scholarly journals Intercategorical status of reflexive verbal nouns in slavic languages

Nataliia Shcherbii ◽  

One of the most debatable topics in modern linguistics is the study of intercategorical relations between several related languages. These multidimensional linguistic phenomena include the verbal formations, the so-called «hybrid forms of verbs» (participles, transgressive, reflexive verbal nouns), which are on the border of several parts of speech displaying syncretism at the morphological, semantic and syntactic levels. The article defines the status of verbal nouns in Slavic linguistics. It describes the intercategorical links of verbal formations and characterizes their hybridity. It provides comparison of specific features of reflexive verbal nouns in Slavic languages, including word-forming, morphological and semantic aspects. It also analyzes the use of reflexive verbal nouns in modern texts. Verbal nouns are a special hybrid form of the verb, which covers the features of diametrically opposite parts of the language, namely the noun and the verb. Reflexive verbal nouns are a specific feature of Polish, partly Czech and Slovak as well, which maintain the category of aspect and reflexivity. The postposition of the reflexive formant się, as well as the phenomenon of haplology and omission of się in lexicalized constructions mostly characterize reflexive verbal nouns. There are five groups of verbal nouns: 1) reflexive verbal nouns, in which the subject is the object of the action being performed as well. The reflexive deverbatives include words that denote the action directed at the appearance or surface of one’s body; 2) reciprocal verbal nouns, which denote the mutual (symmetrical) action of the subject and object against each other; 3) medial verbal nouns, in which the reflexive formant does not perform an independent function, but forms an inseparable unity with the noun and is a component of a non-permanent verbal lexeme; 4) terminative verbal nouns expressing a high degree of intensity, limit or achievement of the result of the action performed; 5) decausal verbal nouns describing situations that arise spontaneously, unconsciously, and are primarily typical for scientific literature. Decausatives state the change in the subject’s state, although the reason for this change remains unclear. The use of verbal nouns in Polish is characterized by high productivity, as evidenced by the formation of entirely new lexemes from loanwords used to denote modern information processes, and some formations even take on specific Polish reflexive features.

2000 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 309-321
Ilse Zimmermann

The present investigation is concerned with German participles II (past participles) as lexical heads of adjuncts. Within a minimalist framework of sound-meaning correlation, the analysis presupposes a lexicalist conception of morphology and the differentiation of Semantic Form and Conceptual Structure. It is argued that participles II have the same argument structure as the underlying verbs and can undergo passivization, perfectivization and conversion to adjectives. As for the potential of participles to function as modifiers, it is shown that attributive and adverbial participle constructions involve further operations of conversion. Participle constructions are considered as reduced sentences. They do not have a syntactic position for the subject, for an operator (comparable to the relative pronoun in relative clauses) or for an adverbial relator (as in adverbial clauses). The pertinent components are present only in the semantic structure. Two templates serve the composition of modifiers - including participle constructions - with the modificandum. It is necessary to differentiate between modification which unifies two predicates relating to participants or to situations and frame setting modification where the modifier is given the status of a propositional operator. The proposed analysis shows that the high degree of semantic underspecification and interpretative flexibility of German participle II constructions resides in the indeterminacy of participles II with respect to voice and perfect, in the absence of certain constituents in the syntactic structure and in the presence of corresponding parameters in the Semantic Form of the participle phrases.  

2000 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-148 ◽  
A. W. Bob Coats ◽  
Roger E. Backhouse ◽  
Sheila C. Dow ◽  
Daniel R. Fusfeld ◽  
Craufurd D. Goodwin ◽  

The central theme of this session is the changing relationship between “orthodox” (i.e., mainstream, neoclassical) and “heterodox” economics, especially in the USA, during the past two or three decades. Economics is such a large and heterogeneous discipline that it cannot be characterized both briefly and accurately. Alongside the growth of formalization and mathematization, and the high degree of uniformity in the undergraduate and graduate curricula and in the leading textbooks, there are also within the subject a number of dissenting or deviant doctrinal schools, rival methodological approaches, and innovative developments designed to remedy its defects and/or overcome its limitations. Moreover, many of the outspoken criticisms of the status quo, proposed remedies, and innovations, originate with or are endorsed by prominent economists with impeccable professional credentials. Indeed, in some cases their contributions threaten the discipline's foundations and can, therefore, be considered a species of “orthodox subversion.”

2019 ◽  
pp. 302-306
Ivan Gorbunov

Практические успехи селекции за последние годы свидетельствуют об имеющемся потенциале повышения продуктивности сортов растений. Однако идеальных сортов нет в производстве. Исходя из этого, в селекции очень важно совместить в одном генотипе высокий потенциал продуктивности с широкой экологической пластичностью, получить сорт для каждой агроэкологической зоны возделывания. В настоящее время существует недостаток в сортименте винограда технического направления использования. Возросший интерес к винному туризму диктует необходимость выращивания аборигенных сортов винограда и сортов местной селекции, их доля в реестре должна возрастать. Всё это определяет основные задачи селекции технических сортов винограда: создание сортов, сочетающих высокое качество продукции и адаптивность к абиотическим и биотическим стрессовым факторам, выведение сортов для выработки оригинальных вин, сортов с высоким уровнем сахаронакопления, сортов раннего срока созревания. Изучение этого вопроса для Анапо-Таманской зоны актуально и представляет большой интерес. В результате научно-исследовательской работы по изучению комплекса хозяйственно ценных селекционных признаков у элитных гибридных форм винограда технического направления среднего и позднего сроков созревания позволило выявить ряд особенностей: - элитная гибридная форма III-59-24 выделяется среди остальных исследуемых форм по среднему урожаю ягод с куста (с учетом относительно небольшого среднего количества плодоносных побегов на кусте) - 8,1 кг, по высоким коэффициентам плодоношения и плодоносности - 1,1; низкой кислотности ягод - 5,7 г/дм; - элитная гибридная форма III-62-24 отличается средней урожайностью с куста - 8,2 кг, по высокому коэффициенту плодоносности - 1,1, высокому содержанию сахаров в соке ягод - 20,1 г/100 см; - элитная гибридная форма K-I-74-1 обладает самыми крупными гроздями, наибольшей урожайностью с одного куста в среднем в сравнении с остальными исследуемыми формами, высокой концентрацией сахаров в ягодах, наибольшими - плодоносностью одного побега и массой грозди. Данные элитные гибридные формы винограда будут изучены и в дальнейшем по вышеперечисленным хозяйственно ценным селекционным, агробиологическим, фенологическим и технологическим признакам.Practical success of breeding in recent years shows the existing potential to increase productivity of plant varieties. However, ideal varieties are something grape and wine growing cannot rely on. With this in mind, it is very important to combine high productivity potential and wide ecological plasticity in one genotype, and to develop varieties for each agro-ecological zone of cultivation. Currently, our grape assortment is in want of wine varieties. A growing interest in wine tourism urges the need to cultivate autochthonous grape varieties and local selections and breedings. The proportion of such varieties in the Register should increase. These considerations determine main tasks of wine grape breeding, including good quality of fruit and processed products in combination with adaptivity to abiotic and biotic stress factors, high sugar accumulation and early ripening time, and the possibility to translate such grapes into original wines. To tackle such tasks is timely and of great interest in the Anapa-Taman zone. Research into a complex of economically valuable traits in new mid to late-ripening elite wine grape hybrid forms was done, and a number of peculiarities were revealed: - elite hybrid form III-59-24 stands out for an average yield per vine (8.1 kg), taking into account a relatively small average number of fruit-bearing shoots, high fruiting and fruitfulness coefficients (1.1), and low acidity of berries (5.7 g/dm); - elite hybrid form III-62-24 has an average yield per vine of 8.2 kg, high fruitfulness coefficient (1.1), and high sugar content of berries (20.1 g/100 cm); - elite hybrid form K-I - 74-1, in comparison to the other study forms, has the largest bunches, the largest average yield per vine, high sugar content of berries, the highest fruitfulness of one shoot, and the highest weight of one bunch. These elite hybrid forms will further be studied for the above economically valuable breeding, agrobiological, phenological and technological traits.

Shcherbii N.O.

The purpose of the article is to perform the comparative analysis of case government (rekcja) of Polish and Ukrainian verbal nouns. The fulfilment of this purpose requires describing the status of verbal nouns in linguistics, clarifying the terminological apparatus, proving the verbal nature of these formations, comparing case government in Polish and Ukrainian, in particular, due to the existence of categories of transitivity and valence as well as establishing common and distinctive features.Methods. The application of the comparative and typological method allows to compare the semantic and syntactic features of verbal nouns of two related languages. Methods of deduction and induction were used to systematize, describe and generalize the identified features and differences.Results. Verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття possess a pronounced verbal nature, as evidenced by the preservation of the case government, namely: the form of the governed noun dependent on the verbal noun denotes the object to express certain syntactic relations like the one dependent on the verb. The case government of verb nouns ending with -nie, -cie // -ння, ття is expressed by the categories of transitivity and valence. At the level of syntagmatics, the semantics of transitive / intransitive action of verbal nouns affects their compatibility and becomes a defining feature for distinguishing components of the semantic paradigm of a polysemous verbal noun. VNs generally have the same valence as the root verb (with or without a preposition), but there are a number of differences, particularly in prepositional government. In contrast to Ukrainian, a number of Polish verbs can be used with an object in the form of a verbal noun due to the fact that Poles perceive the world more ‘object-based’, and Ukrainians have an organic ability to see life in dynamics, movement and convey it using verbs.Conclusions. Hybrid parts of language are a little-studied and relevant aspect in modern linguistic research, in particular in the context of structural and semantic differences against the background of Slavic languages. Verbal nouns are a clear example of hybridity as they combine categories typical for different classes of words, such as verbal grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, and transitivity / intransitivity as opposed to noun categories of gender and case.Key words: valence, transitivity / intransitivity, case government, semantics. Метою статті є зіставний аналіз сполучуваності (рекції) польських та українських дієслівних іменників. Реалізація поставленої мети передбачає опис статусу дієслівних іменників у мовознавстві, вияснення термінологічного апарату, дове-дення дієслівного характеру цих утворень, порівняння дієслівної рекції у польській та українській мові, зокрема завдяки наявності категорій перехідності та валентності, встановленню спільних та відмінних ознак.Методи. Застосування зіставно-типологічного методу дало змогу порівняти семантико-синтаксичні особливості дієслів-них іменників двох споріднених мов. З метою систематизації, опису та узагальнення виявлених особливостей та відмінностей використовувалися методи дедукції та індукції.Результати. Дієслівні іменники на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття мають виражений дієслівний характер, про що свідчить зокрема і збереження дієслівної рекції, а саме: залежна від дієслівного іменника форма керованого іменника позначає об’єкт, як і при дієслові для вираження певних синтаксичних відношень. Рекція дієслівних іменників на -nie, -cie // -ння, ття виражається за допомогою категорії перехідності та валентності. Семантика перехідності / неперехідності дії віддієслівних іменників на рівні синтагматики впливає на їх сполучуваність і стає диференційною ознакою розрізнення компонентів семантичної парадигми багатозначного віддієслівного іменника. ДІ здебільшого мають таку саму валентність, як і твірне дієслово (з прийменником чи без), проте є ряд відмінностей, зокрема в прийменниковому керуванні. Низка польських дієслів може вживатися з додатком у формі дієслівного іменника, на відміну від української мови, що пов’язане з тим, що поляки сприймають світ більш ‘опред-мечено’, а українці мають органічну здатність бачити життя в динаміці, русі й передавати це дієсловом.Висновки. Малодослідженим та актуальним аспектом у сучасних мовознавчих дослідженнях є гібридні частини мови, зокрема в контексті структурно-семантичних відмінностей на тлі слов'янських мов. Дієслівні іменники є яскравим прикладом гібридності, оскільки поєднують у собі категорії, характерні різним класам слів, як наприклад, дієслівні граматичні категорії виду, стану та способу протиставляються іменниковим категоріям роду та відмінка.Ключові слова: валентність, перехідність / неперехідність, дієслівне керування, семантика.

2020 ◽  
pp. 97-118
Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska ◽  

This article presents various layers of vocabulary constituting lexis of the Tatar tefsir, i.e. the translation of the Quran to the Polish language of the northern borderland, performed in the 16th century by Tatars of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Most emphasis was put on the northern borderland, separated on the basis of criteria adopted in the literature of the subject. Selected vocabulary was arranged alphabetically. A context was given in which it occurs and a semantic characteristic was provided on the basis of lexicographic sources – Polish and the East Slavic Languages. It was found that Tatar tefsir contains words previously not described or present in other historic assets of north-eastern borderland. This is particularly true with respect to forms borrowed from the East Slavic Languages, including hybrid forms. What is more, it is characterised by the existence of Old Polish lexis, including names of people performing activities which were not recorded in dictionaries, and other, words used infrequently and in specific text types. Tatar tefsir is also a perfect source for historical studies of Slavic-Oriental relations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-67
N. A. Kabanova ◽  
I. K. Alekseeva

The article is devoted to the assessment of potential investment risks of the pharmaceutical company “R-Pharm” JSC with the aim of identifying the highest priority risks and developing methods for minimizing them. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the pharmaceutical business is characterized by a high degree of social orientation and annually invests $ 140 billion in the development of production and research, which determines the need for a risk-based approach to ensure the return on investment. The subject of this article is the investment risks of pharmaceutical companies, and the subject of research is the domestic pharmaceutical company “R-Pharm”. In order to assess the potential investment risks of “R-Pharm” JSC, the authors used elements of simulation modeling and system analysis. The proposed methods to minimize key investment risks are aimed at improving the efficiency of investment activities and is recommended as an element of the strategic planning of the company.

Ihor Oheruk

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the application of the second and third parts of Article 3692 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to officials in the context, that defines them by the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. In the course of the study, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, logical-semantic, system-structural, logical-normative. Results: in the course of research the cause of criminalization of such act as "abuse of power" is considered, the subject of the specified criminal act which has the features of "an official" in the context, that defines it by the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is analyzed and the main ways of committing criminal acts, that are provided for in this article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine are identified. Originality. The study found, that one of the key conditions for the opportunity to influence officials, that are authorized to perform government or local self-government functions, is the position held by the official and the related opportunities. Therefore, taking into account the opinion of the scientists, that the subject of crimes, that are provided for by the second and third parts of Article 3692 is special, the peculiarities of which is the cumulative feature, that denotes, that such person is not endowed with the status of an official, well-founded need to specify the criminal legislation of Ukraine in terms of the application the second and third parts of Article 3692 of the Criminal code of Ukraine concerning officials in the context, that defines them by the criminal legislation of Ukraine in the note to Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Practical significance. The research results can be used in lawmaking in the improvement of anti-corruption legislation.

1994 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-120 ◽  
Julian Johnson

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Feruza Mamatova ◽  

The present paper aims to compare the principles of choosing a marriage partner and analyse the status of being in the marrriage in the frame of family traditions that are totally inherent to the both of the nations: English and Uzbek. It is known that interconnection and cross-cultural communication between the countries of these two nationalities have been recently developed. The purpose to give an idea about these types of family traditions and prevent any misunderstanding that might occur in the communications makes our investigation topical one. The research used phraseological units as an object and the marriage aspects as the subject

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