

In order to effectively provide the body of cows with energy during the increasing the milk yield without the risk of acidosis, progressive animal breeders of the Altai Territory include wet flattened corn grain in the composition of concentrated feed. The question of the expediency and economic effectiveness of using wet flattened corn grain for cows of various physiological groups – first-calf heifers and mature animals continues to be debatable. Therefore, a comparative assessment of two options for feeding wet flattened corn grain to cows under the conditions of the Altai Territory is considered promising in modern animal husbandry and is of great practical interest. The purpose of the work was to identify the optimal and economically feasible option for using wet flattened corn grain in the rations of lactating cows. When using wet flattened corn grains in an amount of 7,1 % of the nutritional value of the ration the first-calf heifers during the period of increasing the milk yield, productivity has increased by 20,9 %. The average daily milk yield was 17,3 kg, which significantly exceeded the indicator of the control group (P > 0,95). The inclusion of wet flattened corn grains in the ration of mature cows in the amount of 1 kg for 30–35 days before calving, then 4,5 kg from 15 to 75 days after calving allows us to get the average daily milk yield of 30 kg or 20,3 % higher than that of the control group of herdmates (P > 0,95). The effectiveness of the use of wet flattened corn grain had significant indicators: the total profit from the sale of dairy products of the first-calf heifers of the experimental group amounted to 16 251,3 rubles/head, and from the sale of milk of mature cows of the experimental group it was 30 346,43 rubles/head.

Александр Головин ◽  
Aleksandr Golovin

The purpose of the research is increase the concentration of energy in the dry matter of cows diets with a productivity of 7-8 thousand kg of milk per year in the first third of lactation with the use of dry palm fats prepared by various technologies. In the experiment carried out on three groups of Holstein dams cows of Black-Motley Breed with the productivity of about 7.500 kg of milk per year for 9 cows each, it was found that the inclusion of dry palm fat (II experimental group – 300 g of fractionated fat with a predominance of saturated fatty acids and III experimental group – 368 g of fat in the form of calcium salt) in the composition of the rations of cows experimental groups with the aim of balancing the metabolizable energy content to the level of crude fat in an amount of 5% of the dry matter, has no adverse effect on dry matter intake of the ration, the digestibility of nutrients of feed and the use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. The result of balancing the ration of cows of the experimental groups the concentration of metabolizable energy in dry matter from 10.3 MJ/kg in the control to 10.7 MJ/kg in the experimental groups, the increase in cow milk yield, standard (4%) fat content for 100 days of lactation was 8.8% (P≤0.05) and 7.6% increase in the yield of milk fat and protein. Feed costs per 1 kg of milk of cows of experimental groups, expressed in exchange energy, were below control by 3.7 and 2.6%, respectively. According to the results of biochemical blood tests, against the background of the tendency of increasing the intensity of nitrogenic and lipid metabolism, a significant decrease in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood of cows of experimental groups was found. Feeding by dry palm fats in tested quantities does not reduce the reproductive function of cows and is economically justified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
V G Kosolapova ◽  
N P Buryakov ◽  
O G Mokrushina ◽  
A V Kosolapov ◽  
D E Aleshin

Abstract Research has been carried out on the use of the symbiotic “Rumimaster” in balanced diets of highly productive cows in the conditions of the breeding plant “Kirovskaya meadow-bog experimental station”. The experiment was carried out on two groups of animals in the middle of lactation with a duration of 90 days. The inclusion of the feed additive “Rumimaster” in the diet of experienced cows contributed to an increase in the gross production of natural and 4% fat milk by 124.5 kg and 128.4 kg, the yield of milk fat and milk protein by 5.2 and 4.1 kg, respectively. … The differences between the groups for these parameters were in the range of 5.1-5.7%. The productivity of cows for 305 days of lactation in the experimental group was higher than in the control by 7.5%. The symbiotic “Rumimaster” promoted the activation of digestion processes, which was reflected in the increase in the time of feed consumption and the duration of the chewing gum. The cows of the experimental group showed an increase in the level of digestibility of the main nutrients. In terms of the digestibility of crude protein and crude fiber, the experimental group of cows significantly exceeded the indicators of the control group by 3.3 and 3 absolute percent, respectively. The blood biochemical parameters of the animals of the experimental and control groups were within the physiological norm. The economic evaluation of the research results showed the effectiveness of the use of the symbiotic “Rumimaster” in the diets of lactating cows, which was expressed in the receipt of additional profit from one cow in the amount of 1,344.79 rubles for the period of experience and an increase in the profitability of milk production by 2.1 absolute percent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1 (109)) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Andriy Paliy ◽  
Elchyn Aliiev ◽  
Anatoliy Paliy ◽  
Katerina Ishchenko ◽  
Oksana Shkromada ◽  

Preparing cows for milking is one of the most important operations. Not only the speed of milk production but also the quality of milk depends on the level of the work performed. One of the most effective ways to mechanize the preparation of cows for milking implies the development of a special mechanical brush that cleans and stimulates the teat skin. As a result, there is no need to use additional foam detergents and napkins to cleanse and disinfect teats. A device has been designed for cleansing teats with two rotating brushes. Theoretical studies of the interaction of cleansing elements of the device for mechanical removal of pollutants from the udder teats in the course of milking operation were carried out. Assuming constancy of the modulus of elasticity, shape and roughness of teats, linear and angular velocities of brushes, nap stiffness, and homogeneity of physical and mechanical properties of contaminants on the teat, dependence of force Fe of the mechanical device on length l of the cleansing element and its speed ω was established. Under the condition that force Fe of the mechanical device is smaller than force Fp which causes pain but greater than the force retaining pollutants (adhesion), values of the main design and technological parameters of the developed device were determined: l=8 mm, ω=106 rpm. As a result of production tests, it was found that when using the developed device, the daily milk yield of the experimental group of cows exceeded that of the control group by an average of 1.1 times which has made it possible to obtain a supplement of 132.5 kg of milk. Along with this, there was a 0.19 % increase in milk fat content in the experimental group compared to the control group. The number of microorganisms decreased 2.2 times and the number of contaminant particles decreased 4.6 times

E. G. Chupurina ◽  
D. A. Iurin ◽  
A. B. Vlasov ◽  
N. A. Iurina

Intensive dairy farming in modern conditions is impossible without a solid forage base and the use of high-quality forage resources. A high level of cow productivity presupposes adequate nutrition for the animal at all physiological periods of its life. Due to the fact that cows consume relatively little feed during the first period of lactation, the primary task of livestock breeders is to provide the body of highly productive animals with the necessary amount of energy, protein and other nutrients. The article presents the data of a scientific experiment on the use of non-degradable protein in the rumen PassPro Balance in diets for fresh cows. The feed additive under study contributes to an increase in the level of dry matter consumption by animals. The average daily milk yield of the experimental group, which received the studied supplement, significantly increased by 12.0% (P <0.05) in comparison with the control group. There was also established a tendency to an increase in the fat content in the milk of cows from the experimental group. According to the biochemical analysis of the blood serum of cows, the level of albumin in all animals was within the physiological norm. The content of globulins was below the norm in animals of all groups without significantly significant differences. The activity of the AST and ALT enzymes between the groups did not differ significantly. However, it should be noted that in both groups these indicators were within the normal range. The level of alkaline phosphatase tended to increase in the experimental group by 20.8% in comparison with the control group. Feeding PassPro Supplements Balance in the diets for the experimental group made it possible to receive 2565,00 rubles of additional profit, while the level of profitability of milk production increased by 2.02% relative to control.

N. M. Kostomakhin ◽  
N. D. Ivanova

The results of research on the use of the feed additive “Ecostimul-2” and natural zeolite from the Khonguruu deposit in the Suntarsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the rations of lactating cows have been presented in the article. The purpose of the work was to study the influence of feed additives “Ecostimul-2” and zeolite on the digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen metabolism in lactating cows of Kholmogorskaya breed under the conditions of Central Yakutia. Chemical analysis of feed, accounting of dairy productivity of cows has been carried out according to generally accepted methods. The cows of the control group have received the main ration. The cows of the experimental groups have been additionally received to the main ration: the 1st experimental feed additive “Ecostimul-2” in the amount of 200 mg/head/day, and the 2nd experimental group – “Ecostimul-2” in the amount of 200 mg/head/day and zeolite 200 g/head/day. The inclusion in the ration of lactating cows of Kholmogorskaya breed under the conditions of Central Yakutia of feed additives “Ecostimul-2” and zeolite of the Suntarsky deposit together has increased the digestibility of feed in the ration and improved the digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen metabolism. It has been found during the experiment that in cows have been receiving the feed additive “Ecostimul-2” and zeolite with the main ration (the 2nd experimental group) the average daily milk yield was 9,06 kg with a fat content of 3,8 % or was by 10,4 % higher than in the control group. In cows that have been received feed additive “Ecostimul-2” (the 1st experimental group) the average daily milk yield was 8,76 kg with the fat content of 3,77 % or was by 6,8 % more than in the control group.

О.В.к.б.н. ЛАТЫШЕВА ◽  

Изучено влияние белково-витаминного минерального концентрата (БВМК) на молочную продуктивность коров и рассчитана экономическая эффективность его применения. Для проведения опыта с учетом количества дней лактации были сформированы 3 контрольные и 3 опытные группы по 10 голов. В I контрольную и I опытную группы вошли животные на стадии раздоя (30—60 дней лактации), во II контрольную и II опытную группы — коровы в середине лактации (150—180 дней), в III контрольную и III опытную — животные в конце лактации (240—270 дней). Для коров опытных групп были составлены рационы с БВМК, которым заменяли пропорциональное количество концентрированных кормов и часть витаминно-минерального премикса. Коровы I опытной группы получали с рационом БВМК «Статус VI» в количестве 1200 г, II опытной — БВМК «Статус I» по 350 г, III опытной — БВМК «Статус I» по 250 г на 1 голову в сутки. Максимальный уровень молочной продуктивности по результатам опыта показали животные II опытной группы. Среднесуточный удой за 60 дней опыта у них составил 46,1±1,11 кг, что больше на 4,7 кг молока, или на 11,4% (P≤0,05), чем во II контрольной группе. В период раздоя среднесуточный удой за 60 дней опыта в I контрольной и I опытной группах был на уровне 36,4±1,37 кг и 42,4±1,22 кг молока соответственно. Достоверное различие (P≤0,01) между ними составило 6,0 кг молока, или 16,5%. Наименьший среднесуточный удой за период опыта показали животные III контрольной (26,4±1,20 кг) и III опытной (28,5±1,53 кг) групп. Различие между ними было менее существенным, чем у коров в период раздоя и в середине лактации, и составило 2,1 кг, или 8,0%. Применение БВМК в кормлении лактирующих коров дало выраженный экономический эффект. Дополнительно полученная прибыль в расчете на 1 голову в сутки составила: в I — 127,4 руб., во II опытной группе — 117,0 руб., в III — 33,4 руб. The influence of PVMC on the milk productivity of cows has been studied and the economic efficiency of its application has been calculated. To experiment, taking into account the number of days of lactation, 3 control and 3 experimental groups of 10 animals each were formed. The 1st control and 1st experimental groups included animals at the milking stage (30—60 days of lactation), the 2nd control and 2nd experimental groups — cows in the middle of lactation (150—180 days of lactation), 3 control and 3rd experimental — animals at the end of lactation (240—270 days of lactation). For the cows of the experimental groups, rations were made with PVMC, which was replaced by a proportional amount of concentrated feed and a part of the vitamin and mineral premix. Cows of the 1st experimental group received a diet of PVMC «STATUS VI» in the amount of 1200 g / head/day, the 2nd experimental group — PVMC «STATUS I» at 350 g / head/day, the 3rd experimental group — PVMC «STATUS I» 250 g / head/day. The maximum level of milk productivity according to the results of the experiment was shown by the animals of the 2nd experimental group. The average daily milk yield for 60 days of the experiment was 46.1±1.11 kg, which is more by 4.7 kg of milk or 11.4% (P≤0,05) than in the 2nd control group. During the period of milking, the average daily milk yield for 60 days of the experiment in the 1st control and 1st experimental groups was at the level of 36.4±1.37 kg and 42.4±1.22 kg of milk, respectively. A significant difference (P≤0,01) between them was 6,0 kg of milk or 16.5%. The smallest average daily milk yield throughout the experiment was shown by the animals of the 3rd control (26,4±1,20 kg) and 3rd experimental groups (28.5±1.53 kg). The difference between them was less significant than in animals during the milk period and in the middle of lactation and amounted to 2.1 kg or 8,0%. The use of PVMC in feeding lactating cows gave a pronounced economic effect. Also, the profit received per head per day was: in the 1st experimental group (milking period) — 127.4 rubles; in the 2nd experimental group (mid—lactation) — 117.0 rubles; in the 3rd experimental group (end of lactation) — 33.4 rubles.

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